Yin Yang Antique Shop

Chapter 91 I Won't Let Him Go

Chapter 91 I Won't Let Him Go

"Lin Hai, can't you see it? These are our children. They are so cute. If they are born, they will definitely look like you. Didn't we even choose the name of the child?" I saw Guan Heng's current appearance. They were a little flustered, not to mention Lin Hai, who was already guilty of a crime.

"Xin Heng, don't be like this. Really, I don't want to have a miscarriage. You should be more sober." Lin Hai staggered back, his face full of horror.

The scene just now happened again, but Lin Hai could also see it this time. The infant spirits around Guan Heng were extremely nervous about Lin Hai's movements, and one of them even had a painful expression on his face.

"Dear family, hurry up and ask that master to save my son, what happened to Xinheng, is she crazy?" Lin Hai's mother cried anxiously from the side.

"Why did you save him? Revenge for injustice and revenge for injustice, who killed these children, and who must seek revenge!" Guan's mother's voice did not have any emotional fluctuations, as if saying that the weather is fine today Same.

"What do you mean? Did you say that my son killed his own child? Don't spout blood, it's obvious that your daughter is useless and can't keep the child!" Lin Hai's mother said that her child was like a red-eyed lion.

"What are you in a hurry for? Did your son do it? He knows in his heart, oh, maybe he came back to marry a woman from outside, that's why he did such a crazy thing." guess.

Lin Hai's face changed as expected, he knelt down on the ground with a thud, tears came out, "Xinheng, believe me, I really didn't mean it, I never thought of marrying her, child... child I don't want to either, haven't we all named our children before? Please forgive me, I know I was wrong!"

We guessed that the reason why Lin Hai did this was because of the woman outside. His current appearance is really chilling.

If he could be a man and admit it, I wouldn't despise him so much, but I didn't expect him to be such a coward, and it wasn't on purpose. Do you think everyone is a fool?
"Xiao Hai, what are you talking about? Are you really doing this kind of thing outside? The child... you also lost the child?" Lin Hai's mother stumbled to Lin Hai's side, grabbed his clothes and asked.

"Why, are you finally willing to doubt your son now? Didn't you always say that I am a hen that doesn't lay eggs? Is it useless to say that I am useless?"

"It's not that I don't lay eggs, it's your good son who did a good thing. If it wasn't for me, do you think your family would be like this? Who built the house in the village? Who organized Lin Hai's brother's wedding? You have forgotten all about it." right?"

Caring Heng walked slowly in front of the mother and son, talking about the past with a smile on his face.

Lin Hai sat on the ground without any image, and the baby spirits around Caring Heng grinned at him, and even wanted to rush over.

"Xinheng, I know I was wrong, I really know I was wrong, please give me another chance, can we two live a good life in the future? I will definitely treat you well in the future..." Lin Hai now He has long since lost the gentle and refined look he had when we first met today, and at this moment he is like a lost dog.

"I forgive you, who will pay for my child? Lin Hai, you are so cruel. The oldest child is five months old, and that is your flesh and blood! How can you bear to do such a thing? Let me think about when you were What, maybe you were celebrating with your lover while I was dying?"

"Lin Hai, I have devoted ten years of love to you. I have liked you since I was 20 years old. Now I am [-]. If you didn't love me, why did you agree to marry me? Because of money and status? Then you Your love is really cheap, now, now you have some ability, so you are inflated? Do you know the feeling of falling from the altar? Lin Hai, do you think about the day when things will be revealed? "

Caring Heng gritted her teeth and said, now she can't wait to eat the man in front of her alive to vent her anger. The relationship of the previous ten years was just a joke. All his hypocrisy was revealed at this moment, and it was displayed in front of us dripping with blood. .

"I really didn't do it on purpose... I really don't want to do this..." Lin Hai sat on the ground blankly, repeating a sentence, he might be so scared that he was about to commit suicide now.

When he was able to do such a thing in the first place, he should have thought about the consequences of being exposed one day. Everything about Lin Hai was given by the Guan family.

I think I probably know the reason why he did this, because he is reluctant to part with his current status and money, but he is unwilling to live with Caring Heng any longer, so what can be done?

