Yin Yang Antique Shop

Chapter 99 There is a ghost next door

Chapter 99 There is a ghost next door
"Mom was injured by dad and she was lying on the bed. Dad brought an aunt back and asked me to come out to play, and gave me five dollars." Xiaoyi held out his hand to show me, and there was a pinched and crumpled piece of paper inside. five yuan.

"Then Xiaoyi, will you go play with us?" I felt a little sore seeing his timid look, and asked him softly.

"Can I go?" Xiaoyi's eyes flashed with anticipation, but he flinched a little.

"Of course, mom will come to find you later." I took his hand and took him back to the antique shop.

Xiaotong knew what was going on when he saw his appearance, and took Xiaoyi to play backgammon.

"Master, why would such a good person like Sister Lian marry that dead fat man, and I heard from Xiaoyi that the fat man brought a girl home today, and Sister Lian couldn't get up after being beaten by him. He still has the face I really can't figure out how to do this kind of thing!" I angrily told my master what I was thinking.

"It's hard to say this kind of thing. Maybe it's because the two people were attracted to each other before? No one can figure out love. Besides, they have a child, and it's impossible for them to be separated." Master Said with a little exclamation.

I don't know if the master has previous experience or he also has someone he likes. When talking about these things, it's like talking about himself.

I don't know what to do, I really want to help Sister Lian, but I couldn't say anything about Sister Lian before, she is like a bastard who is determined to follow this scumbag, and now she is suffering It's just Xiao Yi.

He is still so young, he should be lively and alert, maybe because he often sees fat people beating Sister Lian, he also becomes timid and cowardly, no matter what he does, he is timid, if this continues in the future, his whole life will be ruined destroyed.

"Da da da..." The crisp sound of high-heeled shoes brought back my thoughts, and a well-dressed woman walked into the store. Except for the fear on her face, everything else was perfect.

"Beauty, is there anything I can do for you?" Looking at her, I knew she was definitely not here to buy antiques, and I don't know what happened. Recently, more and more people came to us to catch ghosts, and it might be us. reputation spread.

"Is Master Qi here? I was introduced by Boss Lin. He said that you can help exorcise ghosts here, right?"

"I am, you sit down and have a cup of tea and tell us what happened."

The woman nodded and sat down. I poured her a cup of tea, and she thanked me very politely.

"Master, I think I have encountered a ghost... No, not only me, but also my family. You must help me. I don't want to be killed by a ghost so early..." The woman seemed to remember Something terrible, the expression on his face was terrified like that ghost appeared in our shop.

"Speak slowly, don't worry." The master took a sip of tea and said slowly.

We have seen this kind of situation many times, and there were even scarier ones before. A guest came with a ghost hanging directly on his body. There were scars and blood all over his body. It was scary to look at.

These two days are still trivial, at least I won't have nightmares watching it.

"I live in the Hengfu apartment. Usually... I am alone. Occasionally, my boyfriend will come to accompany me. I just came back from the bar on the day I met the ghost. I was a little drunk. Suddenly there was a loud noise from the next door. I know there is a family living next door to me, and it's normal for them to quarrel, so I don't care..."

"But... But in the middle of the night, I suddenly heard a sound of thud, thump, thud, from the living room, as if someone had hit the wall of my house with their head. Although the couple next door to me often quarreled, they never did this. I didn't dare to knock on the door because it disturbed others, and when I knocked on the door the next day, there was no one in their house, so I didn't care."

"Who knew it was just the beginning. From that night on, I could hear this sound often, and it became more and more clear. Sometimes there was even the cry of a child. It felt like... …It was as if they were approaching me. I was really scared. One day my boyfriend came and he could hear the same sound, but when we knocked on the door, no one opened the door. A piece of paper was pasted on the door, It is said that their family has gone on a trip, so what is the sound I heard, I am really scared, and now I am almost becoming a nervous breakdown."

The woman was about to collapse as she talked. I imagined it according to her. When I was sleeping soundly in the middle of the night, I was suddenly awakened by the knocking sound in the living room and the crying of the child. The key is that no one is there yet. This kind of person feels really super scary, and I couldn't help shivering. In fact, ghosts are not scary. The scariest thing is when they make you feel frightened.

