Chapter 80
We asked for the address, and the master promised to take a look in the next two days, and gave Li Qing a piece of talisman, asking her to take it back to control the ghost.

Although Li Qing really wanted us to go now, but the master has always had his own principles in doing things. He said that if he didn't go today, he would definitely not go, so Li Qing had no choice but to leave.

"Yang Yi, what do you think?" The master sent Li Qing away, turned to me and asked.

I couldn't help shivering when I thought of the ghost, "Master, are you really going? Have you forgotten what happened last time?"

After hearing my words, the master looked a little unhappy, sighed and sat down on the rocking chair without saying anything.

We also dealt with a case of a ghost fetus before, but it was too late to find out at that time, the ghost fetus in the woman's stomach was about to be born, and his mother-in-law insisted that it was the child left by her son, and tried every means to prevent us from saving it. woman.

I only remember the painful cry of the woman that day, and the eerie laughter of a bruised baby.

Fortunately, in the end, Master used the Thunder Talisman at the bottom of the press box to get rid of the ghost, and we sent the woman to the hospital. Her mother-in-law and father-in-law were both injured.

Knowing that I was in the wrong, I didn’t dare to say anything else. If we had gone later at that time, their family would not be able to save their lives. Later, we only knew that the woman had returned to her natal family, and we didn’t know anything else.

At that time, we just passed by that village by chance. I was still young and didn’t know how to hide it. I was able to see a strange little face on the woman’s belly.

In short, after that incident, I began to be afraid of encountering a ghost fetus. The stimulation given to me was too strong. The ghost fetus came out of a woman’s belly torn apart alive. Fortunately, we used the thunder talisman quickly, otherwise we waited for it Fully adapted, we also had a hard time killing it.

Now that this happened again, the memory deep in my heart was revealed. I still remember the feeling at that time, and the scene at that time was simply a tragedy in the world.

However, according to Li Qing's description, this ghost was only three months old, and she only discovered it once when she saw her daughter vomit.

As for why it was found to be a ghost fetus, have you ever seen a pregnant woman with finger prints on her belly, and it was still blue and black.

Li Qing thought that her daughter was being entangled with something, and she almost fainted when she found someone to see her. Her daughter is actually pregnant with a child, and she is not a human!

But no one dared to do this. The ghost fetus was a very dangerous thing. If Li Qing's daughter was not careful, accidents would happen to her, so no one dared to do this.

Li Qing had no choice but to find us.

Our store suddenly fell into a kind of silence. Is this answerable?It's really hard to decide. If we manage this matter successfully, we will not only save a young girl but also make our store famous. The most important thing is whether we can stay here for a long time. Li Qing and his family are strong enough to make us leave like bereaved dogs.

"Let's go and have a look tonight, and see how the situation is before making a decision." The master patted the table and made a decision.

The good mood of the day today was destroyed like this, and I was a little depressed.

"Yang, what's wrong with you?"

"Master, I'm a little worried." I expressed my worry.

"Silly boy, let's not look at it so superficially in everything we do. In fact, I have hesitated, but I can't bear to think that a girl of a good age has to bear such a thing...Yang, you haven't forgotten what your master taught you What?" The master poured me a cup of tea, and slowly talked about his own thoughts.

I nodded, "Master, I haven't forgotten. You told me that you should be kind but not too kind. It's good to be able to save people. If you can't, don't force yourself."

"That's why I decided to check the situation first. It would be great if we could try our best to solve it, but if we can't solve it, there is nothing we can do." What the master said made me suddenly understand.

Just now I seemed to be stuck in my own thinking and couldn't get out. In fact, there is not only one solution to things. We can also look at it from another angle. In this way, everything will be much simpler.

Our antique shop does not have much business throughout the year. There is an old saying that goes, "If you don't open for three years, you can eat for three years after opening."We also belong to this situation. The value of some things is different in the eyes of antique collectors, and they are willing to pay a lot of money to buy them back.

"Where did you take back this jade cicada?" The master was sorting things out and suddenly found the jade cicada I put in the drawer.

"This was given to me by a tomb robber. I wanted to return it to him, but without his contact information, I can only put it here first."

