Douluo: Yellow Spring Douluo

Chapter 434 Secret Road, Leading to the Former Site of Wuhun Temple

Chapter 434 Secret Road, Leading to the Former Site of Wuhun Temple
"This is the map I brought out. Bibidong and Xiaoxue can verify whether it is true or not. I can wait outside. If you think there is anything wrong, just kill me!"

In order to show his sincerity, this Chihiro Ji took out a huge map. Judging from the yellowing marks on the drawing, it should be some years old.

"This map should be real. I have seen it several times in Grandpa's room before. It seems that he is not lying!"

Qian Renxue's words proved her father, but there was no intimacy in her tone, like a stranger.

"Xiaoxue, there are three entrances here. You, your mother, and the little fox each find a guard. If there is anything unusual, please notify me as soon as possible!"

Although everything seems so natural, Long Brahma still has to keep a hand, after all, Qian Xunji in front of him is not a good person!

"Received, we will absolutely not let a spy from the Spirit Empire escape in the chaos, these guys have no other choice but to surrender!"

Hu Liena also seemed to be very active, and the former Pope of the Wuhun Palace opposite him had been completely ignored by them and turned into a passerby.

"Several, if you have discussed it, can you take action? The current Wuhun Empire is not under my control, so I can't guarantee you how much time there is!"

Although Chihiro Ji no longer has any status, he still knows the inner workings of the Spirit Empire like the back of his hand.

In order to ensure that Bai Chenxiang could play a good role, he hung on the city wall for a while, and after the opponent retreated, he was escorted back by them.

The next step should be to go back to the old place directly, after all, those guys never dreamed that someone would infiltrate through the secret passage!
So now go in with Chihiro Ji, the probability of successful rescue is at least 98%.

Of course, we also have to worry about whether Tang San will use the method of the cunning rabbit and the three caves, the heart of defense is indispensable!

Of course, it is impossible for Long Fantian to be completely led by the other party. He has his own considerations on this point.

Just as the two of them slowly entered an environment similar to a sewer passage, Long Fantian quietly released two shadows behind him.

Not long after Qian Xunji and Long Fantian passed by, the two black figures slowly emerged from the sewer, turning into two titled Douluo-like guys.

This is Ghost Douluo and Chrysanthemum Douluo who were transformed from the beginning, and now their IQ seems to have returned a bit.

"Old ghost, I really didn't expect us to be able to return to the Hall of Spirits. Thanks to the master's reshaping of our bodies, we can work hard!"

Looking at his own body, Ju Douluo's eyes showed a kind of disbelief.

Originally, they thought they would be like this forever, but they didn't expect Long Brahma, who became a god, to put their souls back into their original bodies.

Although they are still undead on the surface, in fact these two guys have been resurrected.

"Hehe, this is the sewer under the Hall of Spirits, right? I used to catch mice here (codeword), and I am familiar with every channel here!"

This guy Ghost Douluo has always given people a very uncomfortable feeling, and this proper sewer seems to be the most suitable for this guy.

"That old ghost, let's divide the work between the two of us! I'll go and see if there's an ambush here, and you go find the real hiding place of Mrs. Bai, Qian Xunji is unreliable!"

It seems that the people who know Wuhundian best are their old partners. Chihiro Ji pretends to be sincere on the surface, but God knows what his intentions are!
Although the roads taken so far have been fine, but Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo, two old acquaintances of the Wuhun Palace, seem to always feel that something is wrong!

"What's wrong with the two of you, but it's okay to say, I don't need any evidence, and I don't think this thing can go so smoothly!"

The conversation between Ghost Douluo and Ju Douluo would naturally be heard by their master, Long Brahma. This is the simplest master-servant relationship.

"Yes, my master! Based on the experience of the two of us, although the road Qian Xunji brought you is safe, it may not lead to the place where Mrs. Bai is detained..."

This is Ju Douluo's initial opinion.

And during this conversation, that fellow Ghost Douluo has already moved around.

"Master, what Juhuaguan said is correct. Although there is no ambush on the road you are taking, the destination is completely different from what that guy said!"

"What do you say? Old ghost, what did you find?"

"I tell the master, if I remember correctly, this location should lead to the former Pope's bedroom, and this place seems to have been occupied by Tang San now!"

Great, this cunning Chihiro Ji didn't intend to directly bring Long Brahma to the desired location, but wanted Tang San to meet this guy.

This is a stage where he clearly wants to borrow a knife to kill people, and then sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight, but it was actually discovered by others!
"But that's fine, I'm not just here to save people this time, if I can dig Tang San out, I've achieved my goal!"

This is really a thing that seems to kill two birds with one stone, while looking for Bai Chenxiang, maybe he can catch Tang San.

As long as the sixth soul in this kid is forcibly separated, there is great hope for Xiao Wu to be fully revived.

Perhaps in the eyes of outsiders, Xiao Wu is the one who should make a pair with Tang San, but nothing in this world is static!

After this period of repeated entanglement, I believe Xiao Wu should have given up on Tang San, right?

"I think Master, you have other plans! Then there is no problem, but I don't know if Tang San is here at this point, will we startle the snake by doing this?"

When did Ju Douluo become such a mother-in-law? Perhaps the previous lesson has been profound enough, and he dare not continue to make mistakes!
"Hehe, your reminder is very good, then I would like to trouble you two to lead the way ahead. If there is any danger, I will allow you to run ahead of time!"

You must know that Long Brahma's strength at this moment has reached level 119, which can be said to be the strongest in the entire Douluo Continent!

What's more worth mentioning is that this time Long Brahma got a second martial soul due to the sacrifice of the Golden Dragon King.

And there is a very strong additional ability, that is, it can help someone to easily come and go in their own six-dimensional space.

In a sense, this is the rhythm of jumping out of the Three Realms and not in the Five Elements.

"Thank you, master, for your understanding, but we will never back down, even if we are smashed to pieces, we will fulfill our duties!"

When did this Chrysanthemum Douluo become so sweet?If Time Council had been able to show a little more humility back then, I'm afraid it wouldn't have been turned into a ghost general, would it?

But looking at the Ghost Douluo next to him, this time it was a blessing in disguise. Not only did his level not drop, but he even broke through to level 97 in one fell swoop.

This is really a few joys, a few sorrows...

(End of this chapter)

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