Chapter 224
Thinking of this, I tried hard to recall.

At this time, the fighting between the four stopped again.There were a few scars on Wang Shen's body, but they didn't affect him too much.And it recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye, and soon returned to a handsome appearance.

On the other hand, the remaining three people looked very miserable.The other two people were dressed in rags, with deep gashes on their bodies, flesh and blood turned out ferociously all over their bodies.But the old ghost was pitch black, except for the blackness, no wounds could be seen.

In fact, the old ghost was the most seriously injured among the three, and Wang Shen was not responsible for the darkness all over his body.It was caused by the backlash of this technique.If it weren't for the hard support of the hatred for Wang Shen, the old ghost would have finished playing long ago.

The black air flow in the sky continued to disperse, gradually forming a vortex composed of clusters of black clouds.Wang Shen looked up and his pupils shrank. "Soon," he said to himself.

The old ghost spat out a black blood clot with a puff, and his pitch-black face turned pale instantly.

"No, if this continues. Not only will I not be able to avenge my vengeance, but I will be buried here." The old ghost thought secretly.Thinking of this, the old ghost was heartbroken, and the enemy was right in front of him.I have searched hard for more than 20 years, and I did not hesitate to do countless harmful things to enhance my cultivation.

What is it for? Isn't it that one day I can kill this old beast with my own hands.

"Get up." The old ghost joined his hands together, making sword fingers with his two fingers.There are words in his mouth: "The Taoist ancestor of the Sanqing, the four directions reveal the truth, please let me ask. The righteousness of the heaven and the earth, lead the thunder to destroy the evil spirits, forgive me"

"Booming" The black air mass whirlpool in the sky shook violently.The vortex that gradually formed was scattered in all directions by a sudden force.

"How dare you!" Seeing that the vortex was about to collapse, Wang Shen shouted.A series of afterimages appeared in front of the old ghost in an instant.The strong wind from the palm drives the surrounding air to make a piercing sound.It is conceivable that if this palm hits the old ghost, even if the old ghost has nine lives, it is not enough.

On the other hand, the old ghost didn't show panic, he looked at the approaching palm.The corner of the mouth gradually raised a mocking arc. "Hey, come on."

"Bang" and "Puff" the force brought by the palm of the hand hit the old ghost's body ten to ten times, and the old ghost sprayed Wang Shen's face with a mouthful of blood.But to Wang Shen's surprise, the old ghost's body did not turn into a pile of shredded meat as he expected.

Wang Shen frowned, and pulled his hands back to prepare to kill again.Suddenly, I felt my arms were tightly locked.

Before Wang Shen went to check what happened, he saw the corner of the old ghost's mouth, just a few centimeters away from his face, showing his yellow teeth. "drink"

With a loud drink, Wang Shen's mind was buzzing. "Zhizhi" a blue light burst out from the old ghost's body instantly.This blue light surrounded Wang Shen and the old ghost in the blink of an eye.

"Go to hell." The old ghost shouted hoarsely with red eyes.The blue light, which was only a weak jump, suddenly burst into a strong light.This light is so dazzling, and it is also an irresistible righteousness that spreads fiercely, and explodes in the campus with the high temperature that destroys everything.

"Boom" "Ah, ah"

After the light dispersed, two pitch-black figures fell to the ground with bursts of white smoke.The clusters of black air masses in the sky also made miserable cries.

The white light and the cry woke me up from the thought of looking for a flaw in the formation.oh my god what happened?
These black air masses, unexpectedly, turned out to be individual souls.Are these the souls of the students in our school? Thinking of this, I couldn't help but shudder.Wang Shen, what exactly do you want to do!
Stop him, stop him, that's all I have in mind.Then stop paying attention to the surrounding things, and go to crack the formation again.This formation is more sophisticated than the formation that trapped Jun Siyan before, and the technique is more subtle.It's a supernatural workmanship, using the right time and place to hide his eyes.

I can't think of it, I can't think of it, the more I think about it, the more I can't find any flaws in the formation.I can't break this formation, I can't save Jun Siyan, I can't save Shen Yanfei, I won't be Ruan Tianhua, I can't save anyone.I suddenly fell into depression.

Master, come and save me.Where have you been?Thinking of this, I feel very wronged, as if I have been abandoned by the whole world.Tears fell down the face to the ground.

"Yi Yao, don't cry, be good, I will always be with you no matter what time it is." I saw Jun Siyan looking at me with distressed and doting eyes.

Looking at Jun Siyan who looks like a fairy, I gritted my teeth and thought.With such a fairy-like person as my boyfriend, I am content in this life.