"What a pity." The master caressed Yuchan reluctantly. Looking at his appearance, I knew that this thing must be worth more than I estimated, otherwise my master would not have shown such an expression.

After taking Yuchan back, the master began to teach me how to draw demon charms. When I came back from the village, the master said that I should learn to touch these things myself, otherwise I would never grow up.

"Why are you so impetuous, the symbols you draw are useless!"

"Is this the talisman you drew? For a ghost?"

"Yellow paper can't be cut anymore, and the cinnabar is adjusted like this, and children can't be taught!"

... The master's familiar scolding voice rang again in the shop. Fortunately, I have long been used to this kind of treatment, and I will pay attention to the questions raised by the master.

Don't tell me, I've been scolded for making rapid progress, and soon I will be able to draw the talisman that the master is satisfied with.Now I feel that I am about to become a masochist, otherwise why the master scolded me, I feel refreshed and have a kind of fascinated motivation?

During the rest time, I lay on the sofa to sleep, and the master and Xiao Tong sat next to me. This is the method we discussed.

If evil spirits want to make my sun light unstable, they must scare me non-stop. This will be effective. As long as I fall asleep, the bronze figurines will definitely appear in my dreams. When there is a flaw, the master will be able to get rid of it. This evil spirit.

But he also said that the most important thing about this matter is myself. He can only be a support, helping me solve the situation when I can't control the situation.

I know that the master is trying to train me so that I can face such things by myself. After self-hypnosis, I am much better now, at least I am not so afraid.

I listened to the song and fell into a drowsy sleep. I was in the same position. I opened my eyes, and sure enough, the bronze figurine was standing in front of the sofa and looking at me.

The originally expressionless face suddenly became ferocious, and the knife in its hand was slowly raised. I instinctively wanted to run away, but suddenly remembered what Jun Siyan and his master said, this bronze figurine can't hurt me, If I've been afraid of it, I'll be killed by him... no, I don't want to!

I don't know where the courage came from and pushed the bronze figurine away fiercely. It didn't seem to expect that I could still resist. It was pushed to the ground by me for a while, and I lifted the stool next to the ashtray and smashed it down. One thought, either you die or I live!

"Yangyao...Yangyao, wake up!" Master's voice woke me up instantly. I opened my eyes and saw Master's enlarged face.

"Master, what's the matter?" Looking at him, did something happen to me?

I quickly sat up, I was still in good condition, no missing parts, why did the master wake me up.

"You solved that evil spirit by yourself." The master patted my shoulder, very happy to see him.

It was solved by me, I suddenly remembered that in the dream, I smashed the bronze figurine with a stool, could it be that I solved it at that time?
"Yang, as long as you are no longer afraid, anything can be your weapon, how do you feel now, is there any discomfort?" The master asked me concerned.

"No, master, I'm just a little surprised. I didn't expect that the thing that scared me half to death before would be solved by me at once." I grinned, not to mention how happy I was.

"This is the power of your heart. As long as you believe that you can solve it, you will definitely solve it. Don't panic when encountering such things in the future. Remember what the master told you, you know?" The master seemed to be leaving me soon. And go and tell me the same, which makes me a little uneasy.

But after thinking about it, I think it's impossible. How could the master leave me alone? I think I'm thinking too much.

Xiaotong and I went out to buy groceries, he didn't say a word all the way, as if he had something on his mind, I followed his gaze, there was a couple shopping with their children, they looked very happy.

Little Tong was stunned, it was the first time I saw him like this, the sadness and loneliness in his eyes made my heart ache.

"Little Tong, be careful!" I don't know if he was too distracted, but Xiao Tong didn't notice a child riding a bicycle charging towards him. I hurriedly pulled him over, but I was hit.

When the child saw me lying on the ground, he was so frightened that he stood aside and did not dare to move. Xiaotong also came to help me.

"Meng Yaoyeh, are you okay?" Seeing me hugging my legs, he thought I was seriously injured, and was about to cry.

"It's okay, I'm not so delicate, I just bumped my foot, and it will be fine soon." I patted his head, this action always made him jump in the past, but today he didn't respond.

(End of this chapter)

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