Yin Yang Antique Shop

Chapter 204 The meat-eating kid

Chapter 204 The meat-eating kid

Sister Qin reassured after repeatedly confirming that Ruan Tianhua was fine, "I'm almost scared to death. If feelings can be tied together in this way, wouldn't the world be messed up? No, I must make this person pay the price .”

Ruan Tianhua was silent at the side, looking at his face, it was obvious that he was also very angry, I don't know what to say, Xu Wen is so stupid for doing this, could it be that she thinks this kind of thing is harmless to people? ?I can actually feed this kind of bug with blood essence, but what makes me even more strange is how did Xu Wen know this way?There must be someone behind her teaching her, otherwise how could she do it without anyone noticing it?
"Since there is no problem, let's go first. You just need to let him rest for two days." The master is ready to leave after making sure that he is done.

"Are you afraid that the girl will use this method again?" Sister Qin asked worriedly.

The master smiled and shook his head, "If this thing breaks, it will cause great harm to people. She is too busy to take care of herself now, and she no longer has the ability to do messy things."

Ruan Tianhua didn't speak at the side, but I could feel his eyes on me all the time, as if he wanted to say something to me, I bowed my head by the master's side and pretended not to know, saying that rotten peach blossoms are the most annoying, I now finally understand why.

Sister Qin sent a driver to take us back. When we got home, I found that the two uncles were playing chess. Seeing the two of them concentrating on it, the master and Xiaotong couldn't help but walked over to watch the chess game. I shook my head and laughed helplessly. Laughing, I went upstairs by myself, playing chess is not very attractive to me, it's better to sleep.

I was the first to wake up the next day. After I opened the door for a while, the master and the others came down. We decided not to bring Xiaotong this time. Unfortunately, staying in the store is just as boring, so I might as well go there to learn more, and if I encounter someone in the future, maybe I can pretend to be aggressive.

A few of us got on the bus. Because of the long distance, we had to change trains several times. When I changed to the second time, I couldn't help but vomited out. The road here is more exciting than shaking the car. I feel My brains were all thrown out, and the faces of the master and the two uncles were not good. If I don't take a rest, maybe they will be like me.

"Because their village is too remote, few people usually go there. The current roads were built decades ago, but there is no way to rebuild them without money, so they can only be used like this." Master Qiu Uncle sighed and talked about the situation here. We will have to walk the mountain road by ourselves later. It sounds like nothing. I couldn’t help but roll my eyes when I actually walked. What is the road here? Crawling road, who dares to walk on it, it's strange if the legs don't shake.

After all, we still have a long way to go. The sun is almost setting at this time. Walking on this kind of roadside close to the cliff really requires a person's psychological quality. Otherwise, if you don't pay attention, you may die. I stepped on the air and fell down. Falling down here would be a death sentence, so I took every step carefully, for fear that I would fall.

It seemed that it was getting dark earlier in the mountains. We were only halfway there, and it was getting dark. I only felt my back was wet with clothes. The road ahead was hidden in the darkness. Master Qiu who was walking in front Uncle told us to tie a flashlight around our waist so that we can see the road ahead clearly, not to mention that it is really practical to do so, at least we can see clearly, and sometimes this can save our lives.

I don't know if it's because I'm on a cliff and I'm very nervous. When I passed the corner, I seemed to be able to see something behind Mr. Shu, but because the light was too dark, I couldn't see what it was. I could see that thing dragging its body and wanting to lean on Senior Uncle Qiu, I suppressed my fear so as not to scream, "Uncle Shu, there is something behind you."

It’s not that I’m timid, but it’s such a place, and it’s in the middle of the night. I regret it now, why didn’t I persuade the master to go on the next morning, but I didn’t expect the road here to be so scary. If I knew Otherwise, I definitely wouldn't be here in the middle of the night.

When Uncle Shu heard my reminder, he quickly grabbed something from his pocket and sprinkled it behind him. The thing that was about to crawl on Uncle Shu just now disappeared into the darkness with a scream. I was quite curious about what Uncle Shu sprinkled. What, I turned my head and glanced at it, it seemed to be something like rice, but now is not the time to ask this, let's talk about it after walking this distance.

