Chapter 25

Ming Yejue stepped on the gas pedal fiercely, and ran forward like crazy. After some time, the anger in his heart gradually disappeared, and the gas pedal on his feet was slowly released, and the speed of the car became faster and faster. slower.

His heart was not peaceful at all, and her tearful eyes were all in front of his eyes and in his mind.It was as if she was standing right in front of him.Do you want to go back and have a look?Maybe she has regretted it?It occurred to him suddenly.

'Peng' Ming Yejue slammed his hands on the steering wheel, and he scolded himself in his heart.

What is he reluctant to give up, when did he become such a mother-in-law.

Just as he was driving more and more slowly, a car was speeding up from the opposite side, and when it came to his car, it braked suddenly, blocking his way.

"Where is the person?" Ming Yefan got out of the car and came to his car, looked inside and saw that there was no one shadow, so he asked.

"Throw it away." Seeing his younger brother coming, Ming Yejue pretended to be relaxed and said, but his heart was indescribably dull.

"Throw it away? Where did you throw it away?" Ming Yefan's eyes widened suddenly when he heard this, he didn't expect him to do that.

"Outside the wall."

"You... well done." Ming Yefan gritted his teeth and nodded fiercely, then turned and walked to his own car, started the car, bypassed him and went straight to the road when Ming Yejue came.

Ming Ye despaired of the disappearing headlights, and no longer hesitated, stepped on the accelerator and continued to run forward, but this time the speed was much faster than before.

Ming Yefan flew to the wall, got off the car and shouted loudly to open the door and ran towards the wall. Before the wall was fully opened, he squeezed through the small opening that had just been opened and ran out.I searched for that little person everywhere, but besides the thick trees and high walls, there was no sign of her anywhere.

He searched behind all the nearby trees, but there was no sign of her, and cold sweat broke out all over his body.

Where is she?A child is still injured, where else to go?

Ming Yefan yelled and yelled for a long time, but no one answered him, and there was no other sound except the occasional night owl's cry.It wasn't until dawn that he finally gave up. It was no way to keep looking for her like this, and he didn't know where to throw her. It would only be a waste of time to keep looking like this.

Thinking of this, he stopped doing unnecessary searches, but turned around and ran back.

Ming Yejue went back to the room and lay powerlessly on the bed. He didn't know what happened. He was obviously so angry just now, why couldn't he be angry at all now?Looking at the alarm clock on the bedside table, it has been such a long time, Mingye Fan has not come back, and the only one has not come back, since they have not come back, then Fan should have found her and brought her back to him. ?
Ming Yejue slowly closed his eyes, he was already very tired, and his physical strength was exhausted after all the messy things.

"Ming Yejue, come out." The second Ming Yejue just closed it, there was a roar from downstairs, and immediately after that, the sound of someone going up the stairs was heard.Hearing the heavy footsteps, you can tell that the man must be angry

Ming Yejue just opened his eyes, before he could make a move, the door was knocked open with a bang.

"Why have you become so rude." Ming Yejue frowned as he stared at the man who rushed in angrily.

"I'll be polite to you, tell me, where did you throw the little girl?" Ming Yefan walked up to him in a few steps, and grabbed his collar.

For the first time, he was angry.He didn't know why Jue went crazy today, but it was obviously his fault. At first, he thought that Jue was looking at the little girl more and more, no matter what, he would never be serious about the little girl.But now it seems that he was wrong, and wrong too much.

"I just threw it outside the wall, why? You didn't find it?" Mingye Juejian, who never gets angry, got angry and worried.

"You're still so fucking secretive, where can I find it?" Ming Ye Fan cursed angrily.

"You didn't find it?" Upon hearing Ming Yefan's swear words, Ming Yejue sat up abruptly, grabbed his arm and asked.

"Damn, I can find it, and it won't be here now." Ming Yefan waved his hand away, stood up and roared, pacing back and forth in the room.

Hearing what he said, Ming Yejue was stunned for a moment and suddenly lifted the quilt, got out of bed and ran outside.

