Douluo: Yellow Spring Douluo

Chapter 489 Calling the King of Hell Again

Chapter 489 Recruiting the Ten Temples of Hades Again
"You guys hurry up and prepare, the master is coming soon, it seems that this time the master will entrust us with big things!"

The one who spoke was Bao Qingtian, who was also one of the top ten Yamas.As a liaison with the world, this guy is the fastest to get news.

So those brothers who followed Bao Qingtian through life and death also quickly gathered together, and released Impermanence of Black and White, letting them provide information to the other Kings of Yama.

In fact, these guys from the hell world know very well that they will soon usher in the most important day in their lives, which is to lead the sentient beings in the hell world to counterattack the heavenly and human world.

"Hahaha, one day I will finally be able to ecstasy those stupid fellows!"

"Heiwuchang, you are so boring, what else is on your mind besides work?"

"Bai Wuchang, don't you want to? Those are all delicious high-quality souls!"

"Okay! The master is coming soon, so hurry up and tell the ten kings of Hades!"

"Well, my hell realm has been suppressed by those guys in the sky for hundreds of millions of years, and now it's finally our turn to turn around!"

In fact, the hell realm has been looking for opportunities to turn around, but it is impossible to achieve it through the efforts of these Ten Temple Hades themselves.

It was a pity that Heaven was jealous of talents, this guy was born at an untimely time!
And now that there is a Long Brahma who can inherit the gate of the underworld, it is finally time for these guys to stand up and feel proud.

For today's battle, they have assembled an army of 300 million, and the combat power of each undead is equivalent to that of two normal humans.

This is not counting the strength of the Ten Temples of Hades and their personal guards. These are all super hell envoys that are not lost to the great gods.

Even black and white impermanence, who has been underestimated by others, is unstoppable when it really gets mad!

"You guys seem to be well prepared, just like when I made the promise, today I will take you back to take everything back!"

As soon as Long Fantian returned to this hell world, he saw a large group of fighters in the dark below, all of them were elites who wore armor and carried all weapons.

One of the best features of these undead from hell is that they don't need to supplement food and water. The fear and life of the enemy are their best food.

It's the kind of arms that become stronger as they fight, and I believe it will definitely boost the confidence of the soldiers of the Heaven Dou Empire.

And because it was fighting on the Douluo Continent, most of the fighters from Hell came from that continent, and this time they went back to fulfill their wish to see their loved ones!
"Bao Zheng welcomes the master on behalf of the Ten Great Yamas. We are ready at all times. As long as you give us an order, we will go through fire and water for you!"

This Bao Qingtian wasn't joking. For people like them from hell, it's normal to go up the mountain of swords and down the pan of oil.

And the pampered guys in the Heavenly God Realm may have forgotten the taste of fighting in recent years. It's time for them to feel the suffering of others.

And this time the hell side is also famous, because these gods have seriously interfered with the normal life of humans in the Douluo Continent.

In other words, this is a completely just battle, even if it is written into the history books, no one will find fault with it.

Gods cannot always be right and superior, they also make mistakes, and this time they made fatal mistakes!
"Very well, I am very satisfied with your performance, now let me see your specific plan and all staffing!"

"Master, please, we have prepared a battle plan center, which contains all the information, and the master is welcome to check and inspect at any time!"

In fact, these guys in hell will only hide their true strength, and will not do any exaggerated things.

The combat power they display is nothing more than the energy in the current hell world. After returning to the human world, there will be various spell enhancement effects.

In addition to directly attacking the world of the gods and being suppressed by their enchantment, in fact, these hell guys have an advantage wherever they come.

Maybe just relying on these 300 million hell fighters can complete the 1000 million enemies on Douluo Continent.

But it is better to be fully prepared to do anything, this is also Long Brahma's habit of doing things.

"Master, when are we going to the world? As long as you give an order, we will act immediately!"

In fact, according to the laws of the plane, no matter whether it is an angel or a messenger from hell, it is not allowed to easily cross the boundary.

But if someone approves it, that's a different story.Just like Long Brahma, who has already occupied the highest point of human power, he is absolutely qualified to do these things.

Moreover, he is also the master of the six laws of reincarnation, and he has the power to connect fighters from other worlds in each world.

This is the most powerful power, but so far this adult has not used it flexibly.

Of course, this requires a process of adaptation and a suitable opportunity.

The crisis in Douluo Continent this time may be the best opportunity, and soon Long Brahma will be able to see the true horror of his own power.

Cultivation to the extreme is not necessarily the strongest, being able to break the dimensional walls of the six dimensions is the highest ability.

After all, there are countless parallel spaces in this vast universe, and each space is connected to each other. If the barriers among them are broken, what will happen?

"Hehe, it seems that you all can't wait any longer, but please stay calm for the time being, I still need to recruit some other world fighters, let them perform at least!"

Of course, Long Fantian knew what kind of ability he had, but he was not 100% ready for some things.

If every world is connected to each other, no one has an answer to what effect it will have, so we still have to slow down a bit.

Long Fantian is well aware of the impulsiveness of his subordinates, but sometimes he, the one who makes the final decision, must grasp the rhythm.

"We obey the order of the master, and I believe that under your leadership, we will realize our ancient dreams. I am already imagining the feeling of stepping into the realm of God again!"

In fact, even Bao Zheng is in a state of extreme excitement at this moment, he has completely forgotten how he met those gods back then?

Thousands of years of living in purgatory almost wiped out his original intention.

Fortunately, Long Brahma, the savior, appeared, otherwise God knows what will happen later.

This may be the test and hope that God gave them, so as long as they follow this master closely, the hell world can have a more brilliant future.

Although there may still be a period of time, I believe that the master will break the boundaries between the various dimensional walls sooner or later, and at that time the entire six reincarnations will be perfectly connected together.

What a wonderful scene that will be, it is simply full of anticipation and fascination, I hope this day will come soon...

(End of this chapter)

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