Chapter 154
Bo Hanyan looked at Xu Nian, feeling a little guilty.

Because he knew from Li Nuo that Xu Nian wanted to ask this question.

But Xu Nian took a lot of effort to control his emotions. Xu Nian felt that he couldn't show cowardice in front of Bo Hanyan, so he said very seriously: "What I want is for you to answer my question, don't get distracted." topic."

When Bo Hanyan saw Xu Nian's serious look, he put away the playfulness on his face.

"No." Bo Hanyan said flatly.

Although I knew that Bo Hanyan would say that, after all, any man with a little brain would know how to do it.

After all, if a woman wants something from a man, she doesn't really want something, but just wants a promise from a man, or an attitude, as long as the attitude is there, then it's fine.

Isn't there a saying that women are all emotional creatures?
At this moment, Bo Hanyan said again: "If we get married, we will definitely listen to you in matters big and small in the family. In fact, I think for convenience, we will write your name on all property in our family in the future. This makes it easy for you to manage."

Xu Nian laughed when he heard this: "Okay, you said this, you have to keep what you say, and if you keep what you say, I will definitely not let you go."

"There will be no so-called conflicts between you and me because of these interests." When Bo Hanyan spoke, he looked into Xu Nian's eyes: "Because everything I do is to be able to appear in your presence. By my side, take good care of you, and become the person you care about most in this world."

Xu Nian hugged Bao Hanyan's neck. She never knew what she did in her previous life to meet such a person.

So when she hugged Bao Hanyan's neck, she really couldn't help but say: "Although you keep saying similar things, every time I say it, I can't help but want to cry, but you really make me feel It was unreal, I felt like I was in a dream."

"If you really think it's unreal, then you agree to marry me, and I can make you more real." Bo Hanyan continued to coax the little woman in his arms. Coax her back, coax this woman back is the business.

Xu Nian is really convinced by this man, this man is really enough, but she is in a good mood: "You are always like this, do you love me like this? I said last time, the form should be There should be, if you don't even have the form, then why should I marry you, am I the kind of casual woman in your heart?"

But when Xu Nian said this, Xu Nian was a little guilty, because she was indeed a little casual, and he was taken down by him with his beauty casually. When thinking of this, Xu Nian himself felt I am a little disappointed.

"Of course not." Bao Hanyan still smiled, but there was a hint of cunning in this smile.

What Xu Nian was thinking was that Bo Hanyan definitely didn't have much time to plan a marriage proposal ceremony when he was filming now, if Bo Hanyan did it casually, then Xu Nian could use this as an excuse, and let Xu Nian hit him hard Bo Hanyan,

Don't you love me? Why is the lineup for marriage proposals so small.

Xu Nian felt that he couldn't make Bo Hanyan too embarrassed.

Thinking like this, Xu Nian nestled in Bao Hanyan's arms: "So, don't say these things every day, do you think I'm stupid, I don't know if you're fooling me, this is a lifelong event, I If you just fooled me like this, then I'm not too stupid, I absolutely can't do this, this is a matter of principle, Bo Hanyan, do you think so?"

"Yes, of course Miss Xu is right, I am convinced." Bo Hanyan said honestly.

But Xu Nian didn't feel that Bo Hanyan was as convincing as he said, it was just to coax himself like this: "Then you don't say similar things."

But when Xu Nian finished speaking, Bo Hanyan sighed slightly: "I know you don't feel safe, and I don't have the so-called sense of security at the same time. I'm afraid, I'm really afraid, I'm really afraid, After all, the time we have been together is so short, and I have no so-called love experience, so I can only say similar words in your ear, let you remember, let you remember, I am your man .”

Xu Nian didn't expect Bo Hanyan to say that.

Bo Hanyan really thinks this way, he hopes to be able to subtly influence, isn't there a saying that a drop of water wears through a stone, as long as it is subtly influenced, let Xu Nian know that he wants to marry her and the happiness he wants to give, then he can bury her in Xu Nian's heart. For a seed, as long as you are careful and maintain it slowly, the seed will germinate slowly, and finally grow into a towering tree.

Xu Nian looked into Bao Hanyan's eyes, and she suddenly felt that there were stars in Bao Hanyan's eyes, and she touched Bao Hanyan's cheek.

Seeing Xu Nian like this, Bo Hanyan knew that Xu Nian had listened to his words.

But at this moment, Xu Nian changed the subject: "In this case, the time we spend together is too short, I think we should spend a little longer together, if we spend a long time together, then we won't, so Marriage will become a matter of course."

When things came to fruition, when Bao Hanyan heard this, he raised his brows slightly. He seemed to have been cheated by this little woman, so he planned to speak.

But Xu Nian didn't give Bo Hanyan a chance to refute: "Do you want to refuse, but why do you refuse? Don't you want to get to know me better? I want to be together forever. I know your heart is true, but feelings Things need to be adjusted slowly, you and I haven't gotten along well for a while, do you know what I like and what I like to drink?"

"You like sweets and milk tea. If you don't have milk tea, you like to drink warm water. I also think warm water is good and healthy." Bo Hanyan replied directly.

So Xu Nian didn't know what to say.

And Bo Hanyan continued to say at this time: "What you said is indeed reasonable, but I think we are getting along well, at least our bodies are getting along well. Didn't you feel that during this period of time, Xu Nian? Does the body fit very well, so I think if we really need to adjust our temper, then we probably don’t need to spend so much time adjusting.”

Xu Nian really doesn't know what to say, what's the matter with this man, why is it a very serious topic, but the color changes when he talks about it.

This man is really too much.

(End of this chapter)

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