Chapter 153 Hua Xiaoxiao

Yan Twelve's body turned into sword light, and flew away.

Gong Mingyan was driving a high-grade spirit boat, and the speed was extremely fast, and within eleven breaths, the two met face to face.

Yan Twelve stood in the air, without saying a word, aimed at the spirit boat hundreds of meters away, and slashed out with all his strength. The bright sword light came with unparalleled power in an instant, and cut open the high-grade spirit boat.

With the buffer of the spirit boat defense circle, Gong Mingyan escaped unharmed, but was cut off by a sword and fell hard into the forest.

She stuck her head and feet upside down in the ground, as embarrassing as she could be.

Before she had time to think about it, Gong Mingyan's fighting instincts for many years made her immediately sacrifice all her defensive spiritual weapons, and she usually put herself into it like a matryoshka doll.

Almost at the same time, another sword light slashed down, the colorful spiritual light was bright and magnificent, and under the attack of the sword energy, the defensive spiritual weapons exploded one after another.


Gritting her teeth, Gong Mingyan offered up a colored handkerchief.

This is a top-grade defensive spiritual weapon that she spent most of her life savings on.

The colored handkerchief swelled against the wind, and turned into a colorful curtain to cover Gong Mingyan. Under the attack of the sword energy, the colorful curtain bloomed with colorful aura, like colorful boa constrictors, tearing and biting the sword energy.

One sword, two swords, three swords!
Yan Twelve's three sword strikes were unable to break through.

"It's you!"

Gong Mingyan recognized Yan Twelve. That night, it was the sword fairy in white who killed her demon soul clone with a sword.

The white-clothed sword fairy is Yan Ping's guard, and if the white-clothed sword fairy is here, then Yan Ping must also be here.

Most of his children have already been murdered.

But how did they know their lair?
Gong Mingyan frowned slightly, her demonic aura was restrained to the utmost, there was no reason for her to be discovered by others!

And even if she is discovered, it shouldn't be possible to see what kind of monster she is.

Gong Mingyan was puzzled.

If you can't figure it out, don't think about it, the most important thing right now is to get rid of that Yan Ping.

"What about your master, let him come out."

Gong Mingyan has nothing to fear, the top-grade defensive spirit weapon is unbreakable for non-transformation monks, and Yan Ping is young, no matter how talented he is, it is impossible to be a deity-transformation celestial being.

She has the ultimate defensive spirit weapon and is invincible.

As long as Na Yan Ping appears, she can use her supernatural powers to poison him to death.

Yan Twelve said flatly, "As you wish."

"My lord, Gong Mingyan has a top-grade defensive spiritual weapon on her body, Twelve can't help her, so please kill her."

Yan Twelve's voice sounded in Yan Ping's mind.

The ultimate defensive spirit weapon.

This beautiful snake is quite rich. It is extremely rare for an ordinary demon king to have a top-grade defensive spiritual weapon. I never thought that she would have a top-grade defensive spiritual weapon.

Yan Ping kicked up the wind and flew away.

"Yan Ping!"

Seeing the white clothes appearing in the distant sky, Gong Mingyan's eyes burst into flames.

Supernatural powers, venom into snakes.

Drops of emerald green venom appeared, congealed into small green snakes, densely packed, no less than ten thousand in number.

As soon as these venomous snakes appeared, the poisonous mist that escaped caused the corroded surrounding vegetation to continuously smoke, and the flowers, plants and trees melted away at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"go with!"

Gong Mingyan waved her hands, and densely packed green snakes shot up, like tens of thousands of emerald green rays rushing towards the white clothes.

The supernatural power of Wenyun Bamboo Bear.

Wenyun Bamboo Bear is gifted with supernatural powers and a life shield!

Yan Ping's speed did not decrease but increased. He transformed into Wenyun Bamboo Bear, put on a life shield, and instantly appeared in front of Gong Mingyan under the erosion of tens of thousands of venomous snakes, and quickly stepped down with his foot.


Earth and rocks splashed in all directions, and the land with a radius of [-] meters suddenly sank several feet.

Spiritual light overflowed, and the colored curtains that had been slammed shook for a while, blocking Yan Ping's kick that fell from the sky.

Boom boom boom~!

Yan Ping didn't give Gong Mingyan a chance to breathe, and kicked one after another.

The eighth foot, crit!

Click!Immediately, the barrier of spiritual light burst unbearably, and then the colorful curtain exploded into countless fragments in an instant.

Yan Ping's thigh like a steel whip swept and kicked Gong Mingyan's head, and the beauty's head exploded like a watermelon being hit hard, splashing red and white all over the void.

Soul arrest!

Yan Ping used the soul restraining technique learned from Si Nanli, and captured Gong Mingyan's sluggish soul in his palm.

It took only three breaths of time from the violent attack to the capture of Gong Mingyan's soul.

This is the crushing of absolute strength.

Gong Mingyan was in a daze from the beginning to the end, this, is this Yan Ping a human or a demon, why did he become a Wenyun Zhuxiong?

"who are you?"

Gong Mingyan roared unwillingly.

