Chapter 184

The woman in the python suit snorted coldly, twisted out a talisman, and shook her hand.

The talisman hit the water ghost and burst into flames. The water ghost was ignited by the fire, sizzling, and fled back into the water reluctantly. Unfortunately, the water could not extinguish the fire of the talisman.

The flames were like gangrene attached to the bones, no matter whether the water ghost had its arms or legs broken, it couldn't be extinguished. In the blink of an eye, it was burned to ashes.

The woman put the knife back into the sheath, picked up the baby girl and examined it carefully, and said, "It's nothing serious, just burn this talisman into ashes and mix it with water, feed her to drink and sleep, and she'll be fine."

"Thank you, sir, thank you, you are really a female Bodhisattva who saves suffering!" The woman took the talisman and knelt down and kowtowed.

The woman in the python suit pulled the woman up and handed the child back, "Hurry up and feed the talisman water, or it will change if it is too late."

"Yes, yes, thank you Bodhisattva."

"Shen Zongqi, thanks to you this time, if that little girl dies on the boat, no one will dare to sit on my boat in the future."

"Small meaning, not a respect, please accept it, Mr. Shen."

The chunky shipowner was afraid for a while, and took out a one hundred tael silver note.

Shen Luxi said, "No need, it is my duty to slay demons and demons."

"Sister Luxi, are you okay?" A tall and handsome scholar ran over.

"You were on the deck just now?" The woman in the python suit finally turned her face.

I seem to have seen this girl somewhere.

Shi Huaixian carefully observed the woman in the python suit, with a flat chest, a delicate oval face, red phoenix eyes, and a glamorous temperament...

This, this is Shen Luxi!
Shi Huaixian was slightly startled, he never expected to meet an acquaintance here.

Shen Luxi, Lin Shouyi's senior sister and Chu Junyi's senior sister, entered the world three years ago for experience, and never wanted to meet again. She has already become the General Banner of the Demon Slayer Guard.

"Well, some classmates and I were enjoying the scenery here just now, and suddenly..."

"Why didn't you pee when the old lady called the boy to pee? Are you not a boy?"

"I, I'm a boy, just, it's just that what the old woman wants is to be in public... I'm a scholar, and I can't do things that are indecent and degrading!"

"Human life is at stake, you still worry so much, you are really stupid for reading."

"Girl, don't be harsh. Anyone with a sense of shame can't do such a thing." Shi Huaixian walked over, he is a monk, he is very handsome, he should not be too conspicuous among the boat passengers, he can be sure I have already been seen by Shen Luxi, if I don't go out to see her at this time, the consequences...

Shen Luxi said flatly, "Who are you?"

"I am Shi Huaixian, a monk of Lanke Temple in Qingmu Town."

"Are you a child?"

Shi Huaixian nodded.

"Hmph, I know you men, the reason why you don't dare to pee is because the thing is too small to show it to others!"

The corner of Shi Huaixian's mouth twitched.

What exactly has Shen Luxi experienced in the past three years? She has always been glamorous and serious, but she can still make such dirty jokes.

Shi Huaixian ignored the woman's contemptuous eyes, turned around and left, can't you hide from me if you can't provoke me?
"Sister Luxi, do you know this monk?"

"None of your shit, get out."

"Sister Luxi, you, don't be angry, I'll just go."

knock knock!

Shi Huaixian returned to the guest room and had just sat down when the expected knock on the door came.


"Lan Ke."

Shi Huaixian stood up and opened the door, a tall and strong figure rushed in and threw him on the bed.

"Shi Huaixian, how dare you ignore me, you're courting death!" Shi Huaixian grasped the fist of the lower blow, "Sister Luxi, can a man and a woman kiss each other!"

"Hmph, I don't know what the title is. I haven't touched it when you were a child."

After Shen Luxi finished speaking, he turned over and stood up.

Let go of Xian Dajiong, that is simply a memory he can't bear to look back on.

"Shi Huaixian, back then I kindly asked you to go down the mountain with me to practice and you refused, why are you willing to go down the mountain now?"

Let go of the immortal way, "A teacher's order is hard to break."

"It turns out that the old host forced you to go down the mountain. Let me just say, with your temperament, it is absolutely impossible for you to go down the mountain on your own initiative."

Shen Luxi sat down, picked up the teapot and poured himself a cup of tea, "Where are you going to travel this time?"

Shi Huai said, "Brother Yan said to go to Huangshi County first."

Shen Luxi frowned and said, "Brother Yan?"

Shi Huaixian nodded, "Brother Yan is a very capable monk, the master asked me to follow him, saying that he could learn a lot."

"To be valued by the old host, it seems that your brother Yan is not easy!"

"If you want to get to know each other, I can introduce you."

"Forget it, let's talk about it tomorrow. We're going to cross the Bone Beach soon. Be careful yourself. It's best not to go on deck."

