Cultivation of immortals, the beginning of cultivating demons for ten years

Chapter 126 What did you say, say it again 【Please subscribe, ask for a monthly ticket】

Chapter 126 What did you say, say it again 【Please subscribe, ask for a monthly ticket】

"Cailin, thank you. The master told me that if it weren't for you this time, I really wouldn't be able to find me."

"Without a master, Cailin can't take shape. Brother Haoran, the person you really want to thank is the master!"

"Thanks for what?"

After Yan Ping finished breathing, he stood up, the awe-inspiring vision around him dissipated, he opened the gourd of raising demons, and a group of ink dragons voluntarily got in.

"As the saying goes, one day is a teacher and life is a father. No matter how you say it, the master can be regarded as your half father. If you are in danger, the master has no reason to stand by and watch."

"It's the same between you brothers and sisters. In the future, when you go out to travel and travel in the rivers and lakes, you should take care of each other."

"The disciple respectfully obeys the teaching of the master."

Wen Haoran made a bow.

"Master, Cailin knows."

"Hao Ran, after you go back, you should go to Zhushan. Zhushan is Master's territory, and Master knows all the monsters and people inside, unlike Qingping Mountain, where fish and dragons are mixed together. You will be safe if you go to Zhushan."

"Zhushan now has a population of one million. If you want to learn how to behave, you can learn it in Zhushan."

"Yes, Master."

Even if Yan Ping didn't say anything, Wen Haoran didn't dare to walk around anymore. With this experience, Wen Haoran will definitely act cautiously in the future.

The gentleman does not stand under the wall.

His experience perfectly illustrates this truth.

Haoran Wenhu is different from other monster races because of its special function of suppressing the fate of the country.

The probability of encountering danger is much higher than other monster races.

One encounter like this one is enough.

The world is as strong as a forest.

This time the master found and rescued him.

But what if the Master failed to save him and took his own life instead?

Wen Haoran did not dare to imagine such consequences.

The spirit boat rushed all the way, and when it passed the Jishui Dragon Palace, Yan Ping and his party stayed in the Dragon Palace for three days.

Wen Haoran, Cailin, and Ao Yue, three brothers and sisters, had a face-to-face meeting.

Passing Qingyang Mansion, Yan Ping went to visit Tie Mulan who served as the god of water in Wenshui.

After staying in the Water God's Mansion for two days, he continued on the road, and then returned to Qingping Mountain without stopping.

Private school courtyard.

During the rest time, the golden retriever sat in a large water tank full of ice slag, holding a ladle in his furry hand, scooping water to cool down the beans and replenish water.

In midsummer, the weather is getting hotter every day.

This kind of weather is what Douzi doesn't like the most. The air temperature is too high and the heat wave is rolling. Many of her leaves are wilted after steaming.

The cold mountain spring water poured down, and Douzi shivered comfortably.

"Brother Golden Retriever, please give me more."

"Douzi, I'm also afraid of heat. The ice water in this tank is just enough for me. I've already given you more than 20 scoops. If I give you more, I won't be able to soak in ice water. Why don't you go to the mountain spring and stream Stay there."

The golden retriever said that he didn't like this kind of weather either, it was too hot, the key point was that he was covered with fur all over his body.

His hair is a sharp weapon against the cold in the cold wind and snow in late autumn and winter, but in this midsummer, it is simply killing him.

"Don't go, Douzi will wait here for Brother Baihu, Sister Cailin and Master to come back."

The beans swayed, and the water droplets splashed everywhere, refracting colorful rays of light under the sunlight, which was extremely gorgeous.


Suddenly a voice came.

Look up.

"White Fox, Cailin, Master!"

The golden retriever was overjoyed, jumped out, and brought out countless ice water, he shook his body quickly, and the water droplets splashed everywhere.

"Baihu, it's great to have you back."

Jin Mao hugged Wen Haoran, his eyes were red.

Baihu is a good boy, he has a bright mind, and he is good at reading, unlike him, who scratches his head and scratches his head after reading a book for a long time, without making a decision.

In order to help the golden retriever overcome this bad habit, the white fox took the golden retriever to study together for a year earlier.

When Haoran Wenhu reads and breathes out, he is born with a power that can make people calm.

With the help of the white fox, the golden retriever completely tied the heart ape, and finally he was able to calm down and read.

In Jin Mao's eyes, Baihu is not only his fellow apprentice, but also his half teacher.

Among many fellow students, Jin Mao also has the deepest affection for Bai Hu.

"Boss golden retriever, can you let me go, I'm almost blind with your golden retriever shaking so much."

"I don't want to either. I'm so hot that I'm so hot."

Jin Mao said, took a step back, wiped the corners of his eyes, bowed and said: "Master."

Yan Ping nodded, "Jin Mao, you are not bad. I haven't seen you for more than half a year, so I mentioned a small realm. It seems that you have worked hard during the time when Master is away, and your progress is much faster than before."

Jin Mao said: "Master, the white fox and the others have transformed into human bodies one by one, and I am so envious!
"I want to go through the catastrophe and transform into form quickly, and shed this fur."

The golden retriever set up an awning and glanced at the scorching sun in the sky, and said, "Especially in this kind of ghostly weather, this fur is really in the way."


As the golden retriever said, he jumped back and jumped back into the ice water tank.

"Brother Baihu, sister Cailin, master, Douzi misses you so much."

Dou Zi twisted his body and rushed over, Dou Teng entangled the white fox and Cai Lin, holding them high.

