Chapter 45

In the hospital

Ming Yejue looked at the liquid flowing into her body along the plastic tube, then looked at the only face that was slowly no longer wrinkled, and sighed softly.

The doctor said that she was only allergic to alcohol, and if she was not delivered in time, she might go into shock and even endanger her life.Fortunately, she only has chronic allergies. If it was an acute allergy, she would have seen Hades by now.If she had taken the medicine immediately after drinking, it would have been just a little red spot on her body, and there was no major problem, but the problem was that she hadn't taken the medicine, and she hadn't eaten for a day, and her exhausted body caused her to fall into a coma do not wake up.

Is it his fault?No, it's not his fault, it's just that she didn't speak clearly and didn't take the medicine in time.

"Idiot, what an idiot." Ming Yejue gently caressed her restless sleeping face with tenderness in his eyes, got up and lay down gently beside her, stretched his arms under her neck, letting her He nestled his head into his arms.He leaned his nose and sniffed deeply the faint fragrance of her body and closed his eyes in satisfaction.

Last night he found that when he held her in his arms, he slept very peacefully, and he didn't even have a dream until dawn.This is something that has never happened in the past ten years.This is the reason why he suddenly decided to keep her, and it is also the reason why he told her today that if she becomes his woman, she can no longer infect other men. Since she will stay by his side, she must not touch other men again. of men.

The ward was quiet, except for the slight breathing of the two, there was no other movement.It was so quiet that people couldn't help but hold their breath, fearing that it would disturb the quietness of this room.Heart, people who are separated by thousands of miles, but now the body is close together without a single gap.

Is it true that if the body is attached for a long time, the heart that is thousands of miles away will gradually approach?

I don't know, no one knows.

With a 'squeak', the door opened gently, and Uncle Zhang walked in slowly. When he saw the two people lying on the bed, he was taken aback, then walked gently to the bedside, looking at the medicine that was almost finished. , stretched out his hand and gently pulled out the needle in the only hand, took off the medicine bottle, smiled and looked at Ming Yejue who was tightly hugging the only one, and then tiptoed out of the ward.

I have never seen the young master treat a woman so special.In the past, he, let alone sleeping with a woman in his arms, probably women would not even have the chance to touch him, but now the young master would take the initiative to approach her, which shows that she is special.Maybe this woman will bring something to the young master that he never had?
In the early morning, Ming Yefan was lingering outside the wall of Ming Yejue's apartment, hesitating whether he should go in or not. The only words he said yesterday shocked him and made him feel regretful.He wanted to go in, but he was afraid of seeing the indifference and isolation in her eyes.

"Second Young Master, why don't you come in!" Just when he didn't know whether to go in or not, a kind voice came from behind him.

"Uh... Hello Mrs. Zhang." Seeing the person in front of him, Ming Yefan scratched his head in embarrassment and didn't know what to say.

"Second young master, do you want to eat? I've already prepared it, come in!" Mrs. Zhang said with a smile. Just now, Uncle Zhang called and asked her to order clothes for the young mistress and let the driver take them to the hospital. She sent the clothes to the driver. , I just came back and saw him standing outside the fence, but for some reason he didn't go in, he seemed to be hesitating.

"Okay." As soon as Ming Yefan heard Mrs. Zhang's words, he immediately agreed and walked in, his voice sounded like he couldn't wait.

"Sister-in-law Zhang, where's my elder brother?" Ming Yefan looked at the empty dining room and asked the person who was serving him suspiciously.

"My young mistress is ill. The young master didn't come back after carrying her away last night. I don't know how the young mistress is doing now? Sigh!" Auntie Zhang stopped the movements of her hands and sighed.

"Sick? You said young mistress is sick?" Ming Yefan raised his head in surprise when he heard this sentence, and looked up at Aunt Zhang who was full of sorrow.

"Yeah, every day is fine, why do you get sick after a day of absence? It's really strange." Auntie Zhang lowered her head and said leisurely, and slowly began to prepare vegetables for him.He also didn't see Mingye Fan's face that changed after hearing her words.

Although this young lady is not very talkative, she can feel that she is a very good person.But why is she sick?
"Which hospital are they in?" Ming Yefan asked tremblingly, was it his fault?Was it his fault that she got sick?

"Uncle Zhang called back just now and asked me to prepare clothes for the young mistress to be taken to the hospital by the driver. He didn't say where, it should be in our hospital! Master, what's wrong with you?" Aunt Zhang said inadvertently seeing Ming Yefan's face asked worriedly, why did his face become so pale?

When Ming Yefan heard her words, his heart suddenly ached, his hands trembled uncontrollably, he stood up abruptly, pushed the chair away, and rushed out like the wind.

It's all his fault, everything is his fault.

"Master, are you not eating? Master?" Mrs. Zhang was taken aback by his sudden movement, and looked at the running away figure in surprise and asked loudly, but he never answered.

"What's the matter?" Mrs. Zhang looked at his back running away, a little puzzled, and shook her head when she saw the table full of unmoving food. Since yesterday, everything seems to be a little different.

The sunlight poured into the white room, illuminating the two sleeping peacefully in bed.Ming Yejue snorted softly, stretched his waist lazily, and slowly opened his eyes. It was another dreamless sleep, and his limbs were so comfortable that he just wanted to sigh.

It's been a long time, I haven't slept so comfortably for a long time.When he turned his head and saw the woman in his arms who hadn't woken up, his thick eyebrows frowned immediately.

