Yin Yang Antique Shop

Chapter 230 Gu Chen Escapes

Chapter 230 Gu Chen Escapes
The flames were also a little smaller as the gazebo collapsed.Several people hurried in and removed the ruined walls inside, sure enough.

"Yilian," I called out cautiously.The Guan Yilian presented in front of our eyes does not look the same as before.The skin all over her body was melted by the flames.But her heaving chest let Ran know she was still alive.

"Swing." Guan Yilian called weakly.At the same time, she tried to raise her arms, but her limbs had been melted and connected to the body.The slightest movement made her in pain.

"Yilian, I'm here, tell me." My tears flowed wantonly.No matter what outrageous things she did before, at this time, my heart is her former kind and rational sister.

The high temperature of the thunder and lightning was so terrifying that Guan Yilian could no longer see.Her eye had been burned into a blurred mass of glass.

Guan Yilian breathed weakly and said: "Yang, you know. I don't want to hurt anyone at all. I,"

Before Guan Yilian finished speaking, I interrupted her crying and said: "I understand, I understand. Yilian, don't be afraid, I'm afraid I will save you right away. Si Yan, Si Yan." I quickly called Jun Siyan to the front .

There was a moment of hesitation in Jun Siyan's eyes, and he said to me, "Yao Ye, do you really want to save me?"

I didn't expect Jun Siyan to say such a thing, I shouted at Jun Siyan angrily: "She is my good sister, everything she did before was wrong. I want her to live, she The sin committed must be paid for by herself."

Hearing what I said, Jun Siyan didn't say anything, pulled out a hair and put it in Guan Yilian's mouth.Guan Yilian didn't eat this hair, she said to me: "Living is so tiring, you don't want to save me. My sister has no way to save her. She expects to hurt others to prolong her life. It's better to die with me." .”

No matter how I tried to persuade her, Guan Yilian's heart was ashamed.Wanting to die, Jun Siyan shook his head and said, "If she wants to die, even my hair can't save her."

I was weeping weakly, at this moment the old ghost said: "It's not over yet, the formation has not been broken yet."

The soul has not left in the sky, but the formation has not been broken, and the soul may be drawn out again at any time.It is not ticked out now, because the sun thunder attracted by the seven-star Big Dipper Formation strikes down a piece.But there are still a lot of thunder and lightning in the sky.

The rapid gathering of these lightning bolts will soon strike the next one.The seven-star Big Dipper Formation allows the caster to attract thunder and lightning through the formation, and then use the Seven-Star Sword to attract the thunder and lightning to the enemy.And we don't have the Seven Star Sword, and we don't have enough cultivation.When the first lightning struck, he was almost killed.

Now the seven-star Big Dipper formation has been broken, but the thunder and lightning it attracted has not yet dissipated.At this time, the thunder and lightning have no target, according to the law of incompatibility between good and evil between heaven and earth.The next thunder and lightning will definitely be approved on the eye of Gu Chen's formation.In other words, we can break this formation right away.

At this point all we can do is wait.

With red and swollen eyes, I hugged Guan Yilian who was already out of shape, and kept telling her all the beautiful things we had before.But Guan Yilian's desire to die is so determined, no matter what I say, he refuses to speak.

"Guan Yilian, you have to live for me." Ruan Tianhua shouted at Guan Yilian with red eyes and panting. "Why did you save me? Why did you push me away," Ruan Tianhua refused to accept this reality.

The scene at that time appeared in front of my eyes. When the thunder and lightning struck us, Jun Siyan hugged me and escaped, and the old ghost also rescued Shen Yanfei.And the remaining two people have no ability to escape, let alone save others.

But at that moment, it may be because of the helplessness of life, or because of the redemption of the sins committed by oneself.Guan Yilian chose to sacrifice herself and pushed Ruan Tianhua out.

I looked at Guan Yilian distressedly, but Guan Yilian's current consciousness has gradually dissipated. "Eilian, you have to live."

"So tired!" These were the last words Guan Yilian said.Her life was too tiring, maybe death was the best choice for her, and she was relieved.

"Ah!" My chest was about to explode, and I shouted loudly towards the sky.

Following my cry, the thunder and lightning in the sky seemed to have reached its limit. "Pa" Thunderbolt is like an extremely thick thunder python, meandering in the sky.

"Booming..." The lightning struck the middle of our school's playground, and the ground on the playground suddenly undulated like the surface of water.

"Ah!" With a miserable cry, a figure flashed out from the ground where the playground was struck by lightning.White flames were burning all over his body, and there were blue arcs flickering among them.

"Gu Chen." The old ghost couldn't help it anymore after seeing it, he ran towards the playground with one stride.

