Yin Yang Antique Shop

Chapter 259 The corpse is everywhere

Chapter 259 The corpse is everywhere
And at this time, in Xianyang City, the capital of Emperor Qin, a black figure sat cross-legged in a secret room.Suddenly, his eyes opened sharply, a ray of light was so conspicuous and bright in the dark.

"Luther, he's actually dead." The black figure, with a dusty face, showed an incredulous expression.Luther is his most powerful disciple, and he has been following him for a hundred years. He knows exactly how much his disciple weighs.

In terms of combat power, perhaps his disciples are not that powerful.But in terms of means of escape, his disciples were undoubtedly stronger than him.My disciples are cultivating spiritual will. If the body is destroyed, the spirit will still survive.

There is no existence in this world that can make him unable to escape even his spiritual consciousness.It is absolutely impossible for him to kill his disciple without making complete preparations.

But if it exists like that, it is also possible.That is the same generation as Nuwa, and the same creature as Nuwa.Thinking of this, the man in black's eyes revealed a look of surprise.

The man in black is Xu Fu. As soon as he thought of this, he couldn't hold back any longer. He stood up abruptly and walked towards the depths of the Red Palace.It didn't take long before he came out again, holding a golden tiger head token in his hand.

Then on this day, the people in Xianyang City saw a group of black iron cavalry with thousands of people.Along the way, the mighty, far away.

And this time was only when Jun Siyan had just started killing. Those iron cavalry were all riding top-notch horses, and they were all handsome horses that could run for thousands of miles in a day.

"Bang" white, huge awe-inspiring righteousness.Like a mountain with many peaks facing the middle of the street, that crazy person pressed down hard.

"Ugh..." Jun Siyan fell into madness at this time, he just killed by instinct, and didn't use his origin.It was precisely because he did not use his origin that he did not cause worse consequences, only those who came to him in person would be torn to pieces by him.

Even without the support of his internal source, Jun Siyan's physical fitness is not comparable to that of ordinary people, and thousands of people can't stop him at all.But there is a balance between heaven and earth, and there is always something that will restrain you, but the awe-inspiring righteousness, which is precisely the supreme secret method that restrains Jun Siyan.

Lord Tianyang is a practitioner of formations.After he took refuge in Meng Xianjun, he got the true biography of Confucianism from Meng Xianjun's mansion.Although Confucianism was only fabricated by some weak literati, the all-encompassing thought of Confucianism also inspired Lord Tianyang to a certain extent, and he gradually realized some cultivation paths with Confucian flavor.

The awe-inspiring righteousness in this world is the best proof of his practice.Even in a sober state, Jun Siyan would never have thought that there are things in the world that can restrain him.

Jun Siyan was firmly pressed to the ground, and the madness in his eyes did not abate.His hands kept beating the ground fiercely, his body twisted wildly, and gradually, on the solid ground, he pushed the surrounding soil away.Gradually a large pit was formed.

This awe-inspiring righteousness also followed him firmly down, and Tianyang Jun and Gu Chen used it rashly, which was also a huge burden for them.The bodies of the two people were trembling constantly, especially Tianyang Lord who was the main force, his seven orifices faintly seeped blood.

In fact, logically speaking, Gu Chen should be even more unbearable.But whenever Gu Chen was about to be unable to hold on anymore, she was pregnant with a god statue with a ferocious face, which continuously leaked waves of heat into her body. Once the heat entered his body, it slowly repairing his body.

Gu Chen's mind was firmly fixed on Jun Siyan at this moment.They didn't care about these details, so on the surface, Gu Chen's situation is better than Tianyang Jun's.

The ability that Lord Tianyang realized unintentionally is also the most important means for Gu Chen to suppress Jun Siyan in the future.

Nuwa City is not very far away in Xianyang City, but the two insisted on suppressing it at the stall.Under the inhumane situation in front of him, Meng Jiang's mind fluctuated hugely. Under this huge fluctuation, a serpentine shape suddenly appeared on Meng Jiang's forehead.

This snake-shaped figure is like a totem, and when this totem appeared, Meng Jiang's eyes revealed a white light, and his mind was replaced again and again.

In this situation, it was obviously not something Meng Jiang could handle.Although Nuwa's consciousness dissipated between the heaven and the earth, but as the instinct of Nuwa when she was a child, it was faintly hidden in Meng Jiang's body.

When Meng Jiang's consciousness fluctuated violently, these instincts gradually became clear.

A pair of eyes shining with white light noticed Jun Siyan who was pressed firmly in the middle of the street.The essence in Nuwa's body and the essence in Jun Siyan's body are mutually exclusive in essence.The two belong to that kind of incompatible state.

