Yin Yang Antique Shop

Chapter 50 Cats

Chapter 50 Cats

I looked at the library, but hesitated under my feet, the yin energy here seemed very heavy, I didn't bring anything with me now, and if something happened, no one else would know...

Just as I was hesitating, the meowing of the cat sounded again, but now it was a bit like a struggle before death. What happened to that cat?

I gritted my teeth and rushed in. Things happened right in front of my eyes. I can't just watch an innocent life disappear before my eyes.

"Creak..." The door of the library is still the kind of hand-push glass door, because no one has entered for a long time, so the sound is harsh and unpleasant.

I walked in, and there was sunlight from outside, so I could still see it quite clearly. It was just that there were no books on the wooden shelves, and nothing else had changed.

"Bang bang bang..."

The sound of things colliding startled me, I walked forward quickly, and found a small cardboard box behind the shelf, covered with a layer of wood, and there seemed to be something inside.

I swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and lifted the wooden board, a pair of blue eyes suddenly appeared in the gap of the carton, I was so scared that I almost didn't throw the wooden board in my hand.

After calming down, I couldn't help but blush a little. There was a blue-eyed kitten inside, and I almost scared myself to death.

I took the kitten out, and I saw the scars on its body. It was scratched from the head to the back. The scars seemed to be scratched by some animal.

The kitten is very friendly. When I stretched out my hand, it would gently lick my hand, just like a pet cat. How could such a cute cat come here?It became like this again?
I gently carried the kitten out, and it nestled tightly in my arms. The wound on its body may still be a little painful, and it was still shaking.

I turned around and wanted to leave, but the Yin Qi behind me caught my attention, that Yin Qi... I didn't care to think about it, I dodged to the side, barely avoiding the attack of this Yin Qi.

My intuition saved my life. It was actually the cat spirit who attacked me just now. Looking at the black cat that lightly fell to the side, my defense was raised several levels.

Cat spirits are different from ordinary ghosts and elves. They are things that only appear on cats who have great resentment before death, and they feed on the souls and flesh of living cats, which is extremely cruel.

If the cat spirits grow to a certain level, they will start to attack humans and suck their soul power.

As soon as the cat spirit appeared, the kitten on my body trembled even more. It seems that the wound on its body was caused by the cat spirit. I don’t know why such a vicious thing appeared in the school. Could it be that someone killed the cat?

The cat spirit is very dissatisfied with me for taking its food, and all the grievances in its body are entwined towards me. If the cat spirit doesn't deal with it, it may really attack humans. Its resentment is so strong now, Not to mention the future.

I don't have a talisman on hand now, so I can only use blood to draw a blood talisman in the air to resist the cat spirit's attack. It circles around me, waiting for an opportunity to find the best attack direction.

I didn't dare to relax in the slightest. With the talisman in my hand, I could barely break up this cat spirit, but now I have nothing on me, and I have a wounded person with me, which makes it impossible for me to use my hands and feet.

The cat spirit grinned at me, and from the way it frowned, I knew it was extremely angry now, and I didn't dare to relax even more. At this time, Jun Siyan's words came out.

"Why do we have to fight against it, wouldn't it be enough to save it?"

I was stunned, can the cat spirit transcend?I haven't really tried it yet, could it be messed up?
"How do you know if I'm right if you don't try it? The reason cat spirits became like this is caused by their resentment before they died. As long as you dispel their resentment, won't they return to normal?" Jun Siyan said lightly. He said it, but I couldn't help but admit that what he said made sense.

The biggest question now is how do I get rid of this cat spirit and save it?This is a big problem, it is eager to eat me now, I guess it will give me a paw whenever it gets close to it, it can't get close, how can it surpass it?

Jun Siyan heard my thoughts, he got out of my eyes, and then with the flash of white light, a white fluffy ball was ready, he threw the ball to the cat spirit, and the cat spirit was also stunned Living.

I don't know how to describe how I feel now, whether it's surprise or dumbfounded, the cat spirit really let go of its defenses and returned to the appearance of an ordinary kitten. Apart from the endless resentment, I really Can't tell it's a cat spirit.

"This is a trick, do you understand?" Jun Siyan's tone didn't change, but I felt a kind of ridicule, and I was ridiculed.

Although I was very upset, I still held back, and slowly approached the cat spirit like an ordinary kitten, and then gave it relief. The resentment on it slowly disappeared with the passage of time, and the original body began to show. look.

