scourge the qing dynasty

Chapter 391 Returning to Hangzhou

Chapter 391 Returning to Hangzhou
In the first year of Zhaowu in the Great Zhou Dynasty, on September 27th, Fatty Army, who once broke off the alliance, and Zheng Jun from Taiwan signed an alliance agreement again outside Hangzhou, agreeing to jointly strangle the remnants of the Qing Army in Zhejiang and the Geng Jingzhong forces who betrayed the cause of the Qing Dynasty.

On the same day, the Suzhou Legion of the Fat Man Army carried out the covenant and presented [-] shi of military rations and [-] Miyoshi rockets to the Department of Taiwan Youwuwei General Liu Guoxuan who was stationed in Hangzhou. The army withdrew to Fujian by sea, and at the same time took away all the supplies and luggage in Hangzhou, but there were still more than [-] soldiers recruited by Zheng Jun in Hangzhou who refused to go south, and chose to stay in Hangzhou to join the Fat Army. The city of Hangzhou, which the Fatty Army gave to the friendly army as an abandoned son, finally returned to the Fatty Army in a peaceful manner.

On the same day, after the Fatty Army entered the city to take over the defense, the first thing they did was to donate [-] shi of grain to the people in the city free of charge, and at the same time posted a notice to appease the people, strictly prohibiting the soldiers from raping, looting, and harassing the residents.The people of Hangzhou, who lived miserable lives under the rule of Zheng Jun, were very grateful. They begged with tears, the Fat Army, the benevolent teacher, not to abandon Hangzhou and the people of Hangzhou. He agreed with one mouthful, swearing in public on behalf of the Zhouyue Palace that he would never give up Hangzhou, and vowed to live and die with Hangzhou, so that the people of Hangzhou will feel safe.

The news of the alliance between the Fat Man Army and the Zheng Army spread, and the remnants of the Qing Army in Zhejiang, entrenched in Shaoxing and Ningbo in the northeast of Zhejiang Province, were in chaos. They were preparing to burn incense and pay homage, carry pots and lift oars, and welcome the master to liberate Shaoxing and Ningbo. Many smart gentry and rich local households simply sent their confidantes to the Fat Man Army to offer letters of loyalty in advance, expressing their willingness to lead the way party.Even Tian Fengji, the commander-in-chief of the Qing army, quietly sent his confidants to sneak into Hangzhou, trying to get in touch with the Fatty Army and test whether the Fatty Army could accept his surrender.

Geng Jingzhong was even more hit. Geng Jingzhong, who came to Yanzhou to try to reconcile with Fatty's Army, has already sent envoys to Nanjing six times to meet Lu Fatty. Said that as long as Fatty Lu is willing, Prince Geng can chop off the heads of Huang Kun's family to apologize to Fatty Lu, and he is the only warlord force that congratulates Fatty Lu on becoming King Yue.

In response to Fatty Lu's request for land, Lord Geng even offered to give up half of Zhejiang Province, draw Yiwu as a boundary with the Fatty Army, and give the control land in northern Zhejiang to the Fatty Army for free, in order to sign a non-aggression peace treaty with the Fatty Army. , so that the main force of the Geng army can free up, turn around and go south to deal with Zheng Jing who is trying to annex his lair.But what makes Prince Geng so angry is that Prince Geng has shown so much sincerity and made such a big concession, yet Fatty Lu still bites Lu Dongbin like a dog. Form an alliance, and don't want to form an alliance with Prince Geng!
After anger, of course there is fear. Although Geng Jun’s careful work could not find out the specific content of the new covenant between Fatty Jun and Zheng Jun, Prince Geng can guess that this covenant is aimed at him in all likelihood, even if he is thinking with his toes. However, the ambitious Zheng Jing and the Fatty Army eager for revenge must want to cut themselves into pieces and join forces to completely annex their own territory!Soon, he will also face the dilemma of fighting on two fronts, and will be killed by Fatty Lu and Zheng Jing together!
After watching with the same tension and fear for a period of time, on the fourth day of October, the envoy sent to Nanjing for the sixth time returned to Yanzhou, bringing Geng Jingzhong the news that Fatty Lu refused to seek peace again, and also brought Lu Fatty's declaration of war also brought the news that Fatty Lu had arrived in Suzhou to personally command the battle on the southern front.Hearing this news and seeing Fatty Lu's declaration of war, Prince Geng was furious and regretted that he didn't cut Fatty Lu with a knife, and was also completely desperate and completely helpless.

