Yin Yang Antique Shop

Chapter 201 Thai Wizard

Chapter 201 Thai Wizard
The few of us were silent. If I heard correctly, Xu Wen is going to be engaged to Ruan Tianhua?This is simply a fantasy, isn't it?According to what I know about Ruan Tianhua, he doesn't look like someone who can bind himself for the sake of love. Even if he really falls in love with Xu Wen in this short period of time, it's impossible for him to get engaged to her so soon, right?Besides, will sister Qin agree?
"Why don't you talk? I know this news is very exciting to you, but Tianhua thinks so, and I also think we can consider this matter before agreeing. You will come when the time comes, right? "Xu Wen smiled a little shyly, but no matter how I looked at it, I felt that her smile was full of pride.

"I don't know if there will be time then, and have you chosen your engagement address?" Guan Yilian didn't refuse outright, but he didn't agree either.

"You don't have to worry about this. Tianhua will arrange things properly. I hope you will be there when I get married. After all, we are good friends for four years. Are you right?" His expression was a little stiff, but he quickly recovered and said sincerely.

She said that we couldn't refuse. Although I think it's incredible that they are engaged, but we don't care about their affairs. As a bystander, it's better to be honest and not talk. Now we and her can only be regarded as A superficial friendship.

The dishes were served soon, and Xu Wen was right, they were all delicious dishes that we had eaten together before, which made us a little bit softer, no matter how many things she did wrong, No matter how angry she is, Xu Wen still hasn't forgotten our friends. Let's just treat her as a child who hasn't grown up.

After dinner, we were going to go back. Xu Wen and Ruan Tianhua were going back to see Sister Qin. We knew too much information today, and this news didn't surprise us so much.

And the more I think about it, the more I feel that something is wrong. Ruan Tianhua took care of Xu Wen at the dinner table just now, but this kind of meticulousness made me feel a little fake. Ruan Tianhua doesn't look like a boy who can take care of others. It's really strange how it would be so strange to accommodate Xu Wen's intentions like today.

After we walked out, Xu Wen was about to get in the car, I hesitated and called her back, "Xu Wen, is Ruan Tianhua really pursuing you?"

Xu Wen's movements froze for a moment, "Yang Yao, what do you mean?"

"I don't mean anything, I just want to tell you that some things will be found no matter how well they are hidden, do you understand what I mean?" I said slowly.

"I don't understand! Meng Yaoyeh, do you understand how I feel? The boy I've liked for so long told me that he likes my best girlfriend, and even connected me to get to know my best friend better, you Tell me how I feel, now he finally likes me, why? Are you unhappy? Do you think I stole your things? Why are you so hypocritical!" Xu Wen walked in front of me with red eyes, almost It was through gritted teeth that he said this.

I looked at her and didn't know how I felt, "Don't blame the person you like, blame me? Xu Wen, I always thought that I was more important than love in your heart, but you always let me down again and again. I hope you will be happy this time."

After I finished speaking, I turned my head and left without hesitation, Li Yuyue and the others also followed me, seeing that I kept my face sour and silent, the two of them comforted me and told me not to be too sad, "She just kept it in her heart and didn't say anything , don't take it too seriously, didn't we know Xu Wen's character before?" Li Yuyue was afraid that I would get sulky, so she comforted me softly.

"Then go to the engagement banquet, I won't go, people think I'm making trouble for her." I smiled wryly, anyway, no matter what happens now, I don't want to have any interaction with Xu Wen anymore.

"But don't you want to know the truth? Even if Ruan Tianhua doesn't like you, he should at least talk to you, right? I observed him today, and he never talked to anyone except Xu Wen. , Don’t you think this is strange?” Li Yuyue looks like a detective now, I think she has the potential to do this kind of work in the future, she is really observant.

However, her words also reminded me of Ruan Tianhua's state today. She was right. Ruan Tianhua didn't talk to us today, and he didn't even give us a look. When Wen spoke, her behavior was also a little strange, as if she had a guilty conscience.If she didn't do anything, why would Xu Wen feel guilty?