He threw her outside the wall just to teach her a lesson. He knew that no one would pass by there for ten days and half a month, let alone midnight. There were no poisonous snakes and beasts outside the wall, so her safety was not a problem, at most. Staying alone in the dark night was just frightening for a while, he just wanted to teach her a lesson, never thought that he would really ignore her.

"Where are you going?" Seeing him running out in a hurry, Ming Yefan immediately chased after him.

"Look for someone." Ming Yejue didn't turn his head back, just ran, and the hard running caused the wound on his chest to open again, but that little pain was no longer as important as his worrying about someone.

"Take my car." Seeing the sweaty face, Ming Yefan yelled to him when he came to the car where he hadn't turned off the engine, regardless of being angry with him just now.

As soon as Ming Yejue heard what he said, he immediately ran to his car and sat in it. When he got into the car, he rushed out like a rocket.

Mrs. Zhang watched Ming Yefan come back in a hurry in the hall, and ran out with the young master after a while, which made her terrified.

Could it be that something really happened?

Mrs. Zhang clasped her hands together, looking at the slightly bright sky, and kept praying.

Before reaching the high wall, before the car stopped, Ming Yejue jumped down, hurriedly opened the wall that was isolated from the world, and ran out. However, he unexpectedly saw a pool of blood that had already turned dark black on the ground and a few black marks left on the road by emergency braking.

"How could this be? How could this be? Impossible."

Ming Yejue murmured, this place was so remote that no one would pass by for a long time, unless it was his own people, why did someone come here today?She must have been hit, right?He shook his head in disbelief, as if his heart had stopped beating.

"Are you sure you put her here?" Ming Yefan looked at his pale face and asked solemnly.

"Yes." Ming Yejue stared at the pool of blood and nodded feebly.

"Okay, let's go find the surveillance video, which should record everything that happened." Ming Yefan suddenly thought, if there is a surveillance camera at the gate, as long as you find the video tape, you will know what's going on.

"Yes, yes." Hearing Ming Yefan's words, he suddenly raised his head and pulled him up to leave. There was a glimmer of hope in his heart, even if it was just a little bit, he wanted to find it.

"Have you found it? It takes such a long time for such a small matter, what's the use of supporting you?" In the monitoring room, Ming Yejue kept walking around, cursing impatiently.When the two people behind him heard what he said, they just buried their heads and continued to search without saying a word.

God knows, what he said for so long was only a few minutes, but they didn't dare to refute, because the boss's temper is notoriously irritable, and if he is not good, his head will be moved.

"I found it, I found it." A person tremblingly held a video tape and handed it to him with both hands.

Ming Yejue grabbed the video tape, put it into the machine impatiently, and turned on the video.

Slowly, a little girl faintly appeared on the screen. She was standing at the door with tears in her eyes. Her messy hair was occasionally blown up by the wind in the night. She just kept looking at the wall in front of her without moving. Not moving, like a doll.Until everyone thought that she would never move again, she started to move her legs back.She retreated very slowly, as if she was waiting for someone.But no one came out, so she kept backing away until she was out of the range that the camera could see, and then there was a burst of bright lights, and then there was a harsh brake sound, and then there was nothing, no movement , there is no sound, no one knows what happened there.After a long time, Ming Yefan appeared in the camera, looking anxiously for something.

Ming Yejue watched the only one in the camera stepping back over and over again, really wanting to reach out and pull her back.My heart is full of remorse, why did he leave at that time?If she hadn't gone away, nothing had happened to her, if he hadn't left her there, she wouldn't have disappeared.

Seeing this, Ming Yefan slowly turned around, his eyes filled with tears.

He was just one step late, just one step late!

The two people who had been standing behind Ming Yejue, seeing Ming Yejue's face getting darker and darker, their hearts began to jump.I have never seen the young master like this before, who is that girl to the young master?To actually make the young master who has never changed his expression become like this.

Just as the two of them were guessing who the little girl in the picture was, the corners of Ming Yejue's mouth were slowly bleeding, and he tilted his body backwards and fell down.

"Little idiot, I'm sorry." The moment he closed his eyes, he whispered an apology in his heart that no one heard.

(End of this chapter)

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