This is a beautiful cat. The bright yellow pattern on its body and the big eyes make it hard to put it down. Unfortunately, I don't know why it became a cat spirit, and I don't know how its owner takes care of it.

The cat spirit, free of resentment, lightly rubbed against my hand, and then disappeared into the sunlight, hoping that it will have a good pregnancy in its next life, and never be like this life again.

Jun Siyan returned to my eyes, I searched around in the library, and finally found the cat spirit corpse in the corner with only bones left. It must have been dead for a while, with only fur and bones left on its body , there are still maggots wriggling in some places, which looks disgusting.

I wrapped it up and prepared to take it to the back mountain to bury it. When I went out, I always felt that there was someone behind me, but when I looked back, I didn’t see anything. Maybe it was the aftereffect of being scared by the kitten just now.

I closed the door and walked away without noticing a pair of eyes secretly hiding behind the curtains looking at me.

After burying the bones, I took the kitten to the nearest pet hospital without stopping. There are quite a lot of cats and dogs in the school, and there are many people waiting in the pet hospital.

Seeing me hugging a cat, a nurse came up to greet me, "What do you need, beauty?"

"This cat is injured, and I want to heal its wound." I exposed the kitten in my arms, and the shivering kitten meowed when it saw the nurse.

Is this cat from the hospital?

Seeing the cat, the nurse looked it over carefully, "Beauty, is this cat yours?"

"No, I found this cat in an old library, do you know this cat?" I was wondering how to raise it when the time came, and Xiao Tong would definitely not be happy to bring it back, but he didn't allow anyone Hairy things appeared in the store, and it was said that the antiques would be stained with cat hair.

I'm not easy to raise at school, if the aunt in the dormitory finds out, she will definitely scold me bloody, and maybe even throw the cat out for me, isn't it time to harm it?It couldn't be better to find its owner now.

"Well, can you wait here? I'll ask the owner who lost the cat to come over and have a look. I also feel like it. I'm not sure if she lost it." The nurse smiled at me apologetically, and I shook my head. Shaking his head to indicate that it's okay, anyway, I have nothing to do now.

Pass the cat to her and ask her to take it in and bandage it first. Although the wound on the kitten's back is no longer bleeding, it is still shocking and makes me feel distressed.

After the nurse finished talking on the phone, she took me to the lounge beside me to rest. There were several people waiting here, probably all of whom came to treat pets.

After waiting for about ten minutes, a well-dressed girl stumbled in, her eyes were still red.

I have a hunch that this woman is probably the owner of the kitten.Sure enough, not long after she came in, the nurse came over and brought her to me, "This is the owner who lost the cat."

"Hi, I picked it up in the library, I don't know if it's yours." I stood up, seeing the girl about to cry, I said bravely.

"It's okay...it doesn't matter if it's not, I just came to take a look." The girl choked up slightly, her delicate little face was full of sadness.

The nurse asked us to wait, the cat is still undergoing surgery, and its wound is very large and needs to be stitched up.

"How long has it been since you lost your cat?" I saw her sluggish look, and wanted to find a topic to talk about, so it wouldn't be so embarrassing.

"It's been a week. I'm also a college student, but I live outside. Xiaomi...is the cat I lost. It's usually very good. I just came here to go to college, and I feel homesick. My mother let I brought Xiaomi here, but unexpectedly... I lost it..." The girl began to cry as she spoke, that kind of crying really breaks the heart, and everyone who listens seems to feel it Like her grief.

Now I’m also praying that this cat belongs to her, otherwise this girl would be so sad. She came here alone to go to college, and she finally had a sustenance, but now it’s lost again. If it was me, I would definitely be special uncomfortable.

After waiting for a long time, the operation was finished, and the anesthesia of the kitten had not yet passed, so we could only look at the cat lying on the hospital bed through the glass, and the girl burst into tears, "Xiaomi...that's it, mine Xiaomi..."

Listening to what she said intermittently, a big stone in my heart was also put down, as long as this cat belongs to her, everyone is happy.

"Thank you so much, if it weren't for you...my Xiaomi would probably be dead..." The girl cried for a long time before she came back to thank me.

"It's okay, but you have to look after it in the future. Kittens are very curious about everything. If you go to other places, you may not be able to find them." There is a sentence I haven't said yet. If you met me, you would probably turn into a skeleton.

(End of this chapter)

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