Chapter 292
Jun Siyan clearly expressed the pharmacist's unwillingness to give up on Meng Jiang, but why didn't he think about it further?
Where did the source of Nuwa in Meng Jiang's body come from? It was trained by a pharmacist.On that day, the entire city of Nuwa was refined into a ball of soul blood. Would a pharmacist not be able to tell if there was Nuwa's origin in this soul blood?
Since that day, the alchemist knew that the so-called descendants of Nuwa had not died.Then, outside this desolate and inhabited Nuwa city, there was a person who lived underground all year round.

Every day is observation, facing your own city gate.Since Jun Siyan and his party entered the city yesterday, a white pigeon had already flown away.

Jun Siyan and his party did not notice this situation at all.While they were trying to lure each other, the pharmacist was already quietly waiting for them to take the bait.

Meng Jiang said to Jun Siyan: "Brother, why are we here at the city wall?"

Since Jun Siyan had already chosen the location in the Meng Mansion, why did he bring a group of three people to this place?

Jun Siyan smiled mysteriously at the two of them and said, "There's nothing wrong with walking." After speaking, Jun Siyan's eyes showed inexplicable emotions.

Gu Chen and Meng Jiang were completely stunned by the incoherent words.

In the Meng Mansion, Jun Siyan kept giving orders to Gu Chen, "You set up a formation here at the front door. This formation must be simple. Let people who know a little bit about formations be able to discover it."

"Why?" Gu Chen asked while arranging some formations around.

"Paralyze the other party, distract the other party's attention. Only then can you better hide your purpose." Jun Siyan said slowly, at this time, Jun Siyan seemed to have enlightened.He knows all the thoughts and tricks in the world without a teacher.

In fact, for Jun Siyan, there is only what he doesn't want, and there is nothing he can't do.After all, judging from his current ability, he is really too weak.

"Okay, next, arrange a few random formations. I guess that the people who come this time will not have too high a cultivation level." Jun Siyan said firmly, this time is equivalent to a training session for the two of them.

After that, there are even bigger challenges waiting for the two.

"Brother, what should I do?" Meng Jiang asked Jun Siyan.

Jun Siyan looked at the two helplessly, perhaps for the past ten years.Gu Chen and Meng Jiang were trained by themselves.The two of them simply regard Jun Siyan as their biggest reliance now, and Jun Siyan has full authority to arrange everything.

Gu Chen and Meng Jiang just did as they were told.

Thinking of this, Jun Siyan waved his face and said, "I'll help you with the plan this time. But for the next thing, you can figure out your own way. I still have things to do."

When Meng Jiang and Gu Chen heard this, they felt a little uncomfortable.For ten years, just do things and don't think about other things.This person's brain can really be broken, but they also understand that for things like revenge, they must kill the enemy with their own hands.

"Okay, big brother. Don't interfere this time, you just need to be responsible for our safety. Don't interfere unless it is absolutely necessary." Meng Jiang's face showed a determination that didn't match her appearance.

Jun Siyan wanted to refuse, but after thinking about it, he was sure.I will not be with them forever.And whatever he was about to do, he needed the help of both of them.If they don't let go, they will never learn to fight the practitioner.

This time the battle is just the two of them, why not leave it to them as the first battle in the practice world.Thinking of this, Jun Siyan looked into the eyes of the two of them and said, "Okay, I'll leave it to you next. The method is, Meng Jiang, you should leak your breath little by little. Don't be too fast. To give them the illusion, Meng Jiang is responsible for distracting the alchemist, and the most important thing is to protect Meng Jiang."

"Okay." "Understood." Meng Jiang and Gu Chen agreed, perhaps because they had to rely on themselves for everything that followed, and the eyes of the two also changed.

"Let's start!" Gu Chen said to Meng Jiang.The two nodded to each other, and then got together to discuss some details of the plan, constantly improving it, and considering some things that might happen.

Seeing the state of the two of them, Jun Siyan's eyes showed relief.Afterwards, Jun Siyan realized that he had to arrange some countermeasures.His goal is not just such a simple thing as a pharmacist, how did the pharmacist obtain the method of refining Nuwa, this is something he has to delve into.

Just when the three of Jun Siyan were arranging their own means.In Xianyang City, a hundred miles away, a milky white pigeon, flapping its wings constantly, landed on a person wrapped in a black robe.