After saying goodbye to Li Yuyue and the others, I was ready to go home. I didn’t have much to do at school, so I might as well go back and help the master make talisman bags. I received a message from the master just as I got in the car. He asked me where I was now, and I told He was already in the car, and the master asked me to go home quickly, saying that I had something to do.I'm a little strange, I seldom receive messages from the master. What is it that makes the master send me a message on purpose?Could it be that you have received another commission?
But now that I’m on the bus, it’s not worthwhile to take a taxi back. I usually become more economical after following the master for a long time, so taking the bus back is only about ten minutes slower than taking a taxi, so it shouldn’t delay anything.

When I got into the store, the master was talking to two strangers, but the things on the table made my heart beat faster. On it was a small coffin, and there was a special tool for suppressing evil spirits on it. The spell is sealed, there must be something difficult inside, seeing me coming back, the master greeted me, "Yang, these are my two younger brothers, according to their seniority you should call them uncles, this is Master Shu Uncle, this is Master Qiu."

I don't know if it's because I'm happy to see my fellow disciples or what's going on, the master talked a lot more than usual, after I called people obediently, I just sat on the sidelines and listened to them.It turns out that the master and the two younger brothers came this time because of the things in the small coffin on the table, which sealed a little ghost, but according to Uncle Qiu, this little ghost is much more difficult to deal with than ordinary wronged souls. Whether it is resentment or scheming, it is more terrifying than ordinary ghosts. Uncle Qiu said that they broke several magic weapons in order to subdue this little ghost, and finally subdued this thing only after fighting for injuries.

"Then why didn't you get rid of this thing after you took it in?" The master glanced at the small coffin and asked a little puzzled.

"Brother, we also think about it, but this thing is not from our native land, and it can't be rescued by ordinary methods, and it still has corpses in places we don't know. Even if we rescue it, it will still go back to hide it. The place where the corpse is." Qiu Shishu sighed and told us the difficulty of the matter.

"Then why did you come here this time? It's impossible to come to me to reminisce about the old days, right?" The master stopped beating around the bush and asked them directly why they came.

"Brother, we actually don't want to bother you, but we really can't find a more suitable person for this matter, and you have a lot of experience, brother, we will assist you when the time comes, and we will definitely be able to get rid of this troublesome brat." Get caught." Although Master Shu was a little embarrassed, he cheered up after talking about it, and wished he could catch all those brats right away.

"Even if you want to go, you have to tell me the specific situation, otherwise how can I help you, and it's hard to say whether I will go or not. My little apprentice is weak and sick and no one can take care of him. You want me to go this time. If the place is too risky, then I will definitely not go, and I have to take care of the two of them." The master pondered for a while, and expressed his concerns.

Uncle Qiu and the two of them didn't get the answer they wanted, and their disappointment was beyond words, but they quickly calmed down, "Brother, your concerns are reasonable, let's talk to you first, and then you decide what to do." do not go."

The two of them have been staying in the Yunnan-Guizhou area before, where people are good at making Gu, and some people even use magic in some backward places, but they don't easily harm people. When they were traveling in the clouds, they came to a village, and the people there Simple, warm and hospitable, there are many tourists who stay there.

Just when they were about to leave the next day, a cloud of yin suddenly rose in the village, and the yin slowly surrounded the whole village. How could Uncle Qiu and the others let people act presumptuously under their noses? So the two of them stayed there, but the results of the investigation surprised them. The culprits were a few Thai wizards. They controlled some little ghosts to work for themselves. This time they came here to find suitable children who made little ghosts.

After knowing this, Uncle Qiu and the others subdued a kid secretly and then rushed to our place according to the address. There are still many local people in that village who are stubbornly resisting, but depending on the situation, it shouldn't last long. up.Those Thai mages must have found a very suitable child, otherwise they would not have done such an outrageous thing. At the beginning, their village was just haunted, and it became more and more serious later. Uncle Qiu and the others discovered it by accident.

"Senior brother, you must go. We are not good at learning arts, so we have no ability to deal with those Thai wizards, but you are different, brother. Back then, the master once praised you as a gift from heaven, and we really don't know who to turn to." , I don’t know who would be willing to take this risk to help us, senior brother, we really can’t bear to see those cute children being turned into little ghosts by them with cruel means, so we came to you with the cheek.” Master Shu said As he spoke, his mood sank.

(End of this chapter)

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