Yin Yang Antique Shop

Chapter 254 Empress Nuwa Appears

Chapter 254 Empress Nuwa Appears

The sky was full of light, and in the light floated a god with a human upper body and a snake lower body.This is the last picture of these souls when they return to their original bodies.

"Pfft..." Gu Chen, who was still looking for flaws, suddenly heard a sound from the altar machine on the highest floor, and hurried to the altar.He wants to know what happened immediately.

When Gu Chen ran to the altar, the scene in front of his eyes made him feel relieved.Black blood gushed out of the weasel's seven orifices.

The huge body was covered with bloodstains, and although Meng Jiang and Jun Siyan said that their consciousness had not yet returned to their bodies, from the outside, they were definitely much better than the huge weasel.

"Um..." Jun Siyan was the first to wake up. After waking up, he didn't immediately attack the weasel, but instead had a look of aftertaste on his face.

"Are you okay?" Gu Chen asked worriedly.Before Jun Siyan returned, Gu Chen said again: "Miss, why haven't you woke up yet?"

Jun Siyan looked at the anxious Gu Chen and said: "It's okay, Meng Jiang severely injured the weasel's consciousness. Otherwise, I wouldn't come out of the illusion. Alas, this weasel can't do it either. It's hard for me to sink into the past. Thinking of him holding on for such a short time.”

"What?" Gu Chen was taken aback when he heard Jun Siyan say this.Immediately, he realized that Sensitive Jun Siyan was actively immersed in the illusion.If he wanted to, the weasel wouldn't be able to hypnotize him at all.

Thinking of this, Gu Chen grabbed Jun Siyan's collar and roared angrily: "You put me and miss in a dangerous situation just for fun, you, you..." Gu Chen immediately became furious.

Jun Siyan looked at Gu Chen amusedly, knocked off Gu Chen's arm with a wave of his hand, and said calmly: "Come on. With the weasel's little skill, it's okay to hurt ordinary creatures, but if he hurts Meng Jiang, he can do it again." There is no chance of practicing for 1000 years."

Hearing what Jun Siyan said, Gu Chen's anger also dissipated partly, but after thinking about it, he roared again: "What about me? What about me? What if the weasel hurts me?"

"Didn't I give you my breath?" Jun Siyan asked back.

"Uh..." Thinking of this, Gu Chen remembered that in the illusion, it was indeed Jun Siyan's breath that kept his spirit altar clear.Not immersed in the illusion.

Not only did Gu Chen blush, but he quickly changed the subject and said, "Since Miss broke the weasel's illusion, why hasn't the school machine woke up?"

Jun Siyan looked at Gu Chen inexplicably and said, "Are you blind?"

Gu Chen already felt ashamed, but when he heard Jun Siyan say this.The old face couldn't hold back immediately, and shouted to Jun Siyan: "You're blind!"

Jun Siyan pointed at Gu Chen's back and said, "You're not blind, don't you know how to see?"

"What are you two talking about?" A familiar voice sounded from behind Gu Chen. Gu Chen turned his head quickly and saw Meng Jiang looking at him with a smile on his face.

"Roar" and "Boom" accompanied by roars, the three of them felt the altar shake.Broken stones splashed in all directions.

The weasel's consciousness was severely injured, and the huge pain caused the huge weasel to suddenly go into a state of rampage.The weasel kept groping on the ground, looking like he was looking for something.

"Are you looking for this?" Gu Chen raised his hand suddenly.

Only then did Jun Siyan and Meng Jiang see that Gu Chen was holding a small statue in his hand.This statue is excellent both in texture and carving.But the expression on the face of this idol is not dusty at all.

The black face, fangs, red lips, and pitch-black eyes all show that this idol is carved from an evil god.When Gu Chen was looking for a flaw here, he found such a statue not far from the weasel.

This is very abnormal, so Gu Chen picked up the statue.When Gu Chen picked up the statue, he also discovered an incredible thing.

Gu Chen felt a heat transfer from the idol to his body.As this heat flowed through the body, both physical and mental fatigue disappeared.Gu Chen immediately thought of what this hot current was, it was the vitality of the creatures under the altar.

What Gu Chen didn't realize was that the influx of vitality and a trace of black also flowed into Gu Chen's body.

"Give it back to me," the weasel roared angrily and rushed towards Gu Chen when he saw Gu Chen take the statue away.This weasel has practiced for thousands of years. Although he is good at illusion, his physical strength is not trivial.Before the voice finally fell down, I saw a dark figure pressing towards Gu Chen.

"Boom" the huge figure of the weasel fell down, splashing dust on the ground to cover everything.The body of this weasel is so huge, and the bodies of three people stand very close together.

