Chapter 130 Encountering a Fox

After more than ten days of planning and rush work, the Yaozu Academy of Zhushan Academy was finally completed. The Yaozu Academy is located in the northeast corner of Zhushan Academy.

The style of the house is no different from other buildings in the academy.

The only difference is that there is an additional dormitory in the Yaozu Academy, which is specially prepared for the enlightened monsters. The overall layout is the same as that of the dormitories for the human students of other academies.

The first step in teaching monsters is to allow the wise monsters to enter the life of the human body in advance.

Habit is a formidable force.

Once the wise monster gets used to living like a human, it will behave more like a human, thus distinguishing it from ordinary monsters.

"Mr. Kang, Mr. Ji, you have worked hard."

In Yan Ping's absence, Chihu Yaojun, the deputy head of Zhushan Academy, attended the inauguration ceremony of Yaozu Academy.

Kang Youning stroked his beard with a smile and said, "Scholars do education, why bother to talk about it."

"Huai'an, from now on, I will be in charge of the specific teaching affairs of the Yaozu Academy."

Kang Youning said: "Huai'an, you are a Jinshi with white jade literacy, you are expected to become a gentleman in the academy in the future, and even a sage in the country has a chance. Uncle, a green and white jade literacy jinshi, a gentleman may not have hope, now you can only retire And the second best thing is to try the road of educating the monster race."

Ji Huaishu said: "Master is first-class in teaching and educating people, and I believe teaching and educating monsters is also first-rate."

Kang Youning smiled and said, "First-rate dare not say it, but it is more than enough to teach these young monsters."

"Senior White, I wonder if we can let Wenyun Jinlian and Wenyun Bamboo Bear enter the Yaozu School together."

Although Wenyun Jinlian and Wenyun Zhuxiong are already disciples of the Mountain Master, if they can become their lecturers, when Wenyun Jinlian and Wenyun Zhuxiong become sages and saints in the future, he can also receive a lot of teaching merit.


Bai Wentian thought for a while and said, "How about this, I'll let Haoran also enroll in the Yaozu Academy."


The Chihu Yaojun smiled and said: "Wen Haoran, the real body is Haoran Wenhu, and he is also a disciple of the Mountain Lord."

Haoran Wenhu!

When Wen Haoran appeared with Lian Er and Xiong Guanxi.

Kang Youning and Ji Huaishu looked at each other, but they didn't know what to say.

Wenyun Bamboo Bear, Haoran Wenhu, Wenyun Golden Lotus.

It would be extremely rare for an ordinary Confucian cultivator to get one to be his disciple, and the ancestral graves are smoking.

But Yan Ping actually got three, and one is rarer than the other.

This luck must be too good.


"Ha Qiu..."

Yan Ping suddenly sneezed.

Who is nagging me?
Xiao Weiwei or Liu Yao?
A drop of water dripped, and suddenly stopped three inches above Yan Ping's head and slid down to the side.

Yan Ping felt something in his heart, and when he looked up, it was raining.

The weather in the mountains is changeable, especially for this kind of mountains. It was obviously sunny just now, but in a blink of an eye, the clouds are dense, and the big raindrops are falling down.

After walking for a day, Yan Ping was also a little hungry.

Although the heavy rain has no effect on Yan Ping, he is not a person who likes to walk in the heavy rain.

Yan Ping found a protruding cliff nearby to shelter from the rain, lit a fire, set up a pot, and cooked porridge.

The porridge is eight-treasure porridge, which was improved by Mrs. Zu.

When leaving the blessed land of five willows, Mrs. Zu gave Yan Ping enough raw materials for him and Lian Er to eat together for ten years.

"Gu~", "Gu~"...

The Lingquan is bubbling, the porridge is rolling, and the aroma is tangy.

Yan Ping wiped the sachet on his waist, and took out a jade bowl and a jade spoon.

Tapping the edge of the jade bowl with the index finger, a wave of eight-treasure porridge flew out of the cauldron and fell into the bowl.

It was raining heavily and humid in the mountains, so eating a bowl of delicious hot porridge was so refreshing.

Yan Ping watched the rain and drank porridge on the cliff.

On the muddy mountain road two miles away from here, in the pouring rain, three foxes, one big, two small, struggled to run.

"Sister, Xiaosan can't run anymore."

The rain washed away, and the wound on the left hind leg of the little fox that fell at the end opened, and blood continued to ooze out.

He had gritted his teeth in pain and ran all the way. At this time, the wound was soaked by rain, and the pain penetrated into the bone marrow. In addition, the mountain road became muddy, making it even more difficult to walk.

Finally couldn't bear to ask for help.

The elder sister is a white fox, which is a circle larger than the two black foxes.

Hearing the younger brother's plea for help, the white fox stopped, looked at the open wound on the black fox's left hind limb, curled its long snow-white tail, picked up the black fox and put it on its back.

"Little San, hurry up."

As the white fox said, he glanced at the black fox whose fur was tangled together under the rain, and said: "Xiao Er, can you still run?" "

"Sister, I can still hold on."

The little black fox tried to stand in the mud, not letting himself be washed away by the rain.

"Go, follow my sister, let's find a place to shelter from the rain."

Baihu knew that his second brother would not be able to hold on for long. The three of them escaped from the chase and ran for three days and nights without sleep. caught up.

This heavy rain should dilute the evil spirit they left on the way, and make the pursuers headache for a few days, and they can also take advantage of this time to find a place to take a good rest.

The three foxes continued to run along the mountain path.

"Sister, look ahead, there seems to be someone hiding from the rain."

The black fox lying on the back of the white fox suddenly opened his mouth, but saw Yan Ping sitting under the cliff eating porridge.

The white fox naturally saw it too.

Deep in the vast mountain, dare to walk alone, this young man in white is definitely a powerful human monk.

People's hearts are unpredictable, and the white fox doesn't want to go there.

But her two younger brothers really couldn't run anymore.

The white fox suddenly laughed at himself.

With the current state of the three siblings, if the human monk had malicious intentions, they would not be able to escape.

Thinking of this, Baihu no longer hesitated, and ran towards the cliff where Yan Ping was with his younger brother.

When the three foxes were still a mile away, Yan Ping sensed them.

Seeing that they stood in the rain for a while before running over, they were obviously afraid of encountering monks who went into the mountains to kill demons.

There is a lot of space under the cliff, enough for a dozen people to shelter from the rain.

The white fox stood at the other end with two little black foxes.

He didn't dare approach the young man in white.

The three foxes had shaken off most of the rainwater from their bodies, and it was impossible to completely dry them off. During the long-distance escape, the monster power in their bodies had already been exhausted, and there was no time to breathe and recover.

Tired and hungry, it was extremely rare not to collapse.

"Sister, it smells so good!"

The wounded black fox's stomach growled, its nose moved, and it sniffed the fragrance of porridge.

The other black fox had the same appearance, drooling as it smelled the porridge.

Even the white fox with the best concentration couldn't help moving his nose.

"You have to endure the fragrance, at most just smell it, don't beg for food."

Baihu taught his two younger brothers this way.

Yan Ping's hearing is excellent, and he smiled when he heard the conversation of the three little foxes.

He didn't sense the breath of human blood on the three foxes, and these three little guys should not be from the Chonggu faction monster clan.

Yan Ping took out three jade bowls, filled three bowls of eight-treasure porridge, and raised his hand.

The fragrant and hot eight-treasure porridge landed lightly in front of the three foxes.

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(End of this chapter)

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