After a few more hours of fear, we finally came down from the edge of the cliff, and the sky was slightly brighter. We all sat on the ground to rest. From this angle, the road was almost impossible to walk through, and the middle There is still a period of gray mist shrouded, which looks very strange. I thought about it, when I saw that thing just now, it was at that corner. Does this mean that it is really not clean?

"Uncle Shu, what did you sprinkle just now?" I asked after I had almost rested.

"That is the incense rice enshrined in front of the Taoist Sanqing Patriarch. This kind of rice has the effect of exorcising evil spirits, so I carry it with me." Uncle Shu shook his pocket, there should be half a bag of rice in it.

"Then what is that thing that is following you?" I couldn't help getting goosebumps when I thought of that thing, and at the end it didn't sound like a human, could it be some kind of monster?

Uncle Shu took a look at the road, as if he was recalling, "When the road was being built there, there was a huge stone blocking it, and it couldn't be cut through. People from the village behind asked someone to look at it. People say that there is a centipede that is about to become fine hidden there, and the stone is protected by its demonic power, so there is no way to dig it open, but this road must be repaired, and no one can guarantee that the centipede can be controlled by itself. The people who came thought of a way for them, and finally the centipede died, and the road was repaired."

I felt weird when I heard it, it seemed like a fairy tale, "Master, what method did they use to get rid of that centipede?"

Uncle Shu glanced at me, and asked me with an inexplicable expression, "Do you really want to hear it?"

"Well, I want to know how that demon was eradicated." I nodded firmly and said.

"The centipede spirit there is not very big, so it is only as thick as a human thigh. The idea that person gave to the village was to find a girl born in a cloudy year and a cloudy moon, and write spells all over her body with chicken blood, and then send her Go to that big rock, and when the centipede begins to eat, set the girl and the centipede on fire, so that it can be removed." Master Shu sighed after finishing speaking, "Actually, I don't really dare to believe this It is true, but since some things can be spread, it is not groundless."

I felt chills when I heard that, let a little girl live as a bait, and then burned her to death cruelly, no wonder there is so much yin in that place, I guess what I saw last night should be the little girl’s Wrong soul, think about it, it's really pitiful.

We rested for a while and continued on our way. The mountain road here was really difficult to walk. I was scratched all over my body, but fortunately, they were all small cuts that healed quickly, but it was just a little painful.

It was almost afternoon when we arrived at the village. The size of the village was not small, and we could see many people doing farm work outside. Looking at it this way, I felt that the village was quite normal.

We were taken to the house of the village chief by two uncles. The village chief looked to be in his fifties or sixties, but he was still in good spirits. He heard that we rushed over to help and was very enthusiastic about us. The master asked clearly. The situation, it turned out that the two Thai wizards couldn't get any better, so they hid in the mountain, and released the little ghost every night, and the little ghost was also very cruel. .

"Hurt someone? Can you take us to see it?"

The village head nodded, and took us out without saying a word. When we walked in the village, we hardly saw children come out to play. They all hid at home and watched us vigilantly.When they arrived at the family's house, the smell of blood hadn't dissipated. The yard of their house was full of sprayed blood, and the doors and windows were covered with children's palm prints, which looked extremely scary.

We knocked on the door, and a woman opened it, looking at us with red eyes, "Who are you?"

The village chief explained to her in the local dialect, and her expression softened, and she let us in. The smell of blood inside the house was even stronger. At first I thought the blood outside was from those domestic animals, but now it seems that it should not be. A man was lying on the bed. One of his legs was tightly bound with gauze. The injured part should be his leg.

The village chief told us that last night their dog suddenly barked continuously. Originally, the man knew that some unclean things might have come into the village, but he couldn’t bear the distress for his own family’s things, so he went out, hoping to get rid of them. Save some.

When he walked into the yard, there were only puddles of blood on the ground, and livestock with broken necks. He didn't see anything else. When he drove the rest of the sheep to enter the house, the sheep suddenly stopped. They were too frightened to move, and the man's back felt cold. A small black figure stood not far in front of him. It slowly walked towards the man. Under the moonlight, the man's screams rang out. , When he ran into the house, a large piece of meat on his leg was torn off, and that night, he only heard the sound of creaking and chewing, and the sound of knocking on the door and window.

(End of this chapter)

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