Yin Yang Antique Shop

Chapter 268 Tai Sui

Chapter 268 Tai Sui
When the last trace of sticky liquid evaporated from Jun Siyan's hands, he said, "This is Tai Sui's body fluid."

"Tai Sui?" Hearing these two words, the three of us shouted in unison.

Everyone knows what Tai Sui is. Nowadays, news broadcasts often say that some people have discovered Tai Sui in the wild, and it costs millions.Tai Sui is also known as Ganoderma lucidum, and it is said that a piece of Ganoderma lucidum can live to the death of human flesh and bones.

But now research shows that Tai Sui is just a complex of bacteria.It doesn't have the miraculous effects in the legends, but the current situation is obvious, the Tai Sui mentioned by Jun Siyan is not the Tai Sui that we usually hear.

The effect of this Tai Sui is amazing, Ruan Tianhua only ate a little bit of mucus.Then, it was so powerful that it was like a different person. It was not accurate to say that, it was like injecting stimulants into his body, as well as bleach.

Seeing this situation, we all cast doubtful eyes on Jun Siyan.The effect of this Tai Sui is really amazing. We can see the physical Tai Sui in the new chapter on weekdays, but this Tai Sui is definitely not the Tai Sui that Jun Siyan said.

"You have observed that this wind position is called a cornucopia, right? In fact, it can be put another way. This is the so-called Tai Sui position. The Tai Sui position here is different from the Tai Sui you usually talk about. The Tai Sui you usually talk about is A mixture of fungi that does have some effect on the human body."

As Jun Siyan said, he walked towards that direction again, the direction surrounded by the red flag formation.This place is the so-called Tai Sui position, so the aura and feng shui of a hundred miles around will flow, and the most will flow here.And these viscous liquids are produced after the so-called aura is too rich.

Too hypocritical, it is not static, it will constantly change its position according to the right time, place and people every year.When this place does not belong to the Tai Sui position, the remnants of it will eventually form, the so-called Tai Sui that you have obtained.

After listening to Jun Siyan, we all know the origin of Tai Sui.But what Jun Siyan said next surprised us even more.In other words, he explained clearly all the weird things that happened in this village.

"Do you see what's going on with this place now?" Jun Siyan asked us all questions until there was a commotion all around.

"It's under construction, what else can I do?" Ruan Tianhua scratched his head, not knowing why he asked this question.

Jun Siyan glanced at him like an idiot and said: "It's all nonsense, what do you have to do for construction? Let's dig the river channel, what kind of soil was dug, so the ground has been broken for this place."

When Jun Siyan said this, Shen Yanfei and I suddenly realized.This place is the so-called feng shui of the cornucopia, and then the so-called Tai Sui position.And the people in this village moved the soil of this place for their purpose.

According to Feng Shui, this place broke the ground, and then Tai Sui was in this place again, so they moved the soil on Tai Sui's head.That is what we call Tai Sui's head breaking ground on weekdays, no wonder supernatural things happened in the village.

But I always think that things are not so simple.Although it is said that breaking ground on Tai Sui's head will lead to some bad consequences, it is not to the extent that it will absorb the blood in the corpse.Even if Tai Sui is too angry, he is still a legendary spiritual thing, and these things will not easily harm people.

And what is happening now is simply harming others and benefiting oneself.Tai Sui, as a special existence, he only needs to absorb the aura between heaven and earth, and Fengshui from all directions to grow and grow.His absorption of this blood energy is of no benefit to his growth.

A woman's intuition is always right, things are not that simple.

Jun Siyan told Ruan Tianhua and Shen Yanfei: "Dig up the soil in this place. Tai Sui has not yet reached Nong's nest, so he is still below. You dig it out and eat it. For your Practice is beneficial."

After listening to what Jun Siyan said, the eyes of the three of us are shining Tai Sui, a legendary thing.Even the traces left by him can be sold for millions in minutes.If we ate his body, wouldn't it be hundreds of millions?

When I think of this, my breath is rough.In the future, when you brag with others, you will have capital.My sister ate hundreds of millions of people in one go!Proud face!

At this time, Ruan Tianhua and Shen Yanfei could no longer hold back their excitement.Their expressions and actions are like hyenas on the grassland.The soil on the so-called Tai Sui seat was pulled aside with his hands.Soon a hole with a radius of one meter was peeled out by the two of them with their hands.

