Chapter 199 Growth
Bai Ning stepped forward to pull his younger brother up.

"Xiaoyu, this is fate!"

"Don't think too much about it, just treat it as if you and Tang Wan'er have nothing to do with each other."

Bai Ning looked up at the sky, looked at the direction where Tang Wan'er disappeared, and said, "Practitioners, we can't afford to mess with them. The world of practitioners is not within our reach."

"Since you are back this time, you can stay at ease. The county magistrate of Huangshi committed a crime and was imprisoned by the new magistrate. The magistrate of the county was also found to have a big problem, and they were all skinned. My county The yamen official was a blessing in disguise, and now he is a county magistrate. There are so many vacancies in the Huangshi county yamen. You are born as a scholar and have a great literary talent. After lunch, the eldest brother will take you to the county yamen, and you should be able to find a good one. errand."

Bai Yu also regained his composure at this time, and said immediately after hearing the words, "Okay, I'll listen to Big Brother."

He touched his chest.

Nine out of ten strange jade pendants in his body were passed down from practitioners.

It just somehow became the heirloom of the Bai family.

Or did the ancestors of the Bai family have practitioners?
Forget it, no matter what the source of the jade pendant is, it is his now.

As the blood flowing from the jade pendant washed over his body, Bai Yu could feel his body getting stronger every minute.

With this jade pendant, he might also become a practitioner.

"Brother, I brought a group of migrant children back this time. See if I can arrange them to live in our field."

"A refugee kid?" Bai Ning asked with a frown.

"Yes, those refugee children have saved my life..."

Bai Yu described his experience in detail, "If I hadn't met Erniu and the others, I'm afraid I would have been exposed to the wilderness."

Bai Ning said, "In that case, let's give each of them an acre of good kicking land, so that they can live in peace."

Bai Yu was overjoyed, overjoyed and said, "Thank you, big brother."

"Between you and my brother, say thank you."

After obtaining the elder brother's consent, Bai Yu quickly brought Erniu and other refugee children into the mansion.

"Erniu, where's your big brother Yan?" Bai Yu asked Erniu, who originally wanted to invite Yan Ping to his house for a casual meal.

Er Niu said, "Brother Yu, Brother Yan said he had something to do, so he left first, but before leaving, he said, he will visit you next time."

"I can only hope that he will come next time."

Bai Yu first arranged the kitchen to cook some food for Erniu and other children, and at the same time ordered the servants to boil water for the children to take a bath, then he went to his elder brother Bai Ning to withdraw some money and went to the street to buy clothes for the children.

At the same time, Yan Ping came to the county government of Huangshi County.

"I have seen the Fujun."

An old man saluted Yan Ping.

The old man was the county lord of Huangshi County ten years ago. At that time, there were many wars and turmoil in the Great Zhou Dynasty. Because the old man tried his best to organize people to resist the rebels, he was betrayed by his subordinates and was tied up and taken to the rebel camp.

The leader of the rebel army respected him as a good man, not only let him live, but also promised the old man that as long as he was willing to be loyal to him, he would let the old man continue to be the king of Huangshi County.

The old man who had been betrayed had already been disheartened. He rejected the offer of the rebel leader on the spot, and took his wife and children to the countryside.

After getting rid of Luo Wen as the county lord, Yan Ping made many inquiries and learned about the old man's deeds, so he visited him personally and invited the old man who had been in his seventies to serve as the county lord of Huangshi County again.

After becoming the county lord, the old man recommended his students to serve as county magistrates and directors. Among them, Bai Ning was recommended by the old man to be the county lieutenant.

"Old Li, please get up quickly, there is no need to be polite."

Yan Ping stepped forward to help the old man up.

"Great Zhou ruled the world with etiquette, and etiquette cannot be discarded."

After chatting with the old man for a while, Yan Ping came to the backyard of the county government office to find Shi Huaixian who was meditating.

"Huaixian, come with me to Qishan Lake tomorrow."

"Okay." Shi Huaixian agreed without even thinking about it, without even asking why Yan Ping asked him to go to Qishan Lake with him.

Yan Twelve, Yan Yu, Hua Qianqian, Pingting, Wu Mei Niang and others were not in the county government office. Yan Ping asked sisters Lianxiang Xiyu, only to find out that Hua Qianqian and others were called by Shen Luxi to help.

After Qian Jinghong's death in Huangshi County, Shen Luxishun, who came to Huangshi County to take up the post of the General Banner of Monster Killing Guards, was arrested by Yan Ping, and promoted to the position of Hundred Demon Killing Guards in Huangshi County.

Qian Jinghong's legacy of killing monsters and guards was rotten. Shen Luxi's new official took office and brutally killed a group of cancerous tumors from Qian Jinghong's faction, and then eliminated a group of guys who were eating inside and outside.

Nowadays, no one wants money or no money in the Baihu office, and there is nothing to do, so Yan Twelve, Yan Yu, Hua Qianqian, Ping Pingting and others were asked by Shen Luxi to take up positions in the Baihu office. Baihu Office helps with some affairs.


