Chapter 40 Me, Yan Ping!
The literary courage condensed by Confucian monks is as lustrous as jade.

The order of rank from low to high is sapphire writing gall, green and white jade writing gall, white jade writing gall, and suet white jade writing gall.

So there is the saying that a gentleman is like jade.

Among them, suet white jade gallbladder is the best, this kind of gallbladder is clear and flawless, moist and bright, like freshly cut fat mutton.

Described in four words, the color is like cutting fat.

The suet jade gallbladder rotates slowly in the sea of ​​consciousness, it is not ostentatious, not flamboyant, not dazzling, and has a kind of pure and inner beauty.

As the highest-ranked gallbladder, suet jade gallbladder was born directly in the monk's sea of ​​consciousness without the condensation of awe-inspiring energy. It has two functions that other grades of gallbladder do not have.

First of all, it can help Confucian monks breathe out the noble energy for twelve hours without interruption, which is equivalent to a practice cheat.

Secondly, it can help Confucian monks to shape a flawless jade body, which is spotless, wards off all evil, and becomes the nemesis of evil, ghosts, and monsters.

In history, all Confucian monks who possess suet jade gallbladder eventually became sages.

That is to say, Yan Ping has the capital to become a sage and become a saint, and he has immediately distanced himself from other literary and brave scholars.

In order to save the white lady, Yan Ping was punished by heaven.

The sword energy is gone, and the pseudo-National Soul Sword Immortal is gone.

The gallbladder was shattered, and the Iron Bone Diamond Realm was gone.

The Confucian monk's qi training environment is completely gone.

But forged a gallant of the highest rank.

The sword energy can be absorbed again if it is gone, and the iron bone diamond state can also be retrained if it is gone.

But this mutton fat jade gallbladder is not something everyone can create.

This is also a blessing in disguise.

With Rudan here, it is only a matter of time before he returns to the pseudo-National Infant Realm Sword Immortal, and becomes the Iron-Bone King Kong in the Wufu King Kong Realm again.

It's just that Big Carp's next defense, if he really encounters any danger, he may have to ask Sima Qingwei for help.

Yan Ping looked around and found that he was actually near Xiaoyu Village.

Wait, why is the field of vision getting shorter?

Is it...

Yan Ping had a bad premonition, he looked down and let out a scream.

Ten years of sharpening a sword, Frost Blade has never tried.

His giant sword, which had been honed for more than ten years, was gone.

Did he become a girl?

Don't do it, his sword has not been sharpened yet, and he has seen red, so he can't just disappear like this!
With apprehension, Yan Ping stretched out his hand and touched it.

Relieved, things are still there, just smaller.

With small arms and legs, he turned into a three-year-old boy after his resurrection.

He tried to summon the storage sachet, and his brain throbbed. The distance was too far, and his soul was not strong enough to summon the storage sachet.

Yan Ping simply lay on his back on the river, drifting with the current, the awe-inspiring energy between heaven and earth flowed towards him like water.

There are many visions evolving around him.

In the river water thousands of feet away from him.

Two water snakes of six to seven feet were talking about this catastrophe while diving.

"It's terrible, the previous catastrophe was really terrible."

"The Zixiao Black Dragon Tribulation, which even the Yuanying Sword Immortal can't stop, is of course terrifying."

"Tell me, why did that Nascent Soul Sword Immortal save Bai Niangniang!"

"A good demon will be rewarded. The White Lady has sheltered the fishing village for 300 years. Her meritorious deeds are immeasurable. God has mercy on her. She didn't want the White Lady to die, so she sent a sword fairy to save her."

"That's right, Lady Bai is very good to both humans and monsters. Last time I was almost captured and eaten by King Crocodile's third son, it was Lady Bai who rescued me."

"I also want to learn from Lady Bai to be a good demon."

"Then you have to persevere. After all, it's hard to be a good person, and it's even harder to be a good monster."

"Hey, is the person floating down in front of you a human child?"

"Seems to be."

"Come and have a look."

The six-foot water snake swam past, and the seven-foot water snake followed closely behind.

"What a clever child, who actually knows that falling into the water can't throw you up, but you can float up while lying on your back."

"This is not an ordinary child. Have you seen the vision around him? It is a vision produced by a Confucian monk who breathed out awe-inspiring energy. This child is a Confucian monk, and he is most likely a genius."

"Genius monk, then he shouldn't be afraid of us!"

"You want to save him?"


Yan Ping was concentrating on exhaling his awe-inspiring energy, when suddenly something slippery and cold brushed against him, lifting him up from the water.

A six-foot-long water snake.

"Human child, don't be afraid, I'm here to save you, I don't eat people."

"Thank you."

Yan Ping didn't expect that the two water snakes he met would be so kind.

With a move in his heart, he asked, "Do you know Miss Bai?"

"I know, Lady Bai leads all the snakes and pythons in the waters of the small fishing village, educates and enlightens the little snake demon, saves the suffering, and protects the fishing village for 300 years. She is a role model for us little monsters to follow."

It turned out to be a little demon taught by Lady Bai. No wonder she didn't have the slightest bit of human flesh in her body, presumably she had never eaten a human being.

Yan Ping felt more and more that he had done the right thing in saving Lady Bai.

Qizhang Water Snake said: "Child, where is your adult, we will take you there."

"Upstream, a spirit boat nineteen feet long."

"Okay, kid, sit still, I'm going to speed up."

Yan Ping quickly got down and hugged the snake's body tightly.

spirit boat.

Sima Qing flew down the deck slightly.

Ao Bing asked: "Master, what's the situation over there? Why did I vaguely feel Mr. Yan's breath?"

"Yan Ping is dead."

"What, Master is dead?"

The big carp surfaced.

"How is it possible! Master is so powerful, how could he die, you lied to me, you must be lying to me."

Teng Ji didn't believe it either: "Master, Mr. Yan, he just went to the mountains to buy food, how could he die."

"He's really dead..."

Sima Qingwei recounted what he had seen and heard.

"Mr. Yan gave up his cultivation and his life just to save a python monster."

Ao Bing and Teng Ji looked at each other, and they both saw the shock and bewilderment in each other's eyes.

"Woooooooo, it's not good to be a big carp, it's all caused by a big carp. If it wasn't for protecting me, Master wouldn't have to go down the mountain. If Master doesn't go down the mountain, he wouldn't die. Huh..."

"Why cry, don't cry."

Sima Qing shouted slightly, the more Big Carp cried, the annoyed she became.

"Take a good tour of the river. I'll get to know your master for a while. After he's gone, I'll help you protect the way."

Xiao Weiwei, this time I really want you to help me protect the way for the big carp.

Yan Ping stood on top of the water snake, looked at the small boat ahead, and shouted: "Little Weiwei, big carp."

Sima Qing turned his head slightly, looking at the little brat standing on top of the water snake with his bare buttocks.

"Little Weiwei, I, Yan Ping!"

Yan Ping waved slightly at Sima Qing and shouted.

"Master, it is the breath of the master, it is the master, the master is not dead, the master is still alive!"

The big carp said excitedly, but he was a little puzzled, how did the master become a child.

Sima Qing frowned slightly, "Yan Ping? How do you prove that you are Yan Ping?"

With a thought in Yan Ping's mind, the sachet of storage hanging from Sima Qingwei's waist flew up and landed in his little hand.

He took out the white glazed series and dressed neatly, said: "Little Wei Wei, is it a surprise or a surprise?"

 Thank you for the reward of 1500 starting coins for everything, and thank you for your recommendation tickets and monthly tickets.

(End of this chapter)

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