Chapter 240

Jun Siyan suppressed the doubts in his heart and fixed his eyes.Nuwa had already entered the ancient courtyard. When Nuwa stepped into the courtyard, Jun Siyan suddenly couldn't feel Nuwa's existence.This is something that is impossible to happen, because Jun Siyan was born in this world, and the origin of Jun Siyan in the breath of this world.

In other words, the gloom floating in this world is the origin of Jun Siyan.Here, he is the supreme god.Can know anything.

With a strange mood, Jun Siyan followed Nuwa into the courtyard.This courtyard looks extremely desolate, eroded by time and the breath here.But it is undeniable that this courtyard was once extremely majestic, and it is not difficult to find it from the fallen huge stone pillars and the collapsed courtyard walls.

When Jun Siyan stepped into this courtyard, he felt a trace of depression.But this trace of depression is very small, if the world is not full of gloom, Jun Siyan would not be able to find it.But this trace of suppression is too weak.So weak that Jun Siyan couldn't detect it even if he wanted to.

Jun Siyan found that he came out this time and encountered too many things that he couldn't explain, and everything was closely related to him.Why?Could it be that someone targeted himself?Thinking of this, Jun Siyan secretly raised his heart to defend himself.

But soon Jun Siyan was worried that it was unnecessary. He didn't find anything threatening to him.

"Squeak..." Jun Siyan pushed open the dilapidated door and walked into the main hall of the courtyard.

The ground in this hall is scattered with fallen wood and bricks.Jun Siyan looked at the roof strangely. Although the roof was severely eroded, it was basically intact.There are dark brown patches on the vaguely seen ground.

Boom, Jun Siyan kicked something in the darkness. "Gululu" rolled a few times on the ground.Jun Siyan waved away the gloom in front of him.He lowered his head to pick up the thing and observed it carefully.This turned out to be a human skull.Due to the gloom, it had already corroded badly, and Jun Siyan regarded it as a brick.

Masonry?Thinking of this, Jun Siyan bent down and picked up the stones on the ground again.Where are these bricks, wood, these are pieces of human bones.

What exactly is going on?Who are these people?

Going forward, Jun Siyan saw a big dark cauldron.The appearance of this cauldron is very strange, and there is a cover on it.

"Boom" and "Dang" voices continued to come out of the cauldron.

Jun Siyan walked straight over, knowing that Nuwa was hiding in it without thinking.He opened the lid of the cauldron and saw Nuwa lying in the blood-red viscous liquid.She kept flicking the tail of the snake as if she was struggling with something.But Nuwa's body was surrounded by red liquid.

The red liquid has a strange power, and the rotten places on the surface of Nuwa's body are constantly being repaired.Although very slow, the repairs are ongoing.If she is given enough time, Nuwa's body will definitely be restored to its original state.

But only Nuwa's body is repaired, and Nuwa's consciousness cannot be repaired.

The red mucus repaired Nuwa's body while suppressing Nuwa's consciousness.This is also the reason why Nuwa threw herself into the tripod as soon as she returned to this world, and also the reason why Nuwa kept struggling.

Of course, Jun Siyan would not let Nuwa lose consciousness like this.His hand was facing Ding Nei's body, and he grabbed Nuwa's arm.He wanted to pull Nuwa out, but Jun Siyan was surprised to find out.The nuwa in the cauldron did not move at all, Jun Siyan was surprised and increased his strength.

At this time, Nuwa let out a miserable cry, as if she was in great pain.Jun Siyan hurriedly went to observe, and after a look, he found that the red slime in the cauldron stretched out tentacles.It penetrated deeply into Nuwa's body.When Jun Siyan pulled Nuwa, the red tentacles would tear pieces of flesh from Nuwa's body when they broke.

Seeing this, Jun Siyan frowned.But he didn't hesitate too much, after seeing clearly.Manipulating the dark air, he slashed towards Nuwa's body.After this cut, I found that the red tentacles were extremely tough, but they couldn't compare to Jun Siyan's long knife transformed from the original.

Nuwa was put on the ground by Jun Siyan, although her eyes were very empty.But the body is still twisted and wants to enter the cauldron again.

With a wave of his palm, Jun Siyan turned the dark air in the air into a cage.Firmly controlling Nuwa's body, Jun Siyan looked at Nuwa carefully.I found that her body was not full of divinity when I first saw it, but it seemed to be created by others.

Nuwa's body was full of Jun Siyan's origin, but Jun Siyan didn't know what happened.But he understood that if he didn't pull his origin out of Nuwa's body, then Nuwa wouldn't wake up.In the end, she will become a walking dead with great destructive and polluting power.

