I have an RV in the end times

Chapter 256 Absorb Newcomers

Chapter 256 Absorb Newcomers
love at first sight,
For millions of people, there are thousands of feelings of love.

How Duan Qianli felt, no one else could tell, not even Zhang Yun.

Even though he knew that Duan Qianli hadn't moved his eyes since he saw Pei Ji,

"Ah... you... good."

Duan Qianli's reaction was half a beat slow.

It caused Pei Ji to smile cheerfully.

The team was ushered into the outpost.

Zhang Yun took Guo Hui around: "This side of the town is our bait wall, and there is a camp inside. On both sides are fields. Because there is not enough space, terraced fields have been reclaimed. Above..."

Guo Hui nodded one by one, and praised a few words from time to time.

It was all business bragging, and no one knew what was actually going on in his mind.

Zhou Jue, Zhu Lingshan and other core cadres also left the mountain.

For the welcome work of new partners, Zhang Yun had instructed to be more enthusiastic.

I have been homeless for a year, and some of my personalities have changed.
It is not a civilized society now, and everyone knows that their hands may be covered with blood.

And they did,
This group of people has the demeanor of warriors. They have experienced wind and rain in the wild, zombie attacks, robbers,

He even intrigues with bad guys from all walks of life, and has encountered countless dangers.

And their players change frequently.
Because people die often, and new people often join.

But Guo Hui also has core members.

Pei Ji counts as one,
After Duan Qianli had a little contact with her, he realized that this woman was a sniper just like Duan Qianli.

And the young man who looks like an otaku with an antenna box on his back is called Xue Zi.

He didn't want to say his real name, anyway, everyone called it that way, and he was used to it.

Another young woman in sweatshirt, not very old, about as young and lovely as Luo Guoguo,
But she has a vicious air about her, she looks heroic,

No one dared to go up and ask her name, because she seemed a little distant and cold, but her eyes kept looking at the environment of the outpost, with a hint of curiosity on her expression.

However, this woman's figure and appearance alone can play the role of vase in Guo Hui's team.

But the rifle in her hand fully showed that she was not easy to mess with.

After a while

Zhang Yun and Guo Hui have become one,
Those who didn't know thought they were good brothers who hadn't seen each other for many years.

Leaders naturally have a lot to say,

After Zhang Yun made a full introduction, he took Guo Hui to the office for negotiations without knowing what the content was.

The rest stayed outside in embarrassment, looking at each other.

Pei Ji looked at the 10th form in Duan Qianli's hand, tried to speak several times but had no chance,
Duan Qianli is used to being alone,

The demeanor he displayed actually made people wonder how to strike up a conversation.

In fact, Duan Qianli also wanted to talk, but he couldn't say anything due to the emptiness in his heart and head, so he had to lower his head and wipe his gun in the end.

It was because Pei Ji really didn't want to wait any longer before he smiled and said, "Your gun is pretty good, how did you get it?"

Duan Qianli smiled: "I killed a guy and snatched it."

"A sniper too?"

Duan Qianli nodded: "The average person really can't use this gun."

Pei Ji came closer and observed carefully.

Old Duan Qianli blushed, his body couldn't help shaking,
This is usually the case, Pei Ji's temperament is more like a big sister, Duan Qianli is naturally ashamed.

"This scope doesn't seem to belong to this gun."

Duan Qianli said 'hmm': "It was his scope that I smashed with a single shot. After getting this gun, I replaced it with my own, just getting used to it."

Pei Ji nodded: "You are very powerful, let's compete for a chance."


Pei Ji was taken aback: "Ah—don't get me wrong, it's a target shooting competition."

Duan Qianli nodded in embarrassment: "Well, let's learn from target shooting."


the other side,
Zhou Jue threw a bottle of water to Xue Zi in front of him: "Your name is as interesting as your captain."

"Well, pot ashes and boots." Xue Zi nodded, as if talking to himself.

"Can I see your equipment?"

Xue Zi glanced at him: "No."

Zhou Jue smiled awkwardly: "There is a monitoring room on the mountain. You may work with me in the future. Let's get familiar with each other in advance. There is nothing wrong with it."

Xue Zi thought for a while, then unloaded the backpack, and the two sat cross-legged facing each other.

Zhou Jue opened the signal box, looked at it for a few moments and said in surprise, "You made it yourself?"

"Well, it's all handmade."


These two are about the same age, and they are both hacker enthusiasts. Xue Zi is even more professional than Zhou Jue.

At least if he is allowed to do it himself, he cannot make this kind of equipment.

Although Zhou Jue didn't need to spend time doing it himself, the signal transmitter Zhang Yun gave him was flexible, portable and had a wide range, and it could also help decrypt encrypted information, which Xue Zi's equipment was far beyond.


The two started 'academic communication' with some jargon.

Zhou Jue seems to have met a bosom friend, colluding with each other about the current catastrophic environment.

Xue Zi and the others are from the south,

And Zhou Jue is from the north.

Both the north and the south can learn about each other's environmental issues.

Continuing to chat, Zhou Jue frowned deeper.


Zhu Lingshan and the woman in sweatshirt looked at each other, then smiled.

The atmosphere fell silent...

Ten seconds later, they looked at each other again, and then each smiled.

The atmosphere fell into an awkward silence.

Zhu Lingshan regretted it, why did she come down with nothing to do?


in the office,

Zhang Yun poured Guo Hui a glass of wine, and Guo Hui picked up the glass and looked at it: "I don't really like this kind of drink, do you have white ones?"

Zhang Yun shook his head.

"Oh, it would be nice to drink."

Guo Hui took a sip, then made a disgusted expression,
But that didn't stop him from continuing to drink.

Zhang Yun said with a smile: "It's probably not easy for you on this journey."

"Well, it's not easy."

Guo Hui sighed: "Actually, it's hard for me to show it outside. I really want to retire this time. I'm too tired."


"Well, fortunately, everyone is tired and wants to find a shelter to settle down. We have experienced a lot this year." Guo Hui shook his head, his face full of despair and gloom.

Zhang Yun nodded: "What is there in the south?"

Guo Hui shrugged: "It's the same, zombies, humans, that's all..."

"In the beginning we had [-] or [-] people, but later they all died. Now it's natural selection. People without strength are not qualified to survive."

Zhang Yun sighed: "So you choose to join us."

"Yeah, we got your airwaves on the road, and it sounded good, so everyone voted in."

Guo Hui crossed his legs and said with a smile: "So don't worry, the team voted unanimously, and you don't have to worry about their unwillingness."

(End of this chapter)

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