Yin Yang Antique Shop

Chapter 246 What a Big One

Chapter 246 What a Big One
Jun Siyan took two steps, then stayed where he was and waited for Gu Chen's arrival.Seeing Gu Chen approaching, Jun Siyan looked at him with a half-smile.

Gu Chen wiped the filth off his face, and said to Jun Siyan, "Stop making trouble, and go find Miss."

Jun Siyan looked at the anxious Gu Chen, shook his head and smiled and said, "I know you are anxious, but why don't you think about it? If Meng Jiang is in danger, would I be like this?"

When Gu Chen heard this, his face blushed but he still said stubbornly: "If I don't see Miss for a day, I won't be relieved for a day."

Jun Siyan would definitely say that when he walked to Gu Chen, and he said to Gu Chen: "Okay, okay. Maybe Meng Jiang is better than we thought." Speaking of this, Jun Siyan's face showed a strange look look.

"Let's go, let's go" Gu Chen urged anxiously.

Jun Siyan didn't dawdle too much, as soon as his body flashed, he appeared at the entrance of some dark hole.Gu Chen also followed.

The cave looked extremely dark, but walking into the cave did not have the stench as imagined, and there was not even the slightest shade.On the contrary, the further you go in, the warmer it becomes.

Jun Siyan's eyes could see clearly in the darkness, while Gu Chen followed Jun Siyan closely.In this way, the speed of the two is also very fast.

After walking in the darkness for a long time, Jun Siyan saw this glimmer of light in the darkness.Seeing the bright light, the speed of the two increased a little.

Turning a corner, suddenly the eyes suddenly opened up.The bend was too far, and what caught the eyes was an incomparably huge hollow.There are several streams of magma burning with fiery red flames flowing in this cavity.Bright light and puffs of hot air rushed towards him.

Gu Chen stared at this place in astonishment, he never thought that there is such a huge place in this low hill.His eyes were stunned by the sudden bright light, and after Gu Chen's power returned to normal.Everything that caught his eyes left him stunned.

In the cave in between, except for a few magma-like rivers, the rest of the place is extremely smooth.It doesn't look like it's naturally formed at all.And there are layers of circles in the middle of this cave.One floor is higher than the next, and the highest point is as high as three feet.

And there are many torches set up on the top floor, and the torches reflect the top floor extremely brightly.This brightness illuminates the highest place like a sun.Things inside the platform cannot be seen clearly at all.

But the things in the cave were clearly reflected in the eyes of Jun Siyan and Gu Chen.Both of them were shocked by what they saw.The two of them turned their heads slowly and looked at each other.Both saw the incredible in each other's eyes.

"This, this, what is going on here?" Gu Chen stumbled and said.

Jun Siyan was also dumbfounded and said, "I didn't think of this either."

The scene that caught the eyes of the two of them was really unimaginable, and they saw it in the large venue.Countless creatures sat cross-legged on the ground.The types of these creatures are extremely chaotic.There are mice, lions, tigers, snakes, eagles flying in the sky, and white cranes, and they all sit cross-legged on the ground like humans.

What is even more surprising is that there are quite a few humans sitting cross-legged here.They formed circles one by one, with their faces facing the highest floor.

Jun Siyan walked forward, and when he touched the nearest person with his hand, he found an extremely intoxicated look on his face.When Jun Siyan touched it, the man didn't respond either.

Gu Chen also kept looking at the animals around him, and he saw an old man who looked extremely happy.Suddenly, he felt that this person was extremely familiar, and he was very careful.

This, isn't this the owner of the grocery store who disappeared some time ago?At that time, the boss's son begged to come to Meng Xianjun's house.Because there are countless capable people and strangers in the house, there are also people who are good at painting.Draw this portrait from the description of the son of the grocery store.

At that time, Gu Chen had nothing to do, so he took the portrait and searched for it.But to no avail, and finally had to give up.Thinking of this, Gu Chen shivered violently.

Are all the people here?Are they all missing?Thinking of this, Gu Chen hurriedly looked at the humans here one by one.The more he looked at it, the more familiar and frightened he felt.

Jun Siyan said: "The people and animals here seem to have been deluded. There is something amazing here."

Gu Chen ignored Jun Siyan, when he saw these people, he kept looking for them.He wanted to find the figure he was most familiar with and cared about most among these humans, Meng Jiang.

Although this cave is big, it is not boundless. Gu Chen quickly searched it all over.

"No, no, no." The more she looked for Gu Chen, the more anxious her heart became, and her heart sank slowly.In the end, he didn't find the sweet person he had in mind.

