Yin Yang Antique Shop

Chapter 57 Jun Siyan made a move

Chapter 57 Jun Siyan made a move
Before I could make a move, Jun Siyan himself came out of my eyes, and he appeared beside the pervert, with his pale hands grabbing the pervert's wrist.

"You little innocent soul actually did such a despicable thing, what about your shame in your life?" Jun Siyan frowned, with anger on his face.

It's the first time I've seen Jun Sisheng Qi, this is rare!

It seems that my focus is a bit wrong, forget it, leave him alone.

The pervert should be the first time anyone has encountered him, and there was panic in his eyes, "You are also a ghost? Then we are friends. Are you going to help these people? I haven't done anything outrageous."

I'm about to be laughed out of anger, what a shameless ghost this is, he can even say such a thing, it really is a shameless person, oh, it should be called a ghost now.

"Shouldn't you help me if you're a ghost? You didn't do anything outrageous? Do you have the guts to tell a girl such a nasty thing?" Jun Siyan exerted strength in his hands, and his originally gentle and handsome appearance became vicious. up.

"No...no, I know I'm wrong, don't kill me, I did this kind of thing because of my infatuation, please let me go, I didn't do anything bad." The pervert wailed, looking pitiful Kind of like a nice guy, really.

This ghost is really spineless, Jun Siyan almost made him kneel with a little effort, if he used his own spells, wouldn't this ghost have to kneel on the ground and call him grandpa?
Thinking about it, it's really possible, what can't a ghost like this do?

"Yang Yao, did something happen?" Xu Wen shuddered, and her original dancing movements also stopped.

Jun Siyan's strength is too strong, but he is not Yin Qi, when he gets angry, the air around him seems to be frozen, which is more terrifying than Yin Qi.

Xu Wen didn't wear much at all, and Jun Siyan was standing next to her, and now she was shivering from the cold.

"Well, let's go down first, and I'll show you the culprit later." I pulled her aside, and Ruan Tianhua and the boss came up to meet her.

"Miss Meng, right? Is it okay to call you that?" The boss should have heard Ruan Tianhua talk about me just now, but now he looks at me differently.

"No, you can just call me Yaoyi, they all call me that." I'm not used to others calling me like that, I always feel uncomfortable, so it's better to call me by my name.

"That's fine," the boss smiled, "Then I'll be impolite, Yao, is there something dirty in my place?"

"Well, you really guessed it right this time." I nodded. For this kind of thing, I still need to ask the boss if he knows this pervert, in case he is an old acquaintance.

Jun Siyan bound the male ghost with a ray of white light, and returned to my eyes. Seeing his disgust, he wanted to wipe off the place where he just touched this ghost.

This is probably mental cleanliness.

We all sat down, Xu Wen and Li Yuyue looked at me curiously, waiting for me to explain their doubts.

I asked them to close their eyes, and then wiped some of their eyelids with blood. After I finished chanting the spell, the blood on their eyelids also turned black. This is a way to make them see ghosts quickly.

I blew on my hands in distress. I have bled too much these two days. After I go back, I need to eat more delicious tonics.

Before I could tell the truth of the matter, several people started screaming, even Ruan Tianhua, who is usually the most graceful, turned pale. He wanted to get close to me and learn something, but he definitely didn't mean to see a ghost.

The current appearance of this pervert is also quite terrifying, with gray-blue skin, red eyes, and bloodstains all over his body, it is hard to say that it is not scary.

"Yao Yi, is this...is this a ghost?" After screaming, Xu Wen realized that the ghost hadn't come, so she dared to ask.

I nodded, thinking that you have seen this, there are only a few of us left in this bar, and even if I try to transform you into a living person, you won’t be able to.

Seeing me nodding, Xu Wen and the others shrunk into three little quails. I couldn't laugh or cry. These three young ladies must have been frightened by recent events!
"You... aren't you Xiao Wang who used to be the security guard at my place?" The boss was so scared that he couldn't figure it out just now, and now he came back to look at the pervert.

Just now, the two of them were considered to be of excellent psychological quality. With Xu Wen and the other three's sopranos, it is good not to scare the boss and the others. Now that they can recover so quickly, they are worthy of being their own bosses.

But what he just said is a bit interesting, he also knows this pervert, and he used to be from this bar?

Xu Wen and the others are not afraid anymore. They can listen to gossip, and everyone has their ears pricked up. People nowadays are very curious. Otherwise, why would there be so many strange videos?

"Boss...it's me." The pervert paused for a moment, and replied with shame on his face.