"Oh, okay." Shi Huaixian didn't ask Shen Luxi the reason. When he was young, Shen Luxi was a tomboy. At that time, Shi Huaixian followed Shen Luxi every day. He was the follower of this female man. After so many years, he would listen to Shen Luxi's words .

Shen Luxi drank some tea in Shi Huaixian's room and then left.

The terminal of the passenger ship is Chunjiangfu City, passing by Buried Bone Beach on the way.

Bone Beach has been a battleground for military strategists since ancient times. Every time a dynasty changes, blood will flow here like a river, and the bones will accumulate and weather for thousands of years, eventually turning into a tidal flat.There used to be howling ghosts and howling wolves, and the dark wind blotted out the sun. It was one of the three forbidden places in the Spring River Mansion, and no one dared to take risks.

Until a hundred years ago, a great virtuous and eminent monk descended on a golden cloud, sat on the buried bone beach with great perseverance and great wisdom, fed ghosts with his body, and chanted the scriptures of the past to save the souls of the dead. send away.

Thousands of years of accumulation and precipitation have already made this bone burial beach a very dark place, with ghosts breeding every year. The virtuous and eminent monks cannot eradicate them, and it is impossible to stay for a long time. .

After another 50 years like this, finally a cargo ship dared to pass by. For safety, the ship owner would spend a lot of money to invite monks and Taoists to sit in charge.For the shipowner, the little gold and silver paid is nothing compared to the money earned after changing the course.

One ship, two ships... more and more cargo ships passed through the bone beach without incident, and gradually passenger ships began to use this waterway.

This is the third time for this passenger ship to go to the Bone Beach. The first two times it invited a monk, and both times it passed safely.

This time, a Taoist priest was invited, and in terms of ability, that Taoist priest was far inferior to Shen Luxi, the General Banner of the Demon Slayer Guard.Therefore, for this voyage, the shipowner is very relieved.

"Shen Zongqi, we will arrive at the Bone Beach soon, and please work hard on the deck to help guard." The ship owner poured a cup of ginseng tea for Shen Luxi.

"Should be." Shen Luxi took a sip of ginseng tea, tender white fingers, glamorous temperament, good figure, well, although the breasts are a bit small, but the buttocks are big enough and upturned, he must be a man who can bear a son Good woman.

Speaking of which, my youngest son is about the same age as Shen Zongqi, but unfortunately he is an idiot who knows how to fight dogs all day long. Even if he is a little promising, I have the confidence to introduce him to others.

If I were 40 years younger...

Looking at the wrinkled palms, the owner could not help but sigh.

"Why is Master Zhao sighing?"

"It's nothing, there may be wind and rain later, I'll go to appease the guests."

"Master Zhao, please go ahead, I'll go up after drinking ginseng tea."

After Mr. Zhao left, Shen Luxi let out a piss, "You're not ashamed, you're still aiming at the chest of your daughter's house when you're too old. I'm all bundled up into a flat ground, and you can still look at the flowers!"

Shen Luxi took a sip of ginseng tea, and took the knife to the deck.

Xu knew that he was going to cross the Bone Beach soon, and there was no one else on the deck except the seven strong bodyguards on board.

Shen Luxi came to the bow of the boat, suddenly raised his figure, landed on the mast, just sat down, closed his eyes and meditated.

At midnight, Yan Ping woke up, called hot water to wash his face, came to the restaurant, and ordered three catties of sauced beef and a jug of wine.

Looking at the empty restaurant, he wondered, "Isn't it supper time now, why am I alone?"

"My lord is a stranger!" the fat cook asked with a smile.

"People from Qingyang Mansion."

"That's no wonder, our boat is going five miles forward, and we are about to arrive at the Bone Beach, this Bone Beach..."

"My lord, don't be afraid. This time we have General Shen Banner of the Demon Slayer Guards accompanying us on board. The Demon Slayer Guards know that all of them are capable people and strangers, and they are all masters who can kill demons and eliminate demons. She's here to keep us safe."

"Hey, your beef is ready. You, just sit down and eat boldly. I'm sure you're okay."

Bone Beach, Yan Ping knew this place, before he came to Chunjiang Mansion to take up his post, he consulted the relevant information, and generally knew some of the situation in Chunjiang Mansion.

Buried bone beach used to be one of the three forbidden places in Chunjiang Mansion. A great eminent monk passed by a hundred years ago. Go to the title of the forbidden area and become a scenic spot.

Of course, although the Bone Beach has lost its title of Forbidden Land, the danger still exists, so just in case, some monks and priests are often hired to accompany the ships.

After chewing slowly and eating three catties of sauced beef, he took the flagon and came to the deck.

The section of the river before entering the Bone Beach is called the Jiuqu River.

Jiuqu River has nine bends and eighteen bends, and the scenery of each bend is different.

