Chapter 486 Orchid
"Well, the imperial concubine, I'm afraid that the king can't help the empress. The cotton has been spun into cotton thread and weaving cotton cloth now."

"Oh, that's a pity."

"However, the cotton is gone. I have other methods. Maybe the clothes I made will be better in warmth and thinner, but I can't try this until I return to Chang'an, and the imperial concubine will have to wait for a while."

"Oh, then I will be the first to try it when the time comes!"

"That's for sure, for sure!"

Sending Concubine Wei away, Li Zhi squeezed his chin with his hand, it seems that he really got angry at the little Concubine Yang for molesting her, ah, this woman is so petty.

However, Concubine Wei Gui came to find herself specifically for this matter, but it was not just as simple as the surface.Is Concubine Wei Gui here to show her closeness?
It's a pity that Li Zhi didn't dare to act recklessly at this time, the queen mother had just warned her, otherwise Li Zhi just sent Wei Guifei away, so he tried to slap that buttock.

Li Zhi was still thinking about something while resting his chin, the little aunt over there came out of nowhere and came to Li Zhi.

"Your Highness, what are you thinking?"

"Nothing, let's go, let's continue what we just did."

Li Zhi stretched out his hand, squeezed Murong Xueying's butt, and pulled Murong Xueying into the room.

When it was getting dark, Li Zhi let go of Murong Xueying. The big girl was lying beside Li Zhi, watching Li Zhi take out a small wooden box, and inside it was an orchid that was still picked from the branch.

"Your Highness, this orchid is still the same as before, it hasn't changed at all."

"Well, it seems that this orchid will not change, is it amazing?"


Murong Xueying stretched out her hand, wanting to touch the orchid, but Li Zhi slapped the jade hand that reached out.

"Okay, don't touch it, the king is reluctant to touch it now, for fear of hurting the orchid in the slightest. This is the only thought that Concubine Lan left for this king."

"Your Highness, let me smell it!"

Li Zhi didn't stop this time, seeing Murong Xueying approaching the orchid, sniffing it gently, the beautiful nose tip was almost touching the petals, Li Zhi quickly reached out, pinched her long hair, and pulled it tighter.

"Only smell, not touch."

"Your Highness, this orchid is still very fragrant."

"Okay, just smell it."

As Li Zhi said, he pulled Murong Xueying's long hair and pulled her aside.

"Your Highness is stingy!"

"You don't know how important this thing is to this king. This king really hopes that you, sister Cui, Princess Jin, and Xia Hechuntao, are all like this orchid, always in your most beautiful youth, not old Not dead."

"Your Highness, then you have to look for pills and medicines to find the way of longevity."

"Then little aunt, have you heard of the method of longevity?"

Murong Xueying shook his head, Li Zhi had already covered the small wooden box again, and put the small box away.

For Li Zhi, this orchid is more of a thought and a symbol at this time.I really wish Wu Meiniang and the others were like this orchid.

The light in the room was completely dark, and Murong Xueying was lying on Li Zhi's chest. Li Zhi felt the soft body of this beautiful girl, with exquisite curves, and stretched out his hand on the graceful waist, caressing gently.

"Your Highness, my little aunt really wants to be with His Highness all the time!"

The beautiful girl murmured softly, and Li Zhi patted her buttocks lightly.

"My king, go out for a walk!"

"The little aunt is with you!"

"No, you have a good rest here, I'll be back after a walk, and I want to sleep with your delicate body in my arms at night."

"I'm afraid His Highness will hug someone else."

"If you hug someone else, tell me, who will this king hug?"

"How did I know that!"

Li Zhi got up, put on his clothes and cloak, and walked out of the house. It was already dark outside, and he looked in the direction of Mount Li, and the starry sky was extremely deep.

Li Zhi walked in the light of the sparse palace lanterns in Tangquan Palace, and before he knew it, he came to the palace where Concubine Lan used to live.

There were still many people here a few days ago, but at this time the orchids here have completely withered, and even the flower branches and grass stems have completely withered and stuck to the soil, and there is no one else here at this time.

In the palace where people have died, only Concubine Lan's former maid is still here.

Li Zhi walked through the withered orchid gardens, the maid walked over lightly, and gave Li Zhi a little blessing, seeing King Jin wave his hand to her lightly, the maid didn't dare to say anything.

He only bowed and stood aside, listening to Jin Wang Li Zhi sigh slightly.

"Concubine Lan, the past few years have been quite pitiful."

"Well, Concubine Lan is the one who has suffered the most among these empresses in the palace."

Li Zhi didn't know why, but when the maid said this, the corners of his eyes became moist.

"If you wish, the king can tell the queen mother to let you enter the Jin palace."

"Thank you for your kindness, but I want to accompany Concubine Lan, Tangquan Palace is closer to the place where the empress lives."

"Okay, with you by my side, Concubine Lan will not be lonely anymore. When you go to Concubine Lan's place, remember to tell Madam that the orchid will be taken care of by the King."

Li Zhi walked slowly and left here.

Elsewhere, there was the sound of someone playing in the water, the closer they got, the louder the sound of playing in the water, beside Li Zhi's feet, a snow-white fox ran to Li Zhi's side, rubbing against Li Zhi's calf with its soft fur.

"Little guy, you are here, the sound of playing in the water must be made by my imperial sister."

Li Zhi squatted down and picked up the little silver fox. His two little sisters liked the silver fox the most, and they brought it with them when they came to Tangquan Palace.

Li Zhi hugged and gently stroked the snow-white fur. This little silver fox is also well-behaved, as docile as a cat.

After a while, two women, one big and one small, walked over hand in hand, their hair was still wet. When the little guy saw the two women, he jumped out of Li Zhi's arms and ran over there.

Sizi stretched out his hand, and the little guy jumped into Sizi's arms.

"Brother Huang, are you coming to the hot spring too?"

"Brother Huang is just passing by, you two hurry back, dry your hair, and be careful not to catch the cold."

Li Zhi was worried, and followed the two imperial sisters to the resting place of the two little princesses. The maid brought the stove, and Li Zhi took the two younger sisters and baked their hair beside the stove with his hands with.

"Next time you take a hot spring, tie up your hair so it doesn't get wet."

"Brother Huang, help us pierce, and let's soak together."

"How old is it, I still want to soak in hot springs with my brother all day long."

"Well, I just think, no matter how old your son is, he is the younger sister of the emperor's brother, and he wants to be with him."

Li Zhi rubbed his long hair with his hands, looking at the hot steam in the long hair, the maid next to him was taking care of the little princess, and the little guy glared at Li Zhi.

This is probably because Li Zhi is helping Sizi dry his hair instead of helping himself!

(End of this chapter)

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