Let Guan Heng not give birth to a child, so that no one will think that it is his problem, and when the time comes, the two of them will be able to divorce logically, and he will not lose everything now.

When I think about it, I feel that this man is simply too scary, and I have to say that power and status are really very tempting to a person.

He is old enough to kill four children in a row without any guilt, but wants to ask for forgiveness. This kind of person is simply scum!

"Xiao Hai, how can you do such a thing? Have you forgotten what your mother taught you before..."

"How did you teach me? What did you teach me? What you taught me is that my family is poor and I can't do anything. Are you satisfied with how I am now?" Lin Hai pushed his mother away fiercely, He roared without image.

We were all frightened by his sudden change, and the infant spirits were even more vigilant, for fear that he would come and hurt Guan Guanheng.

"Xin Heng, I know I'm sorry for you, but I also hope that you will give me a chance, because of our relationship as husband and wife for so many years, okay?" Lin Hai looked at Caring Heng sincerely.

Guan Yilian and I were already expressionless watching this big scene, how could there be such a brazen person, are we too naive, or is this society polluted?

"Lin Hai, do you think you can still lie to me like before? I used to be stupid, so I believed your nonsense again and again. Don't worry, I will definitely take back everything I gave you and let you Live with your lover well, and see if she will follow you, a beast, with all her heart!"

Guan Guanheng finally saw the true face of the scumbag, and said her plan heartlessly.

In fact, I think that sometimes women are scary when they are scary. When she loves you, you are a treasure, and when she doesn’t love you, you are garbage. You love to hate, or she might do things that make you miserable.

The mother and son of the Lin family finally know how to be afraid. I also heard from Guan Yilian that their family's existence depends on caring for Heng. This is why even if they want to divorce, they always find this kind of excuse to make the Guan family have nothing to say. reason.

From simplicity to luxury is easy, from luxury to simplicity is difficult.

This sentence is not unreasonable, Lin Hai stared blankly at Caring Heng, not knowing what he was thinking, while his mother was crying and cursing softly, and she didn't know who she was scolding.

Soon the doorbell rang, and Guan Yilian went to open the door, and a young man came in. He was not at all surprised by the chaos in the living room, but greeted Guan's father and mother politely. People are ignored by him.

"Mr. Guan, we have investigated all the information according to your request. Lin Hai's cheating was probably in the third year after he married Ms. Guan. His cheating partner was his former college classmate. Strictly speaking, it is his. First love, I'm pregnant now, about five months." The man said formulaically, and took out a stack of documents.

Lin Hai's mother rushed over, picked up the photos and documents and looked at them, "Impossible, impossible!" She said in disbelief while tearing those things into pieces.

"Mrs. Lin, don't worry, we still have a backup, if you want, we can give you another copy." The man unhurriedly took out another file from his briefcase.

"We also found out that Lin Hai bought a house outside, and the name was written in the name of the person he is currently cheating on, and Lin Hai has a large amount of expenses every month, which his salary cannot support. This involves Lin Hai We are investigating the work style in the university." The man's words were like a hammer, and every time he said a word, Lin Hai's expression became worse.

"After cheating for so many years, you must be very happy, right? Now that she is pregnant, you can't wait?" It would be a lie to say that Caring Heng is not in pain. Her eyes are red now, but she is trying not to let the tears fall.

"Caring Heng, you forced me to do all of this! If it weren't for you, how could I have separated from Xiaosu and cheated? I never loved you at all, where did the cheating come from? Do you know that I wish I could kill you? Staying with you makes me feel sick, yes, I killed the child, I tampered with the food you ate, and put something that made you miscarry, as long as you are in pain, I will be happy!" Lin Hai stood up , the words in his mouth after tearing off the camouflage seemed to be poisoned.

Caring Heng is speechless now, the love in the past is like a joke, she has always been trapped in the illusion of warmth and cannot extricate herself, and the person she loves hates her and wishes her to die!
Soon after the private detective left, the Guan family's lawyer came over. Lin Hai was still unwilling to sign the divorce agreement. He didn't know what the lawyer said to him, so he obediently signed it.

The farce ended at night, Lin Hai took his mother away, and someone would go to collect the property. Now Lin Hai is going out of the house, and I don't know if he will regret his original choice?

(End of this chapter)

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