Chapter 146 Changes in the lake
Learn from each other?

Yan Ping said: "No problem."

Lan Zhuxi said: "I sparred with others, and when I got up, I couldn't control my strength, but there would be blood."

Yan Ping smiled and said, "I've seen a lot of blood."

Yan Ping found a nearby place to sit down after many young scholars came forward to pay a visit to the seniors.

Lan Zhuxi sat next to Yan Ping, he was not in a hurry to kill people, to be honest, he actually preferred killing demons to killing people.It's a pity that killing demons and demons requires a higher level of cultivation and combat power, and a casual cultivator like him has to spend money to improve his cultivation base and combat power. How can he get money quickly, and kill people like an assassin.

After everyone sat down, Xu Yang said, "Before the poetry meeting begins, let me introduce a distinguished guest who came from afar. Hua Qianqian, everyone."

Hua Qianqian got up, she was tall and tall, her red skirt outlined the undulating curves of the mountains, and when she reached her hips and crotch, the lines leisurely expanded to the sides, forming a plump and attractive full moon, gently swaying with the lotus steps, her soft and slender waist The limbs also swayed back and forth, with waves in front and back, which is bright and moving.

Hua Qianqian stepped onto the stage, turned to face the crowd, and gracefully greeted everyone, "My concubine, Hua Qianqian, has met all the talented Qingfeng talents."

Everyone hurriedly got up to return the salute, a few got up in a hurry, fell to the ground without standing still, didn't cry out in pain, each of them gritted their teeth and slipped up, and sat down again after returning the salute, to see if they were ready to go down to treat their injuries.

Hua Qianqian took her seat, and the poetry meeting officially began.

Old Juren, Qin Shubai, head of the Qin family, glanced at the lotus pond below, stroked his beard and said, "This is the first time for everyone to come to Qingfeng County. Why don't you all write a poem with the theme of lotus, and then I will wait for the judges to select a poem?" The best one will be given as a gift to everyone, what do you think?"

The seniors in the literary world looked at each other, and finally looked at Xu Yang together.

"This proposal is very good. Just according to Qin Gong's words, write a poem inscribed with lotus flowers, and the time will last forever." Xu Yang looked as usual, not angry at Qin Shubai stealing his limelight.It's understandable for a senior who is about to enter the soil and has been in the limelight for a few years. He wants to seize the opportunity to show off his existence.

As for the talented scholars present, none of them were dissatisfied, and they crazily praised Qin Gongshubai in their hearts.Thinking of the possibility of giving her poems to Hua Qianqian, or even being hung in Hua Qianqian's boudoir, she began to scratch her head and vowed to write the most satisfying poem.

Cheng Shiyuan glanced at the commotion crowd, and he felt admiration in his heart. He is indeed an old pervert, an evergreen tree in the entertainment venue, and his level of flirting with girls is so high. No wonder there are still young people who are willing to commit themselves to him in their seventies Give birth to him a big fat boy.

One word, top.

"Brother Bo'an, congratulations in advance, you must be the top lotus poet." The flatterer is Yang Wei, one of the two backbones of the Daoyan Group.

"Brother Xu is right, the lotus poet is definitely in Brother Bo'an's pocket." The person holding the stinky feet is surnamed Lu, surnamed Yilu, surnamed Shengxu, and is also the backbone of the Daoyan Group.

"Hahaha, then I will accept the auspicious words from you two." Zheng Yuanxi smiled and offered his hand.In terms of poetic talent, there is really no one among the younger generation in Qingfeng County who can match him, and the judging will not end, so he has decided on the Lotus Poetry Champion.

As for that Yan Ping.

In good conscience, the words can indeed be written.

Poetry, not necessarily.

"This Zheng Bo'an is too crazy." An old scholar frowned.

"Young and frivolous, weren't we the same back then?" The old man laughed.

Distributing paper, pen and ink, lighting the sandalwood, the venue suddenly became lively, or staring at the lotus pond below by the window, or biting a pen and frowning and bowing their heads in thought, and most of them were chanting words, passing by Hua Qianqian one by one, lest the beauties would not know his talent generally.

Talented scholars submitted their poems one after another, and Zheng Yuanxi was the last one.In fact, it only took him half a stick of incense time to write it, and then he wrote it silently over and over again, and finally chose the one with the most satisfactory handwriting and handed it in.

The judges read and criticize the poems in turn, with A being the top, B next, C again, and D the last.

"Old man, you're not saying what you mean, you are willing to give Zheng Bo'an's poems a prize." The old man joked with a smile.

"I'm right about poetry and not about people." The old scholar snorted coldly.

Zhu, the old Juren, picked up a poem and said, "Seven top poems, it seems that he is really the best lotus poem."

"The two seniors spoke prematurely." Xu Yang came with a poem, "here is a top five poem for review by the two seniors."

"Wujia! Who has such a talent for poetry." The old scholar snatched the poem and looked at it carefully.

"Good, good, good poetry, this poem can drink ten jars of wine."

Seeing this, the old man was very curious, it was He Shizuo who made the old man so excited.

Stretch your head to look.


Pick up a pen and write a review, A.

"You can only choose one of the two top seven poems to be the top poem, let's vote for it," Xu Yang said.

"The second song."



"Master Hua, the poem chief has been selected, so it's up to you to announce it."

Hua Qianqian got up and took the poem from Xu Yang.

"Brother Bo'an, everyone Hua is going to announce the poetry champion."

"Needless to say, Shi Kui must be Brother Bo An."

Hua Qianqian gently opened her vermilion lips, "Small pond. The spring is silent and cherishes the trickle. The shade of the tree shines on the water and loves the softness. The little lotus just showed its sharp horns, and a dragonfly stood on it long ago. Yan Wenjin wrote."

