Yin Yang Antique Shop

Chapter 222 It Was You

Chapter 222 It Was You
The corners of Wang Shen's mouth widened when he smiled, and his entire face was covered by a huge scarlet mouth.Suddenly he stopped laughing: "It should be fine with one hand." Wang Shen looked at his blue veins, and at the same time, it was covered with blue hair.

Maybe it's an illusion, I saw very contradictory emotions in Wang Shen's eyes, feeling that he loves my hands very much and at the same time deeply loathes them.But it is undeniable that this mutated palm makes people feel extremely powerful, both in terms of appearance and feeling.

"Hmph, pretending to be a ghost." The old ghost looked at the mighty Wang Shen, and the corner of his mouth twitched.Eyes fixed on Wang Shen, wanting to attack Wang Shen at any time.

Wang Shen looked at the few of us slowly, waved his hand, and said with an evil arc at the corner of his mouth, "Come on, hurry up and die. I'm busy." Wang Shen bent his legs and exploded at us. shoot.

"Hmph, good time." The old ghost formed a magic seal on his hand, and slapped Wang Shen who was rushing over.

"Hahahaha" Wang Shen looked at the first old ghost who rushed over, as if he saw something very ridiculous.Looking at the old ghost is like looking at a clown.

Then the scene that happened made the hearts of the few of us feel cold.

Except for Jun Siyan, the old ghost has the highest spell cultivation among us.As a result, the flickering light on the old ghost's Jieyin hand was extinguished by a basin of foot-washing water when it was about to bloom into a dazzling glare.

The old ghost's face was full of disbelief, "Impossible." The old ghost shouted.While shouting, he kept changing the printing method with his hands. "Papapa..." The old ghost's palm was so weak.

From my point of view, it looks like an angry little girl slapping her boyfriend.Shouting loudly, his hands are soft enough to pinch water.I couldn't help laughing, what kind of brains am I.Thinking wildly at such a dangerous time.

"Too annoying." The playful emotion on Wang Shen's face dissipated, replaced by impatience.

"You can go to hell." With a wave of Wang Shen's mutated palm, the old ghost was thrown high and fell hard to the ground.

The old ghost's body twitched twice on the ground, but there was no movement.

"Old ghost" I yelled.He hurried over to check on the situation of the old ghost, and felt relieved immediately.The old ghost was just injured too badly and passed out.

"What to do? What to do?" I looked at Wang Shen who was approaching step by step, and at Jun Siyan who was trapped in the formation.The despair in my heart is getting stronger and stronger.

Suddenly, two figures stood in front of me.Ruan Tianhua, Shen Yanfei.

"Hehe, the hero saves the beauty. It seems that you have many rivals in love. Would you like me to help you kill all of your rivals in love?" At this time, Wang Shen suddenly stopped in his tracks, turned his head to face the Fari's Jun Siyan said with a smile.

When Jun Siyan, who had been struggling in the formation, heard these words, his mind was shaken.He said to Wang Shen with difficulty: "What did you say? Who are you?" Jun Siyan suddenly felt a familiar aura from Wang Shen.

"Hahaha" Wang Shen didn't answer, but just watched Jun Siyan laugh, his face was full of tears. "kill"

With a kill word exit, the dark sky suddenly seemed to be split by a bolt of lightning.

There were two "bang bang", and the two people in front of me didn't resist for a moment, and were instantly killed.Both were greatly incapable of resisting.

"It's over." It seemed that he and Jun Siyan were going to the underworld to become a pair of mandarin ducks.I thought so in my heart at the time, but suddenly realized that Jun Siyan is immortal.I don't want to die alone, I suddenly feel a force in my heart that wants to burst out.I couldn't control it for a moment, a powerful force spurted out of my mouth.

The sound of "vomiting" doesn't look like a big explosion, just like a little girl who ate too much at the buffet lying on the side of the road vomiting and regretting.

That force, accompanied by a white light, instantly surrounded Wang Shen, who had no time to react.

"Ah, what is this? Ah~" Wang Shen yelled in pain, he was corroded by the white light I spat out from his mouth, and he was eroded by it.The skin of his whole body seemed to have been soaked in strong acid. While emitting white smoke, it turned black in patches, and the white foam made a "hissing" sound.

"Who are you? Who are you?" Wang Shen yelled in terror while stepping back.

"You, who are you?" At the same time, a weak voice came from beside me.

I quickly turned my head to look, and found that the old ghost had come over.A pair of eyes stared fiercely at Wang Shen, who was corroded by my spit.

The skin on Wang Shen's body was corroded and pitted, and suddenly he wiped it with both hands.It's like wiping a piece of cake off your body. "Pa" Wang Shen threw his skin on the ground like throwing a ball of garbage, and flicked his hand to shake off the few drops of mucus remaining on his hand.The skin fell to the ground and corroded the small pits on the ground.