Yan Ping ignored Gong Mingyan's roar and swallowed her soul in one gulp.

A quarter of an hour later.

Yan Ping returned to Qingfeng County.

Came to the Zhuquewei resident in Qingfeng County for the first time.

"Who is coming."

The guard stopped the young man in white.

Yan Ping took out the seal of the prefect of Chunjiang Mansion, and said, "I want to see you Lord Qianhu."

The guard took a look at the big seal and was dumbfounded.

"What's wrong?" Another tall guard came over.

"Mansion, Lord Mansion."


The tall guard stretched his head to look, his expression changed, he knelt down with a thump, "See the Fujun for the humble position."

The guard who came back to his senses had cold sweat on his forehead, knelt down on the ground with his knees bent, and held up the big seal with both hands, "See the lord for a lowly position!"

Yan Ping put away the big seal and said: "Go and inform your Qianhu."


"Your Majesty, please come inside."

A guard went to report, and a guard led Yan Ping to the living room.

"Your Majesty, please drink some tea."

Yan Ping was drinking tea, and not long after, a middle-aged man in a white python robe with a red red bird tattooed on his chest hurried over.

"Qianhu Bai Chongshan, Zhuquewei, Qingfeng County, has seen the Fujun."

"Bai Qianhu is polite."

The Zhuquewei of the Great Zhou Dynasty supervised all the officials in the world and had great power.

The princes rebelled, and the first person to clean up was the Zhuquewei in the territory, so the Bai Qianhu in front of him was definitely Li Jianyu's confidant.

Yan Ping can safely hand over Gong Mingyan's soul to him, and let him deal with Xu Yang.

This is an official rule. Although he is the governor of the government, he does not have the right to judge, arrest or dismiss the county monarch. The right to judge and arrest lies in the hands of Suzaku Guard, and the right to recall and appoint the county monarch is only the beast king's right.

"Bai Qianhu, I will leave the matter of Xu Yang to you."

"Thank you, Fujun, Xu Yang and Gong Mingyan are right under my nose, but I didn't realize it, and I still have to trouble Fujun... I am ashamed."

Bai Chongshan was afraid for a while, if Lord Yan hadn't caught Gong Mingyan, Xu Yang would be a monster.

Let this person and monster hide, and if something big happens suddenly one day, he, a thousand households, will definitely die.

Early the next morning, Yan Ping and his party left Qingfeng County. He had completed [-]% of the matter, and if Bai Chongshan couldn't handle the remaining finishing work, he could really resign and go home.

Passenger ships sail on the Spring River.

It has been seven days since he left Qingfeng County. During the seven days, Yan Ping visited another county town and shot and killed several monsters making trouble.

Two days later, the passenger ship crossed Pingliang County and entered Huangshi County.

"Qianqian, why are you crying?"

Yan Ping looked at Hua Qianqian who suddenly burst into tears in confusion.

Hua Qianqian said with red eyes: "Sir, this Huangshi County is my hometown. Ten years ago, the world was full of wars and bandits. My father was killed by bandits. I escaped with my younger sister, mother, uncle and aunt. Born, but lost in the war, I came back to look for them this time, who knows..."

An hour later.

Yan Ping followed Hua Qianqian to a small village.

This is Hua Qianqian's hometown.

It was evening, thick clouds covered the afterglow of the setting sun, and the sky was as dark as night.

Most of the villagers have fallen asleep, and only a few houses are still lit.

The woman was weaving under the lamp, pushing and pulling the loom with chilblain hands and feet stiff, and sucking a few times when it accidentally cracked and bleeds.

The old face eroded by the years can't hide the exhaustion. After doing housework during the day, taking care of the children, washing and cooking, and weaving at night, I am definitely tired.

There was a sleeping sweet child lying on the kang, the woman got up and helped him tuck the quilt, the exhaustion on her face seemed to be swept away, she took a sip of strong tea and continued weaving.

Haw and Haw, everything is for the children.

The village is very small, with more than a dozen families, and it takes a few steps to reach the south of the village.

There are two thatched cottages, one for Hua Qianqian's father and one for Hua Qianqian's uncle.

knock knock.

"It's so late, who is it!"

The old man opened the door, and when the cold wind blew, he couldn't help tightening his worn wool coat.

"Father, who is it!" An old woman poked her head, wrapped in a mended quilt, a thin head was exposed under the quilt, not too thin, staring at Hua Qianqian with big black eyes.

"Hi, hello, are you okay?" The old man stammered, he had never seen such a good-looking person, with fluttering white clothes and a graceful temperament, like a fairy.

This is Hua Qianqian's uncle, who is less than 40 years old but looks like a 70-year-old man.

Uncle has occupied her family's house, it seems that mother may have left.

Just a little girl?Is little sister still alive?
Hua Qianqian only sensed three people, and there was no sign of anyone in the other thatched cottage.

"Uncle, I'm Hua Qianqian, where is Hua Xiaoxiao? She, is she still alive?"

