Chapter 56

Su Xiaopei didn't feel Ran Feize's sadness in another world. Although she was also worried, she couldn't solve the problem caused by "being forced to leave without saying goodbye".She doesn't know when she will go back again, so she can only work and live as usual.She worked hard to adjust the jet lag, and quickly integrated into modern life. Her ancient expressions popped up from time to time, and she became cute when she was laughed at by her colleagues.She laughed along, adjusted her accent and words, and quickly transformed back into a modern professional woman.

The meeting between the editor-in-chief and her finally came to an end. He proposed an idea to Su Xiaopei. He wanted to make a book about the psychological autobiography of successful entrepreneurs, similar to that of Barabara's Road to Success. This kind of book is packaged and sold easily.It’s just about planning, unlike the previous books that talk about experience and event inspiration, the editor-in-chief hopes to talk about the psychological state of successful people in people and events, how to self-adjust, how to strengthen self-control, and how to face setbacks from a psychological point of view. If you fail to improve interpersonal relationships in the workplace, etc., guide the psychological handling of young people in the workplace.

Su Xiaopei really wanted to say that such a book would have little practical effect, but she understood what the editor-in-chief wanted, so she nodded and agreed.

While Su Xiaopei was thinking hard about how to solve the time-traveling problem, he also had to think hard about the book plan.How to explain it to Ran Feize?How to lure Cheng Jiangyi out?What kind of entrepreneur should the book be, and how to build a selling point?

Suddenly, a flash of inspiration appeared.

Su Xiaopei excitedly went to find the editor-in-chief.

"Editor-in-chief, let's do Cheng Jiangyi's psychological biography!"

"Cheng Jiangyi?" Of course the editor-in-chief knew him. He was a young, mysterious and somewhat legendary entrepreneur. He is also a young man, not as charismatic as those of the older generation of entrepreneurs.

"Editor-in-Chief, it doesn't matter if Cheng Jiangyi is unconscious or not. Psychological analysis can be carried out from other people's impressions of him, his way of handling things, his corporate culture, what his employees have learned from him, etc. Cheng Jiangyi is a member of the younger generation. Idol character..." She paused, complained to herself in her heart, and then continued: "And he is seriously ill now, we should prepare as early as possible, no matter whether he wakes up miraculously or passes away unfortunately, there will be news hype point……."

When she said this, the editor-in-chief already understood.He thinks farther and more carefully than Su Xiaopei, indeed, he can seize market opportunities by preparing earlier.Regardless of whether Cheng Jiangyi is dead or alive in the end, it is beneficial and harmless to them.

The editor-in-chief agreed.He ordered two other candidates, a total of three characters, and asked Su Xiaopei to prepare.

Su Xiaopei is very motivated, she has legitimate reasons to spend time and energy investigating Cheng Jiangyi.

Get to know him, find him.

This is the first time that Su Xiaopei has been so busy since entering the publishing house.She did a lot of data preparation and completed a detailed planning case.In addition to the plan of interviewing the entrepreneur himself, she also designed a large number of topics, collected different events, and then looked at the event and the entrepreneur from the perspective of employees, friends, and family members, plus what the employees felt in the entrepreneur's decision. Affected and psychological state, to do further enrichment and analysis.

In order to ensure objective content and evaluation, the questions of this questionnaire are filled in anonymously and collected, and then she will screen, analyze and evaluate.Although the workload is heavy, Cheng Jiangyi is unconscious, so she can only start from this angle.

Fortunately, because of her novel entry point and rich and interesting content, her plan was praised by the editor-in-chief, and her speed and efficiency also satisfied the editor-in-chief.Because of this, he gave her a lot of support and asked her to let go.

She needed such support because Cheng Jiangyi's company and family rejected her interview plans.

The public relations manager of No.C Network Technology Company replied to her: "Mr. Cheng has always been low-key and doesn't like to accept interviews. Although he can't refuse you in person now, our company and Mr. Cheng's family agree that Mr. Cheng's Personality and personal wishes, he will definitely not agree to this matter, so we respect Mr. Cheng's meaning. I am sorry."

Of course, Su Xiaopei didn't back down so easily. She bypassed the manager and went to the president of the company, Cheng Jiangyi's partner, and Cheng Jiangyi's mother. She said that the book she was going to edit was not Cheng Jiangyi's personal biography, but about Entrepreneurial spirit and No.C culture, and Cheng Jiangyi has such a spirit and created such a culture, which has a positive impact on young people, which will also be an encouragement to Cheng Jiangyi.But it's a pity that Su Xiaopei said it soundly, but both of them replied "I'm sorry".

terribly sorry?Su Xiaopei looked at the materials on her desk, and said in her heart that she was also sorry, she never admit defeat.

Su Xiaopei found some friends. According to her work contacts, there are quite a few friends she can use.Soon at an IT business meeting, the boss of No.C's biggest competitor was asked by a reporter what he thought of No.C. The boss had just snatched a big deal from No.C. Laughing: "They are very good at naming names, the size is C, and the ranking is just C."

