scourge the qing dynasty

Chapter 366 Good people do it to the end

Chapter 366 Good people do it to the end

The sky is gradually getting brighter, just as Zhuman reported to our Prince Zhang secretly. The sky is just dawning. Seeing that our Prince Zhang has not raised his tent, the Qing army headed by Niyahan, Shushu, Eqi and Mu Chenger The generals came to the commander-in-chief together to ask for an audience, and begged our Lord Zhang to retreat immediately, so as not to be surrounded by the fat army and suffer even heavier losses.The result was very natural and beyond the expectations of the generals of the Qing army, our Lord Zhang rejected this cowardly and cowardly escape plan, resolutely and resolutely decided to stand still and continue to attack Taiping City by looking for opportunities.

"My lord, I'm sorry for my slave's blunt words. I'm afraid it's inappropriate to continue to stay in Taiping City." Niyahan insisted: "Taiping City's garrison has sufficient troops and complete fortifications. However, our army is surrounded by Wugou in Taiping Mansion, Jiangning Mansion, Wuhu and Fanchang. The most correct choice if we miss a single hit is to flee away immediately. Our army, then our army is in danger. I also hope that the prince will order the withdrawal of the army as soon as possible for the sake of the lives of the soldiers of the three armies."

"For the sake of the lives of the soldiers of the three armies, I hope that the prince will order the withdrawal of the troops as soon as possible." A dozen or so generals of the Qing army knelt down on one knee and clasped their fists to ask for orders.

"Has this king ever said that he doesn't intend to think about the lives of the soldiers of the three armies?" Prince Zhang snorted coldly, and waved his hand and said, "I let the soldiers of the three armies stay here not only for the sake of their lives, but also for their future. For the sake of the Qing Dynasty, it is even more for the sake of the Qing Dynasty! There is no need to persuade anyone, the king has made up his mind, the whole army will continue to stay here, hurry up and prepare the siege equipment, and wait for the opportunity to attack Taiping City again!"

"My lord—!" All the generals of the Qing army screamed together.

"Shut up!" Prince Zhang slapped the table and shouted angrily: "Zhu Man, tell these servants, what is the first order to cut off?"

Zhuman was a little hesitant, but seeing our Lord Zhang slapping the table and staring at him again, Zhuman, who was loyal to Lord Zhang, finally bit the bullet and replied: "Go back to Lord Zhang, you are the number one in the army. Cut it off!"

"Did you hear that?" Prince Zhang yelled viciously at all the generals: "It is my king's military order to stay under Taiping City. Anyone who disobeys and contradicts him will be executed immediately!"

The generals of the Qing Dynasty had no choice but to agree honestly, not daring to persuade our Lord Zhang to retreat, but fortunately, Zhuman also suggested that Lord Zhang let the Qing army strengthen the camp and build temporary fortifications while rushing to build siege weapons In case of a surprise attack by the fat army, our Lord Zhang could still listen to what Zhuman said, so he immediately agreed, and told the Qing army generals to follow the plan.

Ever since, under the circumstances of the surrounding crisis, our Lord Zhang resolutely let the main force of the Qing army on the western front stand still under Taiping City, and went all out to build siege weapons, and also built temporary fortifications to stabilize the camp for a long time. plan.And the Fat Man Army team in Taipingfu City was also really afraid of our Great Qing God of War, Prince Zhang, and refused to step out of the city, let alone stop the Qing army from setting up camp. The two armies lived in peace for a while.

Faced with such a temporary calm situation, our heartless Prince Zhang is happy to be at ease, and doesn't have to worry about it.The experienced generals such as Niyahan and Shu Shu became more and more worried and frightened, because almost two days and two nights passed from the evening of May [-]th to the evening of May [-]th. No news came from the Erjin Army, and the scouts and secret agents sent to Fanchang to investigate the situation also fell silent, and none of them came back to report the situation. The generals of the Qing army were inevitably even more anxious, and faintly suspected that the situation in Fanchang was not good.