"Why not?" Gu Chen searched around and returned to Jun Siyan's side again.

Jun Siyan was not surprised, if Meng Jiang could be confused like these ordinary people.The existence of this place is incomparably amazing.

Thinking of this, Jun Siyan cast his eyes on the highest floor, the one as high as the sun.

"Go up." As soon as Jun Siyan finished speaking, Gu Chen's figure was already flying towards the sky.Jun Siyan also hurried forward.

"Huh?" Jun Siyan felt it ever since he entered the cave.A pair of eyes peeped at himself and Gu Chen faintly, and Jun Siyan felt the figure tremble slightly in his consciousness.With the shaking of his body, the secretly peeping gaze became clearer.

That's right, it's the place where the highest floor is like an altar.The aura that was as balanced as gold soup slightly exuded a little.From this breath, Jun Siyan felt Meng Jiang's breath.

When Jun Siyan walked forward again, he found that this gaze moved with him, Jun Siyan understood.Although the character or something else who was peeping in the dark, although the Taoism is profound, it is also limited.

Jun Siyan could clearly feel where this gaze came from the highest altar.And it made Jun Siyan feel a little abnormal.As my figure got closer to the altar on the highest floor, I actually felt a little bit confused. In fact, I also felt a sense of confusion, as if something in my heart slowly emerged in my mind.

As the figure got closer and closer to the highest altar, the power of confusion Jun Siyan felt gradually strengthened.Gu Chen, who was walking in front, fell into confusion.Gradually, Gu Chen's figure slowed down, and finally stopped somewhere.And a strange emotion gradually appeared on his face.

Obviously, Gu Chen has fallen into hallucinations like other creatures in this cave, and Jun Siyan is also very surprised by this situation.Although Gu Chen is a human being, his cultivation time is still short.But the practice of formation is the most forging one's will, and even Gu Chen can't last long.

But Jun Siyan thought about it again, and it was very reasonable.Obviously, the ability of the behind-the-scenes black hands here is still very strong.Otherwise, it would be impossible for him to control so many animals and people.

But what still puzzled Jun Siyan was why this creature had such great mana. When Gu Chen killed so many at the foot of the mountain, he didn't react at all. Could it be that those weasels were all his? Bewitched?

This doesn't make sense either, because the original weasel who claimed to be Huang Daxian was obviously different from other weasels and even all the creatures in this cave.That weasel, he has magic powers.Although the magic power is not deep, but without a hundred years of practice, it is impossible to achieve that Taoism.

Could it be that this existence can allow people and animals to cultivate in a state of bewilderment?If this is the case, then this existence is too terrifying.If Jun Siyan can't figure it out, he doesn't think about it anymore. Anyway, no matter what kind of monster it is, does he still have his own blame?When I saw it, everything became clear after a beating.

When Jun Siyan thought of this, he also walked to Gu Chen's side.When passing by, Jun Siyan patted Gu Chen lightly, and at the same time input a trace of cool breath from his body into Gu Chen's mind.

Gu Chen's expression changed from excitement to joy, and the expression on Wu Yi's face did not reveal that the illusion he fell into was extremely beautiful.

Until Jun Siyan injected his breath into Gu Chen's mind, Gu Chen's body trembled violently due to the slight shade of coolness, and he instantly woke up from his dazed state.Gu Chen slowly came back to his senses, following the aura that kept wandering in Gu Chen's mind.

The confusion in Gu Chen's eyes gradually dissipated.When Gu Chen woke up, he looked confused, as if he hadn't woken up from the illusion. After a while, Gu Chen's eyes became clear.At this time, the coolness in Gu Chen's mind has not dissipated, and a protective film is slowly laid on Gu Chen's altar.Protect Gu Chen from falling into the illusion again.

When Gu Chen wakes up, he knows what reality is.Gu Chen was terrified but still reluctant to say: "I fell into a fantasy just now, and I killed all directions in the fantasy. Where did the last giant weasel spirit find Miss, and brought her back safely to Mengmeng?" government. And, "

Gu Chen couldn't help blushing when he said this, and Jun Siyan couldn't help feeling amused seeing Gu Chen's expression.Jokingly said to Gu Chen: "In the illusion, you must have nothing good?"

Gu Chen blushed with a trace of confusion and aftertaste and said: "What is nothing good? In the illusion, I, I, the hero, rescued the beauty, and rescued the lady. Then the lady secretly promised me, and under the master's Make sure. Me, Miss and I are married? Isn't that a good thing?"

(End of this chapter)

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