It is not unacceptable to die with Jun Siyan.together, together?By the way, when I met Jun Siyan just now, Jun Siyan said that he could feel the original power from me.So on the other hand, there is an agreement between me and him.So can I feel him?Not to see with the eyes, but to feel with the heart.

Thinking of this, I slowly closed my eyes.Use your heart to feel Jun Siyan.My state of mind slowly quieted down, and it was pitch black in my consciousness.I tried to concentrate, to feel.

"Huh" a white light suddenly lit up in my consciousness.this is?This is my consciousness.I slowly focused my consciousness.I've found that the more focused I am, the more intensely my consciousness radiates.

The white light is like water ripples, continuously scattering towards the surroundings.I can't feel anything, I don't believe it, I'm sure I can.

Seeing my actions, Jun Siyan instantly understood what I wanted to do.There was a doting smile on his handsome face. "Little fool." He muttered in a low voice.Then do it cross-legged.Don't bother with formations anymore.The formation will not stop attacking just because you ignore him.

"Boom" "Hiss"

Streams of air that were as sharp as blades tore Jun Siyan's body.Jun Siyan's body was torn open with cracks, although they would heal in an instant.But the pain is still real.Jun Siyan didn't even groan, and he concentrated his consciousness just like me.

The sound of "ding dong" is like a very quiet space with a very quiet lake.Suddenly a drop of water falling from the sky broke the tranquility.Bringing up waves of waves on the surface of the lake.

"Huh" I feel it.A black dot appeared in the white light of my consciousness.I saw that the black spot was so dazzling in a white light.I am white, and Jun Siyan is black.It never occurred to me that black would also glow.The black light quickly spread out as soon as it appeared, and I felt him.

"Okay." I said to myself secretly.Since I can feel Jun Siyan, I will find a path between me and him that belongs to us.

When Jun Siyan's consciousness and I came into contact.I suddenly felt a burst of disgust appear in my heart, and this disgust appeared very inexplicably.It seems that the two groups of consciousness are natural enemies.How is this possible?Jun Siyan is my man, and I want to have a bunch of cubs with him.

I forcibly suppressed the emotions in my heart, and slowly felt Jun Siyan's consciousness.As soon as my consciousness and his touch together, it bounces back immediately.I knew I had to catch a glimpse of his consciousness.Only in this way can one follow the consciousness and find a path in the formation.

I endured the pain of tearing my consciousness apart, and scattered a trace of consciousness to follow Jun Siyan's retreat.Jun Siyan also split a strand of consciousness and tightly held my consciousness.

From my naked eyes, the distance between my body and Jun Siyan's is less than half a meter, but it was only when I connected with his consciousness that I realized it.The distance between me and him is really too far away.The array is really a magical thing. The things in front of you seem to be close at hand, but in fact the two people are no longer in the same space.

"It's done." When the consciousness of Jun Siyan and I no longer receded, I knew that I had found Jun Siyan's position.The thread of consciousness between me and him is connected.Oh my god, I saw a twisted and twisted line connecting Jun Siyan and me.

Half black, half white.The degree of distortion of the lines is more complicated than the most complicated maze diagram I have ever seen.

Although this route is complicated, it also gives me hope.After all, a road is better than no road.I was about to leave when suddenly a gentle voice came from my ear.

"Little fool, what are you doing? Do you want to come in? Are you going to rescue me or come in to accompany me!" Jun Siyan looked at me who was about to follow me into it with a half-smile.

I was taken aback, my face felt very hot all of a sudden, and then I said viciously: "I want you to take care of it." Although I said so on my mouth, my body still sat down honestly.

Jun Siyan didn't stay too long, and quickly approached me along the line of consciousness between us.

I thought to myself, this is all right, Jun Siyan can come out.I immediately felt very at ease, as if I had found a backbone.Then I turned to look at the others.

Things didn't go well, and I saw the jet black of Wang Shen's body keep coming off.Every piece of scorched black flesh fell off, and countless thin threads could be seen shuttling through his blood-red flesh.He is recovering, so does he have another skin?
Seeing this scene, my mind was in turmoil for a while.

"Swaying, hold your mind." Suddenly Jun Siyan's voice came anxiously.I quickly withdrew my consciousness and saw that the line of consciousness between us was breaking fast because of my reasons.Fortunately, I stabilized my mind in time, otherwise everything before was in vain.

Jun Siyan moved quickly in the formation, when he walked almost a third of the time.Suddenly my consciousness was pulled violently, and the severe pain almost made me faint.

This formation has changed.The distance between us has changed again.

(End of this chapter)

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