Chapter 137 The ghost is over?
The little black fox made a bow and said, "Master, please help Xiaotu."

"Little soil."

Yan Ping looked at the little native dog. This is a pastoral dog that looks small, but it is actually a hundred years old, and it is a wise old monster.

Only a monster with a low cultivation level like the little black fox would think that this pastoral dog is a puppy.

"Little Tu has met Master."

The pastoral dog stood up and saluted.

Yan Ping took out two brand-new jade cups, poured a cup of willow leaf tea for each of the two Kaizhi monsters, and said, "You all ran to the top of the peak in one breath, you are tired from running, drink a cup of tea, and talk about things after drinking."

"Thank you, master."

After thanking the little black fox, he grasped the jade cup with two front paws, held it to his mouth, and licked it.

The idyllic dog did the same thing. Just after taking a sip, the whole dog's body trembled without warning. There was an aura overflowing, and the dog immediately became energetic.

The pastoral dog immediately understood that this tea was extraordinary.

Also, can the tea that Daoist Tongtian drinks be ordinary?

Yan Ping refilled his teacup and asked, "What trouble did you encounter?"

The pastoral dog put down the teacup and said, "Master, Xiaotu is almost a hundred years old this year..."

This pastoral dog comes from a human village near Qingping Mountain.

He lost his way when he was young, and was adopted and raised by his old master, the former head of the village, and became a mountain guard dog.

Once with the old master up the mountain, the guard dog swallowed a vermilion fruit greedily. After returning home, he developed a high fever, which lasted for three days and three nights. Xin was taken care of by the old master and managed to survive.

After that, the mountain dog opened up its intelligence, began to breathe out the essence of the sun and the moon in a daze, and embarked on a practice.

As the age grows, the ability of the guard mountain dog also grows, and it drives away the beasts that intend to attack the village many times.

The old owner is an ordinary person who has been suffering from overwork all year round. Therefore, the guard dog often goes up the mountain to collect herbs for the old owner to eat.

It's a pity that the old master is a mortal after all. He had a serious illness and no amount of herbs could cure him. He passed away at the age of 43.

The mountain dog missed the old days and was grateful for the life-saving and nurturing grace of the old master. Instead of leaving, it hid itself and became a guardian animal in the village.

Because of the frequent fights with the Chonggu faction monsters that attacked the village, the guard mountain dog was often injured, and was seriously injured several times, thinking that he was going to see his old master.

Although he survived in the end, it also affected his cultivation. In a blink of an eye, he was almost a hundred years old, but he was still a ninth-level monster.

It has been too late to get a breakthrough.

A while ago, I saw the Daoist Tongtian above the Tongtian Peak, with big characters of teaching without class.

Shou Quanshan came to Tongtian Peak with the mentality of giving it a try, and successfully passed the selection of Haoran Taoist soldiers to become Yan Ping's student.

Because it has to guard the village, the guard dog only attends the class of Tongtian Zhenren, and then returns to the village after the class.

Although he has given birth to many descendants in the past hundred years, there are only two descendants who are truly qualified to embark on the path of cultivation.

The two sons are both sixth-order monsters, and they have experienced few bloody storms, so he dare not stay in Tongtian Peak all the time.

A month ago, when he returned to the village after finishing his class at Tongtian Peak, he saw a female ghost who had just left after sucking up Yang Qi.

This female ghost sucks Yang Qi from people to a certain extent, unlike some evil spirits who can directly suck up Yang Qi from people and turn them into mummy.

Seeing that those who were sucked could not cheer up the next day at most, the mountain dog would just ignore her and let her go.

Well, the most important thing is that he can't beat the female ghost.

But who would have thought that half a month ago, this female ghost would entangle the young master who had returned from a trip.

The young master is the only scholar in the village. He is handsome and extraordinary. He is also the leader of the caravan in the village. Every month, he leads a team to the city to sell mountain products such as herbs and wild animal fur.

The little master ran out and in for a long time for the village, and trained a solid body, but he couldn't hold back the female ghost Yeye Shengxiao!
Seeing that the little master was getting thinner day by day, the mountain dog became anxious, and boldly went to the female ghost to ask her to leave the little master.

The female ghost ignored it, but cast a spell to seal it in a stone for three days and three nights.

The female ghost's cultivation base is strong, much higher than him, and the guard mountain dog has no choice but to come to Tongtian Peak for help.

He first went to the Daoist Haoran who registered for him that day, and told him about the situation, but the Daoist Haoran would not go down the mountain without Yan Ping's order and permission, so he refused.

Let the guard mountain dog find Shangzun.

