Yin Yang Antique Shop

Chapter 24 Corpse Wormhole

Chapter 24 Corpse Wormhole

A series of questions made me feel that I didn't have enough brains. I comforted the female ghost and told her not to worry. We will be back soon. Besides, if I can't do it, don't I still have Jun Siyan?He will surely save me.

I don't know when it started, but I also learned to hold the tiger skin and pull the big banner. It seems that where Jun Siyan is, I feel more at ease. This feeling is really amazing and not bad.

I asked the female ghost to disperse the white mist, and several people came to their senses. They looked around in horror, and Xiaotong couldn't help laughing when he saw them.

I gave him a look, don't laugh at others at this time, maybe one day you will encounter such a thing.

The female ghost has no way to get away from this mural, so she can only watch us go away. If she is there, we might avoid a lot of detours, but there is no way, she can only move around in that area.

Going forward, the murals became what they looked like during the expedition. Looking at this painting, there is a feeling of enthusiasm, but it always feels a little bit lacking in spirit.

Shu San and the others didn't dare to look at those murals any more, they walked obediently forward, the only sound of our footsteps was in the empty tomb passage.

There is a burial chamber not far in front of us. All of us are in good spirits. Having a cemetery means that there are good things, but crises always coexist with opportunities.

Shu San went into the tomb, where most of the books and bamboo slips were placed, with a lot written in a script I had never seen before, and I couldn't understand it either.

It would be great if the master was here. He is knowledgeable and will definitely be able to recognize what is written on it.

"Inside... there is a small coffin!" Li Jian didn't know what he bumped into, and there was a loud crash, which was particularly ear-piercing in the empty tomb.

I frowned, this Li Jian really did more than succeed, he could turn into what he is now if he finds anything, what if he goes out to fight ghosts, he runs away within minutes?
I looked down on him a bit, but went up to him and read what he had to say.

There was a pool of gray-brown liquid on the ground, and there were many black things in it. Because it had been too long, I couldn't figure out what it was.

Suddenly there was a dark energy in the tomb, which was not there just now. Li Jian sat on the ground as if he had lost his soul. What is in this small coffin?
I measured it with my fingers, and the length... Oops, shouldn't it really be what I thought it would be?

Xiao Tong suddenly pulled my clothes, and looked at a corner of the tomb with horror in his eyes. There was only a big jar there, and he didn't know what it contained.

Xiaotong must have seen something extraordinary just now, otherwise she wouldn't be so frightened.

I walked over, and this jar was the same as the big earthen vat we usually hold wine in. It had a big belly, and Xiaotong didn't know what he saw, but it must be something bad, otherwise, according to his personality, how could he be afraid? In this way?

The cloudiness is getting heavier and heavier, and I also have a guess in my heart, what Li Jian released just now must be what Xiaotong saw!
I shone a flashlight into the tank, and there was a little boy in ancient clothes squatting inside. He suddenly raised his head with a weird smile on his face.

I was not good at secretly thinking, and before I had time to escape, that brat rushed straight over. I couldn't escape at this speed, so I had to take him down even if I was injured.

Before I could take out the yellow talisman, Jun Siyan came out. The white light in his hand was flying, and the kid let out a series of screams. The resentment on his body was peeled off layer by layer like clothes. In the end, it turned into a small light cluster.

Jun Siyan glanced at me, and I lowered my head guiltyly, just now he told me not to be impulsive, but I didn't hold back, and almost got hurt.

Jun Siyan returned to my eyes without saying a word to me.

"Meng Yaoye, did you also see a little ghost just now?" Seeing that I was relaxed, Xiaotong hurried over to ask me for confirmation. It was the first time he saw a ghost outside of Master's bottle, and he was both scared and excited of.

"Miss Meng, has the matter been resolved?" Shu San was still a little scared, he didn't even dare to look at the big tank when he walked up to me.

I nodded, telling them not to touch anything, and the yellow talisman on it. Several people responded quickly, but I don't know how much they listened to.

What happened with Li Jian taught them a lesson. Now they have learned how to handle it with care. It was like a bandit entering the village before, especially Li Jian. He didn’t know what to mutter. of.

There are two small coffins in this room, and the other one is probably a little female ghost. There must be no good funerary objects in it, maybe it is a puddle of water. We did not open it and put it aside.