As long as they touch each other, they will devour each other.When Nuwa and Jun Siyan are awake, they can control their original breath very well, and the phenomenon of devouring will not occur.This is also the reason why Nuwa's body was festered by the alchemist at that time.

The body belongs to Nuwa, but the original consciousness belongs to Jun Siyan.At that time, Nüwa didn't have her own consciousness, so she couldn't control the two kinds in her body at all, and the different origins attacked each other.This is when Jun Siyan saw Nuwa, the body that was originally the most beautiful in the world was damaged and disfigured.

At this time, Meng Jiang was also in a state of unconsciousness, seeing Jun Siyan who also lost his will.An irresistible urge to destroy arises in my heart.A white light flashed from Meng Jiangdan's body, riding on this white light, Meng Jiang instantly appeared in front of Jun Siyan.

This is the breath of killing, and from the source, it is also part of the source of Jun Siyan's body.The origin in his body is composed of time and various negative emotions, and this killing system is also a part of it.

Usually, various negative emotions form its origin and maintain a perfect balance. This sudden change caused him to break this balance.So Jun Siyan fell into a frenzied killing.

And these killing emotions also stimulated Meng Jiang at the same time, and Nuwa felt that it should belong to a peaceful and beautiful place.He wants to erase all negative emotions in the world.Now only the instinctive Meng Jiang couldn't help but want to erase Jun Siyan who exudes such a strong killing aura.

A white light lit up in Meng Jiang's hand, and he pressed down hard on Jun Siyan's head.Just as the palm emitting white light was close to his head.Jun Siyan's eyes radiated a red light, and unexpectedly, he forced them out.

The red light became brighter and brighter, and gradually formed a red light curtain on Jun Siyan's Tianling Gai.The red light curtain rain and the white light on the hand cancel each other out and melt away.

Meng Jiang, the expression on his face is so calm now, like a fairy who does not eat fireworks.When he was resisted by the yellow light curtain, there was no emotion on his face, but the white light between his palms lit up again.

The killing emotions recorded by the man in black, no matter how much he earns.It is definitely not Nuwa's opponent, especially Meng Jiang, who is reborn from a drop of Nuwa's blood.The positive energy is so great that even when Nu Wa created a human being, he didn't consume his blood, but was contaminated with his breath to create a living human being.

How could these killing breaths be Nu Wa's opponents?The white light between Meng Jiang's palms became brighter and brighter. The red light, like being exposed to the scorching sun in summer in winter, quickly melted into the sky and the earth.

As the red killing aura dissipated, Jun Siyan's eyes gradually became clearer.When the last trace of red killing breath dissipated, Jun Siyan came to his senses completely.

As soon as Jun Siyan woke up, the awe-inspiring righteousness that pressed on him had no effect on him.Because at this time, he has perfectly controlled his aura, his own origin, and his awe-inspiring righteousness.For Jun Siyan who didn't exude any evil aura.Of course, Haoran Zhengqi couldn't suppress it.

Jun Siyan slowly got up from the ground, Meng Jiang's consciousness had not returned at this time, but the white light in his hand could no longer oppress Jun Siyan.

After all, Jun Siyan finished the book and survived from the beginning of the world to the present.And Meng Jiang is just a drop of Nuwa's blood, how could he be his opponent?
Jun Siyan didn't care about the jade hand that was placed on top of his head.The moment he stood up, Jun Siyan had a panoramic view of the situation in front of him.There was no other expression on his face. To Jun Siyan, all of this was in his heart, and there was no longer any disturbance.

But in the eyes of others, Jun Siyan is undoubtedly a devil.

With the disappearance of resistance and the dissipation of the killing breath, Meng Jiang's consciousness gradually returned to normal.Seeing Jun Siyan's expression, Meng Jiang knew that Jun Siyan was in a sober state now.

"Si Yan, why did you kill so many people?" Meng Jiang's face was covered with tears, her heart was trembling, she felt sorry for the dead, and also for Jun Siyan.

At this time, Tianyang Jun and Gu Chen couldn't hold on any longer.He fell headfirst to the ground and passed out.

"I found someone else's way." Jun Siyan said lightly. Originally, with his character, he would not explain it.Now Jun Siyan can actually explain it, it seems that Jun Siyan's disposition has also undergone a huge change.In other words, Jun Siyan has someone he cares about.

But the matter was far from over. When the disaster caused by Jun Siyan ended, a bigger disaster enveloped the whole city in an instant.

After that day, Nuwa City became a dead city.

(End of this chapter)

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