Chapter 43 Heroic Spirit!Heroic Spirit!
too fast.

Iron Arm Ghost King lost too quickly.

The black-robed ghost cultivator didn't have time to respond, and could only watch helplessly as the iron-armed ghost king he had cultivated so hard disappeared in form and spirit.


The black-robed ghost cultivator roared unwillingly, took a deep look at Yan Ping, imprinted his appearance on his soul, and then drove three ghost ships soaring into the sky.

Yan Ping didn't chase, he still can't deal with this kind of heavy ghost ship.If you really want to fight, you can only end up in the end.

Leave it to Xiao Weiwei.

On the dark cloud, stood a tall woman in black.

Another warrior.

The black-robed ghost cultivator roared angrily, "Run me over."

The black light flourished, and the three ghost ships formed a triangular arrow, rushing towards the black clothes like a huge black arrow.

The woman in black raised her hand.

Lightly slapped out.

The black arrow stagnated in the air, as if frozen by time.

The next moment, it disintegrated abruptly, annihilated silently.

Once the Iron Arm Ghost King died, the out-of-control Heavy Water Talisman returned to its original size and fell into Ji Huaishu's hands.

"Thank you for saving my life, my friend."

Looking at the thirteen or fourteen-year-old boy in white clothes, Ji Huaishu felt as if he had lived like a dog.

When he was in Yanmao Academy, his teachers and classmates said he was a genius, but he wanted to say that the young man with a strong fist in front of him was the real genius.

Yan Ping nodded and swiped upstream.

Ji Huaishu fell, and the seal on the forehead of the younger brother was lifted, and the brocade robes on the two of them flashed, surrounded by the breeze, and the younger brother Yufeng followed Yan Ping.

"Senior brother, what kind of foot is this young man, can you see it?"

"From the point of view of boxing, it's a bit like a martial artist from the Vientiane Sect of the Sun Moon Dynasty."

"Senior brother, we owe a big favor this time to Wumai Academy."

"It's me who owes favors, not you, let alone the academy."

Upstream, the battle was fierce, and 280 Yinqi fell and [-] Erqi fell.

The remaining eighteen knights, including Wang Juyi, had souls that were indeterminate and might collapse at any time.

The army of [-] yin creatures was even worse, and only the white-clothed evil corpse remained.


A Yinqi suddenly fell off his horse, and there were inexplicably squirming lines of blood on his body.

Two, three... Yinqi all fell off their horses without exception, and their blood was entangled, as if they were going to turn them into blood cocoons.

Wang Juyi struggled, but found that the blood line was extremely tenacious, and it was produced from the soul. When he pulled the whole ghost body, he trembled in pain.

"What have you done to us?"

"When you massacred my subordinates, I secretly planted a corpse curse on you. Once your blood cocoons are fully formed, you will become ghouls under my control."

The white-clothed evil corpse lightly shook its bone fan, and said with a smile: "Sacrifice six thousand ordinary femininity, in exchange for eighteen ghouls who hope to reach the demon king realm, this deal is worth it!"

The white-clothed evil corpse looked downstream, looking at the Baizhang Ghost King who suddenly appeared.

Iron-armed ghost king, it seems that the black-robed ghost has encountered a difficult person.

What, the Iron Arm Ghost King was actually defeated.

Eighteen lines of blood popped out from the white-clothed evil corpse's left hand, dragging the eighteen Yin Qimen and flying towards the mountain.

Yan Ping came out of nowhere.

Ji Huaishu and Shi Shaochuan were slightly behind.

"Brother, it's General Wang."

"Oops, we're late."

Yan Ping brushed the sachet stored at his waist with his right hand, and three small three-inch swords appeared.

The color of the little sword is pure mutton fat jade color, radiant and introverted, exuding a warm but not dazzling light, like a handsome young man in a troubled world.

This is Yan Ping's small bronze sword re-sacrificed with suet jade gallbladder.

Compared with the green-gold flying sword refined by sword energy before, the mutton fat jade sword is more powerful and has become a real evil-killing sword.

The overpowering effect on evil things, monsters, and Yin things is huge.

Yan Ping looked at the white-clothed evil corpse that was about to disappear into the sky, and flicked his fingers.

