Yin Yang Antique Shop

Chapter 16 Eye-opening

Chapter 16 Eye-opening
Shu San was not used to calling me by my name, but in order not to make others suspicious, I still asked him to call me by my full name, so as not to cause any trouble. He is willing to respect me, but it does not mean that others will too.

I nodded and walked with them with Xiao Tong. Along the way, Li Jian and his brothers were asking about the situation of Shu San's tomb, and I was listening to them talking. Although it was boring, it was better than being stupid. Xi Huanluqiang, I would have brought a headset out if I knew it earlier, so I could still listen to music.

It's definitely not possible now. Have you ever seen someone play music on their phone in the middle of the night, and they will scare others to death later.

Zhangjiazhuang doesn’t know what it’s thinking, it’s built such a dilapidated road for so many years, it’s paved with stones in bits and pieces, and the shoes it’s wearing are not good enough and it’s a little sticky. I wouldn’t even ask for this road Go again!

Shu San and the others didn't feel anything, they were all walking like flying, maybe this was all due to exercise.

We walked halfway, and we couldn't see the road clearly in the woods. Fortunately, the people called by Shusan had been prepared, each with a high-intensity flashlight, at least the road was not a problem.

I'm still a little embarrassed, there are things to ward off ghosts and evil spirits in the bag, and I didn't even take the most common flashlights. If they didn't bring them, we would be caught blind.

Shu San told us before that Zhangjiazhuang is surrounded by mountains, people inside come out and people outside go in through this road. It took many years of repairs to create such a road at the foot of the mountain.

The surrounding trees are very tall. If it were changed to another mountain, it would probably be denser. I just don’t know if the mountain is clean or not...

'Giggle...' Just as I was thinking, laughter suddenly came from the forest, and we were all stunned for a while, but now it was completely dark, and there were dense forests around us. No words at all, where did the laughter come from?
Our pace on the road has been accelerated a lot. At this time, one more thing is worse than one less thing. Maybe it's because of the mischievous ghosts passing by?
I heard Master talk about the naughty ghost before. It was when he was still young, and he always wanted to please Master’s wife. One day he brought back a few catties of fruits that were not available in other places, and he wanted to deliver them with great joy. The teacher's wife went to her house to let her try something new.

Passing by a forest, he didn't pay much attention to it at the time, so he just hurried on his way, but suddenly felt something wrong while walking, why is the forest so big, and it took so long to walk without ending?
Only then did he realize that something was wrong, and the yin energy surrounding him made him even more sure of this. At that time, he was young and frivolous, relying on his own ability to yell, to deal with this kind of mischievous ghost who doesn't want your life, as long as you have enough momentum enough.

Sure enough, after he finished cursing, the road ahead suddenly became clear, and he walked out immediately, and the fruit was delivered to the teacher's wife.

Master just told us as a joke at the time, but I think it is worth trying if the troublemaker is really a naughty ghost this time. I don’t want to waste too many yellow talismans, which also need cinnabar to draw. Why do things that can be done have to be so complicated?
Before I could speak, the laughter suddenly turned into piercing crying, as if there were several people crying beside you. I felt that this matter should not be as simple as I thought.

I quickly took out five yellow talismans from my backpack and distributed them to them. Although I don't like them, I don't want them to die on the road so early, lest I need to help them collect their bodies.

A white mist rose without wind, and soon enveloped the entire mountain forest. The gray yin energy contained in it seemed to come to attack me deliberately. It seemed that this matter could not be resolved in such a harmonious way.

"Now... what should we do now?" A man with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks had obviously never experienced such a scene, and he was so frightened that he was about to cry, and the expressions of the other people were not looking good.

Just imagine, there are horrible cries in your ears, and you are in a gloomy environment, which makes you feel a little psychologically broken.

"What else can I do, of course, go forward, do you want to stay here and feed the ghosts?" Shu San was hardened at this time, his eyes widened, and the man immediately hurried on obediently, without saying a word.

I looked around vigilantly all the way. As the color of the white fog deepened, the visibility of our flashlights became lower and lower, and more and more 'people' passed by. The creepy feeling made me think of a word , Hundred ghosts at night!
But they don’t look like them. I secretly observed a few ghosts in a hurry. Most of them were on their way. If ordinary ghosts were walking at night, they would definitely scare us when they saw strangers like us.

What is there in front that attracts so many ghosts?There were also many voices from behind, and I even saw a fox flash past me with something in its mouth, and only saw the fiery red fur turn into a red light in the glistening white mist.

