The Golden Fleet in the Super Seminary

Chapter 9 I honorably chose... 3 recommendations for investment collections!

Chapter 9 I have chosen honorably... Investing in collections and recommending three consecutive rounds!
The battle in the mine was over in a short time, and the battle outside was far from over.

Not only the alien beasts in the mine, but the six alien beast control devices controlled the minds of [-] alien beasts. In a large dense forest around the mine, thousands of alien beasts went berserk and beat one of the elephant guards. Unprepared, the formation of [-] elephant men was instantly defeated.

The Elephant Troop still had two devices in their hands, and after a short period of confusion, they also controlled two thousand beasts to block in front of the berserk beasts.

"Quickly ask for help from the base. The alien beasts are rioting for unknown reasons. The situation inside the mine is unknown. The situation is extremely critical!"

The leader of the Elephant Man Defenders shouted, and a few alien beasts riding on two-headed horses ran away. The direction was the Elephant Man Barracks five kilometers away. There were [-] elite soldiers stationed there, just to prevent the alien beasts from attacking. riot.

Shen Jun was standing on the top of the mine cave at this time, and he could see the situation in a radius of tens of miles. The invisibility of the temple armor had been released. Around him, Zeratul and the dark templar remained hidden, protecting Shen Jun. in the middle.

"Hmm... Thirty thousand elephants, how much biological essence is this..."

Shen Jun showed a bloodthirsty smile. When he learned that this is the super god universe, his little sympathy for these races disappeared.

Ninety-nine percent of the triangular body is the vanguard of the ultimate fear, the first wave of the void's offensive, and the ultimate fear means the demise of cosmic civilization, not to mention physical wars. Said to be born opposite.pity?nonexistent.

You can kill as much as you can!
Four hundred dark fanatics were dormant in the opposite jungle, waiting for the end of the fight between the alien beast and the elephant man.

Under the control of Shen Jun, six thousand giant beasts charged the elephant-man defenders in a uniform order. Although Shen Jun had never commanded a war, he had heard the allusion of the fire bull formation at any rate, and knew that when the beasts were gathered together to charge, the destructive power was huge. biggest.

Ever since, the Elephant Man whose wisdom was in the barbaric era was considered to have suffered a bad luck for eight lifetimes. They had never seen such a battle, and more than half of them were killed or killed in a few rounds.

But there is one thing to say, the power of the Elephant Man cannot be underestimated. Under the situation of the alien beast charging, he was able to forcibly block a row of alien beasts, and finally killed hundreds of them.

They also have two thousand alien beasts in their hands. After being tortured by blood for a few rounds, they also learned something. They also gathered two thousand alien beasts to confront the alien beasts controlled by Shen Jun.

The situation is basically one-sided. Although the Elephant Man will not collapse immediately, it will not last long.

"The [-] elephant reinforcements will arrive here soon, and they may have more alien beast control devices in their hands. With the current combat power..."

The population of the Elephant civilization is very small, only about one million, and more than half of them serve the Triangle as labor, just like miners.

The main force will not exceed 50 in total, and it is not too much to divide every 1 people with a beast control device. After all, this is the total number of elephants on the entire planet.

But don't think that because of this, the Giant Elephant Star is sparsely populated. In fact, Shen Jun prefers to call it the Alien Beast Star, because the Elephant Man is actually just a kind of Alien Beast, and it just evolved first.

There are tens of thousands of other beasts, large and small, and the "beasts" on the entire planet are counted in billions.

Shen Jun secretly compared the hole cards of the two sides, and felt that it would not be easy to completely wipe out the main force of the Elephant Man, and there might be damage.

Shen Jun looked at his own resources, and he had to place a protoss hub at each of the mining sites at the end of the six mine passages, which required two thousand four crystal mines, which could not be used.

In this way, there are only more than 6000 crystal mines left to squander.

Shen Jun didn't even think about it, and jumped three crystal towers under the cover of the mountain.

The addition of [-] protoss freshmen gave Shen Jun full confidence in his heart.

What surprised Shen Jun was that there were [-] Dalam protoss in this group of protoss, that is, the new protoss led by archbishop Artanis at the end of the main storyline of the interstellar universe. They have experienced the first war with Amon. Be the best fighter.

The remaining [-] have one hundred Nerazim protoss and one hundred Kalai protoss.

But what surprised Shen Jun the most was a distinctive orange-yellow figure in the Dalam Protoss.

This protoss doesn't look like a protoss at all, but rather a robot made of blue and white mysterious alloy. It is a bit larger than a normal protoss, with four mechanical legs and two mechanical arms.

Don't be too familiar with this image Shen Jun, just like the current Rohana, Talandar, the purifier clone of Phoenix, the former executive officer of the ground defense force of the Kalai Protoss!
Unlike Rohana, which was replicated as an ultrabrain system, Talandar existed as a war machine, with powerful combat effectiveness and rich combat experience.

"I...returned to the battlefield."

The classic Immortal Father's opening line is uttered from Talandar's voice system, and the leader of the Purifier announces his return.

"Commander, I am Talandar, please issue your order."

Although it's not very humane to say, but also the purifier of mechanical life, Rohana's modification of its memory data is too simple, and she directly raised Shen Jun's status to the same status as Artanis in Talandar's mind.

As for why it wasn't replaced, it's very simple. For Talandar, Artanis is a very special existence, and he will never turn his back on his archbishop.

But it doesn't matter, Shen Jun is still the object of Talandar's allegiance, and that is enough.

Counting the [-] fresh troops, Shen Jun has another [-] protoss troops under his command, and there is no suspense for the mere [-] elephant natives.

The distance of five kilometers can be quickly covered by a life form like a beast whose physique is superior to intelligence, so they have arrived on the battlefield at this time, and they have brought three thousand strange beasts.

Three thousand of the [-] alien beasts that rioted under Shen Jun's control had already died, and the price was the annihilation of the original [-] elephant-man mine defenders and their [-] alien beasts.

Suddenly, Shen Jun noticed that this army was different from the previous elephant warriors, and the most intuitive manifestation was the manta ray floating above it.


Crystal veins are such an important strategic resource, it is not surprising that the Triangle is here, but Shen Jun himself does not want to confront the Triangle head-on. After all, the power of the Protoss is still very weak at this time. too early.

Sure enough, I was still too naive...

Shen Jun laughed at himself, calmed down and thought about it, Triangle has already set his sights on this planet, and the conflict has long been inevitable.

If the protoss wants to develop, it must seize the mineral veins, and to seize the mineral veins must be exposed to the Triangle.

Therefore, there is only war!

(End of this chapter)

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