"Miss Qianqian, do you want to practice martial arts with me?" Shen Luxi looked at Hua Qianqian suspiciously.

With such a level of cultivation, one can definitely serve as a female teacher in the Academy on the Mountain.

A Confucian monk with such a cultivation level, what kind of battle has he never seen before, and now he actually says he wants to practice martial arts with her, are you kidding me, sister.

How did Shen Luxi know that Hua Qianqian, the literary champion, was completely artificially promoted.

It was only recently that Hua Qianqian discovered that her killing methods were pitifully weak. Every time she confronted an enemy, she could only bully them with powerful arrogance. Some enemies with excellent martial arts skills could often pose a certain threat to her.

Technique, technique, technique first and second.

Ordinary practitioners are all academics first and then learn the method or technique together, and advance hand in hand.

She is not the same, because it is related to sacrifice and refine Taoist soldiers, and she is not a pure Taoist soldier, so she did not inherit Yan Ping's martial arts level.

Leaving aside a powerful cultivation base, if you only compare your skills, the skills of the demon guards and wrestlers are generally better than Hua Qianqian.

In fact, Hua Qianqian has long wanted to find someone to teach her martial arts, starting from scratch, standing upright, step by step, and then practice swordsmanship and saber techniques.

Yan Ping is busy every day and often goes out, so it is difficult for her to find her.

Yan Twelve, Yan Yu can teach him, but men and women are not close to each other, and both of them have the same martial skills. She is a female monk with weak innate strength, so she is really not suitable for learning this type of martial arts.

After meeting Shen Luxi and seeing Shen Luxi performing martial arts, Hua Qianqian immediately had a hunch that Shen Luxi's martial arts methods were the most suitable for her.

"I want to practice martial arts, please ask Ms. Shen to teach me, and I can learn from my teacher." Hua Qianqian solemnly saluted with fists clasped.

As a Taoist soldier, he possessed a level of cultivation comparable to that of the top scholar of the literary mind. What Hua Qianqian lacks now is not oil, but an engine that can use the oil to its fullest effect.

Shen Luxi sideways avoided, did not accept the gift, "Miss Qianqian should train her body first, when will you be able to move my knife with one hand without cultivating, when will I start teaching you how to practice martial arts."

Shen Luxi placed the knife on the weapon rack. It was a goose-winged knife, also known as a golden-backed big-ring knife, which weighed 660 kilograms. It would be difficult for ordinary people to hold it, let alone wave it.

In Shen Luxi's view, if Hua Qianqian didn't use her cultivation, her physical fitness would probably be a little stronger than normal.It is absolutely impossible to lift her saber with one hand.

She obviously wanted Hua Qianqian to retreat.

That's it?

Hua Qianqian pouted.

She is a Taoist soldier, and her physical strength is no worse than that of ordinary demon kings.

Shen Luxi had already turned around to leave, but what she saw out of the corner of her eye made her stop involuntarily.

Hua Qianqian slowly raised the gold-backed nine-ring knife with one hand, her face flushed, and she said with difficulty, "Miss Shen, this is okay."

"How is it possible for you." Shen Luxi said in surprise.

"I, I may be born with supernatural power."

Shen Luxi didn't believe it, but he couldn't figure out how Hua Qianqian raised the knife, and in the end it could only be attributed to the explosion of human potential.

The most annoying thing in Shen Luxi's life is being a teacher, teaching apprentices and other things. Although he doesn't really want to teach, but the water splashed out by what he said, Shen Luxi can only spare time to teach Hua Qianqian martial arts.

First of all, Zama step for half an hour.Shen Luxi still wanted Hua Qianqian to retreat when he knew the difficulties. Beginners could suffocate half a stick of horse riding, so Hua Qianqian staggered and gritted his teeth to persevere.Shen Luxi didn't believe in evil, and asked Hua Qianqian to fetch water from a well three miles away, and fill ten large tanks.Hua Qianqian was sweating profusely from exhaustion, she gritted her teeth and persisted.Going up the mountain to chop firewood and going down to plow the fields, Shen Luxi tried various tricks to make things difficult for Hua Qianqian and wanted her to retreat, but Hua Qianqian gritted her teeth and persisted.Seeing this, Shen Luxi finally began to seriously teach Hua Qianqian martial arts.

"Miss Qianqian, what do you want to learn? Xiaoyu dare not say that class [-] is proficient in all martial arts, but he can handle them all. He is qualified to teach you."

After getting along for a few days, Hua Qianqian's perseverance was recognized by Shen Luxi.

Hua Qianqian knows the truth that too much can't be chewed, and said, "I only learn basic boxing, kicking, and knife skills."

After that, Hua Qianqian embarked on a journey of penance.When the sky was slightly bright, I came to the martial arts field, and spent half an hour on horseback riding, half an hour on boxing, and half an hour on kicking.Knife practice in the afternoon.

"Practice the sword first, hold the sword first, if a swordsman can't even hold his own sword, it will be useless to practice more sword techniques. You should learn how to hold the sword with one arm for half an hour."