Why hasn't she woke up yet?It's been a whole night, he woke up later than her, why is she still awake?Could it be...

The terrifying thought made him get up quickly and reach out to touch her forehead. Fortunately, the fever has subsided, and the red spots on her face have also healed up a lot, not as scary as last night.But why is she still awake?

"Hey. Wake up." Ming Yejue patted her face lightly. Seeing that she still had no intention of waking up, and didn't even respond at all, her heart suddenly became flustered, she got up suddenly, jumped out of bed and ran away out.

Within a few minutes, he ran back again, followed by several doctors.

"Look at her quickly. Didn't you say that she is just chronically allergic to alcohol? Why is she still awake? She didn't respond to calling her?" Ming Yejue pointed at the person on the bed and asked the doctor sharply.

"Don't be in a hurry, let's take a look first, don't be in a hurry, don't be in a hurry!" The doctor promised again and again, and hurried to the bedside to check on the woman who made this man look like she was going to kill someone.

"Hurry up, I don't even know what you doctors do? You can't even find out about such a trivial matter. What a waste." Ming Yejue frowned as he looked at the doctor who was busy doing the examination.

"Yes, yes, yes..." The doctors claimed yes, not daring to be negligent. Last night when he ran to the doctor with this woman in his arms, it was because the nurse said something that didn't suit his ears. He was so angry that he wanted to tear down the hospital. If the dean hadn't come to calm down his anger, they probably wouldn't know where they were by now.

"Well, this lady is just sleeping, nothing wrong." After checking for a long time, the doctor raised his head and said softly.

"Sleeping? You've been sleeping all night, and you're still sleeping? If it's just sleeping, why can't you wake her up? Don't you understand?" Ming Yejue roared angrily, grabbing the doctor's collar.

"Well, sir, maybe she was too tired, that's why she didn't wake up, and, uh...," the doctor looked into those fire-breathing eyes, trembling with a look of embarrassment.

"Say." Ming Yejue shouted angrily, seeing his hesitation, he wanted to beat someone up.

"Uh..., it's like this, um... can you please be more restrained in the future? Try not to make her too tired, she looks like she hasn't rested for a long time, as long as you restrain yourself in... the life of husband and wife, Don't make her work too hard, as long as she has enough sleep, within two days I promise, she will return to normal." The doctor said with fear, it is also a disaster for a woman to meet such a man who doesn't know how to pity him, right?

"Ah? Uh..., that's it?" Ming Yejue slowly let go of his hand guiltily and asked, isn't it normal for a woman to have that kind of relationship with a man?It's just one night without sleep, is it so serious?What is this woman made of, so useless.

How did he know that in the past few months, in order to manage his mother's flower garden well, she has never slept before twelve o'clock in the evening, nor woke up after six o'clock in the morning, and cannot see the real thing with her own eyes. More time and energy.Of course it will be tiring if you do this for a long time.It's lucky that it didn't fall until now.

"Of course, her body is in good shape. As long as she is allowed to rest adequately, her recovery will not be a problem." The doctor assured her.

"Oh, I see, you guys go out!" Ming Yejue agreed and ordered them all to go out.Looking thoughtfully at the person on the bed.enough sleep?Isn't she at home every day?Still not enough rest?

Just when he was looking at Wei Wei in a daze, the phone rang suddenly.Looking at the person on the bed, he took out his mobile phone from his pocket and pressed the answer button.


"President, here is an urgent document that requires your signature." Fang Lixing's short voice came from the other end of the phone.I didn't ask him where he was, and he didn't ask when he would arrive at the company.

"Oh, wait a minute, I'll be right back..."

Just when he was about to say that he would go back to the company immediately, the door was knocked open with a bang, and then a person rushed in, looking at the anxious person rushing to the bed, he wrinkled tightly. Frowning, how do you know they are here?
"What happened to her? How is it now?" Ming Yefan looked at the person who seemed to be asleep on the bed, and asked Ming Yejue who was standing there staring at him.

Ming Yejue, looking at him with an anxious face, narrowed his eyes dangerously, but didn't speak.Even if he couldn't see the care in Fan's eyes yesterday, he can see clearly now that Fan has different feelings for the person lying on the bed.

"President? President?" Fang Lixing's puzzled voice came from the phone. What happened to the president?Why does it sound like something is wrong?

"Bring the documents to the hospital, and bring everything that needs to be dealt with. I won't go to the company today." Hearing the words from the other end of the phone, Ming Yejue looked at his younger brother who was slightly dissatisfied with him, and hesitated Say it all at once.He couldn't let Fan continue like this, this woman was beyond his touch.

"Ah? Yes." Fang Lixing was stunned when he heard his order and immediately agreed, and slowly put down his hand when he heard the beeping sound of the phone.President, what's wrong?After following him for so many years, this was the first time I heard him say that he would not come to work.Did something happen?
"What happened to her? What did you do to her again?" Ming Yefan suppressed his anger when he saw that he had hung up the phone.asked slowly.

It must be something wrong with the only one, otherwise, she wouldn't be lying on the bed now.

"This doesn't seem to be something you should care about, does it? Fan, don't you feel that your actions have exceeded the scope of your concern?" Mingye Fan quietly looked at his stiff face and said word by word.It was a warning, but also to let him recognize her identity.This woman is not someone he should care about, and he shouldn't care so much about her.

(End of this chapter)

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