Why is he ashamed?Did you do something bad?
I quietly sat next to Guan Yilian, looking at the boss with four pairs of big eyes eager for knowledge, this is a rare opportunity to watch a play, if I don't grasp it now, when will I wait?

"You made all the things in my place?" When the boss said this, I could feel that he was getting angry.There are sadness in the tone, there is hatred for iron and steel, and more anger.

"Boss, I really didn't do it on purpose. I just couldn't help myself sometimes. Boss, I really didn't mean to sabotage your business." The male ghost struggled to get close to the boss and the others. Maybe let a little innocent like him break free, struggling to no avail, the male ghost stopped moving, and said with a pitiful face.

"Oh my God, there is still this kind of saying, does that mean I was walking on the street and I saw a man with big chest muscles, and I couldn't control my hands so I touched them twice?" I said mercilessly When I went back, thinking that this pervert might have touched me, the anger in my heart could be spurted out.

"You stinky woman, don't let me find you in the future, or you can see how I torture you..." The pervert stared at me coldly when he heard what I said, without the slightest look of humiliation just now.

I'm even more curious now. Could this male ghost have a dual personality? Why did he change his face so quickly? I felt like I saw two people.

"Xiao Wang, you still said that you didn't mean to mess with me. If they weren't here today, I wouldn't know your existence. It turns out that you are responsible for the usual things? Do you think I have treated you badly? "The last sentence of the boss was almost shouted out.

I understand his feelings very well. It feels like the puppy I have raised for a long time suddenly bit me, which makes me angry and surprised!

"Boss, I really know I was wrong. Please don't argue with me if you have a lot of adults. Let's just be the same as before. If my mother and the others don't have your support, they will be finished." The male ghost wanted to kneel on the ground at first, but Mr. Si Yan's magic power was maintained, and the male ghost couldn't move at all.

"It's over? Why don't you say that if you do this a few more times with me, my store will be over? This is my hard work, this is my success or failure!" The boss still doesn't understand, This pervert is the chief culprit for making such a mess in his shop. If he still has a good face to show him, then there is no need for this boss to continue to be the boss.

The few of us looked at each other, and we all saw the surprise and confusion in each other's eyes, funding?What's the meaning?The boss has been helping this pervert's family?
"Boss, you can't break your word. When I had an accident, you said you would take care of my family. You can't do this... I really lost my head this time. Believe me, I will never dare again. "The expression on the male ghost's face was unbelievable, the pain and guilt seemed real.

If it wasn't for Jun Siyan's magic that trapped him, he would be kneeling and rolling on the ground without any spine.

If there is an Oscar in the ghost world, I think this brother will kill everyone in an instant and win the best actor Oscar. The emotion that comes as soon as he says it is simply convincing.

"You think I'm stupid? If you treated me as a boss and appreciated me a little bit, would you do this? I said at the beginning that I would take care of your family, but I didn't expect you to be so ungrateful and come to harm me If your mother and the others have no food to eat, it is your problem!" The boss lost his calmness just now, and pointed at the male ghost's nose and cursed.

"Not good!" I was watching the male ghost's emotional changes. When he heard the boss say the last sentence, the expression on his face became resentful, and the resentment on his body multiplied even more. I yelled Pull the boss away.

With a click, the spell that Jun Siyan just set was broken. If I hadn't pulled the boss away, the male ghost would have jumped on the boss just now.

"Don't you just have a few stinky money? What a big deal? So what if I deliberately smashed your place. When you die, this store will be given to my mother. Who cares about your charity!" The male ghost grinned for a while. Sound, the little abacus in my heart was rattling.

Jun Siyan may have sensed my anxiety, or maybe the male ghost had a premonition when he broke free from his spell. He did not know when he came out of my eyes and appeared behind the male ghost.

"No..." The male ghost seemed to have noticed something, turned his head and glanced, and found that it was Jun Siyan, who just said no, and he took out a black bead, and the male ghost instantly changed slowly. Transparent, his face was full of unwillingness and remorse.

The few people who were huddled together in fright just now were stunned, "Yangyao...this is...what's going on?" Xu Wen pointed to the invisible transparent object on the ground, and asked incredulously .

"All the grievances in his body have been taken away, and he is about to lose his soul." I looked at Jun Siyan, he shook off the black grievances on his hands, and then disappeared on the spot.

"He won't show up again, right?" The boss sat on the sofa, still a little worried.

"Don't worry, he won't appear again in the future." The transparent objects on the ground have slowly disappeared, and this pervert will no longer appear in this world.

(End of this chapter)

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