Judging from the altar, all three of them had been firmly pressed down by the weasel. "Well..." The expression on Weasel's face did not relax.

"Boom" and "squeak" the weasel's body was slowly lifted up.

"It stinks. I was crushed under the body by a beast." The voice obviously belonged to Jun Siyan, who has a cleanliness habit.This must have been said to everyone before.

"You stained my clothes." Jun Siyan, who had always remained indifferent, now showed anger in his eyes. "If that's the case, then you go to die!"

Jun Siyan shouted angry words, as if they had infinite deterrent power.He didn't see any movement by Jun Siyan, but he saw the horrible scars on the weasel's body that were densely covered with black air.

As soon as the black air appeared, it quickly corroded the weasel's body, and the weasel screamed miserably.In fact, Jun Siyan didn't need to do anything, and the weasel wouldn't live long.

The origin of the weasel's spiritual consciousness was destroyed by Meng Jiang, and his body was also severely damaged.And the statue that he relied on to absorb the vitality of life was also taken away by Gu Chen.The weasel at this time can be said to be on the verge of extinction, and even if Jun Siyan doesn't make a move, it will be a matter of time.

After all, Meng Jiang was still that kind girl. Seeing the miserable condition of the weasel, she couldn't bear it for a while.Although it was said that the weasel's consciousness was destroyed in the illusion, there was no scene of blood rolling in the illusion at that time.

But now that Jun Siyan's aura was corrupting, Meng Jiang couldn't bear to look directly at the weasel's miserable state.She said tremblingly, "Si Yan, don't act like this. Let's let him go, shall we?"

Jun Siyan looked at Meng Jiang with a half-smile and said, "Even if I let him go, he won't survive. Besides, he doesn't know how many people he has eaten."

Meng Jiang turned his head to look at the countless creatures under the altar, gritted his teeth and said, "Since this is the case, let's stop torturing him. Give him a good time, okay?"

Jun Siyan was annoyed that the weasel had stained his clothes, and saw a pitiful expression on Nuwa's familiar face.As soon as his heart softened, he agreed, but he didn't see Jun Siyan make any moves.The miserable cry of the weasel stopped.

This gigantic weasel who had practiced for thousands of years disappeared from the world without a trace.

"What should we do next?" Gu Chen asked without a clue as he looked at the creatures under the altar who hadn't shown any signs of waking up.

"Leave the rest to me." What Gu Chen didn't expect was that Meng Jiang spoke.

In Gu Chen's eyes, Meng Jiang is still that weak, timid, kind lady.But this incident repeatedly broke the impression of Miss in Gu Chen's mind.

Under Gu Chen's surprised gaze, Meng Jiang raised her soft palm.Standing on the altar on the highest floor, he waved his hand at those obsessed creatures.

Meng Jiang's sleeves suddenly emitted multicolored light, and each round of light clusters sank into the heads of the creatures below like swallows returning to their nests.

"Wow, wow" After the soul submerged into the body, it emitted layers of halos, and the halos scattered layers of ripples.The incomparable beauty of mapping the bottom layer.

The beautiful has always been with the beautiful, and a person who was immersed in the illusion slowly opened his eyes.He looked at the tiger sitting cross-legged around him, and screamed out in fright.

Roaring tigers, roaring bears, singing birds, and human screams, the bottom immediately became a sound market.This weasel stole the vitality of these creatures, so they were extremely weak when they woke up.I couldn't hold on any longer, and each of them fell flat on the ground.

This also indirectly prevented the murder from happening, so many ferocious beasts and raptors were here.It is inevitable that cruel things will not happen.

"Of course..." Meng Jiang knew what to do at this time.In this incident, Nuwa's consciousness was also a blessing in disguise, and it was more compatible with Meng Jiang's fusion.

After Meng Jiang's plump lips yelled this word, the anxious creatures below felt a warm current flow through their bodies and minds.His flustered spirit immediately calmed down.Even the wild animals fell silent.

These creatures felt incomparably peaceful, and all turned their gazes to the highest altar.The huge torches were still burning around the altar, but they could still see three figures in the flames.

A human looked hard, and he saw a woman.Under the illumination of the flames, the figure of this woman cast a shadow on the wall so clearly, a shadow with a human upper body and a snake lower body.

"Nuwa Empress, it was Nuwa Empress who saved us." Seeing this legendary figure, the human being couldn't help being excited.He shouted crazily, as if a fanatic had seen his supreme god.

"Nuwa Empress, Nuwa Empress" suddenly became louder, not only humans, but also those animals also knelt down to the altar.

Empress Nuwa saved the world again, and we met Empress Nuwa.

(End of this chapter)

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