It is a pity that it is night, there is no beautiful scenery, only the bleak autumn wind, the mountains on both sides of the river are indistinct, and occasionally there are a few beast roars, breaking the tranquility of the night.

"The bone burial beach is ahead, you'd better go back to your room." A cold female voice suddenly sounded from behind.

Yan Ping turned around, looked at the more glamorous beauty in public uniform under the moonlight, and said with a smile, "Thank you Lord Slayer and Guard for your concern, I have the ability to protect myself."

Seeing the face of the man in white, Shen Luxi lost his mind for a moment, and then quickly regained his senses.

"If something happens later, I can't protect you, you can figure it out yourself."

Shen Luxi snorted coldly, suddenly raised his head, and returned to the original place.

Yan Ping looked up at the woman standing against the wind, beautiful women are different in uniform, one word, sha.

Suddenly, the autumn wind in my ears turned into a cloudy wind, the sky darkened, and the moon seemed to be covered with a layer of gray veil, becoming gray.

This yin energy is weird.


The stern wind pierced the eardrums, and the people in the passenger ship shivered involuntarily, and the timid ones even shrank directly into the quilt.

"Well, mother, what's the sound, my daughter is afraid."

"Be good, baby, you won't be afraid if you plug your ears with cotton."

"I can't hear the sound anymore, my daughter is not afraid anymore."

"Sleep, baby, it will be dawn when you wake up, let daddy take you fishing at dawn."

"Fishing, I want to catch a lot of small fish."

"Baby his father."

"Don't worry, there is an adult from the Demon Slayer Guard, so it will be fine."

As the boat sailed on the river, a pale white beach appeared in front of my eyes.

Under the moonlight, phosphorous fires can be seen everywhere, floating to and fro like will-o'-the-wisps and howling winds.

From time to time, skulls were blown and rattled.Ordinary people might really faint when they saw such a scene.


Shen Luxi twisted out ten talismans.His eyes were fixed on a dark cloud floating in front of him.

call out!Just when she was about to throw out the talisman, Yin Yun braked and flew away in a semicircle.

?There was a capitalized question mark on Shen Luxi's forehead.

Whoosh!The dark clouds went around one after another, but none of the ghosts on the dark clouds came down to harm people.

Shen Luxi finally understood that these ghosts were all running away in a panic, as if there was some terrifying existence chasing them behind.


A roar shook a three-mile radius, and the passenger ship was shaken by the manic wind, and it hurt people's cheeks.

Cabin, owner's room.

Master Zhao exclaimed, "What happened, what's that sound?"

A strong man shouted, "The boat is rocking. The wind is so strong. The stronger the wind, the stronger the ghosts. It's over, a big guy is coming."

"Shen, President Shen is on the deck, I, we will be fine." Master Zhao forced himself to be calm.

"It doesn't work. I encountered this kind of situation when I was with a cargo ship last time. The expert guarding the ship was better than Zongqi Shen, but he was swallowed alive by the ghost." The strong man said dejectedly.

"You, didn't you say that nothing happened to this route?" Master Zhao was furious.

"I lied to you, how could there be no accidents. One time out of ten times, it can only be considered bad luck. Last time I was lucky enough to escape, this time I'm afraid I have to confess here."

"You, you dare to come if you have met before!"

"If I didn't see a doctor for my son to earn more money, you think I would come. Who wants to die, and I don't want to die either!"

"We can only wait to die?"

"Yes, maybe the ghost will leave when it is full. Whether it is dead or alive depends on luck."

Shen Luxi took out all the talismans and looked nervously at the black cloud ahead.


A huge and ugly ghost rushed over through the black clouds. She was three feet tall, with disheveled hair and blue face and fangs.The belly was raised high and covered with blue veins, and it seemed that something inside was trying to push out, trying to come out.

"Ghost, ghost mother!" Shen Luxi paled in shock, never expecting to meet such a legendary ghost.

As soon as she was in a daze, the ghost mother flew to her, and the huge ghost claws probed and grabbed it.

Shen Luxi gritted his silver teeth, shook his right hand, and hundreds of talismans were shot out like rain of arrows.

boom!The talisman exploded, turning into a ball of hot flames, and the body of a burning ghost billowed with blue smoke.

The ghost mother was in pain, roaring and furious, the other ghost claw slammed down, the flames collapsed, the strong claw wind hit her face, Shen Luxi drew her knife and slashed.


Like the sound of a knife cutting a fine stone, Shen Luxi's tiger's mouth was instantly bloody, and people flew out backwards.


The ghost mother slapped off the remaining flames on her body, and grabbed it again with one claw.

Shen Luxi sat down on the deck, looking calmly at the approaching claws.

The ghost claw stopped suddenly when it was ten centimeters away from Shen Luxi's head.

Yan Ping put his arms around Shen Luxi's slender waist, and his gesture of pulling back was also frozen.

(End of this chapter)

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