"My concubine likes this song Xiaochi by Mr. Yan very much. I don't know who is Mr. Yan. Please ask me to print the bell so that I can collect it."

Yan Wenjin, why is this Yan Wenjin again, impossible, impossible!
Hua Qianqian's words were like a thunderbolt from the blue sky, and Zheng Yuanxi spurted out a mouthful of old blood, and passed out.

"Brother Bo'an. Brother Bo'an." Yang Wei and Lu Yilu helped Zheng Yuanxi up, slapped his face and pinched people, and finally woke him up.

Yan Wenjin, why is it you again, why are you against me, why do you always steal my limelight, why.

Zheng Yuanxi gritted his teeth and stared at Yan Ping.

Old Zheng, it's not that I want to steal your limelight, it's the poem about lotus that I remember.No matter how you say it, Yan Ping is also a talented man named Qingfeng, so how can he hand in a blank paper.

Yan Ping got up and said, "Next is Yan Wenjin."

Hua Qianqian looked at Yan Ping carefully, and the more he looked at it, the more he liked it. It's a pity to eat such a handsome and talented son, um, take it back to warm the bed.

Next time we have a gathering, bring such a lovely person with us, we will definitely be envious of that coquettish spider.

The poem will continue, in addition to Hua Qianqian, the nobles from Xiaoyuelou also came, adding fragrance with red sleeves and ink with plain hands.For a time, the fragrance of ink and women filled the room.

It is none other than Hua Qianqian who studied ink for Yan Ping. If envious eyes could kill someone, Yan Ping would have died countless times.

Of course, singing and dancing performances are indispensable during the poetry meeting. After all, it is necessary to combine work and rest, and there are too many mental activities, so it is necessary to relax properly.Hua Qianqian also danced a dance, with her sleeves fluttering and her willow waist slender, winning applause from the audience.

One, two, three, as Huaqianqian's water sleeves waved, countless petals spilled out, as if it was raining flowers at the venue.

"Good!" The applause was like thunder, and everyone cheered loudly.

The scent of flowers... is not right.

Yan Ping and Lan Zhuxi frowned, watching the rain of flowers flying all over the sky.

The petals fell, and the intoxicating fragrance of the flowers permeated the air, blowing into the night with the wind, and blowing into Xiaoyue Lake.

Petals in twos and threes were blown down on the lake by the wind, and one of them melted into water and turned into a pink letter arrow, which shot straight towards the bottom of the lake for more than 80 feet and exploded with a bang.

The pink light rain illuminated the dark lake, and there was something vaguely lying on the bottom of the lake.

Qingfeng County Town God's Temple.

"There is a demonic aura." Qingfeng Chenghuang frowned, put down the half-eaten haggis noodles in his hand, and looked up towards the direction of Xiaoyue Lake.

"My lord." The judge walked in, and said solemnly, "Xiaoyue Lake has a strange aura, and I have already sent Ye Youshen to investigate."

"The demon-slaying guards in the city were temporarily recruited to Xiaogou Mountain. There is no guard in Qingfeng County. I suspect that there are monsters taking the opportunity to make trouble. No, I have to go and see for myself." The saber landed in his hand, his figure flashed, and the man had already stepped down from the statue of the city god. The next moment, it turned into a golden light and flew towards Xiaoyue Lake.

"My lord, you should bring enough people before you go." The fat judge jumped anxiously, and hurriedly beat the war drum to summon the Yin soldiers and generals.

Banners fluttered, horses neighed, and five hundred Yin soldiers took off to Xiaoyue Lake on a dark cloud.

boom!The boat vibrated and swayed, as if it had hit something.

"What's going on, did you hit the boat?" Xu Yang got up in a panic and asked loudly.

"My lord, it's not good, my lord." A boatman ran in in a panic.

"What's the matter?" Xu Yang asked, and other people gathered around, all of them nervous.

"What's the matter?" Qin Shubai covered his head, grinning his teeth in pain, just now he fell down and knocked his head on the ground, resulting in a big bump.

The boatman wiped the blood from his face, "something knocked out several big holes in the cabin, and they couldn't be blocked."

"The ship is sinking?"

"What should I do? I can't swim!"

"Xiaozhou, hurry up, go back to Xiaozhou."

The crowd exploded in an instant, rushing to the deck in a swarm, wanting to escape in a small boat.

boom!The painting boat was hit again, and people staggered and fell to the ground.

Yan Ping helped up a nobleman, in his perception, there were dozens of waves of evil spirits of different sizes under the boat.

He looked around for Hua Qianqian, but he couldn't find anyone there.

Lan Zhuxi frowned and said, "The banshee is gone."

Being able to disappear in people's perception, this Hua Qianqian's cultivation is definitely not inferior to his, and it is very likely that she is a demon king.

Yan Ping nodded, that Hua Qianqian was not a banshee, but a female corpse whose body was occupied by the spirit of a banshee.

The real banshee hides in the shadows.

He has been observing the county lord Xu Yang. At the moment when the boat was hit, Xu Yang seemed to be panicked, but in fact he seemed to have been aware of it.

This is most likely a game.

A bureau jointly set up by the county lord and the banshee.

In Yan Ping's hands, one real bean, three spiritual beans, and ten fad beans appeared.

The defense force of Tongtian Peak was much weaker than that of Zhushan, so Yan Ping left most of the Taoist soldiers at Tongtian Peak. This time he only brought [-] Taoist soldiers down the mountain.

Lan Zhuxi's eyes widened, Fadou.

This Yan Ping actually has Fadou on him!

The golden mist disappeared in a flash, and a white-clothed sword fairy and thirteen white-clothed scholars appeared on the deck.

(End of this chapter)

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