"I found it. Why is it so small?" When the two of us brought up the object we found, the eyes of the three of us couldn't believe it. This is the so-called Tai Sui, he must be too young.

At that time, Jun Siyan touched the slime on his hand, but now this Tai Sui is held by Ruan Tianhua.How small is it?Is it that the cherry tomatoes we usually eat are so big, and there is so much mucus around such a small object?
At this time, Jun Siyan quickly said: "If you don't eat now, he will be gone in a while."

Hearing this, he quickly looked at Ruan Tianhua's hand, only to find that it was just in the air for a short while.I felt that the Tai Sui in Ah Ruan Tianhua's hand seemed to have shrunk twice.Damn, don't waste it.Be careful not to even taste it for a while.

Thinking of this, I hurried forward and broke off a piece of Tai Sui from Ruan Tianhua's hand.How to describe it?I feel that although Tai Sui is famous, he is really fragile.Just like the biological balls that grow bigger when soaked in water when I was a child.It crumbles with a light touch.

I broke off a piece and brought it up to my nose to smell it.I found that the taste of Tai Sui itself was more intense, and at this time I was not in a hurry to swallow Tai Sui in one gulp.Because Ruan Tianhua's tragedy at that time was still vivid in his mind.

Ruan Tianhua and Shen Yanfei didn't swallow the Tai Sui either, obviously they were also worried about this issue.

When Jun Siyan saw the expressions and movements of the three of us, he knew what we were thinking.He smiled slowly and said: "It's okay, eat, the previous situation will not happen. Ruan Tianhua has never practiced, so his body is weaker than yours, so I took some mucus to lay it down for him. Basically, if you are eating Tai Sui, you can bear it, otherwise, it will kill him."

Jun Siyan really can't say good things. Hearing what he said, Ruan Tianhua frowned, and his eyebrows immediately stood up.But after thinking about it, Jun Siyan's words were not rough, all he did was for himself.Thinking of this, Ruan Tianhua secretly said to himself, I will bear it!

Hear Jun Siyan's guarantee.The few of us quickly swallowed the Tai Sui in our hands into our own mouths. As soon as this Tai Sui touched our mouths, it immediately turned into a burst of fragrant air, spreading in our mouths.This fragrant air entered his stomach along his esophagus, and then a warm current spread from his stomach to his whole body.

It's so warm, I feel warm all over my body.It didn't have the pain that Ruan Tianhua had experienced before.But the body still feels a little strange.The surface of the body feels very itchy, and I always feel that things are constantly leaking out of my pores.

Seep something?When I thought of this, I immediately shivered.Recalling that time, Ruan Tianhua's body secreted those black substances.I quickly opened my eyes and looked at my bare arm. Sure enough, I saw black objects continuously oozing out of the pores on my arm.

Seeing this situation, I immediately couldn't care about other things in my heart, and hurried to the side, washing it with water continuously.I can't wash other parts of my body, but I have already washed my exposed arms, face and neck.

Jun Siyan came over to me at this time and said, "It's okay, it's all the dirt left in the body. It's good for the human body after it's excreted."

I glared at Jun Siyan angrily and said: "But I'm a girl, I have to pay attention to my image, besides, I also like to be clean, not you alone, hmph."

Jun Siyan was stunned by me and stood there giggling.

Although it is said that the exposed body has been washed clean.However, the body inside the clothes still feels very uncomfortable.I turned to Jun Siyan and asked, "What's next? What should we do next? Tai Sui has been solved by us, so if I am from this village, things will calm down, but as a woman, I It’s never been that simple.”

Jun Siyan took a deep look at me, and said: "A woman's intuition is really scary. The matter is not over. In fact, what is really causing trouble is something under the ground, and then I will leave it to the village and let them dig it out. Otherwise, the Year of the Monkey and the Moon of the Monkey will have been dug by the few of us.”

"Something?" I stared at Jun Siyan with a pair of beautiful eyes full of doubts.

When Jun Siyan saw my cute expression, he laughed, reached out and pinched my nose lightly, and said to me: "I won't tell you, I won't tell you, go back first, we'll talk about it tomorrow." Then before I could react, Jun Siyan turned into a white light and fell into my eyes again.

"If the village chief and the others use an excavator to dig this place up." Jun Siyan turned into a white light, and at the same time that it fell into my eyes, these words were truly heard in my ears.

(End of this chapter)

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