Chapter 197 Looking for help

A blood thread wrapped around Yasha's neck, Ao Ping turned over and stepped on him, pulling the blood thread with his right hand, Yasha turned his head involuntarily.

"Take me to find your master."

"You, you dare to attack Ben Yasha, you want to die, ah~~~~~!"

The blood line is strangled into the muscle, and the blood seeps out.

"If you don't want to move your head, hurry up."

Yasha nodded hastily, and with a swipe of his long pussy legs, he rushed Ao Ping towards the water mansion like an arrow off the string.

Yasha was extremely fast in the water, and took Ao Ping down more than a thousand meters, and finally saw a water palace.

The Water Mansion is built between the rocks at the bottom of the river and is covered by a big air bubble.The water mansion is magnificent, comparable to the palace of an emperor on earth.

Pavilions, terraces and pavilions can be seen everywhere, artificial mountains and bamboo forests, a lotus pond with koi swimming in it, and various houses are arranged in an orderly manner, intriguing, carved and jade-built, and perfectly blended with the surrounding environment. Such a clever layout is obviously from the hands of everyone.

Ding Wuyou, you have enjoyed these years.

"Asi, who is this?" At the gate of the water mansion, three yakshas swam over, looking puzzled at the fox-faced white clothes on Asi's back.

"Go and inform the master, someone broke in..."

The blood line tightened, heck, blue blood spurted out, Yasha's ferocious head separated from his body, and slowly slid down.

"Enemy attack!" Jiada, Jiaer, and Jiasan roared and rushed towards Ao Ping with weapons in their hands.

The weapon shattered, and the three yakshas vomited blood and flew out backwards.

Ao Ping glanced at the robe that had been cracked by the weapon, and frowned. His blood shadow was as strong as his body, and he was short of a magic robe to match him. Otherwise, he would not dare to use too much force in a fight. robe.

Ao Ping stepped into the bubble step by step, his feet landed firmly, and the environment inside the bubble was the same as the ground, which was much more comfortable.

"Who dares to come to my Shui Mansion to act wildly? Are you tired of doing things?"

With the howling sound, the whole water mansion was shaken.

A stream of water came through the air, and when it reached above Ao Ping's head, a huge sailor came out and slammed it down.

Behind Ao Ping, blood surged up into the sky, enveloping the giant hand, and the hot blood evaporated the giant hand into nothingness in the blink of an eye.

After the water fell to the ground, it turned into a blue-robed man, looking solemnly at the red-clothed man in front of him.

"Who is your Excellency, and why did you break into my water mansion?"

"It's a pity that the heavy water avatar is not good. Compared with the heavy water avatar of Golden Water Lord, it's just rubbish."

A huge blood dragon raised its head from behind Ao Ping, and swallowed the man in the blue robe in one gulp under the horrified eyes.

Strands of divine power overflowed, the giant python opened its mouth, and a piece of transparent crystal fell down. Ao Ping reached out to catch it, and put the heavy water into the storage bag.

The blood python dragged Ao Ping, turned into a blood shadow and went straight to the main hall of the Water Mansion.

main hall.

Ding Wuyou wore a blue robe and sat high on the main seat, with three people sitting on the left and right sides.

The three figures on the left are all ghosts and gods, namely the Town God of Zhenzhu Town, the Lord of Shili Lake, and the Mountain God of Zhenzhu Mountain.

The three on the right are all demon cultivators, a green snake demon, a toad demon, and a buffalo demon. They are all well-known demon kings in the Pearl River area.

Because of their reputation, Taohuawu disciples often go to their site to experience killing demons and eliminating harm for the people.Because of the relationship with the Golden Monkey King, they dare not kill people, but if Taohuawu disciples are allowed to kill without restraint, they will become lonely one day.

They didn't know where they found out that Ding Wuyou was a disciple of Jinshuijun during his lifetime, and that even the god was asked for by Jinshuijun, so they handed over the worship stickers on the day of Ding Wuyou's birthday banquet. Congratulations with a gift.The purpose is to establish a relationship with Gold Shui Jun through Ding Wuyou, to see if he can get an offering or a guest.

Dozens of fish girls dressed in tulle, twisted their slender waists, and danced in the hall. wanted.

Hmph, mountain monster cultivator, I have never seen the world.

Ding Wuyou was scornful in his heart, but if he could subdue these three monsters, he would be at least [-]% sure of defeating Jiuqujiang.

Thinking of this, Ding Wuyou was about to put down his body, respect the virtuous corporal, and go down to toast the three monsters. Suddenly, he heard Yasha's enemy attack. rushed out.

The feminine man in the form of a green snake demon said, "Someone actually attacked the Shuifu, Brother Wuyou, do you want me to help you.".

"I don't need to bother the three distinguished guests with some small matters, I can solve them."