In this way, it was completely dark, and when it was close to the second watch, the fat army messenger Chen Rui led a group of unarmed civilians, and sent 10 taels of silver to our Lord Zhang, and returned it to Lord Zhang. The confidant Zhuman also brought a bag of jewels, and our Prince Zhang also received Chen Rui again.

During the conversation, Prince Zhang had to imitate Sima Yi and asked Chen Rui about the current situation of the Fatty Army. Chen Rui truthfully replied that the recent situation of the Fatty Army was not very satisfactory. Except for the western front, the other three fronts were in a hard fight, especially the Yangzhou battlefield on the northern front. The Chongming battlefield on the eastern front was in urgent need of reinforcements, so Chen Rui begged Prince Zhang to fulfill his promise not to prevent the Fatty Army from returning to Nanjing, and guaranteed that the remaining half would be delivered as promised, and there would be a big thank you afterwards.Our Lord Zhang naturally agreed, patted his chest and promised to give way absolutely, and let Fatty Lu return to his teacher.

In the end, Chen Rui tentatively asked Prince Zhang to withdraw his troops immediately and return to Ningguo Mansion, and proposed that if Prince Zhang withdrew his troops early, the fat army could also sponsor some money for Prince Zhang to repair the palace.It's a pity that our Lord Zhang is not so stupid, and immediately snorted coldly: "Withdraw the troops immediately? The king immediately withdraws the troops, and the remaining 10 taels of silver, do I still want to get it? Go back and tell Lu Yifeng, If you want this king to make way, you can bring the silver first!" Chen Rui was speechless, so he had to honestly agree to pass on the imperial edict of Lord Zhang to Fatty Lu, and seeing that Wenyin had finished counting, he left.

Sending soldiers to escort Chen Rui out of the camp, Zhuman, who was quite honest and honest, also became suspicious, and couldn't help reminding our Lord Zhang: "My lord, isn't this too evil? Lu Yifeng's dog thief is really willing to surrender Offer 20 taels of silver to buy the road, begging us to let them pass through the Taiping Mansion, this is the first time this servant has heard of a miracle, there must be no tricks in it?"

"What kind of trick is there? Even if there is a trick, how can it be hidden from my king's eyes?" Prince Zhang said triumphantly: "As for you who haven't heard of such a thing, it's because you, a dog slave, are ignorant and ignorant. In the War of Ping, Fan Ju used gold to buy off Zhao’s ministers to spread rumors and encouraged King Zhao to exchange Zhao Kuo for Lian Po; in The Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Zhuge Liang bought Yang Song with gold and silver, making Yang Song speak ill of Ma Chao in front of Zhang Lu, forcing Ma Chao to die Surrendered to Liu Bei; during the Song Dynasty, Liu Zheng bought Lu Wende with a jade belt, and tricked Lu Wende into allowing the Yuan army to build a camp at Lumen Mountain, cutting off the way for the Song Dynasty to rescue soldiers. It is a pity that this king is not Zhao Wang, not Zhang Lu, and not Lu Wende !"

"The slave has never read a book, so I really don't know, but the prince is more knowledgeable than the slave." Zhuman nodded honestly and admiringly - this is the most crucial point for our prince Zhang to regard Zhuman as his only confidant .

"It's good to understand this." Our Lord Zhang was even more proud, and said in a low voice: "Besides, under the current situation, Lu Yifeng's dog thief has to buy me. The most powerful thing in Wugou's army is firearms, but Firearms are no better than swords. Swords can be reused after they are cut blunt and sharpened. Once the firearms are used, they cannot be reused. Wu Gou's main force attacked Fanchang and Digang. Regardless of victory or defeat, the firearms and ammunition must be almost exhausted. The dogs in Yangzhou and Chongming are in a hurry, Lu Yifeng is a dog thief eager to help, if we don't seize this opportunity to beat up the dog in the water, won't we become the idiots of Niyahan, Shu Shu and Eqin?"

