Yin Yang Antique Shop

Chapter 232: Ancestor of Zombies

Chapter 232: Ancestor of Zombies
Jun Siyan opened his mouth and told us a fairy tale!
Jun Siyan has his own consciousness since he woke up, the world is in chaos, there is no everything, only the mysterious and yellow aura that can't be seen.

Jun Siyan didn't know who he was, and he couldn't find another person similar to him.In the sky, there is no distinction between up and down, they are all the same.He was wandering in the universe every day, and he didn't know what was in his mind, and then slowly, he gained self-awareness.Before, he thought that he was like the dark and yellow aura he saw, but after gaining self-awareness, he understood what I was called.

I am an individual, not those dark and yellow auras floating around at will.

Until one day, Jun Siyan heard a loud noise in the sky.He looked around where the sound came from.Far away in the distance, it seems that a giant is chopping among the many black and yellow auras.Later, he learned that there was a god who created the world at that time.That is Pangu in our mythology.

At that time, when Jun Siyan saw this existence that seemed to have self-awareness, he was very excited.The endless wandering has made his heart numb.Jun Siyan floated towards the giant.But Wangshan ran to death, he didn't know how long it took him to get there.

But it was too late, the sky and the earth separated, some light things were sprayed into the air, and heavy things were inherited, forming land and sky.The giant also turned into mountains, rivers, stars and moons because of exhaustion.

Jun Siyan likes the feeling of stepping on land.He kept searching on land.In this way, I don't know how many tens of thousands of years have passed.Finally, he saw a woman with a snake's tail. He and that woman looked at each other for a long time without speaking.can you understand
The loneliness and loneliness in the eyes of a woman, he believes, that woman also understands his loneliness and loneliness.

But Jun Siyan could clearly feel the flow of blood in the woman's body, but his own blood would not flow, nor would his heart beat, that woman was not of the same kind as him.But the hearts of two people are very close.Just looking at each other every day, no other communication.

One day, he saw a woman who made small people out of mud, according to his appearance.But each of these villains has a heartbeat temperature.They are only similar to Jun Siyan in appearance, these villains are very smart and capable.We just made them and didn't teach them anything, they quickly learned to reproduce and thrive.

And taught us language communication.

At that time, my little friends and I were shocked. Isn’t this the creation of heaven and earth and Nuwa’s creation of man?
"Wait, are you still going to say, Nuwa mending the sky?" Shen Yanfei asked suspiciously.

"Yes, Nuwa, hehe, let's teach her Nuwa for now. She also died in the end, and died of exhaustion." Jun Siyan said very flatly.After all, time is too long.

"What about after that?" I looked at Jun Siyan with distress.I knew that Jun Siyan was an old monster, but I didn't expect it to be such an old monster, but so what?Now I can see and touch him, isn't that all right?
Jun Siyan fell into deep thought and said slowly: "When Nuwa died in my arms, I felt very angry. Because Nuwa's death was caused by these human beings. At that time, I felt anger, resentment, and fell into a very In the berserk. The power I have been hiding in my body has also awakened. I killed these people crazily and wanted to avenge Nuwa. If it was not for them, Nuwa would not have died for protecting them. .”

When he said this, Jun Siyan clenched his fist tightly.

Jun Siyan found that with just a wave of his hand, the blood from those human bodies would burst out.Every human being he killed turned into a mummified corpse.

He fell into a killing spree until one day, he saw a woman give birth to a small child.Seeing the birth of a new life, the maternal radiance on that woman's face.He understood that Nuwa was willing to die for them, so he didn't hurt humans anymore.Those humans later called him the ancestor of zombies.

"The ancestor of zombies?" We were surprised and shouted.

Jun Siyan nodded and continued.Since then, Jun Siyan didn't want to contact humans, and he was very disgusted, so he left the tribe.

Slowly, the development of human beings is getting bigger and bigger, and he didn't get in touch with them, but just kept wandering in remote places in the mountains,

But the power of human beings is infinitely expanding, and his traces are still seen by those who are interested, those so-called alchemists, they want to live forever.The emperor also wants to be reborn, and Jun Siyan is the best elixir.

Although Jun Siyan has existed since the birth of the universe, his ability is not very powerful.Maybe Jun Siyan didn't unlock the secret of his body.He didn't have any big desires at that time, all he had was a long-lived body, a heart that wouldn't beat, and blood that wouldn't flow.