Looking carefully at the woman, there is only some inconspicuous yin energy on her body. It is obvious that this ghost does not intend to harm her, but why is it making such noise again?

I looked at the master, wondering if he had thought of anything, maybe I have too little contact with ghosts, so I can't understand what the ghosts are doing.

"Well, let's go to your house first to see what's going on. Some things need to be seen on the spot to understand." The master stood up, packed his things and prepared to go.

The woman bowed to us gratefully, "Master, don't worry, as long as I can get rid of this ghost, the price will definitely be negotiable."

This woman is pretty good at talking. When the master heard her say this, the corners of his mouth raised calmly. For the master, this kind of ghost doesn't need to be taken care of at all, making money is the most important thing.

Xiaoyi is still in our store, and I don’t know if his father is done. There is still a child in broad daylight. I don’t want to see him again if he did such a disgusting thing. If the master told me not to do it, I would definitely The beating made him find his teeth all over the place.

I took Xiaoyi to the door of the store next door and knocked on the door. After a while, I saw Sister Lian limping out. She was a little surprised to see Xiaoyi outside, "Xiaoyi, why did you go outside? ?Didn’t your mother ask you to do your homework at home?”

"Dad asked me to come out..." Xiaoyi stopped talking after saying one sentence.

Sister Lian also became silent. I could clearly see that her eyes were flushed. She should know some things, why should she endure like this? Could it be that she couldn't live without this man?

I sent Xiaoyi there, and the task was considered complete. After a quick chat with Sister Lian, I turned around and went back. Now there are more important things waiting for me to do.

The woman didn't come by car, so the group of us could only take a taxi. Since Xiaotong refused to sit on my lap, we could only squeeze awkwardly in the back seat and let the woman sit in the front row.

Regardless of Xiaotong's young age, he is very shy about this, even if I wear nightgowns at home, he would always criticize me, but fortunately there is an air conditioner now, otherwise I would cover myself to death every day, and I would have to cover my faults.However, most of the things he does are not like a normal child. When asked the master, he only said that he is precocious. I think so, if it is not precocious, how could he have such a mature mind?

We finally got to the place where the woman lived, and chatting with her along the way, we found out that she just graduated not long ago, and her name is also very nice. She asked us to call her Xixi directly, which seemed more friendly.

"I live on the 14th floor. I didn't want to buy it at first, but at that time I was the only one with the largest apartment size, and there were only me and the two neighbors on that floor. I didn't expect this to happen now. If I knew it was like this, I might as well buy it. Smaller." Sister Xixi said with a face full of remorse.

The elevator stopped on the third floor, and two women walked in. They greeted sister Xixi familiarly, "Xixi, are you out shopping again?"

"That's right, it's better to be your man. It's fine to give you so much pocket money every month, and I even bought you a house here. Xixi, you are really lucky."

It's not right for two women to talk and talk, the meaning of this... I looked at the two women who were talking non-stop, they were pretty good looking, and they were wearing famous brands. The woman brushed her hair inadvertently, and the watch on her hand was exposed.

I think I probably know what these two women do. I still remember someone in the school saying that Hengfu Apartment is a gathering place for mistresses, and many girls who are adopted by the school live there.

Firstly, it is because the guards in Hengfu are very strict, and secondly, the houses there are all small-scale, and you can get one without spending much money, so it is not too cost-effective to give it to the mistress.

Over time, there have been more mistresses there, but what they said made me a little sad. Is Miss Xixi also a mistress?

I glanced at Sister Xixi, and she just turned her head away in embarrassment, as if she didn't want to listen to the sour words of those two women. Seeing me looking at her, Sister Xixi touched her hair unnaturally, and I had a feeling in my heart. end.

In fact, I don't think it's strange that she is a junior. She looks so good-looking, and she still has a house here, and she is a girl who just graduated. It is also possible that Sister Xixi started her own business, but this possibility is extremely slim.

Why are there so many girls selling their bodies for material things now? I really can’t figure it out. They can create the future with their own hands, so they have to take this shortcut.

I'm a little depressed. Sister Xixi and I can still get along well. She doesn't look like a scheming girl. She has a feeling of first love when she smiles. I can't believe she would do this kind of betrayal own business.

Although I really want to ask her, my rationality still prevents me from doing so. Everyone's choice is different, so I don't need to meddle in other people's business.

(End of this chapter)

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