Chapter 95

Two people love each other, but they know each other that they can't be together, but they get along day and night. This kind of situation is quite delicate.

Su Xiaopei has never been in love before, let alone encountered such a situation. She has no experience in dealing with it, but she feels that she has handled it well, and after telling all the words, she feels much more at ease.It's just that once the feelings are confessed, it seems that the imprint of "I love you" is imprinted on that person's body. Seeing his face, seeing his figure, hearing his voice, or even just feeling his existence, she felt so deeply in her heart. There is always a voice reminding her that this is the person she loves.

She believes that the thickness of this feeling has not changed before and after saying "love", but once the shackles in her heart are untied, her feelings will surge.

This is the man she loves and smiles when she thinks about it.

It's just that there is no fate, but she still has to smile.They made an appointment, not to be sad, not to be pessimistic, as if death were inevitable, but to live happily.

Speaking of death, it has been a while, and the mysterious person behind the scenes has not released any news.Ordinarily he should be nearby, but the rhythm of his intimidating attack was broken.This made Su Xiaopei a little puzzled, but also more vigilant.She went to the divine fortune teller again, and asked Gu Kang, the headmaster, to give her another divination. She said that a series of strange things had happened recently, and she felt that her life was indeed threatened. She hoped that Gu Kang could give her some pointers.This gave Gu Kang another chance to oppress her mentally.If she hadn't mentioned the divination last time, she thought that Gu Kang would have proposed it, but she said it first and gave him a chance to push the boat along. What instructions have been given.This time Gu Kang refused her request, he said that the hexagrams were clearly explained last time, and there should not be too many divinations, for fear that he would be powerless to give advice.

Su Xiaopei thanked her, and she went back to the house, wrote down all these things, posted them on the wall, and looked at them when she had nothing to do.

They were amazed that she could come back from the dead, and they kept using this to break her spirits, which had a kind of horror meaning "I want you to die and try it".Assuming that they have all been instructed and obeyed the instructions of the person behind the scene, then these threats ultimately come from the person behind the scene, which means that the person behind the scene has never been resurrected from the dead, and he dare not try, so he will attack her. ?Use her as an experiment to see what's going on?

Ran Feize also felt that she was in danger, so he guarded her very closely.The two are inseparable, where there is her, there must be him.He took her around to look for clues. Today they went to the Xuanqing sect again. Jiang Weiying was trying to find out the relationship between those people and sects who entered the Linglong formation, but there was no useful information yet.

Ran Feize and Su Xiaopei came out, swaying like a walk, whispering beside Su Xiaopei about the dishes she wanted to cook, and asked her what would she like to eat?Su Xiaopei cooperatively asked how he wanted to make the dish, then pretended to think about it, and chose two.In fact, she really wanted to tell him that his craftsmanship was really mediocre, and the dishes he cooked tasted just the same, but she was not picky, and he was willing to cook for her, so she had a great time eating.She is also very happy to show that the dishes are delicious and she likes her taste.

The person behind the scenes probably didn't expect that something went wrong with his intimidation strategy. It should have been very effective. The scene before Fu Yan's death really scared her. I was so frightened that I felt restless and lost my mind.But she has a strong man, and his confession diverted her attention. She poured out her heart and relieved the pressure.Now, she has enough calm mind to analyze all this.

The English is written very steadily and neatly, and it is obvious that the brush is very skillful.She read Cheng Jiang Yi's information, he has never learned calligraphy, his handwriting is average, and people who type on the keyboard are more than those who hold pens, it shouldn't be like this, at least it shouldn't be much better than her.So, has he been here for too long?
Su Xiaopei thought about the timeline. She came back every time at irregular times, and the time points on both sides were not parallel.So, is it possible that Cheng Jiangyi arrived more than a month earlier than her.So she couldn't find him according to this time point, because he didn't come at this time.