Only when Shu San accidentally kicked a jar, he found the contents inside. He didn't know who hid it inside, and the outside was well wrapped in sheepskin.

Maybe the craftsmen here hid it inside, and they are going to take it out by themselves when the time comes.

Building mausoleums in ancient times was different. The craftsmen who went there were the ones who never returned, so few people were willing to go, unless there was really no other way at home.

A dozen craftsmen are equivalent to a dozen human lives. Some of them are voluntary, some are domestic servants, and their death will be when the mausoleum is built.

But this kind of thing only happened when kings and grandsons built tombs, and those craftsmen might be in the tombs after they died.

Some vicious tomb owners also trapped their souls and asked them to guard the tomb for them life after life.

Later, a craftsman came up with a way. When they repaired the mausoleum, they extended in all directions and would always leave a way out for themselves.

When the mausoleum is repaired, they will run away, and if they are still buried with them, those craftsmen will steal something from the tomb.

These are all written in the ancient books I read. I didn’t expect to find such a thing one day. Although I can’t guarantee it, who can hide things in a fully enclosed mausoleum?

There are very few craftsmen who can escape. How can a mausoleum that has cost a lot of manpower and financial resources escape so easily?
The owner of this package may also have died somewhere in the mausoleum.

Shu San nodded when he saw me. He carefully opened the sheepskin bag, and there were some small pieces of gold in it. Because they were wrapped in jars, they were not very oxidized.

The workmanship above is not ordinary at first glance, but this is not attractive to me.

"Miss Meng, there are quite a few of them here, why don't you pick them out too." Unlike the others, Shu San saw me standing aside, and quickly brought the sheepskin bag over.

"No need...you just leave it for now, and we'll share it later." I originally wanted to say no, but Jun Siyan stopped me and asked me to have some leeway.

Sure enough, Shusan and the others relaxed when they saw that I hadn't divided until the end.

Don't they think I won't take care of them if I don't take things?I think their ideas are really ridiculous. Since I agreed to come here, I will try my best to protect everyone.

Jun Siyan sensed that something was wrong with my emotions, he talked to me consciously, I don't know why he has such ability.

However, Jun Siyan is a mysterious person. There are many things about him that I don't know. I have been completely confused by him these days. I used to think that taking him is a burden. Just an invisible bodyguard.

"Although I don't understand what you people think now, I still know to keep a low profile. If you don't want those things, they will definitely think you are out of group and untrustworthy. Maybe they will stab you when the critical moment comes. You still have to be careful yourself." Jun Siyan said calmly.

I suddenly remembered what he told me about him before. He was also betrayed by someone else, and that person was still his best friend.

Although I don't understand that feeling, it sounds sad. I can see that every time Jun Siyan talks about something related to this thing, the sadness in his eyes will always show unnaturally.

Where did Jun Siyan come from?I am curious about his origin, he exists in this world but is out of tune with all of us.

And me... Where did I come from?Although Master brought me up, it has always been a knot in my heart to want to find my biological parents.

I want to ask them why they abandoned me after I was born. Seeing other people's family enjoying themselves, I feel like I have lost all the courage to live.

Fortunately, there is a master, he brought me home who no one is willing to adopt, taught me the art of exorcising ghosts and expelling evil spirits, and told me how to identify ancient objects.

Although Master usually keeps his words and smiles, he is still the best person in my heart. Now I still have Xiaotong, and the two of them are my closest relatives.

"Meng Yaoyeh, what are you thinking? Standing there in a daze?" Xiaotong saw me standing aside, and came over and shook her hand in front of my eyes.

"It's nothing, let's go quickly, it will be noon later, and the yang energy will be stronger at this time." I looked at my watch, and it was almost one o'clock, which happened to be the time when the yang energy was at its peak.

We came in from a robbery cave, which has already destroyed the balance of Yin Qi inside, so everything will follow our scent and rush over.

But this kind of thing must not be said to them, so as not to make them panic.

Both sides of the long tomb passage are painted with exquisite patterns. Xiaotong has studied these a lot, and there is admiration in his eyes, which must be quite good.

It's a pity that we can't take these murals out, otherwise we can sell them for a good price.

"Boom..." A discordant sound suddenly appeared in the footsteps of the few of us, like the sound of a coffin lid falling to the ground.

I stopped, but now the dead silence returned, as if we had just misheard.

(End of this chapter)

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