Mr. Bo is a heartthrob

Chapter 30 Ready to Start Shooting Again

Chapter 30 Ready to Start Shooting Again

It can be said that Bo Hanyan was teaching Xu Nian very hard, because he analyzed for Xu Nian what expressions she should make and what she should pay attention to.

What Bo Hanyan said was indeed correct, maybe it was really destined.

It's not like there is a saying that if you come, you will be safe.

She just needs to act well.

A week later, she received a notice to film again.

On that day, Director Lin still had a bit of worry on his face,
Although Bo Hanyan wants to teach Xu Nian acting skills, but Xu Nian's acting skills are there, so Director Lin is still a little worried.

Xu Nian also knew, so she was very nervous.

Director Lin saw Xu Nian's nervousness, so he walked up to Xu Nian: "In this scene, you just treat him as a stranger and talk to her with sign language."

Xu Nian nodded, and the voice of Bo Hanyan's previous teaching sounded in his mind: "In this scene, you mainly use gratitude, and then you have doubts. When you are sure of my identity, you pause. According to the script, you thought of your father's words .”

Thinking of this, she looked at Bo Hanyan.

And Bo Hanyan gave her a smile when Xu Nian looked over.

It was precisely because of Bao Hanyan's smile that Xu Nian felt confident.

"Let's shoot the scene of you walking with the bamboo basket on your back first, you go through it first, let's take a look." Director Lin has been a director for many years, so he naturally knows how to get the actors into the play, the reason why he agreed with Bo Hanyan to shoot them directly at the beginning The two fierce rivalry scenes were just to get to the bottom of Xu Nian's acting skills.

Now it seems that it can only come slowly.

Xu Nian walked slowly according to the plot, and then made the action of digging medicine at the designated location.

This scene may only last a few seconds in the final play, but in order to photograph the heroine walking a long way, Xu Nian has to walk a long way, so that it is easy to cut the scene.However, where Xu Nian walked, several camera positions were placed, so that the shooting can be smooth.

Of course, there are also some walks to connect them together, but Xu Nian is prone to problems if he does that.

The cameraman was sitting in the car and filming.

Director Lin looked at Xu Nian's state through the monitor, and really thought it was good.

At the same time, he was also relieved, because if Xu Nian couldn't do the walking scenes, then it would be over.

But then she thought of the scene where the hero and heroine meet. She looked at someone wearing a vest standing next to him. Director Lin wondered if she should remind Bo Hanyan to control his aura a little bit. The difference between the two of them in terms of acting skills is like clouds and mud.

Director Lin thought for a while, but still didn't say anything.

After this is over, it's time for the encounter scene.

The content of this scene is that Yun Xi, played by Xu Nian, accidentally stepped on a trap set by the Orion in the mountains, and was rescued by the hero Zi Chen.

"Xu Nian, pick up the point you just made. You stand here for a while, then take two steps back and fall, and then fall into the trap." Director Lin said patiently, she didn't want to have that kind of problem anymore.

When Director Lin was speaking, Xu Nian listened carefully.

Director Lin was ready to start when she felt that it was about the same, but she was an experienced director after all. Before the filming started, she still said to Xu Nian: "Xu Nian, don't be too pressured, let's take it slowly, really, we all You can take your time."

Xu Nian nodded, then closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

At the same time, what Bo Hanyan said before resounded again: "You must enter the play, treat yourself as the character in the play, and experience the life in the play with your heart."

Thinking of this, Xu Nian opened his eyes with firmness.

(End of this chapter)

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