"Douzi, Boss Golden Retriever, I also have a name, my master gave it to me. From today on, please call me Wen Haoran."

"Wen Haoran, Wen Haoran, that's a good name."

The golden retriever said enviously.

He also thought that one day he would cross the catastrophe and transform into a form, so he asked his master to name it.

But after all, I can only think about it.

The elders of the clan would not agree to let outsiders know his acquired real name, a heterogeneous ape with a very high bloodline of the fighting saint ape.

"Baihu, it's great that you came back safely."

Ao Jin who heard the sermon put down his book and walked out.

Ao Jin rubbed the white fox's head, turned to look at Yan Ping, bowed and said: "Master, you have worked hard for the past six months."

"Brother Ao Jin, I have a name, Wen Haoran."

"Haoran Wenhu, Wen Haoran, the name Master chose is good, it fits you very well."


Yan Ping said with a smile: "Ao Jin, tell the brothers who are on the mountain to come back, and everyone will have a good meal together to celebrate the safe return of the white fox."

"Yes, Master."

In the evening, Yan Ping cooked the kitchen himself and cooked a sumptuous dinner for the registered disciples.

At the dinner table, Yan Ping learned about everyone's recent life and practice, and by the way, called a few disciples who had encountered bottlenecks in their practice.

Early the next morning, Yan Ping transformed into Wenyun Bamboo Bear and went with Wen Haoran to meet Qingping Yaojun.

Wen Haoran has been missing for more than half a year, and Qingpingshan has been working hard to find him.

His senior brother Zhan Zhao, Yan Tianqi and Qingpingwei have been wandering outside Qingping Mountain since half a year ago, looking for him.

Unfortunately, no clues have been found.

Today, these Qingping guards are still looking for him outside.

From this point, it can be seen how much Qingping Yaojun attaches great importance to Wen Haoran.

From Yan Ping's point of view, after discovering a Haoran Wenhu in his territory, Qingping Yaojun definitely had the idea of ​​building a country.

Qingping Yaojun naturally doesn't have this strength now, but it doesn't mean he won't have it in the future.

Qingping Yaojun's body is Leihou, and the blood of the ancient god beast Tian Leihou flows in his body.

Once promoted to Huashen Yaoshuai, he will evolve into Thunder Roar and become a quasi-divine beast.

At that time, I dare not say that it will sweep the Nanhuang Yaoshan, but it will definitely have the strength to establish a country in the Nanhuang Yaoshan.

Establish a country and gain luck.

As long as he can be a ruler, he will be recognized by Qingzhou Jixia Academy.

It is not impossible to become a Void Refining Realm Demon King in a hundred years if he can gain the rewards of one side of the world and devote himself to cultivation.

At that time, with his strength in the Void Refining Realm, he will definitely be able to dominate the Southern Wilderness Monster Mountain.

Of course, these are all speculations now, people's hearts are changeable, and so is the demon's heart.

Qingping Yaojun has ambitions, but whether he can realize his ambitions and go on without forgetting his original intention remains to be discussed.

Qingping Hall.

Regular morning meeting time.

One person sat high on the throne, listening to the reports of the demon kings from all sides.

This person was dressed in a green robe, more than ten feet tall, handsome in appearance and extraordinary in appearance, and there was a subtle blue electric glow on his body surface that was disillusioned.

It is none other than the Lord of Qingping Mountain, Qingping Yaojun.

After listening to the report, he discussed and dealt with some major issues with other monsters.

Qingping demon lord asked the other demon lords, "Is there any news about Haoran Wenhu?"

"Qingping, I have called all my friends to help find it, but unfortunately there is still no news from Haoran Wenhu."

"Plum Blossom Ferry is too big. There are thousands of ferry boats going there every day. Passengers go up and down. There are all kinds of ghosts and snakes. No one knows whether the person who kidnapped Haoran Wenhu is from Qingzhou or other continents. In my opinion, I'm afraid Haoran Wenhu won't be able to find him."

"Qingpingwei has been looking outside for more than half a year, and our personal guards have also been sent out. In addition, everyone has asked their acquaintances and friends to help. All available resources and strength have been used. Unfortunately..."

Qingping Yaojun rubbed his temples, he was also very distressed, but Haoran Wenhu is rare in the world, and it is more related to his next plan, if he gives up at this point, he is really not reconciled.

Qingping Yaojun made a final decision, and said: "We still have to keep looking, thank you for your hard work."

"It's fine if Haoran Wenhu didn't meet us. Now that we have met, and it's in our Qingping Mountain, what does this mean? It means that our Qingping Mountain is lucky. What kind of calculations do I have? The big guys should all know I understand, in short, until the last moment, I will not give up."

"Then keep looking. If you can find it and rescue it, it will indeed be of great benefit to the future development of our Qingping Mountain."

Boom, boom, boom~~~~!

The door was knocked, and the knocking frequency was extremely fast, as if something major had happened.

All the monsters looked at each other in blank dismay, their hearts were raised, and it was better not to have any bad news.

Qingping Yaojun frowned and said, "Come in."

The demon pushed the gate guard open, ran in with a happy face, and shouted: "Shanzhu, all you demon kings, Haoran Wenhu is back."

Qingping Yaojun stood up with a bang, and instantly appeared in front of the gatekeeper, grabbing the guard's shoulder with his big hand, "What did you say, say it again!"

The gatekeeper of the demon general said with pain: "Shanzhu, Haoran Wenhu has returned, and he has returned safely with all beards and tails."

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(End of this chapter)

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