"Your servant understands, the prince wants to take advantage of the fire to rob." Zhu Man nodded vigorously, and said, "First lie to Wu Gou, let Wu Gou believe that we will make way, and when Wu Gou's main force returns to the army and passes through Taiping Mansion, we will go to Guxi North Fortify the shore to block Wu Gou's retreat path, and take advantage of the favorable terrain and Wu Gou's eagerness to retreat to severely injure Wu Gou and hold back Wu Gou's retreat."

"Slave dog, have you been hanging out with Niyahan's idiots for a long time, and you have been fooled by them?!" Prince Zhang suddenly became angry, knocked a chestnut on Zhuman's head, and cursed in a low voice. He said: "Taiping City is on the bank of Guxi River, and there is a water gate on Guxi River. We set up defenses along the river. What if the main force of Wu Dog enters the city directly from the water gate of Taiping City?"

"The servant really didn't think of this." Zhu Man rubbed his head and asked, "Then according to Wang Ye, what should we do?"

"My lord is familiar with military books and has a deep understanding of strategy, so naturally he has already figured out a way." Prince Zhang said even more proudly: "In short, you can wait and see when the time comes. This time, this lord must give Lu Yifeng the thief A big surprise, Yixue's hatred of Jiujiang back then!"

Another night passed quickly. On the morning of May [-]th, a Qing army scout sent to Fanchang fled back to the Qing army camp by the Guxi River with injuries, and brought Fanchang and the Digang Qing army to Prince Zhang. The news of the great defeat also brought news that the main force of the Fatty Army had returned to Taiping Mansion at noon on May [-] after a short rest.

It was just because the Fatty Army scouts under the leadership of Fatty Lu's old lackey Kong Fanlin frantically hunted down and suppressed the Qing Army scouts. The exact news of the death in battle did not figure out how much the Fanchang Qing army suffered a defeat and how many troops were left. It was only seen that the flag of the Fatty Army was planted on the top of Fanchang City and seized Fanchang City. More than 2 Qing troops The movement of the army, water and army is ignorant.

The matter has come to this point, and it has come to the moment when the coach's decisiveness and commanding ability will be extremely tested. Our Lord Zhang made a decisive decision and immediately ordered a heavy reward for this scout, and arranged for his own soldiers to take him down for rest and treatment, and asked him not to treat other Qing army generals and soldiers Leak a word and a half sentence, so as not to shake the morale of the Qing army.Then Prince Zhang quietly warned Zhuman, who accompanied him to meet the scouts, not to reveal a single word to Niyahan, Shushu and others—in case these cowardly dog ​​slaves would be shocked and shake the morale of the army , Bad Lizhang Prince's important matter.

Immediately afterwards, upon hearing the news that the scouts had returned from Fanchang, cowardly slaves such as Niyahan, Shushu and Mu Chenger had to come to the big tent to inquire about the news. These cowardly slaves said, "Good news! Shuncheng Baylor withstood the attack of Wugou's main force in Fanchang. Although he paid a heavy price, he also caused huge casualties to Wugou's main force, and cut down several Wugou generals. Head, and Wu Gou's artillery and rockets did not continue to bombard Fanchang City, if not as expected, it should be that Wu Gou's ammunition is about to run out."

"Really? That would be great!"

"It's really good to honor Lord Baylor! We can finally relax this time."

"Master Shuncheng Baylor is really amazing, relying on Fanchang's broken enclosure, he can withstand the main force of Wugou."

Since the creation of Pangu, this is probably the first time that a commander-in-chief has told such a big lie to his subordinates. He never dreamed that Prince Zhang would deceive us. With cheers, they praised Leer Jin as worthy of being a pillar of the Qing Dynasty. Relying on Fanchang's broken enclosure, he was able to withstand the full force of the fat army's main force for such a long time, and also consumed a lot of the fat army's ammunition and troops. Win precious fighters for the main force of the Qing army!