No matter how you say it, Jun Siyan also has some abilities that other people can't think of, such as turning into white light, entering my eyes and living there, and so on.

This also made it very difficult for other people to find Jun Siyan. They didn't know how to find Jun Siyan, so they could only keep searching where it had appeared before.These people looking for Jun Siyan all belong to an organization.An alchemist who would risk everything for longevity.

Alchemists hope that one day they can find him and study why he can live forever.Can you let yourself live forever?That alchemy organization, Jun Siyan remembered, seemed to be that their patriarch was Xu Fu, the craziest person in refining longevity medicine.

Jun Siyan didn't realize at the time that he was being watched by someone with a heart, until one day.

One day, as usual, Jun Siyan was immersed in the world in his head.Surrounded by vast virgin forests, his mind was actually blank.Jun Siyan doesn't know why he was born, nor why he lives.He is immortal, which is very difficult to accept.So if Jun Siyan was not disturbed by human beings or other natural disasters and man-made disasters, he would just stay in one place quietly and do nothing.

Just like what humans call him, the ancestor of zombies.Jun Siyan is a living corpse.A living corpse with no temperature, no heartbeat, and no purpose.Since the last hiding place was destroyed by an earthquake, Jun Siyan stayed in this primeval forest not long ago.

The forest is very lively, the sounds of various animals are constantly swearing that they belong to their own territory.However, the cave where Jun Siyan is located has no animals for several kilometers.Maybe it's the animal's instinct to resist this creature that can threaten its own life.

Jun Siyan didn't know how long he had been lying on a rock protruding from the top of the mountain.He often maintains one action for a long time, and his life will not die.Jun Siyan's life was meaningless, it was just living.

"Boom" the boring silence was broken as usual.Jun Siyan rolled his eyes, which had not moved for a long time, and saw a figure fall into his sphere of influence.

"Oh..." The tiger, who had been hanging his eyes all the time, was hesitating whether to break into his range.A few meters in front of the tiger, there was a figure covered in blood, struggling and wriggling forward.

Jun Siyan glanced at it and then withdrew his gaze.He didn't pay attention to the humans who broke in suddenly.To him, this incident was like a small bug flying past his eyes.Although I let myself pay attention, it was only for a moment.

The tiger kept coiling around here, trying to eat that human being.But Jun Siyan's breath made the tiger overcome the instinct of hunger.Especially when Jun Siyan glanced at the human lying on the ground, Yu Guangyu looked at the tiger from the corner of his eye.The tiger felt that there was a huge monster with its bloody mouth wide open in front of it.With a whimper, he hurriedly fled to the distance.

Jun Siyan didn't pay attention to everything that suddenly appeared, he knew at a glance that the human being would not survive.The injury was too serious and the loss of blood was too much.Although he is still breathing now, it is also on his deathbed.

Jun Siyan stared at the sunrise and sunset, the moon, and the stars with his lifeless and empty eyes.After the sun and the moon reincarnated once, Jun Siyan heard a groan.

"Uh, hiss, water..." The human on the ground is not dead yet.

Jun Siyan suddenly felt that since he was so boring, let's take a look.With a wave of his hand, the surrounding leaves trembled.The dew on the leaves drenched the human face.

The human wriggled his chapped lips, frantically absorbing a trace of moisture.

Jun Siyan sat up cross-legged, supporting his head with his hands.Without blinking, he just stared at the human being.Slowly wake up.The human didn't realize that someone was watching him from the top of the mountain.

After he woke up, he quickly checked his injuries.Then he picked and picked on the surrounding grass, put some green plants and other things into his mouth, chewed them, and then applied them to the wound.

Jun Siyan could clearly feel that human beings have such a strong sense of survival.He was surprised to see that human wounds did not deteriorate but tended to heal.

Have humans developed to this level? In Jun Siyan's eyes, there is no difference between humans and ants.

In this way, the human struggled to survive, and gradually felt that the wild beasts did not dare to enter this range.Every day he would pick some wild fruits and bring back some animals.

Jun Siyan watched this human being from dying to alive and kicking.

One morning, Jun Siyan saw the human pack his bag and wanted to leave.He jumped off the top of the mountain in a flash.

There was a loud "bang", bringing up a burst of dust.

The human being was suddenly startled, and instantly withdrew the knife from his arms, watching the unknown danger in the dust with vigilance.

"Do you want to leave like this?" A voice reached the human ear.

(End of this chapter)

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