I am very clear about how destructive my origin is.Jun Siyan abruptly relied on his own consciousness to firmly control the origin of the body in his body.Otherwise, once it spreads wantonly, the consequences will be the end of the world.It is not difficult to imagine that once this Nuwa succeeds, she will not have the same consciousness as herself.Then the human beings created by her own hands will be destroyed in her hands.

Thinking of this, Jun Siyan stretched out his hand and pressed it against Nuwa, who was being held firmly.In order for Nuwa to recover, it is necessary to attract some of the dark energy in Nuwa's body. This dark energy in Nuwa's body constitutes the source of conflict with her body.

When Jun Siyan's palm was attached to the top of Nuwa's head, he instantly released his own origin, and crazily rotated his own origin in his body, continuously dispelling the strands of gloom around him. Inhale into yourself.Gradually, a vortex of choice appeared in the sky above the two of them.

The attraction of this vortex is so powerful, even though Nuwa is unconscious.But when the origin of the protagonist is touched by others, he still resists.But her strength and origin are extremely weak compared to Jun Siyan.

A beautiful snake tail splashed the crushed stones on the ground.Jun Siyan suddenly felt an extremely pure breath blend into his body.He understood that the source in Nuwa's body was attracted by him.

When Nuwa's original source was attracted, the white light in Nuwa's eyes suddenly lit up.But it was immediately covered by the black light in his eyes.At this time, the origin in Nuwa's body suddenly spun.He and Jun Siyan tugged at each other.

Ok?Seeing this situation, Jun Siyan hastily stepped up his efforts.The gloom of the world also joined in.With this main force, Jun Siyan pulled the source out of Nuwa's body with a violent tug.

After all, Jun Siyan is the ancestor of zombies.

With the loss of the source in Nuwa's body, the white light in Nuwa's eyes lit up and defeated the black light.

"Wow" a burst of dazzling white light lit up.Nu Wa woke up.

"Are you okay?" Jun Siyan asked carefully.

Nu Wa's eyelids kept shaking and slowly opened.What caught her eyes was an extremely familiar face, the owner of this face had accompanied countless suns and moons.

"It's you." Nuwa said.

"Well, how do you feel?" Jun Siyan couldn't contain the excitement in his heart, but he saw that although Nuwa's consciousness was clear, her body was still so dilapidated.

Nuwa looked down at her body, her eyes full of doubts.She wasn't terrified to see her body so dilapidated.He said, "Oh, it won't last long anyway, so what's the point?"

"What?" Jun Siyan grabbed Nuwa's shoulders and shouted anxiously.

The expression on Nuwa's face was so indifferent and sacred.Looking at Jun Siyan's anxious face, she opened her mouth to say something, but paused, and then said again: "At that time, we met each other day and night, what's your name?"

Jun Siyan was taken aback, thinking that when he was with Nu Wa, neither of them had names.His own name was only given after Nuwa dissipated.Jun Siyan said slowly: "Jun Siyan, the humans you created call me the ancestor of zombies."

"Hehe, the ancestor of zombies. It's so interesting." A playful expression appeared on Nuwa's face, which stunned Jun Siyan.Then Nüwa asked, "Then my child, what do they call me?"

"Nuwa." Jun Siyan returned.

"Nuwa, Nuwa" Nuwa chanted her own names on both sides, and a look of excitement suddenly appeared on her face: "Nuwa, I like this."

Jun Siyan's mind was not on this at all at this time, he said anxiously: "Why do you say you won't exist for long? What's going on?"

Nuwa looked at Jun Siyan with a faint smile, which turned out to be a bit bitter.She still didn't answer Jun Siyan's question, and kept looking at the space. "This space is your birthplace, right?"

"Hmm" Seeing that Nuwa didn't answer her own question.Jun Siyan didn't get too entangled in this issue either.

"Si Yan, accompany me to see the current human world." Nuwa's eyes were full of curiosity.

"Okay." Jun Siyan only said one word.As soon as he stretched out his hand to hold Nuwa's palm that showed bones after speaking, a black vortex appeared.Jun Siyan took Nuwa's hand and walked out.

Then Jun Siyan in white and Nuwa in black wandered around mountains, rivers, big and small cities.This is extremely happy for Jun Siyan, just like before.But Jun Siyan could clearly feel that Nuwa's body was constantly disintegrating, and at the same time, the clarity in his eyes was gradually dissipating.

Jun Siyan's worries became more and more serious day by day.

One day, Nuwa spoke to Jun Siyan and said, "Take me to find Meng Jiang!"

(End of this chapter)

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