For such a trivial matter, how dare the guard mountain dog bother the supernatural Tongtian Daoist.

But if the female ghost is not driven away from the little master, the little master may not last long.

When the mountain dog was full of sorrow, the little black fox passed by and saw him. After asking, after learning the reason for the mountain dog's visit, he brought the mountain dog to the top of the mountain to find Yan Ping without saying a word.

Is the love between people and ghosts gone?
After listening to the narration of the mountain dog, Yan Ping immediately thought of these five words.

"Does your little master really like that female ghost?"

Yan Ping asked, would it be better to demolish ten temples than destroy a single marriage, people and ghosts have different paths, it's not a problem at all in front of true love.

The mountain dog said: "No, the young master has always been secretly in love with the lady of the Liu family in the city. Not long ago he mustered up the courage to write a love letter to confess his love, and Miss Liu accepted the young master's confession.

"During this time, the two were in love, and they often exchanged letters. Every time the young master went to the city, he would have a secret tryst with Ms. Liu. How could he have moved on? The young master was definitely under the illusion of that female ghost, The female ghost is now Miss Liu."

"That's it!"

Yan Ping got up and said, "I don't have any class today, so I just let you go and have a look."

The mountain dog was overjoyed and said, "Thank you, Master, thank you, Master."

"You're welcome, you value love and righteousness, and you know how to repay your kindness. You are better than many human races. Master, I admire you monster races the most."

"Little San, thank you for your hard work, you should hurry back to class."

Xiao San licked the tea in the cup, put down the cup and said, "Yes, master."

"Brother Tu, then I'll go first!"

"Thank you, San, thank you for bringing me up to find my wife, otherwise I wouldn't dare to come up."

"Hey, my wife is very nice, otherwise I wouldn't dare to bring you up!"


Xiaosan went down the mountain.

Yan Ping's beriberi became exhilarated, and he took the guard dog to the human village he was guarding.

The human villages near the boundary of Qingping Mountain were formed by the people who fled into the mountains to escape the war in the past dynasties.

The big monsters in the Qingping Mountains generally would not harass these human people.It's just that occasionally the Chonggu sect monsters who fled here would attack the human villages for the sake of their appetites.

Every year, quite a few human races die at the mouth of Chonggu sect monsters.

This time, after Yan Ping set up the banner of teaching without discrimination on Tongtian Peak, he attracted many young people from the villages to go up the mountain to learn from teachers.

Taking advantage of this trip down the mountain, I visited all the villages near the boundary of Qingping Mountain to see if there were any good cultivation seedlings, and brought them all up the mountain to practice.

A single spark can start a prairie fire.

Practice must start from childhood.


Muliu Village.

Just after breakfast, the only scholar in the village went door to door to collect furs and herbs.

"Shijie, you've lost a lot of weight recently. Are you too tired? Pay more attention to your body!"

"Okay, grandma, I will pay attention."

The tall and thin young man made a good registration, asked someone to help carry the herbs into the car, and went to the next house.

The one who helped was Fa Xiao from the same village.

Dark skinned, tall and strong.

"Brother Shijie, you need to be restrained. Although my sister-in-law is beautiful, she can't do that every night!"

Sending Zhao Tiezhu's earnest and earnest admonition, he always felt that there was something wrong with this sister-in-law who appeared out of nowhere.

Although Xu Shijie's body is not as good as his, it is not much worse. He belongs to the kind of person who looks thinner when he takes off his clothes.

Even if such a man is having sex with a woman, it is impossible for him to lose weight in a month!

And that sister-in-law appeared very suddenly, no matter what, she is also a lady of every family.

Although Brother Shijie went to the city every time, the sister-in-law would find excuses such as shopping for clothes on the street, rouge and gouache, or going to temples to burn incense and pray for the family to come out to have a tryst with Brother Shijie.

But that's all.

I can't make such an outrageous thing as running away from home.

Moreover, the road into the mountain in the city is often haunted by wild beasts. How did a weak woman enter the mountain without a guard and find it safely.

The strangest thing is that every time Zhao Tiezhu gets close to that sister-in-law, he feels the air around her is cold. He is full of blood and has practiced martial arts, so he definitely can't go wrong.

Reminiscing about some ghosts in the mountains, Zhao Tiezhu felt more and more that there was something wrong with this sister-in-law.

Zhao Tiezhu's understanding of these gods and ghosts is all due to his cousin, who is a famous exorcist priest in the nearby ten miles and eight villages.

He had sent a letter to his cousin three days ago, and if he had no intentions, his cousin would be able to arrive at Muliu Village this morning.

