Yin Yang Antique Shop

Chapter 31 Open Your Eyes

Chapter 31 Open Your Eyes

This smoke is wrong!I wanted to remind Xiaotong just now, but he had already fallen into a semi-conscious state, and he was still muttering something, because it was vague, and I couldn't hear it clearly.

I was afraid that there were other tricks in this place, so I stayed there and waited for ten minutes, but it seemed that I was worrying too much, there was only this white mist to defend against.

Xiaotong was tricked, which means that this kind of fog still has an effect on normal people. Is it because Jun Siyan is protecting me that I didn't get tricked?

I think about it and think it is possible, otherwise how can I explain that Xiaotong and I are the same, that is, I have not been recruited.

I called out to Jun Siyan in my heart, and he quickly appeared in front of me, frowning when he saw Xiaotong lying on the ground, "What's wrong?"

"Well, you don't know?" I was a little puzzled, didn't he save me just now?Why does he seem to know nothing.

"What do I know? You just called me out!" Jun Siyan was also dazed by my words, he seemed really unclear from his appearance.

Could it be that he really didn't save me?Jun Siyan can't lie. Although we haven't been together for a long time, I still know his character. He won't deny what he did, let alone save someone.

I told him about my situation just now, and Jun Siyan gave me a very strange look, "I told you a long time ago, you have the same power in you as me, and such a little nightmare will attack you and me." It doesn't work at all."

same power?I seem to have heard Jun Siyan say it before, but at that time I didn't quite believe him, and I was skeptical about such words.

But after such a long time of contact, there are still places where I am different from ordinary people, just like this time, I can't bear to believe it. Am I really the same kind of person as Jun Siyan?
But why am I so weak?I sadly wiped away tears that didn't exist.

"Then what should we do now, is there something wrong with Xiao Tong?" I was a little worried about Xiao Tong who fainted, he looked like he was having a nightmare, and beads of sweat kept rolling down his head.

I wiped his sweat with distress, Jun Siyan stood aside and suddenly asked me, "Why are you so nice to him?"

"He's my brother." I answered naturally.

Jun Siyan didn't speak anymore. I belatedly remembered that he never seemed to mention his family, and his only brother betrayed him. Thinking of it this way, he is much more pitiful than me.

I still remember that when I first met him, he was trapped in that temple for an unknown how long. His whole body was full of vicissitudes and loneliness, probably like this after being alone for a long time.

"This is a nightmare formation, which is full of painful illusions. What you care about most, it will make you feel what it is like to lose what you care most about. Only by carrying it over by yourself, or destroying the center of this nightmare formation, can you Brother wake up." Jun Siyan's light words made me break out in a cold sweat.

Xiaotong is still a child, how could he survive?But now... I look around, and I don't know where the center of this so-called nightmare formation is.

I looked at Jun Siyan as if asking for help, now I can only count on him, I am a little embarrassed, but I have done too many things like this, and my face will thicken, I comfort myself.

But Jun Siyan's words made me believe it a little bit. When we were both surrounded by white mist just now, I lost my mind for a moment. At that moment, my mind was blank, as if something wanted to read my memory Same.

That must be the nightmare in the nightmare array, Xiao Tong wondered if he could survive, watching him cry and cry out in pain, my heart seemed to be pulled.

"Let's hurry up and enter the main tomb. Only in the main tomb can we know where the control center of the nightmare formation is. Otherwise, even if we wipe out all the outside, your brother will still not be able to wake up." Jun Siyan The words cheered me up, I can't be sad or anxious now, I must take Xiaotong back home.

I carried Xiaotong on my back. He didn't have any physical contact with me. Now I know that Xiaotong is so light, and his weight is like a girl. I feel a little distressed.

Usually, he doesn't make people feel bad when he speaks a poisonous tongue. At the beginning, he was tit for tat with me, but after we got used to it, his attitude towards me changed a lot. Although he was a bit awkward, his relationship with me was still the same as before. To be good.

Now that he has become like this, how can I not be anxious?The shoulders were wet with an unknown liquid, Xiaotong...he cried?

"Mom..." So I missed my mother. I don't know the origin of Xiaotong. All right.

We walked in the corridor in silence, the white mist did not dissipate, but surrounded us, the white light emitted from Jun Siyan wrapped us inside, and the white mist couldn't get in.