Gu Chen was exhausted at this time, and was hurt by Jun Siyan.Being struck by the extremely powerful lightning again, and the strong aura carried by the lightning made his body melt violently like ice falling into a frying pan.

The injury was too serious, and Gu Chen was chased by the old ghost before he could go far.The flames on Gu Chen's body made it impossible for the old ghost to strike.But the hatred for Gu Chen in his heart prevented him from getting to know Gu Chen personally.

The old ghost walked around, walking out of the thunder-gathering formation alone.He attracted all the remaining thunder and lightning in the air. With a "wow", the remaining lightning in the air flowed wantonly on Gu Chen's body like a downpour.

"Ah, ah" Gu Chen's voice became smaller and smaller, and his voice was extremely hoarse.Looking at Gu Chen who was baptized by lightning, I think the pain he is suffering now is unbearable.

Jun Siyan's blood enriched his magical power, so he is not like an ordinary human.Under extreme pain, one can be unconscious to protect one's consciousness from being destroyed.He can only bear all these pains.

"Go to hell." Looking at Gu Chen who was screaming in pain, the old ghost's eyes were full of madness.He yelled loudly with his mouth open, and every painful yell from Gu Chen would make the old ghost feel extremely satisfied.

The few of us were afraid that Gu Chen would fight back when he was about to die. After all, a skinny camel is bigger than a horse.Not to mention a monster that has lived for thousands of years!
When we felt the playground, the flames on Gu Chen's body had been gradually extinguished.Only a pile of black charcoal-like things were left in place.The smell in the air was so bad that I covered my mouth and nose.But my heart is still full of doubts: "It's that simple."

I dare not and cannot imagine Gu Chen dying just like that.I looked at the ferocious expression of the old ghost, but didn't express my doubts.Gu Chen's death can be regarded as understanding a knot in the old ghost's heart.

"Boom" suddenly there was a sound like glass breaking in the sky.The formation is broken.

A gust of wind blew gently, and I took a deep breath of the fresh air brought by this gust of wind.It feels good to be alive.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Jun Siyan fiddled with Gu Chen, who was like black charcoal, on the ground.I was careful not to ask Jun Siyan about my doubts at this time.

"Let's go!" I said to everyone.

Ruan Tianhua and Shen Yanfei looked at each other and then at the students lying on the ground and said, "We're leaving like this. What about these students?"

Jun Siyan said: "Don't worry, since their souls have returned to their bodies, they will wake up after a while. We stay here now, and when they wake up, how do you explain it. It is the most important thing to make this a headless case." Good choice."

"Let's go." After Jun Siyan finished speaking, he took my hand and left.

Shen Yanfei took a look and followed our steps to leave. Ruan Tianhua gritted his teeth and said, "You guys go first, I can't let Guan Yilian's corpse die in the wilderness." After speaking, he walked towards the gazebo, and hugged Guan Yilian who had died.

I took a deep look at Ruan Tianhua, I have no right to interfere with his decision.Although this incident will definitely cause him other problems, it is his choice.

When Jun Siyan and I returned to the entrance of the antique shop, I was the only one left in the once bustling antique shop with a room full of old objects.I couldn't help feeling very lonely in my heart.Master, where did you go, Xiao Tong?Don't you want me anymore?

The more I thought about it, the lonelier I became. Jun Siyan hugged my waist from behind and said, "Yangyi, don't worry. Your master and the others must be delayed by something. They will definitely come."

Feeling the temperature behind me, I turned around and hugged Jun Siyan in my arms.His arms felt extremely reassuring.After hugging quietly for a while, I felt better.

Jun Siyan tentatively said, "Yangy, have you gained weight and your waist has grown a bit thicker?"

What?Dare to say my wife is fat.You are so tired of working, I couldn't help stretching out my slender finger to perform the nirvana that girls are born with.Unlimited pinch the soft flesh of the man's waist.

"Ah!" The miserable barking caused the surrounding dogs to bark in disorder.

I suddenly remembered about Gu Chen, and quickly asked, "Si Yan, is Gu Chen still alive?"

Jun Siyan didn't lie to me, nodded and said, "I didn't feel the slightest breath of my blood in the body he left on the ground. He escaped, but don't worry. He won't be able to come out to cause trouble in a short time. .”

My heart was relieved when I heard this.As soon as the mood is relaxed, the drowsiness floods in like a tide.I didn't care about washing up, and fell asleep on the bed when I entered the room.

Jun Siyan silently looked at me who was sleeping soundly, the expression in his eyes was so focused.As I was sleeping soundly, I didn't realize that there was such a strange emotion flooding deeper in Jun Siyan's eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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