Xu Shijie smiled and said: "Your sister-in-law insists on it, but as a man, I can't say no."

Looking at the happy smile on Brother Shijie's face, Zhao Tiezhu sighed in his heart, knowing that no matter how much he tried to persuade him, it was useless.

Men and women who fall in love usually have a much slower brain than usual.

Let's wait for my cousin to come and talk about everything.

He collected furs and herbs from door to door, and declined Xu Shijie's invitation to eat at his house. Zhao Tiezhu went home, slaughtered a rooster, saved a jar of rooster blood, and left his cousin's century-old black donkey in his house for many years. The hooves dug out of the ground.

Feather the rooster, wash and make soup.

While Zhao Tiezhu was making lunch, a gray-robed Taoist priest appeared outside Muliu Village.

"Such a heavy yin."

The young Taoist frowned, and performed the technique of looking forward, his eyes had a flash of inspiration, and he looked at the world differently.

All kinds of qi, yang, qi, sickness, and yin are all revealed.

The Yin Qi of one of the houses shot straight into the sky, forming a dark cloud in the sky.

"The cloud is cloudy, this is at least a ghost-level ghost."

The young Taoist's heart trembled, ghosts of this level are not easy to deal with, and one has to be very careful when flying.

The young Taoist practiced the fetal breath method to restrain the breath on his body, and took another scholar's robe and put it on to cover the gray Taoist robe, so as not to be seen by ghosts and startle the snake.

Knock knock~~~~~!


"Tie Zhu, it's me."


The door opened, Zhao Tiezhu was overjoyed to see someone coming, and said: "Cousin, I hope the stars and the moon finally have you here."

"Please come in quickly. We have just finished lunch. Let's eat first, and then we can talk about things after eating."

"Guest as you wish."

The fragrant chicken soup with many herbs was delicious, and the two hadn't seen each other for several months.

They chatted while eating, and after eating, the two began to drink tea. The young Taoist asked some questions about Xu Shijie and his wife, such as when and where they met again, how long they had been together, how much Xu Shijie lost weight and so on.

Zhao Tiezhu answered one by one.

"Cousin, is my sister-in-law that kind of thing!"

"Yes, and it's very strong. I need to make some preparations. By the way, the century-old black donkey's hoof I entrusted to you is still there!"

Zhao Tiezhu said: "Yes, it's all right, I'll get it for you right now."

Zhao Tiezhu went to the room and took out the hooves of the black donkey and the blood of the rooster.

"Cousin, I also prepared a can of rooster blood for you. The authentic domestic rooster crows and crows every morning, just like thunder from heaven."

"Not bad, well prepared."

My cousin took out the talisman pen and cinnabar on the spot. The cinnabar was mixed with rooster blood, dipped in the talisman pen, and then painted a talisman on the black donkey's hoof.

After drawing the talisman, my cousin took out the cinnabar thread and wrapped it around the black donkey's hoof, lap after lap.

Putting away the black donkey's hooves, my cousin took out ten more talismans, painted it again with rooster blood, and then said: "Let's go, go see your big brother."

Zhao Tiezhu took out a gossip mirror and put it under his clothes, then took his cousin to Xu Shijie's house.

At the door of Xu Shijie's house, the cousin said: "You go in first, find a way to hold your sister-in-law, and I will arrange the venue."

As noon approached, the sun was getting brighter. Although some ghosts with successful cultivation could walk in the daytime, they seldom showed up at noon.

Cousin grasped this point and began to form formations around the house.

With the hundred-year-old black donkey's hoof as the eye of the formation, a formation of binding evil is laid.

Judging from the yin energy leaked from the woman, the woman is at least at the foundation-building stage. With his level, it is difficult to capture the other party alive. He can only suppress it temporarily, use formations to restrain him, consume the other party, and finally close the net. Capture the woman.

Cousin is setting up outside the house, and Zhao Tiezhu has already entered the house.

"Shijie, sister-in-law."

Zhao Tiezhu walked towards the two of them and greeted them as usual.

"Tie Zhu, sit down."

"Amei, pour the tea, I put the quantity of the fellow villagers' fur herbs on the opposite side."

"Okay, Brother Shijie."

The woman in palace costume responded crisply, picked up the teapot and poured a cup of tea for Zhao Tiezhu.

"Brother Tie Zhu, please."

"Thank you sister-in-law."

Zhao Tiezhu took the tea, drank it slowly, and talked to Xu Shijie without saying a word.

At the same time, out of the corner of his eye, he kept paying attention to his beautiful sister-in-law.

This woman is so beautiful, a little abnormally beautiful.

(End of this chapter)

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