Yin Yang Antique Shop

Chapter 68 Why is Shen Yanfei here?

Chapter 68 Why is Shen Yanfei here?

"I'm sorry, girl, but I need to trouble you to make a trip. Our Yueyue is not sensible... Are you hungry? Do you want to eat something? I'll make noodles for you. You can go to sleep after eating." Li Yuyue's mother He brought the water over and stood beside me talking very embarrassedly.

I didn't want to be so troublesome at first, but my stomach refused to agree. I sang the empty city plan a long time ago, and Li Yuyue's mother heard it.

I smiled embarrassedly, it's really embarrassing.

"Mom, it's all muddy, go and have a look." Li Yuyue relieved me with a voice.

"Your mother is so enthusiastic, I don't even know how to resist." Wiping the sweat from my forehead, I dared not speak until I saw her leave.

"My mother and the others are from the countryside. Knowing that you came here on purpose this time, I am very grateful, but I don't know how to express it. I can only take care of you in this ordinary thing. If you have anything, you can talk to me. I said, it's fine." Li Yuyue said happily when she saw me.

I gave her a blank look, and I was still in the mood to laugh at me, it seems that I have almost recovered.

Not long after, my aunt came over with two steaming bowls of noodles with ribs on top, which looked delicious.

After hearing what Li Yuyue said just now, I stopped being polite, lest my aunt think that I don't like their place, so I took the noodles and started eating.

It may be that I am starving, or it may be that this bowl of noodles is too delicious. I can't finish so much noodles in my usual meal, so I actually drank all the soup tonight.

I burped in satisfaction, and I couldn't help but envy Li Yuyue. Although her family is poor, no amount of money can buy back the feeling of being together as a family.

We tidied up and got ready to go to bed. Li Yuyue's room could be seen to be cleaned every day. It was clean inside, and even the quilt smelled like sunshine.

Li Yuyue and I have slept together before, so it won't be embarrassing. Lying on the comfortable bed, I soon fell asleep.

The next day I was attracted by the scent and woke up. When I opened my eyes, the sun outside the window was just in front of my bed. I could see such a good sun early in the morning, and my mood became better.

I got up from the bed as soon as I got up, and Li Yuyue got up at some point, she was outside unpacking the luggage in the suitcase, which was something she had brought back all the way.

Xiaoyong and Xinxin squatted on the side alone, and when they saw me coming out, they called sister in unison.

I also went over to help. Auntie was busy in the kitchen. She didn't know what she was cooking. The smell was stronger than what I just smelled.

"You're lucky today. My mother just killed a chicken, and I'll cook you something delicious today." Li Yuyue watched me swallowing, and pointed to the chicken feathers in the corner of the yard.

I feel very strange, why they still have chickens at home, aren't they afraid of being stolen and eaten by Huang Pizi?

"Our family has a cover. Ordinary yellow immortals dare not come here. They are clever. After being covered by our family's cover before, they never came again." Li Yuyue used their respectful name for Huang Pizi here. The person also broke the jar and fell, and was not as scared as I imagined.

Li Yuyue took out all the things, just as the food was ready, Li Yuyue's father went to the field, even if he was cursed, he still had to do farm work, otherwise what would he eat?

Auntie talked about Li Yuyue wasting money recklessly, but she couldn't hide the joy in her eyes. She couldn't be happier with the things her daughter bought specially for her.

"Don't waste money indiscriminately in the future. Mom has clothes to wear. It's not easy for you to go outside. You have no skills at home and don't have much money for you. You should eat more for yourself..." the aunt said in a rambling manner.

She took off her clothes and put them in a bag, but she kept rubbing the material of the clothes with her hands. It was obvious that the aunt liked it very much.

Li Yuyue smiled and nodded, and then distributed the candies to the two children. Xiaoyong and Xinxin laughed like two sunflowers, squatting together and looking at the candy in the bag like a treasure.

Children are so easily satisfied, a piece of candy can keep them happy for a long time.

Li Yuyue's father came back not long after, but his appearance shocked me, and Li Yuyue was also shocked when he saw him, "Dad, why did you become like this?"

Logically speaking, Li Yuyue's father and her mother are not much different in age, and there should be no difference in appearance between the two, but her father looks ten years older than her aunt, and there is still a lingering death on his face. It looks like a dying person!

"Yueyue woke up? Dad is fine. I accidentally fell down recently, and I've already taken care of it. Don't worry too much. This is your classmate. Come in and sit down. The food will be cold when you finish." Li Yuyue's father Smiled, let's enter the house first.