"Let me help you, can't you carry him?" Jun Siyan saw that I was too tired, and wanted to take Xiaotong over.

I shook my head and rejected Jun Siyan's kindness, "No need, I can still recite him."

"That's fine, if you can't hold on, just tell me." Jun Siyan nodded, and then wiped the sweat off my forehead very naturally. I don't know if it's my illusion, but I seem to feel that he loves me a little bit. look.

I don't know how long we walked, but there was a tomb in front of us. This tomb looked different from the others, and it was even made into a palace.

We already had certain guesses in our hearts, but now we are more certain that the one buried here is a king, but we don't know if he has changed his body.

Thinking of all the corpses above turned into zombies, my heart tingles. Now if the biggest boss also turns into zombies, then we will have something to play with.

When I got to the tomb, I couldn't help sighing at the luxury of the ancients. Look at the exquisite decoration and the coffin in the middle. The patterns on it are dazzling. This is what a large tomb should look like.

There is no way to compare the ones I saw before with this one. Maybe the owner of the tomb did not expect that the last checkpoint he set at the door is not for us.

According to common sense, no one can pass there, but who made my sister a little fairy... I thought happily.

But the most important thing now is to find the center of the formation. Xiaotong's face is already pale. I don't know what I dreamed. It must be something bad. I'm afraid that if I delay it for a while, he may not be able to hold on up.

This coffin is a golden nanmu coffin that could only be used by ancient kings. Because the amount of golden nanmu is very small and its texture is hard, it requires a lot of manpower and material resources. Ordinary people can't afford to use the golden nanmu coffin that grows out of the tree core. coffin.

Jun Siyan didn't know what he thought of, he stretched out his hand and gently stroked the coffin, the gentleness of his movements gave me the illusion that he was touching his lover.

In the next second, he overturned my guess. The huge coffin lid was pushed away by him forcefully, and fell to the side, revealing the person inside who was wearing a yellow bright suit.

I opened my eyes wide, and couldn't believe what I saw was real. The chest of the man inside the coffin was still heaving slightly. Although he had turned into a mummy, he felt like a living person.

What's going on here, I looked at Jun Siyan, he must know the truth of this matter, just by looking at his familiar face.

"Aren't you awake yet?" Jun Siyan said in a low voice, and the person in the coffin opened his eyes as if a switch was suddenly pressed.

I swear this is really the scariest thing I have ever seen in my life. Is there anything more terrifying than a corpse that has been dead for thousands of years and can still open its eyes?no, no!
The person lying in the coffin slowly sat up, his eyes were still a little dazed, and he regained consciousness only when he saw Jun Siyan.

"Aren't you the expert who was next to the national teacher back then?" He shocked me again, and he was able to speak. What kind of sorcery is this?
Wait, what did he just say?The expert next to the national teacher, I was shocked again, is Jun Siyan really a person who has lived for thousands of years?Then he is old enough to be my ancestor... Bah, bah, bah, I shook my head, what is messed up in my mind now.

Although I knew Jun Siyan's background when I rescued him, but no matter what, it was too late to hear such excitement from others.

And they actually knew each other, they were convinced.I said Jun Siyan said that there is a familiar atmosphere here, it turns out that an acquaintance is lying here, but what if he wants to take him out later, I can't go back with a mummy.

"It was Gu Chen who made you like this?" Jun Siyan couldn't hear any emotion in his tone, but I just had the feeling that he was trying his best to endure.

"The national teacher said that this would bring me back to life. You know that what people fear the most is the state between life and death. I don't care about anything else... It's a pity that even if I am resurrected, it will still be in this state. Even the tomb I can’t even get out, so what’s the point of living like this?” The mummy grinned, I couldn’t bear to look at it, it’s so ugly...

"He lied to you?" Jun Siyan said with care, but he always asked the key points.

"Yes, he just used me to do an experiment, and the thing used in the experiment is your blood..." The mummy suddenly broke out a big news, and he stared at Jun Siyan closely.

"So he's been lying to me since then." Jun Siyan's pupils dilated for a moment, and a trace of pain flashed in his eyes.

I suddenly feel sorry for him like this. He has been deceived by the person he trusted the most for so long, and now he suddenly finds out that everything was fake before. Jun Siyan must be very sad.

(End of this chapter)

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