Wait, when she passes through, the red thread system needs to shape her so that she has a body to use. What about Cheng Jiangyi?According to the reaction speed of the red line system, the little time Cheng Jiangyi was injured, can it also shape Cheng Jiangyi?If not, what does Cheng Jiangyi look like?

Su Xiaopei frowned, she was really confused, she was really stupid.Why didn't she think of asking Na Yuelao 2238 about Cheng Jiangyi.If the appearance and time were different, and the personality was different, then of course she couldn't find someone like she was looking for before.

This number 2238 is really unreliable.She must ask him again when she goes back, where did he make a mistake with the red thread? Now it seems that she and Cheng Jiangyi are either dead or alive. How can there be any sign of destined people? No. 2238 must have made a mistake, she couldn't fall in love with Cheng Jiangyi, she wanted to tell Yuelao that she loved Ran Feize, and she wanted to be with him.

Su Xiaopei sighed, but he really can't count on Yuelao 2238, pinning his hopes on him would really make people sad.Forget it, don't leave extravagant expectations for yourself, do a good job of psychological construction, and adjust your mental state.Play by ear, find Cheng Jiangyi first, and see what the hell he has become. Only after you find him can you go home and find a way to solve all this.

"What are you thinking about?"

"Cheng Jiangyi." She answered subconsciously, and then took Ran Feize's flick of the finger on the forehead.

Su Xiaopei groaned in pain, clutching the sore spot.This person is really indifferent, don't you know how strong your fingers are?

"It hurts?" He actually had the nerve to ask.

"Swollen." She said deliberately.

"Let me see." He took her hand and looked at her forehead. It was fair and smooth, and her skin quality was very good. With a sound of "What", he quickly pecked her on the forehead, announcing "it's gone", then walked to the front leisurely with his hands behind his back, without looking at her, as if he hadn't done anything bad, blowing The whistle is gone.

Su Xiaopei was a little dazed, wasn't he?

Looking at his tall back and listening to the loud whistle, she really couldn't scold him, she couldn't say anything, she could let him do this, of course she couldn't.She looked around guiltily, but it was okay, there was no one around.

"Hello." She chased after him, but she didn't know what to scold him next.He clearly agreed that everyone should restrain himself together, so it was wrong for him to attack like this.

"The girl is calling again."

"You are wrong."

"By the way, last time the girl said what did you mean when you greeted people? Harm?"

"And hello." Deliberately making trouble.

He stopped, opened his mouth wide, and tried to learn the sound. "Haron?"

She laughed, and he laughed too, rubbed her head, and took her to his side: "The girl is really short."

She struggled, but he didn't let go, but said: "No one, I'm watching all directions, and I'm listening, no one is there."

She rolled her eyes at him, are you tired of hugging him on the street, watching all directions, hearing all directions?He giggled and showed his white teeth.Before she was about to criticize him, let go.

"The girl looks disgusted, as if I'm not doing business."

She gave him a blank look again, it's really not a serious matter to sneak kisses and hugs.

"I do a lot of business every day." He pointed to her with a wrench: "Shopping for vegetables, cooking, laundry, cleaning the house, boiling water, making tea, repairing furniture, repairing the house, drawing pictures, preparing materials..."

"What kind of picture to draw?" She knew all the above, but she really didn't know what he was going to do when he was drawing pictures at his desk.

"Give the girl a good weapon. Since someone is going to make trouble, we have to be prepared, right?"

"I can do nothing."

"I'll make you one that you can make."

"Okay." She agreed, feeling that he was holding her hand, she couldn't help being a little shy, it was just a handshake, but her heart was still beating, looking around, there was no one.Thinking of him saying that he saw all kinds of things and heard all directions, she felt like laughing. She didn't move her hands away, but wanted to quickly find a topic to divert the heat from her palms to her heart. "The strong man still remembers when someone made trouble."

"That's natural, I still think about it every day." He took her hand and shook it, "Tomorrow I will plant some hidden weapons behind your house, everything is ready, don't run to the back of the house in the future play."

"I never go there." Still playing, she is not a child.