"Meng Yaoyao, do you know what's going on? Our brothers dare not go forward, and these things seem to be going there." A weasel saw us stop, with round eyes He narrowed his eyes, but still went forward.

It seems that there is indeed something that attracts them. If we keep going forward, we will definitely meet it. The key is that Shu San wants to avoid it now.

"I don't know what's going on, but these ghosts don't have the intention to attack us. There seems to be something attracting them in front of them." I told them the truth about what I saw. Life is the most important thing.

"There is only one way for us to go to Zhangjiazhuang. If we go up the mountain, we have to go a long way, and..." Shu San didn't say the last part of the sentence. Don't let anything happen. It's unlucky to lose troops before we arrive.

A few of us discussed it, and decided to go this way. At worst, we just go around them. If we just go around here, it is dangerous and a waste of time. The key point is that Xiaotong and I don’t have that much physical strength to support us. finished.

After the decision was made, we walked forward with the ghost. Maybe the yellow talisman I gave had an effect. There were no presumptuous ghosts around them. The only female ghost just put her hand on it, and the yellow talisman bounced back instantly. , she also rested her mind.

As we walked forward, we could actually hear people's voices. I wouldn't be curious if it was in a village or a city, but this is a deep mountain!
How could there be so many people, like a market scene... a market? !My expression became weird in an instant, I didn't expect that I would have such luck to encounter a 'ghost market'!
I walked another section forward, and it was exactly as I thought. There was a large cleared space ahead, just like an ordinary market, filled with all kinds of things, but the traders changed from humans to ghosts or ghosts. Goblin, they were so surprised that they were speechless a long time ago.

"Third brother, am I right? Just pinch me. There was nothing here just now. Why did it suddenly become a market?" Li Jian rubbed his eyes in disbelief. Not only him, but also Even Shu San, who is usually calm, panicked a little.

"Miss Meng, what's going on with us? You saw the market in front of you, right?" Shu Sanyi was so anxious that he didn't even care about what to call him. Nothing was as important as his own life.

"Don't worry, we are fine, but luck is better. This is not an ordinary market. There are big treasures in it. Anyway, let's go in and open our eyes." This is the first time I have encountered a ghost market. I have heard Master say it before.

"This...then we won't get tomorrow when we go to Zhangjiazhuang?" Shu San was a little hesitant. Although he wanted to go in and see it, he was still worried about the treasures in the ancient tomb.

"Don't worry, this kind of ghost market usually won't last more than two hours, and you won't be able to go around for a while longer!" Xiao Tong gave him a blank look, and he looked down on Shu Sanzhan's hesitation.

Shu San was still hesitating, until Xiao Tong and I got a little impatient and prepared to let them wait here. When we went in by ourselves, he followed up. With this indecisive character, I shook my head and didn't comment!
The ghost market, as the name suggests, is a market for ghosts and ghosts. I don’t know when it evolved into a place for people, ghosts and ghosts to trade. However, it is very difficult for people to find a ghost market. Only spirits in the deep mountains have this ability, so That's why it's hard to come by.

But there are good things, but dangers also exist. There are fish and dragons in the ghost market. You don’t know when you will be targeted. If you die in the deep mountains, no one will find out, and whoever did it is unknown.

The market is a bit like a vegetable stall in a vegetable market. Everything is on the ground, but what is placed on it is not vegetables but strange things in the mountains.

The stalls are also different. Some monsters don't even take human form, and the business is only between their nodding.

We also walked around, Shu San and the others followed us closely in fear of something happening, Xiaotong couldn't help curling his lips when he saw their nervousness, I knew what he meant, but people are like this.

After walking for a third of the way, most of the stalls sold some antiques picked up from the mountains. We also went to a few stalls to have a look. Some of them were not bad, but the stall owners were unwilling to sell them to us. We didn't have what he wanted, and we had no choice but to give up seeing the firm look of the stall owner.

"Look there, Meng Yaoyi!" Xiaotong pulled me suddenly, and looked in the direction of his finger. There were only a few things on the stall, and the owner of the stall was an old man with a black cloak, but anyone with a discerning eye could see Come out, he's a ghost!

Xiaotong was very interested in the things there, and I didn't want to spoil his interest. I walked to the front of the booth and there were a few things on the ground, a bronze mirror, several broken stones, and a big one that had been worn off. cobblestone.

The stall owner didn't greet us, maybe he thought the two of us had little purchasing power.

(End of this chapter)

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