Yin Yang Antique Shop

Chapter 19 The Water Ghost

Chapter 19 The Water Ghost
At the beginning, I didn't pay attention to it, so I didn't use my own ability to observe it carefully. Now I was shocked when I saw it, this stone can actually dissipate bad luck!
The fate of a person can change at any time, and the blessing and misfortune bird is a kind that can see the change of your fortune in advance and give you a reminder.

This kind of treasure is already enough to make people envious. If I know that this unattractive stone in my hand can change the way of luck, it will be terrible to think about it!I will never have a happy life in the future.

Generally speaking, people will have unsatisfactory places, even me, so sometimes I will be unlucky, but after this stone was in my hands, I found that the bad luck in my body had dissipated.

This made me firm in the extraordinaryness of this stone!
"Miss Meng, you are tired of holding this stone all the time, aren't you? Would you like us to carry it for you?" Li Jian ran over with mischievous eyebrows, and I knew the little calculation in his eyes after a little guessing.

Leng snorted, "No, thank you for your kindness, but hurry up at this time, don't encounter unclean things later, my yellow talisman is one-time use, I can't save it so fast The second time." What I said made Li Jian and Li Ming's brothers look very ugly, but they didn't dare to say anything. They had heard what Shu San said before, so they were still a little in awe of me. .

As for that little episode just now?Heh heh, maybe they are not dead. Seeing how much I care about this stone, I must think that this thing is a good thing. If I want to take it and have a look, maybe I will accidentally drop it. What's inside then? Everyone knows everything baby.

After the matter is over, whoever this thing belongs to may not be known!

I glanced at them indiscriminately, and sure enough, Li Jian and Li Ming looked gloomy, and they didn't expect me, a fledgling girl, to be so vigilant.

Speaking of it, I still want to thank Jun Siyan, if he hadn't just warned me, I might really give the stone to Li Jian to help me hold it.

10 minutes ago.

"Can you be a little bit more promising? If you have something good to look at, everyone knows that it is a treasure!" Jun Siyan's words pulled me into reality. The stone was in a daze, and Shu San and the others began to whisper.

"You said that if they break your rock by accident or carelessly, the contents inside will be useless at that time. I tell you, pay attention to yourself, don't trust others too much, especially this kind of stone. People who do anything for money." After Jun Siyan finished speaking, he fell silent, as if everything had never happened.

Seeing that they didn't make any further moves, I curled my lips in disdain. Shu San still has something to ask of me. If it hurts everyone, I won't help him, so he must be on my side now. of.

This also reminded me that I can no longer take out things so stupidly in the future, and I will really go to the hell to report when I am targeted by someone with a heart.

I learned a lot from eating a pit, and this time I was also at fault. Doesn’t it make them itchy to take out the meat in front of a group of hungry dogs?misstep misstep.

After walking the rest of the way in silence, Xiao Tong also woke up slowly, but his face was still a little ugly, and his whole body was also sleepy, unable to lift his spirits.

It may be that he was too severely eroded by Yin Qi in the formation just now. I touched his face with distress, but the unexpectedly small pupil didn't dodge. Usually he would turn his face away angrily, saying that I ate his tofu.

Thinking of this, I feel even more distressed. It must be that Xiaotong has been eroded too badly just now, so he has not recovered yet. When I think that I have not fulfilled my responsibility to protect him, I feel very guilty. No matter what, Xiaotong still A child, I have a responsibility to protect him.

Xiaotong saw that I was about to cry with my head down, something in my eyes flashed past that I couldn't understand, "I'm fine, why are you doing this, those who don't know think I'm dead, can you I can't stop being so frustrated, seeing your face reminds me of horse face, no... your face is a bit longer than his." Xiaotong said serious words that hurt me, and I felt sad when I heard it When I got up, I actually compared me with horse noodles. Doesn’t it mean that my face is not good-looking?snort!

Seeing that I was angry, Xiaotong snickered again. He is a sick patient now, so he enjoys the service of a specially assigned person on his back, and the journey is leisurely.

We were approaching Zhangjiazhuang, and all of us stopped at the same time, for no other reason, it was too intrusive.