"One more thing." Prince Zhang raised his hand to stop the noise and cheers of the generals of the Qing army, and said loudly: "There is one more thing, this prince must tell you, considering that Shuncheng Baylor and Ghent Batulu are fighting against Wugou's main force. , very difficult and strenuous, so the king has sent orders to Shuncheng Baylor and Ghent Batulu to give up Fanchang and Digang, which are worthless to guard, and retreat to Tongling, so as to induce Wugou's main force to pursue Tongling. To lure Wu Gou's main force to divide his troops to save Taiping Mansion, our army took the opportunity to surround and attack the reinforcements, severely injuring Wu Gou's partial division who returned to aid Taiping City."

"Your Highness is wise!" Niyahan and the others were really convinced this time, and they all saluted and said, "Your Highness has thought carefully, as the army in the hands of Lord Baylor fought against the main force of Wu Dog, there must be heavy casualties. Confronting Wu Dog's main force will only make Lord Baylor's sacrifice in vain, and letting Lord Baylor retreat to Tongling can not only preserve his vitality, but also induce Wu Dog's main force to divide his forces, killing two birds with one stone, it is indeed brilliant."

"Please rest assured, my lord, since Wu Dog's ammunition is almost exhausted, then we don't need to worry too much. When Wu Dog's return to aid the partial division comes to Taiping Mansion, the slaves will do their best to kill the enemy and strive to wipe out Wu Dog's team." Master of Tiredness!"

"Fortunately, the prince didn't tell us to withdraw our troops." Some Qing army generals sighed: "If we withdrew our troops yesterday and received the news that Lord Baylor bit Wugou's main force today, it would not only make the soldiers work hard for nothing, but also Missed opportunity."

Hearing the cheers and congratulations from the generals of the Qing army, Prince Zhang's confidant Zhu Man inevitably turned pale, but he was always in awe of Prince Zhang and dared not tell the truth, but our Prince Zhang waved his hands even more vigorously, and shouted: "Everyone! Don't be dumbfounded, pass on the news of Shuncheng Baylor's defeat of Wugou in Fanchang, boost the morale of the soldiers, and then let the soldiers prepare for the field battle with Wugou, and wait for Wugou to return to help Taiping City Now that the master is here, give me a good lesson for Wu Gou!"

"Cover!" All the generals of the Qing army clasped their fists together and agreed, and left happily. They went to the Qing army camp to spread and publicize the news of Le Erjin's victory, to boost the morale of the Qing army, and to let the Qing soldiers do their best. Get ready, as soon as the Fatty Army's 'partial division' arrives to help Taiping City, take advantage of the fire and loot it immediately!

The generals of the Qing army left happily, but as soon as they left, Zhu Man, who knew the inside story, rushed to Prince Zhang like a frightened rabbit, and said with a pale face and trembling: "My lord, are you joking? Do you know what the consequences will be if you say that?"

"If this king didn't say that, would those dog slaves have the courage to go to a decisive battle with Wu Dog?" Prince Zhang said triumphantly: "If Zhuge Liang hadn't demoted Cao Cao's 83 troops to nothing in front of Sun Quan, Sun Quan dares to make up his mind to fight Cao Cao to the death? Will there be fire to burn Chibi later?"

"However, Fanchang has been taken by Wugou. Lord Shuncheng Baylor's life and death are unknown. We don't know how many troops are left in Fanchang and Digang, and the casualties of Wugou's main force!" Zhuman said tremblingly: " Now we are alone, if we intercept Wugou's main force and return to Jiangning, the battle situation will be a little unfavorable, then we will be doomed..."

"Don't worry, Wu Gou must have consumed a lot of troops and ammunition, otherwise, why would Lu Yifeng, a thief, pay for the road?" Prince Zhang waved his hand again, and said relaxedly: "Don't worry, you are my confidant and beloved general, my lord It won’t hurt you, when you start the battle with Wu Gou, you will still lead the supervisory team and the reserve team, and when Niyahan’s idiots have almost exhausted Wu Gou, you can rush forward to claim the credit—but this time you can Be good at supervising the battle, no matter how critical the situation is, don't allow those dog slaves to take a step back, and must go all out to annihilate Wu Gou's main force!"