"Hehe, it's been a long time since anyone has been able to peel off my entire body." Wang Shen held his head with one hand, and put his messy hair behind his head, revealing another face.

Wang Shen's new face looked rebellious, with his eyebrows raised high.The arc of the smile at the corner of the mouth is so perfect, when I saw this long face, my heart beat involuntarily.But when I thought about it again, this was the person who wanted to kill me, and my heart immediately turned cold.

"You, you, you." The old ghost's eyes were full of horror. "How is it possible? How is it possible? No, no, you won't be his." The old ghost's spirit had reached the edge of confusion, and he kept repeating these few words with his mouth open.

Wang Shen stretched his arms and moved his body, slowly staring at the old ghost.The words that came out of my mouth shocked me. "My dear disciple, how come I don't know Master anymore? It hasn't been long, only more than 20 years."

What, what, Wang Shen is the old ghost's master.It is still the master of more than 20 years ago, which means that he is at least older than the old ghost.The old ghost looks like 50, but Wang Shen only looks like [-].He is an old monster and the master of the old ghost.Wait for the old ghost's master, does that mean he can make friends?There is no need to fight and kill.

"Hey, that old ghost's master. Since we know each other, we can discuss it." I want to relax a bit first, and make plans after Jun Siyan comes out.

"Kill, kill, kill" a voice full of hatred came out of the old ghost's mouth, gnashing his teeth word by word.The Wang Shen in front of him, his master, is different from him.

Wang Shen brushed his lips lightly with his fingers, and licked his lips lightly with his scarlet tongue.The look on his face is like enjoying the delicacies of mountains and seas. "My boy, your son's blood is very sweet. Hahaha"

The last word Wang Shen said, the old ghost's trembling body could no longer be controlled.With extreme hatred in his body, he faced Wang Shen's fatal blow.

"I gave you everything about you, and I gave you all your spells. You can't hurt me at all, good disciple. Don't worry, Master will not kill you. Master will let you live in hatred forever." Hahaha" Wang Shen's eyes and expression are like his words, abnormal and full of inexplicable hatred at the same time.

"Ah, ah," the old ghost rushed towards Wang Shen again and again.But he was repelled by Wang Shen again and again, leaving only a mouthful of blood full of hatred.

That scene was shocking in my eyes, and at the same time Jun Siyan's voice came out from the formation: "Yang Yao, don't look at it!"

"Gudong, it's too exciting." I heard Jun Siyan's voice and muttered in a low voice.Then he closed his eyes and shouted at Wang Shen: "I said, Wang Shen. Although you are handsome, you can't fight an old man naked."

Wang Shen, who was originally moving very smoothly, heard my words.There was a pause in the movement, and the expression on his face was also stunned.He shouted at me angrily: "If you don't want to watch it, don't watch it. I just like to be naked, can you care?"

I slowly stretched out my thumb to Wang Shen and said, "You are strong, awesome."

"I..." Before Wang Shen finished his sentence, the old ghost took advantage of Wang Shen to be distracted by me.With a pounce, Wang Shen fell to the ground.

The resentment all over his body was condensed on a pair of yellowed teeth, and he slammed hard on Wang Shen's neck with a "click".The bloodshot eyes were all over the eyeballs, and the old ghost's face was just like his name, like a deadly ghost. "Hiss..." the old ghost tore his teeth with all his strength.

The old ghost ruthlessly tore off a large piece of Wang Shen's neck.The piece of meat was constantly twisting in the old ghost's mouth, and countless tiny tentacles emerged from the edge of the piece of meat.With a fierce wave of the tiny tentacles in the air, countless bloodstains were drawn from the old ghost's face.

"Ah" the old ghost cried out in pain.

While the old ghost was yelling, the piece of meat fell to the ground.Countless tentacles squirmed quickly on the ground, and they crawled onto Wang Shen's body in an instant. "Squeaky" tentacles slowly fused to the wound on Wang Shen's neck.

Wang Shen, who fell on the ground, sat up abruptly, without the slightest wound on his neck. "It's been more than 20 years, dear boy, is this what you're improving on?" Wang Shen stood up as he spoke, and at the same time he took off Shen Yanfei's pants and put them on himself at some point.

"Aren't you running naked anymore?" I asked eagerly.

"Get out!" Wang Shen's word "Roll" has a strong breath.

Although Jun Siyan was trapped in the formation, he was always paying attention to the situation here.When he saw the movements of Wang Shen's body recovering, he frowned.There was some doubt in his heart, which made him look at Wang Shen with emotions that I couldn't understand.Jun Siyan's thoughts slowly sank. "Could it be him?"

The old ghost looked at the unscathed Wang Shen, and slammed his fists on the ground fiercely, his throat full of unwilling roar.

"Let's end it early, don't delay the matter." Wang Shen's formerly mutated first hand, now has both arms mutated.He rushed towards me waving his arms.

(End of this chapter)

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