Several households in a village hung up white flags, and occasionally a gust of mountain wind could bring up a lot of paper money, and when it blew past us, there was a piercing sound, and Shu San and the others immediately surrounded me again. around.

Very well, I have never seen such a brazen person, I am speechless!

"Shu San, didn't you say that you have found a place to stay? Could it be in the house with the white banner?" I looked at the man standing beside me. Also very puzzled.

"No... no, the house I've found is on the other side of the village, but I have to go through the village..." Shu San gave me a troubled look.

My goodness?Are they afraid of this?You even dare to dig other people's ancestral graves, are you afraid of this short distance?
Shu San saw that I seemed to have misunderstood, and quickly clarified, "It's not that I'm afraid, the main thing is that we are all local mice, and we also know that we are full of yin. There used to be an old mouse who died in a place he passed by one night when he went back. Man, he thought it was all right, but he didn't expect that he would die violently half a month later, and an old Taoist priest saw it and said something wrong."

"We only found out later that that night that senior came home with a ghost. Not all ghosts are good ghosts, and that old mouse didn't expect that he died in such a small detail." Shu San His face was almost wrinkled into a bitter melon.

Seeing his hopeless appearance, I really didn't know what to say, "Don't worry, go away, I'll watch it later, if anyone feels uncomfortable or hears something, just don't turn around, Don't look back, otherwise no one will be able to save you." I deliberately made the matter serious, but it's not that bad.

It's good to let them be on tenterhooks for a while, so that they don't always change their minds about my things. If it makes me unhappy again, I will scare them a few more times.

They hurriedly walked ahead, all of them pale, looking really relieved.

In fact, there is one thing I just did not really scare them. Master often told me that there are three lamps on a person, and if two of these three lamps go out, it means that you have stepped into the hell with one foot. The lights are out, so be blessed.

Especially at night, people like them with such a heavy corpse aura don't have high yang qi in the first place. If they still look back often, something will happen.

I followed them, and if something went wrong with them later, I would be able to find out immediately and rescue them.

"Did someone die here when you came last time?" Looking at the house with the closed door and the white flags outside, I couldn't help but feel a little puzzled.

"No, there wasn't one a few days ago." Shu San also felt very strange, the village was still fine when he left, why did so many people die when he came back?It's impossible to die normally.

We walked all the way, only the bitter cold wind whizzed past our ears, and the paper money we brought with us whirled a few times in the sky and returned to the ground.

My heart sank. This place is definitely weird. It stands to reason that after someone dies, they have to stay at home for a period of time before being buried. Can't tell me, they like to leave dead bodies at home and close the door, right?
Another strange thing is that there is no yin energy, and people become ghosts after death. Don't they all have a little nostalgia for the place where they once lived?This is unrealistic, so there is only one answer left. These people were all killed, and their souls were trapped somewhere, or they were eaten by the people who killed them.

I looked around, it was dark everywhere now, we were almost near the house that Shu San mentioned, but there was always a feeling of being spied on in my heart, something was staring at us!

Without warning the enemy, I followed Shu San and the others into the yard. Under the light, I looked back, and a black figure quickly disappeared around the corner of a house.

Is that person a human or a ghost?What are you doing with us?

It's useless to think too much, we were tired and sleepy along the way, Shu San found only two old people, and they looked at Shu San as if they were their own sons.

The old lady quickly brought us hot water to wash our faces, and then gave us a pot of noodles, which contained meat and eggs. After eating a bowl of hot water, the whole person felt much better, even Xiao Tong ate a lot , and his face looked much better.

"Grandma, what's going on in your village? Why all of a sudden..." After finishing eating, Shu San put down his bowl and asked his grandma who was sitting beside him.

"Hey, it's a crime. The young men of their family went to fish in the river. For some reason, they all fell into the water. The water was cold and rushing, and the children just disappeared." The old woman said. This is also a pity.

"Then why are they still closing the door? Is the child buried so soon?"

"You mustn't tell it, they found a ghost!" The old grandma came to us and said mysteriously, "At first they wanted to keep the child at home for a few days before sending it out, but on the first night Something happened, and suddenly there were a lot of footprints next to the child's coffin, all of which were half-footed, like... like people walking on tiptoes!" The old grandmother couldn't find a suitable adjective for a while, It's still stuck.

(End of this chapter)

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