A mutton fat jade flying sword soared into the sky, as fast as a shooting star, pulling out a long white trail in the dark night, and shooting at the head of the white-clothed evil corpse.

The white-clothed evil corpse felt a palpitation for no reason, and threw up a black clock, which became bigger and covered the whole body.


The mutton fat jade flying sword hit the black clock, the black clock trembled and the runes flickered, blocking the blow.

The mutton fat jade flying sword was bounced far away.

The white-clothed evil corpse took advantage of this momentum to escape even faster.

Low-grade magic weapon!

Yan Ping snorted coldly, twirled his right index finger slightly, and the Suet Yufei Sword slammed on the brakes, turned around and rushed to the sky again.

This time, he stopped in front of the white-clothed evil corpse.

Looking at the suet jade color on Fei Jianjian's body, the liver and gallbladder of the evil corpse in white were torn apart.

The one chasing him was actually a suet jade scholar with gallantry!

Autopsy Dafa.

The white-clothed evil corpse felt ruthless in his heart, gritted his teeth and performed secret techniques.

His body exploded, scattered into tens of thousands of corpse insects and fled in all directions, not even caring about the eighteen Yin soldiers and Yin generals who had turned into more than half cocoons.

Yan Ping flicked his fingers.

The second and third mutton fat jade flying swords soared into the sky.

Yan Ping tapped his fingers and flicked them lightly, or twirled lightly left and right, the three mutton fat jade flying swords chased and killed the corpse insects back and forth.

It's a pity that there were too many corpse insects and too few flying swords. Only a small half of the corpse insects were wiped out, and most of the corpse insects escaped successfully.

It's a pity in Yan Ping's heart, in three months, he only forged three mutton fat jade flying swords, if there were nine mutton fat jade flying swords, none of these corpses would even try to escape.

Ji Huaishu and Shi Shaochuan, who had witnessed Yan Ping's fight with the white-clothed evil corpse, looked at each other and saw the shock in each other's eyes.

This white-clothed young man is not only a martial artist with a strong fist, who can kill the ghost king, but also a suet jade scholar who meets once in a thousand years!
"General Wang."

Shi Shaochuan came back to his senses, and caught Wang Juyi and other Yin soldiers and Yin generals.

"Corpse curse, blood cocoon, must be treated immediately. Once the blood cocoon is completely closed, even the real immortal will be weak."

Ji Huaishu pressed his fingers between his eyebrows, endured the severe pain and pulled out the white jade gallbladder.Shi Shaochuan also reluctantly pulled out his green and white jade gallbladder.

Two gallbladders hang in the air, with silk threads hanging down, covering the eighteen Yin soldiers and Yin generals.

The blood cocoon was suppressed and its growth rate slowed down.

It's a pity that most of the blood cocoons have been completed, and they simply don't have enough time to lift the corpse curse for Wang Juyi and other Yin soldiers and Yin generals.

The two looked at Yan Ping at the same time.

Shi Shaochuan said: "This classmate, General Wang is a heroic spirit in this world. He defended his family and country during his lifetime, and he did not forget his original aspiration after his death. In the past two years, he traveled back and forth between the Dahe Dynasty and the Dazhou Kingdom thousands of times, helping hundreds of thousands of Dazhou people succeed. Leaving the country to seek refuge has immeasurable merit."

Ji Huaishu said with red eyes: "General Wang originally had three thousand yin cavalry, and they could have entered the city god's yin division and enjoyed the incense of the ghosts and gods in the world. But they gave up and chose to continue to defend the country and the people with their yin bodies. Already [-] riders have lost their souls and completely lost the possibility of reincarnation. Now because of blocking that white-clothed evil corpse, only [-] riders are left to die."

Ji Huaishu glanced at Wang Juyi, who was entangled in a blood cocoon and had lost consciousness, and burst into tears: "How can such a heroic spirit who is loyal to the king and love the people die in obscurity like this!"

"Please help me, my classmates, to save General Wang and his comrades."

Ji Huaishu, Shi Shaochuan raised his hands above his head, crossed his palms, and bowed.

Yan Ping turned sideways, not to be saluted by the two.

"Two please rise up, it is my duty to save General Wang."

(End of this chapter)

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