Ding Wuyou had no intention of toasting, and just about to sit down when he returned to the main seat, a mouthful of divine blood was spurted out, and he also collapsed on the seat.

"Brother Wuyou."

"Brother Wuyou."

"Brother Wuyou."

The three ghosts and gods, and the three demon cultivators hurried forward to help him up.

"The enemy is coming, please help me." Ding Wuyou coughed up blood, his face was full of fear, he was terrified by Ao Ping's blow.

"Whoever dares to help him will die. I will do what I say."

Dressed in handsome white clothes, he stepped in and pointed at Ding Wuyou, "I'm only here today for him, I don't want to hurt the innocent."

"Three, if you can help me take down this person, I promise to help you match up and visit Golden Water Lord." Ding Wuyou said quietly crushing a communication talisman.

The eyes of the three demons lit up, they looked at each other, and surrounded the white clothes with their weapons, with awe-inspiring killing intent.

There is no reason why the three of their brothers can't win a human monk who is at most at the Jindan stage.

"Boy, you are just a mere..."


Three blood-colored giant dragons rushed out from behind Ao Ping, swallowed the three monsters one by one, and returned to the west before they could even scream.

This white robe is strong, too strong, and cannot be judged by common sense.

The hairs of the three ghosts and gods exploded, turned into golden light and left without a word.

"You, don't come here, you can't kill me, I have already sent a message to Qishan Lake, I am His Majesty Golden Suicune..."

Ao Ping was expressionless, and the blood dragon behind him swallowed Ding Wuyou in one gulp. The scorching pain made Ding Wuyou scream. Under the burning of blood, his divine power evaporated at a terrifying speed, and his divine body melted away. Until the soul flies away.

Ding, a storage bag fell.

"Elevated you to the high position of the God of the Pearl River, but the Golden Water Lord didn't even give you one or two magic weapons for protection. It's really a cunning rabbit to die, and a lackey to cook. The birds are gone, and the good bow is hidden."

The fight was boring, and when he put away the storage bag, Ao Ping scattered countless blood and disappeared with a bang.

Pearl River, pier.

"Young master, wake up, we've reached the shore."

Ao Ping opened his eyes, stretched his waist, handed the boatman a silver coin, got off the boat and left.

"My lord, I paid too much money." The old man got off the boat and chased after him, but he was able to catch up.

"Good man." Chuan Gong bowed in the direction of Bai Yi's departure.

After walking along the pier for a while, Ao Ping boarded a passenger ship heading east.

After the boat traveled three miles, Ao Ping saw a blue streamer plunge into the Pearl River.

"Golden Water Lord, I will charge you some interest for the time being. You have to live well and wait for me to come back!"


Pearl River, River God Water Mansion.

The blue streamer fell and turned into a tall figure.

"Who, exactly who dared to kill my subordinate River God."

The figure roared and roared.

Waving his hands, the water transport of the Pearl River was stirred up, and the people on both sides of the bank suddenly discovered that the Zhenzhu River, which was originally flowing smoothly, suddenly became irritable.

Gold Suicune grasped it with both hands, and countless bloody silk threads were caught in his hands.

The threads of blood qi condensed and finally turned into a drop of blood.


The waves fell, scattered into countless water droplets, and the Zhenzhu River, which had become turbulent without warning, suddenly returned to calm.

Holding the blood bead in his hand, Golden Water Lord uses the method of tracing, hoping to find the real culprit who killed the God of Zhenzhu River.

The blood beads exploded with a bang, turned into countless blood energy, surged and deformed, and gradually elongated into a human silhouette.

Unfortunately, that's it.

There seems to be a powerful force in the dark that interferes with Golden Suicune's ability to trace back, making it impossible to truly trace back to the source, which is the true face of the perpetrator.

"It cannot be traced back."

Gold Shuijun frowned, "The cultivator who killed Ding Wuyou has a strong bloodline, most likely an ancient alien bloodline, my bloodline is mediocre, my cultivation is limited, and it is impossible to find the real culprit by using the retrospective method."

"Who is going against me?"

Golden Suicune recalled the various enemies he had encountered in his life, but he really couldn't think of any one who would come against him.

"Hmph, no matter who you are, when I practice into the Nine Nether Cold Territory and advance to the Transformation God Heaven and Human Realm, it's your time of death."

Golden Suicune's eyes were piercing, and his figure flashed, turning into a blue light and disappearing.

Huangshi County, Dongcheng Wharf.

Yan Ping got off the passenger ship.

He came back this time to find helpers. Shi Huaixian was born with a pure yang body, with extremely strong yang energy, which can suppress the corpse of Jiuyou child.

Even though he is a jinshi of mutton fat jade, and a candidate for a saint, he is more than enough to deal with a group of Jiuyou children's corpses, but there is one biggest variable that has to be guarded against.

That is Golden Suicune.