Fatty Lu’s pretext for starting the war was very good. He accused Geng Jingzhong of betraying the anti-Qing alliance and joining forces with the Qing army to rob him, so he had no choice but to retaliate by force, and refused to recognize Geng Jingzhong’s ownership of every inch of land in Zhejiang. , asked Geng Jingzhong to immediately lay down his arms and surrender, give up the whole territory of Zhejiang, and be enshrined in the court of the Great Zhou Dynasty, and take him back to Fujian to be an idle prince, and his army was placed under the command of King Yue of the Great Zhou Dynasty!Otherwise, as soon as the Heavenly Soldiers of the Great Zhou Dynasty arrive, the Jingnan Prince's Mansion will not pardon the old and the young.

"A dog thief! A damn dog thief! A dog thief who succeeds in a villain!" Prince Geng tore Fatty Lu's declaration of war to shreds, and yelled with red eyes, "Fuck your mother's failed scholar, go to Laozi's Wanghai Tower!" Beggar seventh-rank sesame official! Without the 500 taels of silver that I rewarded you back then, you can be a fucking official, and you can be a fucking official today? Ingratitude! An ungrateful dog thief!"

Unlike Prince Zheng's confidantes, Jiang Yuanxun, Liao Yanyun, Xu Wenyao, Dong Yide, Lu Yunxiang and other civil and military confidants of Prince Geng did not yell to fight or kill, let alone chanted slogans for skinning Fatty Lu and cramping. Frowning, downcast, silent.It's not that Prince Geng's confidants don't want to follow suit and flatter, but that the current situation of Prince Geng's army is too dangerous. They have turned against Zheng Jing, and also turned against Fatty Lu. They are facing enemies from the north and the south, and the Qing army's allies that can be won It's unreliable, and there is another Shang Zhixin, Lord Shang, who is watching the tiger on the outside, and may join the battle group at any time to make trouble. Under such circumstances, it is not only meaningless to shout the slogan of skinning Fatty Lu, but also dangerous—in case that day Lord Geng couldn't bear it anymore and really surrendered to Lord Lu. The despicable villain stabbed these slogans in front of Lord Lu. Do you want to die?
"My lord, it's useless to scold these things, let's start preparing for the battle." Ma Jiuyu, the Geng Jun Xiao cavalry general who has won the trust of Lord Geng, said in a deep voice: "Zheng Jing returned Hangzhou to Lu Yifeng's dog thief, and General Zeng continued to station. It is meaningless to be at Dusong Pass, and there is a possibility of being cut and surrounded by Lu Gou, please make a plan earlier to withdraw General Zeng's army and concentrate on fighting Lu Gou to the death."

Prince Geng closed his mouth, pondered for a long time with a livid face, finally heaved a long sigh, and said helplessly: "That's the only way to go, send a fast horse to send an order to let Zeng Yangxing's army go back to the new city, and stop Lu Gou there." Go south."

Prince Geng's subordinates agreed one after another, and Jiang Dehong, the soldier in charge of Cao Cao, hurriedly drafted an order to send a fast horse to Dusong Pass, two hundred miles northwest of Hangzhou, to let Zeng Yangxing, who was stationed there, abandon the pass and go south to return to Xincheng County, Funanmen Gate, Hangzhou for defense.When drafting the order, Prince Geng asked again: "Do you think this king should send an envoy to Shaoxing to form an alliance with Manchu governor Tian Fengji and join forces to fight Lu Yifeng's dog thief?"

"Your Majesty's plan is great. We should make another alliance with Mangou." Most of Geng Jun's generals praised him and agreed to form an alliance with the Qing Army again, but a few pessimists raised questions, "Tian Fengji has the most There are still more than 3 full-fledged troops, and the military salary has been suspended for three or four months, and the morale is very low. Is it useful to form an alliance with them?"

"It's useless, there is nothing we can do. Even if there is still a glimmer of hope, we must fight to the end." Ma Jiuyu refuted it, and then suggested to Prince Geng: "My lord, if Tian Fengji agrees to form an alliance, we should make an appointment with him on how to send troops, Lu Gou If the large army goes south to attack us, Tian Fengji must go west to attack Hangzhou and cut off Lugou’s food and grass backup. The same is true vice versa, if Lugou goes east to attack Shaoxing and Ningbo, we will also send troops north to cut off Lugou’s back-up food supply. Let Lu Gou fall into the dilemma of fighting on two fronts."

Prince Geng nodded silently, asked his staff to write the letter, and then turned to Lin Riguang, Cao Zhangyin of Jingnan Prince's Mansion next to him, and said: "Arrange an envoy who can speak well immediately, bring more gifts, and write up the letter, let the envoy go immediately, the more The sooner the better."

