Mr. Bo is a heartthrob

Chapter 4 Lost Friend, Lost Friend

Chapter 4 Lost Friend, Lost Friend
In the past, Xu Nian had imagined countless times, his Weibo was @ by countless people, and countless people left comments on Weibo, but now that his wish has come true, Xu Nian is not happy at all.

She looked at the Weibo she posted today, and the comments below.

"What do you know, your husband was not created by me. If I hadn't written "Scorching Heart", would you have your current husband?" Xu Nian is really heartbroken at this moment.

Xu Nian thought back to Bo Hanyan back then, it seemed that his aura wasn't so strong back then, but he really became a film king, his aura has changed.

At this time, her cell phone rang again.

After she answered the call, a woman's voice sounded: "Okay, Nian Nian, I've got Actor Bo. If you and Actor Bo have a romantic relationship."

"Then you can go to my grave directly." Xu Nian interrupted directly.

The woman on the other side of the phone laughed without hesitation after hearing this, and didn't stop laughing for 5 minutes.

Xu Nian said with a dark face: "Tang Min, if you continue to laugh, then I have to visit your grave first."

"Okay, tell me what's going on." Tang Min controlled his laughter.

Then Xu Nian told the story in a voice that was unrequited.

Tang Min couldn't help but marvel after hearing this: "Xu Nian, you're really lucky."

Xu Nian really regrets it now, if he knew earlier he would not be a good person, as expected, it is not good to do good deeds these days.

"But you promised me the script, you still have to write it for me." Tang Min suddenly changed the subject: "I said at the beginning that you write the script well, you can invest, and earning tens of millions is a matter of minutes , You insist on becoming an artist, saying that you want to experience life, and you will never have such a thing happen when you write a script."

"When is it? It's fine if you don't care about me, and you still make trouble. If I am killed by the fans of Bo Yingdi, then I will write the script for you below?" Xu Nian said so, but she actually regretted it Oh, if you write the script obediently, how could such a thing happen.

She lay powerlessly on the bed, God, come and strike me to death with lightning.

"Actually, you have to think in a good direction. If you really perform well in this drama, then you may become popular, then you will have no worries in this life, and you can fall in love with the actor, even if I see you When it comes to Best Actor Bo, I won't be able to control myself." Although Tang Min was consoling, the smile in her voice did not hide at all.

Xu Nian is very clear about his two talents, whether he can still watch the movie with Best Actor Bo: "I am also worried, if I am filming with Bo Actor, I will not be able to control myself, and I will stretch out my hand to Bo Actor What should I do with my sinful claws?"

"Then you have to write my script quickly, so that you won't be able to write again when your claws are gone." Tang Min said hastily.

Xu Nian couldn't help but sighed, what kind of bad friend did she have: "You really can't get this out even if you push it. You have to know that slow work comes with careful work, so I really can't be fast about this script." Just because Tang Nian laughed so wildly, her script would definitely not be so easy to write!

After hearing this, Tang Min didn't agree: "Xu Nian, what do you mean by that?"

"What are you talking about, the signal here is not good, I can't hear—" Xu Nian hung up the phone immediately after finishing speaking.

After hanging up the phone, Xu Nian snorted coldly, dare to read her jokes, how could Xu Nian's jokes be taken lightly,
Xu Nian threw the phone directly to the side, and buried his face in the pillow, what else can he do now, he can only take one step at a time.

(End of this chapter)

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