This Golden Water Lord has a mysterious origin, and he actually knows the method of sacrificially refining the corpse of the Nine Nether Child, and there are other strange and powerful methods to keep it intact.

Be careful sailing for ten thousand years, people are floating in the rivers and lakes, safety first, just to be on the safe side, it is better to call Shi Huaixian

At the gate of the city, as soon as Yan Ping appeared, he was followed by a group of beggars.

"Sir, sir, live a long life."

"Master, live a long life."

More than a dozen sallow, emaciated, ragged, hungry ghost-like children rushed up with broken bowls, and then slammed on the brakes, for fear of soiling the beautiful clothes of the gentleman in front of him.

Yan Ping frowned.

He has only been away for a few days, how come there are so many little beggars in Huangshi County?
A three-year-old girl with a rumpled face, withered hair, and a small black face, saw everyone running, subconsciously picked up a small wooden bowl to follow, wobbled, probably hadn't eaten for several days, and couldn't stop the car when it came to her head. Falling to the ground, blood flowed out on the spot, unconscious murmurs came out of his mouth, and his small body twitched non-stop.

"Sister, sister..." The half-grown boy hugged the girl and cried loudly, "Help, who kind-hearted person saves my sister, and I will repay him by being a cow and a horse for the rest of my life."

Er Niu kowtowed to the passers-by, but none of them stopped, and none of them had time.

"Go away, those little beggars don't get in my way." A triangular-eyed man in a public uniform who looked like a headhunter went ashore, looked at the dozen or so little beggars in front of him, and shouted loudly.

The little beggars obviously knew this person and all shivered, Er Niu hurriedly picked up the younger sister who didn't know whether he was alive or dead, and rolled away.

"It stinks. Whenever there is a famine in the Northwest, they come to our Chunjiang Mansion to beg for food. They don't even look at whose territory it is. I can't control other places. Don't let me put any beggars in this Yellowstone City."

"Yes, sir." The guard at the gate agreed.

Yan Ping frowned, but couldn't say anything.

Northwest famine?

Most likely a drought.

"Put your sister down and let me see." A gentle and mellow voice sounded, Er Niu looked up, and saw a handsome face with a ray of warm spring breeze hanging from the corner of his mouth, which made people want to get close to him.

"Sir, please save my sister, please." Niu Er carefully put his sister down, knelt down and kowtowed.

"There is gold under the man's knees, don't just kneel." Yan Ping said, "Get up, I won't save people if you kneel."

Ceng, Niu Er hurriedly got up, but still hunched over, unable to bow.

Yan Ping squatted down, letting go of his breath and covering the little girl.

Well, a concussion, a convulsive convulsion caused by a blood clot in the brain pressing on a nerve.

Yan Ping stretched out his right hand, strands of suet jade-colored majestic energy overflowed, condensed between the fingers of his right index finger, and lightly tapped the girl's head with one finger.

Zhongzheng's peaceful Haoran Qi flows to the stagnated blood clot through the blood vessels, tearing, swallowing, and the blood clot disappears without a breath.

Yan Ping injected the Haoran Qi that had entered the girl's body into the girl's limbs and bones to warm and nourish her body.

The little girl stopped convulsing, her brows that were frowned by the pain relaxed, her breathing was even and she slept soundly.

"Okay, your sister is fine." Yan Ping stood up.

After Erniu checked his sister, he knelt down in front of Yan Ping and knocked his head three times, "Erniu thanked Mr. Erniu for saving his life. From today on, Erniu's humble life belongs to Mr. Erniu, please let Erniu go Follow around and wait for orders."

Looking at the dozen or so skinny little beggars in front of him, Yan Ping smiled. He stroked Er Niu's head, and picked up the sleeping little girl, "Okay, from today onwards, you will follow me, get up, Stop kneeling, take your little friend and follow me into the city."

into town!

Er Niu glanced at the guard standing guard at the gate of the city, shivered, and said in a trembling voice, "First, sir, let's forget it, we will be beaten to death when we enter the city. The little lame crawled into the dog hole yesterday." He was begging in the city, we saw his body by the river this morning, his brain was beaten out, it was me and Goudan who dug a hole and buried him."

"Don't be afraid, follow me to keep you safe."

Yan Ping walked towards the city gate with the little girl in his arms. Er Niu looked at Goudan, "I just said to follow Mr. Waiter and not break my promise. If you are afraid of death, don't follow me."

Step to keep up.

Goudan looked at the Mr. in white.He thought that he would die if he couldn’t get food if he stayed here, and he might be able to be a hungry ghost if he went to the city.

"We also follow." Goudan picked up a two-year-old girl, and other older beggars also pulled and hugged their younger siblings and followed behind.

"Stop, these little beggars are not allowed to enter the city!" Two guards stepped forward and blocked Yan Ping's way.

(End of this chapter)

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