Lin Riguang agreed, and hurriedly led the envoy who had just returned from the fat man's army to leave, but the envoy followed Lin Riguang to the entrance of the hall, stopped in his tracks, turned around and saluted and said, "Your Majesty, the villain dares to dare you There is one thing that must be reported to the lord, that is, when the villain was sent to Nanjing, he found that among Lu Yifeng's bandits, some people opposed the alliance between Lu Yifeng's bandits and Zheng Jing's bandits, and supported the alliance between Lu Yifeng's bandits and our army. Yes, the villain believes that Lu Yifeng's dog thief actually doesn't trust Zheng Jing's dog thief, but the situation forced him to choose to form an alliance with Zheng Jing."

"And this thing? Tell me in detail, how did you find out?" Prince Geng rekindled a little hope.

"The villain found out when he saw Lu Yifeng for the last time." Geng Jun's envoy recalled: "At that time, Lu Yifeng rejected the villain's plea for alliance on behalf of the prince face to face. Yao Qisheng, a bachelor and soldier in charge of Cao Zhangyin, also said a few words for the villain, and pointed out to Lu Yifeng that Zheng Jing's dog thief is actually more dangerous and even less trustworthy. Your lord, you formed an alliance with Zheng Jing's dog thief, but Zheng Jing's dog thief sent troops to attack our army The hinterland of Fujian and the capture of multiple state capitals in Fujian are enough to prove that Zheng Jing's dog thief is a despicable villain who is ungrateful for profit, and who commits crimes!"

"Master Yao also said that the Da Zhouyue Palace and Zheng Jing's dog thief are tantamount to seeking skin from a tiger, and you sent envoys to seek peace six times, your lord, which is enough to prove your sincerity in your alliance. I suggest that Lu Yifeng think twice carefully, and don't throw watermelons and pick sesame seeds. A truly reliable ally."

"This Yao Qisheng is not bad, at least he has more vision than Lu Yifeng's kid!" Geng Wangye said happily: "Zheng Jing's son betrayed his trust and sneaked into the hinterland of the king. His despicable character is rare in ancient and modern times. It is not easy to form an alliance with such a thief. What is seeking skin with a tiger?"

"Then what did Lu Yifeng's thief say later?" Ma Jiuyu also had a little hope.

"Lu Yifeng didn't speak at first, but after Master Yao tried to persuade him again and again, Lu Yifeng let out a long sigh and said so." Geng Jun's envoy paused, and added: "Lu Yifeng's original words were probably like this. I don’t know that the dog thief Zheng Jing is more dangerous than you, the lord, and you are even more dishonest, and you still have kindness to him, the lord. I'm sorry, my lord."

"It's a shame that this bastard still remembers my king's kindness to him!" Prince Geng scolded, and then asked: "Then did you ask him later, since he remembered my king's kindness, why he refused to form an alliance with me?" armistice?"

"The villain dared to ask, and Lu Yifeng answered frankly." Geng Jun's envoy replied honestly: "Lu Yifeng said that he was entrusted by the Emperor Wu Sangui of the Great Zhou Dynasty, and he urgently needed to clear the surrounding area and send troops to the west to eradicate the traitors of the Great Zhou Dynasty. Guo Zhuang is a dog thief, but you, Lord Geng, are in the north of Zhejiang, and you are always threatening the hinterland of the south of the Yangtze River. If he does not drive you back to Fujian and take back the buffer zone of Zhejiang, he will not be at ease. So there is no way , he has no choice but to form an alliance with Zheng Jing's dog thief first, force you back to Fujian, my lord, and then consider a truce with you."

"Damn it, he still needs the whole of Zhejiang! How big is his buffer zone?" Prince Geng became furious again, and shouted at the envoy of Geng's army: "Then you won't tell him that this king can give up Yanzhou to others. He, and Quzhou can be given to him, as long as he ceases the war and supports the king to drive Zheng Jingxiaoer back to Taiwan!"

"The villain said it, but Lu Yifeng insisted on wanting the whole of Zhejiang without making any concessions. Then he declared a letter of war to the villain and sent the villain back." Geng Jun's envoy replied helplessly.

"Fuck it!" Prince Geng slammed his fist on the table, scolding all eighteen generations of Fatty Lu's ancestors in his heart, saying that I paid so much to take down half of Zhejiang with great difficulty, you Lu Yifeng dog As soon as the thief stretches out his hand, he will take it all away. I will do the long-term work for you for nothing, right? !

"My lord, it seems that we have to fight." Ma Jiuyu was also extremely disappointed, and said: "Although we are not sure about defeating the main force of Lu Yifeng's dog thief head-on on the battlefield, as long as we show our prestige and fighting spirit, let Lu Yifeng dog The thief knows that we are not easy to bully, so he can be forced back to the negotiating table."