In such an environment, this remark was more like a gaffe and joke, and no one expected that it would trigger a chain effect.This was not reported in the official print media, but it was spread online. The name No.C was used to ridicule, and some people took the opportunity to magnify many of the company's problems.There are also comments that Cheng Jiangyi has not appeared in the company for a long time, what happened?Without Cheng Jiangyi, No.C is no longer a well-known C name, it is really ranked C, will it not even rank C in the future?
The comments on the Internet finally affected the traditional media. Some reporters contacted No.C Company to inquire about their company's crisis situation, and some asked No.C's employees whether there was a major problem in the company's operation after Cheng Jiangyi's accident?
Public opinion is like a poisonous snake, and its adverse effects sometimes exceed the imagination of ordinary people.Cheng Jiangyi fell into a coma, which had dealt a major blow to the company, and then lost the biggest contract of the year, which caused heavy losses. Now, he was swept away by overwhelming doubts. The atmosphere in No.C was weird, and the employees were in a low mood.In spite of the company's urgent public relations, CEO Chen Fei accepted an interview with a business magazine and interpreted that the C of No.C has the meaning of create in addition to his and Cheng Jiangyi's surnames.They are a creative company, a company full of young dreams and energy, and he talked about a lot of good performances and a decent response to that joke.

In the interview, Chen Fei used the words in Su Xiaopei's outline, entrepreneurship and No.C's cultural creation.Chen Fei had to admit that the editor surnamed Su had done a good job. She packaged their company culture to be more lovable and full of positive energy than their PR department.After the interview, Chen Fei held a meeting with the public relations department, and finally the manager of the public relations department called Su Xiaopei, hoping to communicate with her about the book project she mentioned.

At that time, Su Xiaopei was sorting out the diary at home. She didn't know when she would travel again. The difference in the timeline would easily confuse her mind, so she took time every day to write down the things in the two worlds to ensure that she was clear about everything.She was very happy when she received the call. Although it took some effort, the good news came sooner than she expected.And the time of traveling again was slower than she imagined. She was always mentally prepared, and even changed her pajamas into ancient-style middle clothes, so as not to embarrass herself after wearing them. However, nothing happened after more than a month.Su Xiaopei couldn't tell what mood she was in, but she would think of Ran Feize occasionally, and hoped that he was all right.

After negotiating with No.C Company, Su Xiaopei finally decided on the outline of the book and the content of the interview, and signed a business contract and a confidentiality agreement.She quickly asked the manager of the public relations department to arrange employees to cooperate with her to complete the anonymous questionnaire, which included work memorabilia, impressions of the company, thoughts on work conditions, views on the boss and the impact, etc.Among them was what Su Xiaopei needed.She also interviewed Chen Fei and learned about many things that happened during his and Cheng Jiangyi's entrepreneurial process, as well as Cheng Jiangyi's behavior style, judgment on affairs, and actions taken.She also interviewed Cheng Jiangyi's parents and took some photos of his company's office and residence.

Finally, after sorting out all the information, I saw that someone said that Cheng Jiangyi was a genius for being unconventional and innovating.Some people say that Cheng Jiangyi likes to show off and likes to do things different from others.Some people say that Cheng Jiangyi is a low-key person, so he rarely promotes himself.It is said that he is kind and caring, and donates to poor and out-of-school children.It is also said that he is cruel and unreasonable, that he will fire employees at every turn, and loves to fire people.It is said that he has no spirit of cooperation and is too selfish.It is said that he has a great leadership style and led the team to achieve great results one by one.It is said that he is a workaholic, only loves work, and has no girlfriend, and for this interpretation, there is even a saying that he is gay in all likelihood.

The evaluations of outsiders have added a lot of subjective color. Since they are anonymous, there are also some nonsense. Although they are not accurate, they still have some reference value.

Su Xiaopei read Cheng Jiangyi's materials, saw his achievements, read his notes, and read the bulletins he wrote to his employees.She also looked at photos of him, at home and with team members.Is a very confident person.

Speaking of self-confidence, Su Xiaopei thought of Ran Feize.Although according to Yuelao's theory, Cheng Jiangyi is the most important man to her, but Su Xiaopei's concern for this man who has traveled to ancient times and doesn't know how he is doing well is really limited. Instead, he always cares about Ran Feize.

Ran Feize is a very confident man, a little arrogant and a little low-key, kind-hearted, resolute, and not easy to be influenced by others. If he moves to modern times, his achievements will definitely be as good as Cheng Jiangyi.It's just that I don't know how he is now, has he seen her body?It has been almost three months since she came back here, how long has it been over there?She really didn't want him to be sad, but if he didn't feel sad when he knew he was dead, she thought it would be sad.

Ran Feize's mood was not as simple as being sad.He was still full of doubts and anger.

Is it Cheng Jiangyi or the magician?Or maybe the magician found Cheng Jiangyi, and then used him to scare and threaten Su Xiaopei?Or neither, someone else?
He was heartbroken when he saw no one.There was no dead body, he advised himself not to despair.

No matter what, he must find out the matter. He promised her that he would always take care of her. If she was still alive, he would definitely find her.

(End of this chapter)

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