"Yes, come in and sit down quickly...the food is getting cold." Auntie turned her back and wiped away her tears, looking at me wanting to call my name, because she didn't know and had to give up.

"Auntie, my name is Meng Yaoye, you can just call me Yaoye." I brought a chair into the room and introduced myself to my auntie.

Otherwise, it would be very impolite to always let the aunts and the others not be famous.

"Then I'll call you Yaoying from now on. Come and eat quickly, and try to see if the food suits your taste. I don't know what you like to eat, so just cook a little. You're welcome." Auntie nodded and gave me Filled a big bowl full of rice.

I don’t know if it’s their custom here or what. The bowls they use to eat are all very big, so I look at the full bowl of rice in front of me, and I feel very anxious. I can’t finish it...

I finally realized what hospitality is when I eat, just look at the two big chicken legs in my bowl.

This just makes me dumbfounded. I ate chicken drumsticks when I was young, but I didn’t expect to be able to eat them now.

Xiaoyong and Xinxin are very good, and they didn’t feel unhappy when they didn’t eat the chicken legs. I shared the chicken legs with the two of them. Auntie just wanted to talk, but I blocked her back, “Auntie, I’ve grown up. Let Xiaoyong and Xinxin eat the chicken legs, they are growing up."

"You don't need to worry about me, I can eat by myself. Auntie's dishes are delicious." I picked up a large chopstick dish and started to eat it.

Maybe the chicken raised in the countryside is better. The chicken has smooth texture and is served with chili, which is simply a good meal.

After we finished eating, we sat in the yard to digest, "Uncle, why did you suddenly fall down?"

I'm a little worried about his health. Uncle, his appearance is really frightening, and he might not be able to hold on one day. I want to understand the ins and outs first so as to save his life.

"On that day, a yellow leather bag was caught in the cover of my house. I buried it after it died. I didn't expect to fall off the bridge when I came back. Fortunately, I caught the pier. What you saw was my dead body." The uncle sighed, talking about what happened that day with self-mockery.

After hearing this, I just felt that this incident must be unusual, and maybe Huang Pizi was behind it.

"Uncle, how did you fall?" I asked the details.

"I don't know, I suddenly felt dazed in my heart, and then I fell down. Fortunately, I reacted quickly... Hey, this matter must have something to do with the dead Huang Pizi in our family. Otherwise, why would I I haven’t recovered after so long, is it still like this? Maybe I too..." Uncle lit a cigarette, and we were all silent amidst the smoke.

I have to admit that my uncle sees it very clearly, maybe he also knows his physical condition during this period of time.

I was also a little anxious in my heart, usually I know a little bit of spells to exorcise evil spirits, but I am really not sure about exorcising evil spirits.

Li Yuyue looked at me expectantly, which made me a little bit stuck.

After thinking about it for a long time, I decided to try my method. In case it works, the most important thing now is to contact the master. He must have a way to save Li Yuyue's father. He also said last time, as soon as I come here He will come to me.

I don't know where he has gone now, has he come out yet!

Prepare the things I need, and now I just need to wait until the Yang Qi is at its peak. I have stuck the Yang Gathering Talisman on my uncle, and his own Yang Qi is already very low. Only the external Yang Qi can support him. a few days.

As time passed, the spells I put on my uncle took effect, and the flame of the sun lamp on his shoulder began to stabilize slowly, and wisps of black smoke dissipated from him.

Standing under the sun is a very painful thing. Uncle is already sweating profusely, but he is still gritting his teeth and persevering.

I was going to add more fire, and use blood mixed with cinnabar to draw an exorcism talisman on his face, but I didn't expect a sudden change in the middle of the painting.

All the black energy on the uncle's body was suddenly released, and the outline of Huang Pizi could be seen on his normal face.

I was in a bad mood, and as soon as I turned around, I was caught by him, and with two grinning grins, my uncle's voice became sharp and piercing, and he opened his mouth wide to bite me.

No matter how strong I am, I can't compare to my uncle who does farm work every day. I'm desperate if I can't struggle. Uncle... No, this yellow leather mouth is getting closer and closer to my neck, and I close it in pain eyes.

The imagined pain did not come, but the uncle who was possessed by Huang Pizi let out a scream.My hands on my shoulders also loosened, and when I opened my eyes, my uncle was lying on the ground and passed out, and Shen Yanfei was standing in front of me panting.

"Shen Yanfei, why are you here?" I asked in surprise.

Didn't he say he was going on a trip?How could it suddenly appear in this cursed village and save me?

Has he been following me?
(End of this chapter)

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