The man in black pulled out a small roll of paper from the pigeon's feet.He didn't open it to watch, but took the roll and quickly walked towards the house.This house is located in Afang Palace, the center of Xianyang City.

From the outside, the house looks so shabby in this huge palace.It is almost like the place where the lowest servants in the palace live.But since ancient times, people who judge people by their appearance will not end well.The big hermit hides in the world, and the little hermit hides in the wild.The pharmacist does this very well.

After entering the house, the furnishings in the house are the same as ordinary houses.However, the alchemist walked straight to the center of the room, stretched out a withered palm from under the black robe, and patted lightly on a candlestick in the room.

"Boom" the ground of the house slowly split apart.As the ground cracked, a heat wave with an orange glow slowly filled the entire room.

"Heh" as if being choked by the sudden heat wave.The man in black coughed, letting his throat get used to the sudden dryness.

"Deng Teng Teng" With the sound of stepping on the steps, the man in black gradually sank into the ground.When the line of sight shifted to the ground, the scene in front of him suddenly became clear.

"Every time I see it, my heart is very surging and full of hope. Hurry up and practice the elixir of life, the old man's time is running out." The body hidden in the black robe followed his words , exuding an old, decaying breath.

At this time, the man in black had already taken off the black robe that was covering his head.Showing an old, dry face.If Jun Siyan saw this pair of faces, he would definitely feel extremely familiar.This face is inexplicably similar to the alchemist he killed before.

It's not just about appearance, it's about feeling alike.Obviously, this pharmacist and the pharmacist who died in Nuwa City took the same path, they both followed the path of soul cultivation, which is to exercise spiritual consciousness.It's just that I don't know who is stronger and who is weaker than Gu Chen at this time.

"Old Ninth, what are you doing here if you don't guard outside?" An old man with the smell of fireworks all over his body shouted loudly to the man in black.

The man in black robe known as the old nine looked at the old man helplessly.Respectfully said: "Senior Brother, there is news from Nuwa City."

"What? What news, take a look." The old man was extremely excited when he heard it.

Old Ninth, a man in black robe, dodged his black palm stretched out towards him, and said to him solemnly: "Senior brother, do you dare to read this news? Master hasn't read it yet!"

When the third senior brother heard this, his very excited face immediately stood still.He even showed a trace of fear, and angrily cursed at Lao Jiu, the black-robed man: "I said, are you trying to kill me, kid? Why don't you hurry up and give it to Master, so as to delay Laozi's refining medicine."

Looking at the third senior brother who was swearing and walking away, Lao Jiu, the black-robed man, looked helpless.He, the third senior brother, is a madman in refining medicine, and he doesn't care about anything other than matters related to refining medicine in his life.They are nine senior brothers who were brought up by their master alone.

For the master, there is an instinctive fear.They all witnessed with their own eyes that the master alone slaughtered the older generation in the master's sect!

The black-robed man, Lao Jiu, shook his head, and drove these thoughts out of his head.Holding the paper roll tightly in his hand, he moved his dry legs and walked to the depths.

Along the way, waves of heat continuously hit the black-robed man Lao Jiu, causing the black robe on his body to shake constantly, and faint screams could be heard faintly.

Fiery flames ignited in countless pill furnaces, and in front of each pill furnace was a mad alchemist.Reflected by these alchemy furnaces, this underground space is incomparably huge.Each pill furnace exudes a strong medicinal fragrance, as well as a pungent sulfur smell.

Lao Jiu, a man in black, feels extremely proud every time he sees this scene.A pharmacist, the most precious existence in the world.And I am honored to be a part of it.Although I am not good at refining medicine, I can gain a much longer lifespan than others by relying on the practice method taught by my master.

"Bang bang" his withered fingers tapped lightly on this quaint door.This secret room is the most secret place in this underground space.At the same time, there are also the greatest people in the world here.Lao Jiu, a man in black robes, every time he came here, his eyes slowly filled with admiration.

"What's the matter?" Although the voice was very weak.But Lao Jiu, the black-robed man, felt that the voice was speaking in his own ear.

The old nine in black robe quickly knelt down and bowed down.At the same time, he said: "Master, there is news from Nuwa City."

"Oh." The tone was still so flat, but the black-robed man Lao Jiu knew that Master was interested.

(End of this chapter)

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