"Also, I thought about it. You said Yue Lao said that if you come here, if you don't see Cheng Jiangyi, you will meet someone who can lead you to find him. The first time you came, you met Miss Tang and me But I didn't find any clues about Cheng Jiangyi. Although I delivered the letter for you and placed you in the government, I couldn't find Cheng Jiangyi. So I thought, maybe the person who can lead you to find him is Tang Miss Liantang?"

Su Xiaopei was taken aback.Ran Feize continued: "Miss Tang, we caught Luo Ping. You once said that Luo Ping doesn't seem like a person who can control people's hearts. So, what if someone behind him taught him? Who would that person be?"

Su Xiaopei was instantly enlightened, yes, what if the person who can lead her to find someone is Tang Lian?

"Strong man." She suddenly became a little excited.

"You can't go." Ran Feize knew what she wanted to say. "If that person has his eyes and ears network, he will naturally know your whereabouts and actions. If you stay here in Wuzhen, he will not be on guard against things outside. If we want to investigate, we have to get ahead of him to prevent him from killing people. Silence. I will find a reliable friend in the world, and Luo Ping will kidnap and kill people, and he will be executed by Qiu Hou, I hope the time will come."

"Then, he's in jail."

"The person I'm looking for is naturally able to clear the way of the government and do this."

Su Xiaopei was a little excited, "Strong man, there is one more person, and it is worth checking."

"You said."

"After you left, I also solved a case in Ning'an City. The culprit was Tong Feng, the owner of a cloth shop in Lin County. He robbed prisoners, abused and killed girls' homes, and controlled his wives and concubines by means of psychological intimidation and mental abuse. He made a false statement, that case is very similar to the case I learned in my hometown, maybe, I mean possible, what if someone pointed him out?"

"It belongs to Ning'an City?" Ran Feize frowned.


"If you are in Ning'an City, you have to be more careful. Luo Ling'er and Luo Kui are from Ning'an City, and you also had an accident in Ning'an City. The government office may not be clean. Check Luo Ping first, and I will also find Tong Feng. People are watching."

"We can find Qin Butou, I can trust him."

"But how does he know who to trust? The government office is full of his brothers and sisters. How do you explain to him who to guard against? I'm afraid that if the matter is not found out, he will show his feet and warn the gangster."

Su Xiaopei thought about it, it was true. "Okay, I'll listen to the strong man."

Ran Feize sighed: "In my heart, I'm actually quite hesitant."


"I want to get that Cheng Jiangyi out quickly and beat him up, but I'm afraid that if you find him, you will disappear without knowing what to do."

Su Xiaopei was silent, she also felt the same way.

Ran Feize squeezed her hand and held her hand tightly. "Now, I live every day as if it were the last day I spent with you."

Su Xiaopei bit her lip, and took his hand back forcefully.She felt the same way.So when she saw him making new furniture for her, she felt distressed, and wanted to say that she didn't have to work so hard.He even wanted to build an extra room next to the kitchen for her to take a shower.He looked at her expression and knew what she was thinking. He said, "It's just that even if it's the last day, I hope you can live a better life than the last day."

Su Xiaopei's eyes were hot again, she rushed over and hugged Ran Feize. "Strong man, if there is even the slightest possibility, even if there is only the slightest chance, I will try my best not to be separated from the strong man."

"Okay." Ran Feize hugged her tightly, "It's good if you have this kind of heart, that's enough. I can't ask for anything else, but I must beat Cheng Jiangyi hard. When I find him, I must do this. Tone."

But after a while, bad news came.Ran Feize entrusted him to pay attention to Tong Feng's friend who reported that Tong Feng died in prison, and the official verdict was suicide.

"He was one step ahead of us."

"How did he know we were looking for Tong Feng?"

"He doesn't know, he just takes precautions."

"Where's Luo Ping?"

"It's far away, and there is no news yet."

Su Xiaopei was a little annoyed: "If he is really Cheng Jiangyi, then he will really be a ghost."

(End of this chapter)

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