Chapter 488
After these tiaras were inserted, Li Zhi gently supported Concubine Wei's cloud temples with both hands, and looked into the bronze mirror.

"Imperial Concubine, I did not make a mistake in inserting it, right? There is still a difference in the headdresses on the head of the empress and the imperial concubine. This king only inserted it for the empress."

"That's right, it's all good, it's better than the rest of them, especially the position of the gold hairpin, I remember that the maids used to insert it a little higher, and His Royal Highness Jin Wang lowered it a little bit, it looks better .”

"Then the king can rest assured. In the future, if the imperial concubine wants to know what the king is doing, she can just ask the king directly. These court ladies hide secretly, and the king thought they were sent by someone with ulterior motives. The noble concubine The empress also knows that there are a lot of things going on in the palace recently, my fourth brother just met an assassin, and this king has also met an assassin before, so it is inevitable that this king has to think too much."

"The king also asked where the maid was, and he was relieved when he knew that she was from the imperial concubine."

"Your Highness, don't you feel that this Palace has ulterior motives?"

"The imperial concubine will not."

As Li Zhi said, his hand lightly fell on Wei Guifei's slender and fair neck. This noble concubine is really well maintained, much better than her previous aunt.

This snow-white neck, if you only look at it from the back, it is really hard to think that it belongs to the neck of a woman who is over forty and has been married twice.

Li Zhi's hand lightly stroked that neck a few times, and then that palm pressed against Concubine Wei's neck, and slowly landed on Concubine Wei's shoulder.

"Then I'm here to thank His Highness for your trust."

"By the way, imperial concubine, you told me yesterday that little concubine Yang is going to sue the king at the father's side. The imperial concubine will not return to Chang'an, so she will also sue the king?"

"What is this Palace telling His Highness? Are you telling His Highness to tidy up my hair for this Palace?"

"Sue this!"

Concubine Wei looked into the bronze mirror, and King Jin's hands had slowly landed on her collar from her shoulders. At this time, this winter palace dress, the neckline was naturally tight, protecting it from the wind, snow and severe cold.

Li Zhi unbuttoned the collar with his own hands, exposing the lady's skin.Li Zhi's fingers were pressed against her skin, and even closer, Concubine Wei Gui's still well-maintained collarbone was slightly exposed.

"Your Highness, I won't say anything, but I'm on His Highness Jin's side."

"Oh, how can I trust the imperial concubine!"

The jade hand raised, slowly squeezed King Jin's hand, and stuffed Concubine Wei's delicate place that had not been touched by a man for a long time.

When His Majesty was about to touch it last time, the wounds were all open, which almost caused a catastrophe, and this catastrophe almost affected Li Zhi, because at that time, if His Majesty had any troubles, the crown prince would succeed to the throne smoothly. cure something.

"Does Your Highness believe that this palace is on His Highness's side now? If His Majesty knows about this, this palace will be completely abolished."

"This can't destroy the imperial concubine!"

"Then how can His Highness trust me?"

Li Zhi's hand was lightly squeezed there, and Concubine Wei Gui slowly turned her head, her expression perfectly expressed all the sorrow, coldness and loneliness of a deep palace woman in an instant.

"This king can't touch the imperial concubine right now, and the queen mother won't let me, but seeing the expression on the imperial concubine's face, this king really can't bear it."

Li Zhi moved his hands a few times, and the change in Concubine Wei's expression deeply made Li Zhi understand how terrible it is for a woman to be lonely.

Concubine Wei held Li Zhi's hand tightly, and let Li Zhi play around wantonly in her arms.

"Your Highness, believe me now, I am standing here with Your Highness, right?"

"Father's wound burst open last time. This king remembers it well. It was Concubine Wei who messed around. This is the same as this king. They like to mess around."

"In the future, if the imperial concubine thinks too much about something, it's better to find this king. Although I can't try my best to serve you, the imperial concubine, but there are some things that are not too much, the king is still willing to serve the imperial concubine."

As Li Zhi said, he kissed Concubine Wei's cheek like a resentful girl in the palace. A long-lost color melted on Concubine Wei's face. At this time, she let go of Li Zhi's palm and held Li Zhi's cheek. A few deep kisses.

"Imperial concubine, it's all right, don't dare to mess around anymore, this king can only let the empress relieve the loneliness and hardship in the palace."

"Your Highness, can I let Ben Gong try again?"

Li Zhi thought for a while and nodded.

When he left Concubine Wei's place, Li Zhi didn't really do anything, but what happened just now was enough to make both of them beyond redemption.Li Zhi thought about it, it would be better to just not do anything and keep doing things to the end.

But thinking of the changes in his aunt, Li Zhi didn't dare. After all, his mother had warned him that Concubine Wei's wrinkles really disappeared, and she looked a few years younger. The mother immediately guessed that it was caused by her own mess.

Now Li Zhi doesn't want to make his mother angry, not at all.

In Concubine Wei's bedroom, Concubine Wei tidied up the slightly messy clothes, and took off a few messy hair accessories and put them back in again.

When she got up, the eyes of the lady who had been lonely in the palace for a long time glowed with a different brilliance than usual.

People are in good spirits on happy occasions, although they didn't do anything, but after all, they are completely in the same boat with King Jin at this time.

This palace is seeing a storm, who knows what will happen after the storm.

The Empress is all about King Jin, so she might as well entrust everything to King Jin.

When he becomes a great treasure, he will not lose himself and Shen'er, mother and son.

In this harem, maybe ordinary women can live naturally without relying on them, but when they reach a certain status, they always have to find someone to rely on, and women still need to rely on.

At this time, King Jin has already shown some majesty as an emperor, and if he misses the opportunity, maybe there will be no such good opportunities in the future.

Outside, Li Zhi was walking in the wind and snow, and the road swept by the court lady was now covered with a thin layer of snow, and when he stepped on it, he would feel a slight touch.

Li Zhi stretched out his hand, and several snowflakes fell into King Jin's palm.

Sometimes you still have to make some risks. Even if you know it is wrong, you still have to take a few steps in the wrong direction.

This is to die, but it is also to break out some opportunities.

Both Concubine Yang and Concubine Wei are willing to stand on their side. This is not just the two concubines in the harem. The power behind them is by no means as simple as it seems on the surface.

The harem, court, and the world are all connected, and Li Zhi dare not underestimate the power of any concubine in the harem.

The Xuanwumen back then was not only the passionate elegy of men, but also the long-sleeved and good dancing of the beauties behind them.Sometimes the wind in the ears, the rouge gas, and the beauty dance are more sharp and effective than others.

Li Zhi stopped in the wind and snow, which was already the center of the main axis of Tangquan Palace.

(End of this chapter)

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