Chapter 2

"Mom." The only one gently shook her mother's body.

"Mom, are you cold?"

The only thing I saw was that my mother didn't open her eyes and didn't pay attention to herself, thinking that her mother was sick.He hurriedly covered Lan Xueer's body tightly with the quilt, only letting her show her head.She remembered that her mother used to do this when she was sick.

After a while, Wei Wei touched her mother's face again and found that her body temperature was still so cold, so she hurriedly climbed out of bed, took out a quilt from the closet, and covered her mother's body clumsily.

"Mom, can you wake up?" Wei Wei yelled over and over while touching her mother's increasingly cold face.

Seeing that her mother has not promised herself, she cried in anxiety, she was so scared!My mother has never been like this. No matter how sick she was before, my mother would wake up to see her.Mom doesn't care about her now, what should I do?

After crying for a long time, Wei Wei suddenly thought of her father. She remembered his mobile phone number, which her mother asked her to memorize before.Yes, call Dad, Dad should know what to do.

The only one ignoring his fear, came to the living room alone in the dark, found where the phone was, and played the number keys with trembling hands by the faint light on the phone.

"Hello..." A hoarse male voice came from the other end of the phone, sounding like he had woken up from a dream.

"Dad, Mom is sick, no matter how I call her, she ignores me, Dad, what should I do?" Hearing Dad's voice, Wei Wei cried loudly.

"It's okay, your mother is asleep, just send her to the hospital when she wakes up, it's late, don't call anymore." The man over there finished speaking impatiently, and hung up the phone.

"Dad, Dad..." The only one yelled into the beeping microphone over and over again, seeing that there was no echo, he had to put down the microphone.

The only one returned to the room, climbed onto the bed and hugged her mother's body tightly, crying. Dad said that mother was just asleep, but why couldn't she wake her up?

I don't know how long it took, but she didn't fall asleep slowly until she was tired from crying.

When she woke up again, the sky was already slightly bright, she got up, and carefully touched her mother's face again, feeling that there was no trace of warmth in the place where her palm touched, to be precise, it was frighteningly cold.

"Mom, mom? Wake up, okay? The only one is so scared, is it okay for mom to talk?" The only one cried and shook Lan Xueer's body over and over again, but Lan Xueer couldn't hear her daughter's helpless words again. crying.

After shaking for a long time, seeing that my mother still didn't respond, Wei Wei got out of bed and called my father.But no one answered the phone.

The only sobbing put down the phone, and went back to the room where the mother was lying, looking helplessly at the motionless woman on the bed, what should I do?What should I do?

After crying for a long time, she finally thought of finding someone to help her. She wiped the tears from her face vigorously, found her mother's bag, found the key from it, opened the door with great effort and went out.

"Auntie, my mother is sick, can you call the doctor for me?"

"Uncle, my mother is sick. I called her, but she ignored me. Can you help me take my mother to the hospital?"


On the street, there is a girl with messy hair, red and swollen eyes, and a dirty face, pulling everyone passing by, asking them the same question over and over again, and everyone who passes her avoids her in disgust touch.

Although everyone avoided her, she asked over and over again tirelessly, because she wanted to save her mother.

When she grabbed a person again, that person finally agreed to her request and followed her to see her mother.

When she got home, she watched the man put his hand between her mother's nose, then frowned, then pulled her back to the living room, and made a phone call.Then she saw several people in white clothes and a few people in police uniforms coming.Later, she heard people say that her mother died.She knew what death meant. To die meant that her mother would never come back to accompany her again, and she would never see her mother again.

She stayed by her mother's side tightly and never left.She has been staring blankly at her mother lying on the bed, she doesn't understand what's wrong?She did nothing wrong, why didn't mother want her?

Later, Dad came, but Dad didn't comfort her, he just frowned and looked at Mom, and then took her out of there.

Wei Wei looked at the beautiful aunt timidly, and she saw that when the beautiful aunt saw her, her face changed immediately.The girl standing next to the beautiful aunt also looked at her with hostility.She knew that girl, she was the girl her father held in his arms yesterday, and her mother said she was wrong, so she was right.All that is true.But, obviously that girl took her father away, why does she still look at herself like this?As if I owe her something?
"Why did you bring her here?" Zhang Meili asked the man beside her angrily when she saw the only one.

"I don't bring her here, so where do I take her? I can't make people laugh at me, right? Let others say that I, Hao Zhenxin, don't even care about my own daughter?" Hao Zhenxin said helplessly, and he didn't He is willing to bring her here, but in front of so many people, he can't leave her behind, can he?
"I don't care, she can't live here anyway, and you can't raise her either." Zhang Meili gave Wei Yi a fierce look, then turned around and said.

"Unless she's not my daughter, or others can't see her, my reputation will be ruined in the face of public opinion. I'm still a celebrity. If reporters catch the news, you should know the consequences."

"Okay, then I'll take care of this matter. I know someone from the underworld, so let's sell her! Send her far away. From now on, her affairs have nothing to do with us." Zhang Meili said lightly, Keeping her eyes fixed on Hao Zhenxin, if she sees him feeling a little bit reluctant, then he will never have a better life in the future.

"It's up to you. It's best not to let her appear in our lives. If that happens, I'll be annoyed too. You'd better do this matter cleanly, otherwise, you know the consequences." Hao Zhenxin breathed a sigh of relief, It's like solving a big problem.

"Okay, then I'll take her away today." Seeing Hao Zhenxin's unhesitating look, Zhang Meili smiled immediately.She knew that she was always the only one in his heart, that woman's bastard, how could he put it in his heart?
"Well, let's go, go early and come back early." Hao Zhenxin instructed Zhang Meili.

The only one listened to their words, eyes filled with horror.What are they talking about?sold her?Her father let this woman sell her?

"Okay, I'll be back soon." After Zhang Meili finished speaking, she pulled up the only one and left.

"Dad, Dad, I don't want it." The only one who was dragged stumblingly, but still refused to leave, looked back at Hao Zhenxin helplessly, she didn't believe that her father would sell her, she did nothing wrong, why did she want to sell her? sold?

"He's my father, not your father." The hostile girl hugged Hao Zhenxin's leg and looked at her angrily.

"Go, let's go." Zhang Meili grabbed her by the hair and dragged her outside regardless of her struggle.

(End of this chapter)

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