"Qian, Qianqian!" The old man was startled, and looked at Hua Qianqian in disbelief. After careful observation, he vaguely saw some shadows of a ten-year-old girl back then.

"You are Qianqian, you survived, but unfortunately your mother has already passed away." The old man sighed.

"Uncle, where is my sister Hua Xiaoxiao? Did she survive?"

"Xiao Xiao..." The old man showed shame, hesitated, and didn't know how to answer.

Yan Ping frowned, and took out a bead.

Trace beads, the gadgets bought from Qingping Yaojun, can trace the past scenes.

A ray of sword energy was activated, and the beads lifted into the air, emitting a blue light, covering the small village.

"My uncle, my aunt, after I leave, Xiaoxiao will take care of you. Unfortunately, I won't be able to see Qianqian anymore."

The old woman closed her eyes and left. The funeral was simple, wrapped in a straw mat, and buried on a small hill at the end of the village.

"Father, it's hard for us to support ourselves, and we have to support her children, this..."

"Okay, it's useless to talk too much. Since my sister-in-law agreed to give us the house, it's also right to raise Xiaoxiao."

The baby girl in the swaddling baby grows up day by day, and she knows from her uncle that she has a sister, but she is so happy that she takes a puppet to the village every day to wait for her sister to come back.

"It's been five years, and Qianqian hasn't come back. It seems that most of them died outside. We can't raise that girl for nothing anymore, just give it away."

"No, she is my niece."

"I'm pregnant again."

One word from the woman made the man shut up.He had already lost two children, and he dreamed of having another child, a child who would survive.

Xiaoxiao was not given away.

But from this day on, the little girl took over some of the housework and became a child laborer.

Every day when I was tired, I fell into bed and fell asleep, and my body stopped developing. I was thin and weak, as if I could fall down when the wind blows.

"Father, the family really can't afford to support two children. My cousin is doing a big business in the city, and selling Xiaoxiao to him as his daughter will make him happy."


"I'm afraid Qianqian has died outside, besides, we have tried our best."

"Wuwuwu, don't sell Xiaoxiao, uncle, aunt, Xiaoxiao knows how to work, and does a lot of work. From now on, Xiaoxiao will only eat one meal. My brother will eat noodles, and Xiaoxiao will drink soup. Don't chase Xiaoxiao away, Uncle, aunt, please, don't sell Xiaoxiao. Xiaoxiao will be more obedient in the future, Xiaoxiao will wait for her sister to come back, Xiaoxiao is gone, and she will not be able to find Xiaoxiao when she comes back. "

The short and sallow girl knelt on the ground and kowtowed while crying, bleeding from the head.

"Your sister won't come back, maybe your sister died outside long ago."

"No, my sister won't die, she won't die, my sister will come back to Xiaoxiao, she will definitely come back to Xiaoxiao."

"Uncle, uncle, please persuade auntie not to sell Xiaoxiao, Xiaoxiao is willing to do anything..."

The old man sighed.

"Cousin, count the number. If the price is correct, I will take this girl away."

"Hurry up and take her away. I'm so annoyed at talking about her sister coming back every day."

"I won't go, I won't go, I want to wait for my sister, let me go..."

"Smelly girl, are you a dog?"

Looking at the bleeding arm, the young man slashed the little girl unconscious with a knife in his hand.

"What a broken doll, it's so ugly."

The little puppet that the girl held tightly in her hand was thrown by the young man on the side of the road, and soon it was covered by snow and disappeared.

Yan Ping sighed, put away the trace beads, Hua Qianqian's eyes were red, her eyes seemed to choose someone to eat, she stared at the old woman, and said word by word, "What's your cousin's name, where does he live? "

The old woman trembled and stammered in fright, "Call, Li Goudan, I live in the county seat, No. 77, Xiaogoufang."

Hua Qianqian turned around and left.

The awe-inspiring gas broke out, crushing the thatched hut next to it, and flying into the sky with the awe-inspiring tornado along with the snow all over the sky.

"You like to live in my hut, so you can live forever."

Hua Qianqian came to the side of the road, sweeping away the thick snow with arrogance, revealing a dark and frozen puppet inside.

There are two people on the puppet, one big and one small.

Step on the wooden sword.

"Fly, fly, sister takes Xiao Xiaofei."

"Sister, fly slowly, Xiaoxiao is afraid."

"Sister, you are tired from flying, Xiaoxiao is also tired, let's land and rest."

The skinny little girl ran wildly around the village with a puppet alone, talking to herself, and stopped until she was tired and dizzy.

"Hahaha, the crazy girl is tired from running, she is so stupid."

"Can that be called a puppet? It's so ugly."

"Puppets are ugly, people are ugly, just like my ugly chicken, hahaha, look at her yellow hair like a chicken coop, is she really the same as an ugly chicken!"

The girl carefully hid the puppet, ignored the children, and ran to the entrance of the village as if flying with her hands in the shape of wings.

She was going to wait for her sister, and she wanted her sister to see her as soon as she came back, and then give her the puppet she carved with a small knife file.

She believes that her sister must still be alive and will definitely come back to find her.

(End of this chapter)

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