"Also, the real situation of the Fanchang battlefield must not be leaked to the outside world! Don't send scouts to Fanchang to investigate the situation of Leerjin for the time being. Just send scouts to Lianzigang, ten miles north of Wuhu, and find out When Wu Dog’s main force arrives, just use the beacon to call the police immediately. Remember, dog slave, this is the king’s order, and you must not disobey it! When Wu Dog’s main force is wiped out, this king will protect you and confer title on you in front of the master!”

Ever since, under the ingenious instigation of Prince Zhang, the benefactor of the Great Zhou Dynasty, the morale of the main force of the Qing army that failed to attack Taiping City soon rose again, and a few annoying flies such as Niyahan, Shushu and Mu Chenger were not here. Urging Prince Zhang to retreat and flee for his life, he just waited patiently while rectifying the army, preparing to intercept the exhausted and ammunition-consuming Fatty's 'partial division'.At the same time, the Fatty Army in Taiping City also closely monitored the movement of the main force of the Qing Army, and reported the movement of the main force of the Qing Army to Fatty Lu who was on his way back to the division at any time.

In order to let the soldiers have time to rest and recover their strength, Fatty Lu walked back to Taiping Mansion from Fanchang more slowly than before. He set off from Fanchang on May [-]th and returned to Wuhu City in the afternoon of May [-]th. After receiving the news that Prince Zhang still stood still, Fatty Lu resolutely rejected the suggestion of the generals of the Fatty Army to march overnight, let the main force of the Fatty Army rest in Wuhu for a night, and placed the wounded soldiers in Wuhu City for treatment. Some troops were added to the city.It wasn't until Maoshi in the early morning of May [-] that Lu Fatty led the main force of the [-] Fatty Army to set off from Wuhu to Taiping City, thirty miles away.

Just after half an hour, the Qing army scouts arranged by Prince Zhang in the area of ​​Lianzigang finally discovered the movement of the main force of the fat man's army, and immediately reported to Prince Zhang with a beacon signal.And Lord Zhang finally took action, and immediately beat the drums and ordered the generals to tell the Qing army generals that the enemy was coming, and also told the Qing army generals that the Fatty Army returned to Taiping City day and night this time. Baili was very tired up and down, and although the Qing army scouts hadn't had time to find out the strength of the fat man's army, there were definitely not many!The generals of the Qing army once again believed in the truth, and their morale was even higher. They called for a battle together to face this exhausted enemy.

"Very good, as long as we all have confidence." Seeing the morale of the generals in the Qing army bursting, Prince Zhang couldn't help being very proud of his clever trick to boost morale, and shouted again: "All generals obey orders!"

"The last general is here!" All the generals of the Qing army clasped their fists together.

"Leave [-] troops to guard the camp!" Prince Zhang shouted again: "The rest of the army, leave the camp and cross the Guxi River immediately, and rush to Mao'er Mountain, eight miles south of Taiping City, to intercept Wugou's reinforcements! Annihilate this Wugou army with all your strength!"

"The whole army crossed the Guxi River?" Several generals of the Qing army were taken aback, and quickly reminded: "My lord, the Guxi River is not a small river ditch, and the bridge across the river is covered by the bows and arrows of Taiping City." , in case the battle is unfavorable and Wu Dog destroys our pontoon bridge again, then we..."

"But the Guxi River, how do we intercept Wugou Pianshi?" Prince Zhang asked angrily: "Wugou Taiping City has a water gate on the Guxi River. We just intercepted it by the Guxi River, and Wu Dog Pianshi entered Taiping directly through the water gate." What about the city?"

The generals of the Qing army thought about it, and when they were about to wonder if there were any omissions in the arrangement of Lord Zhang, Lord Zhang slapped the table and shouted: "What are you doing still in a daze? Immediately the whole army will leave the camp and cross the river. Wu Dog has arrived at Lianzi Post, if you don't cross the river quickly, it will be too late! Send troops immediately, and anyone who delays the military opportunity will be killed immediately!"

"Cover!" All the generals of the Qing army summoned up their courage and clasped their fists in agreement.

(End of this chapter)

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