For half an hour, Hua Qianqian raised the saber, the body of the 660 six-jin long saber did not move at all, and the tip of the saber did not tremble at all from the beginning to the end.

Shen Luxi nodded in satisfaction, and felt for the first time that Hua Qianqian had such a talent for practicing swords.

"A weapon is an extension of your arm. You must make your arm and the weapon form a whole. If you want to do this, just one word, practice. Chop, pull, stab, cut, wipe, pluck, and stab, each movement is a thousand, When to finish and when to rest."

Chopping, teasing, stabbing, chopping, wiping, plundering, piercing, one thousand for each movement, two thousand for each movement, and then three thousand for each movement. Relying on the physique of a bean soldier, Hua Qianqian will practice more every day if she is not afraid of crippling her body , Lived a life like an ascetic monk.

Hua Qianqian held a long knife, flew up and down, and circled a fresh black fish.No matter how much the black fish in mid-air danced, it couldn't escape the light of Hua Qianqian's knife. As Hua Qianqian pulled out the knife, the scales of the fish fell like rain, and the black fish seemed to be dancing on the tip of the knife, and the clothes disappeared after dancing.

Crack, the scaleless black fish landed on the cutting board.Shen Luxi finished the inspection with a complicated expression, "Picking fish scales with a knife, a trace of blood can't come out, Miss Qianqian's knife skills have been mastered, and she can be a master in terms of knife skills."

From the surprise at the beginning to the numbness now, Shen Luxi can no longer describe his mood. In just a few days, he has practiced swordsmanship to such a level.

Hua Qianqian did not expect that she would have such a heaven-defying talent in swordsmanship.

When Yan Ping left the county government office and came to the Baihu Office, Hua Qianqian changed into a blue official uniform and followed Shen Luxi to the county prison.

"Shen Baihu." The jailer saluted respectfully.

"Is Catcher Zhang here?"

"It's time to go in for a stick of incense."

"Okay, go ahead."

Under Shen Luxi's instructions, Hua Qianqian picked up a jailer's saber from the weapon rack and followed Shen Luxi to the basement.

Walking out of the long and narrow corridor, there was a bloody head in front of them. The two of them had normal expressions, and they made a wrong step and continued to walk forward.

"Luxi, you're late." Zhang Tienan kicked away the headless corpse in front of him, and handed the blood-stained saber to the jailer.

Zhang Tienan, female, chief arrest officer of Huangshi County, a good friend and best friend of Shen Luxi who met when he traveled the rivers and lakes in his early years.

Shen Luxi glanced at the severed neck incision of the dead prisoner's body, "Tie Nan, you have improved a lot in your sword skills!"

After ten years of war, the number of monsters, ghosts and snake spirits in Dazhou has obviously increased, local rebellions and disasters have occurred frequently, and the order of the rivers and lakes has also been disrupted.

Once the prison is overcrowded, a group of heinous dead balls will be executed. Zhang Tienan's greatest hobby is to personally behead these prisoners.

"Luxi, just laugh at me. Compared with you, I'm like a three-legged cat." Zhang Tienan picked up a towel to wipe the blood from his hands.

"Luxi, who is this?" Zhang Tienan looked at Hua Qianqian.

Shen Luxi said, "Hua Qianqian, my friend, I want to come to you to try my sword skills."

"Your friend is my friend, Miss Qianqian, come to me when you want to use knives in the future."

"Okay, I will definitely come here often in the future."

Zhang Tienan went down to arrange for death row prisoners.

Shen Luxi said, "Qianqian, those prisoners on death row know they are going to die, they are madmen when they fight, they are extremely ruthless, they dare to use all kinds of indecent methods, you have to be mentally prepared. In addition, during the fight, you are not allowed to use your cultivation, Strength must also be suppressed at the level of ordinary martial artists."

"Understood." Hua Qianqian nodded.

Shen Luxi continued, "Courage is the first thing to fight with people. The most important thing is to be timid before fighting. The second is physique and technique. Unless you are talented, there is no shortcut to these two. You can only practice more."

These words are not chicken soup, but Shen Luxi's personal experience. Since the first time she killed, tens of thousands of souls have died under her knife.From the initial timidity, timidity, uneasiness and anxiety after the murder to the current murder without blinking an eye, the mental journey during the period cannot be explained clearly in a few words.

Hua Qianqian nodded, people will grow with experience.

She feels she has grown tremendously during this time.

In the cell, more than 30 death row inmates were devouring their last meal.

"Let us 35 people go together, and Zhang Butou is the one who executes?" The burly man tore off a chicken leg and stuffed it into his mouth, crunching it.

"It's probably her. Her sword skills are amazing and she has reached the level of a master."

"Hmph, even though my martial arts have been abolished and I only have brute force, I can't be killed by a female headhunter."

"So what about the master of swordsmanship, as long as I get close to me, I will tear him alive!"

"Can't kill, this female catcher is a big shot, maybe she can..."

(End of this chapter)

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