"Yes, fight first, let Lu Yifeng's thieves know that this king is not easy to provoke, and then force him to negotiate." Lord Geng nodded, then gritted his teeth and ordered: "Return Bai Xianzhong's army in Changhua back to Xincheng, and assemble The [-] army and Lu Yifeng's dog thief have a big fight! Tell Zeng Yanghe and Bai Xianzhong that no matter whether you win or lose, you are not allowed to embarrass me on the battlefield! Even if you lose, as long as you let Lu Yifeng's dog thief pay For the price, there will still be a reward when you come back!"


Two days later, the last Fatty Army team, which was about to enter the southern battlefield, also arrived in Hangzhou City under the personal leadership of Lu Fatty, and joined forces with Li Tianzhi's army who had arrived here first.So far, the layout of the Fatty Army's southern line has been completed. The Taipingfu Army has dispatched 6000 troops to station in Ningguo, Guangde, and Huizhou respectively to contain Geng Jingzhong's flanks; The northern part of Dusong Pass guarded against dangerous obstacles to prevent Geng Jingzhong's army from intruding into the hinterland of Huzhou; Li Guodong's navy stationed 8000 people in Haiyan City to monitor the remnants of the Qing Army's Ningbo Navy and directly threatened Shaoxing and the northern coast of Ningbo.As for the city of Hangzhou, the advance base on the southern front, more than 7 main infantry and cavalry of the two major legions of the Fat Man Army have been assembled, with a total of [-] troops, forming an overwhelming advantage over the remnants of the Zhejiang Qing Army and the Geng Jingzhong Army!
However, it is impossible for the Fatty Army to put all these troops on the battlefield, just like what Fatty Lu said to the old running dog Li Tianzhi, "This king is here to give you a strong momentum to charge food and grass. The main force in the battle is the Suzhou Corps. You fought well!" Now, all the troops in Zhejiang will belong to you in the future, and you will also be the commander of the southern expedition to Fujian and Guangdong and Guangxi! I am disappointed by the bad fight, so go back to Nanjing to defend the city, and replace Wang Xu with the southern line.” Li Tianzhi said heartily. With a smile, he patted his chest to reassure Fatty Lu that the position of Nanzheng's coach has been secured by himself.

It was the first time that Fatty Lu wore the flat yellow dragon robes of the Nine Regiments, and he was naturally very majestic. When he entered the city, he chanted the slogans of the soldiers and the soldiers for their hard work. It is necessary to shed a few crocodile tears to blame myself in public, complaining that I was deceived by the hypocrisy of Zheng Jing's anti-Qing and Ming Dynasty, and that I gave Hangzhou to Zheng Jing and pushed the people of Hangzhou into a fire pit, which hurt the parents and people of Hangzhou. The city has been exempted from tax for two years, and the food grown in the spring of the coming year will also be provided free of charge by the fat army to compensate the suffering fathers and villagers of Hangzhou.

Decided to exempt the city of Hangzhou from taxes for two years. Of course, Fatty Lu intended to compensate the people of Hangzhou, but Hangzhou was indeed ravaged by Zheng Jun enough. Needless to say, a large number of taxes and taxes were collected wantonly, and he even robbed a lot when he left. Now the people's livelihood in Hangzhou area is dying, the land is barren, the merchants in the city are closed, and every household is out of business. Fatty Lu can't collect much if he wants to collect taxes-so the tax exemption for two years is equivalent to fattening the pigs before killing them I mean, I don't have any good intentions.

There is no peace and good intentions. As soon as Fatty Lu announced his so-called benevolent government, he still won unanimous applause from the people, gentry and landlords in Hangzhou. But in the crowd of common people who knelt down and thanked him, he was triumphant, his fat face almost bloomed with a smile, and the villain's ambition reached the extreme.

In the end, Fatty Lu, who was not addicted to the prince, walked up to the team of local gentry in Hangzhou led by Wu Qi, shaking hands and greeting them one by one. An old scholar in his 70s, because Fatty Lu was concerned about his age and body, and complained that he should not come to greet him with all gray hair, the old scholar actually knelt down on his knees and thanked Fatty Lu with tears. , "The prince cares so much about the grassroots and treats the virtuous corporals. Even if the grassland family is smashed to pieces, it will be difficult to repay the prince's great kindness."

"Old man, please get up quickly, please get up quickly." Fatty Lu hurried to help the old scholar, and Wu Qi, the governor of Zhejiang, also came up next to him, and introduced to Fatty Lu: "My lord, please allow me to help you. Let me introduce, this old gentleman is the well-known Mr. Zha Jizuo Zha Yihuang, Mr. Zha specially came from Haining to welcome you, my lord."

"Zha Jizuo?!" Fatty Lu almost jumped up, and exclaimed, "You are Mr. Yihuang?"

"Back to the lord, the Caomin is Zha Jizuo, sir, I don't dare to be it." Zha Jizuo was secretly happy, and hurriedly said: "The last time the lord sent his troops to the south, the Caomin wanted to come to Hangzhou to pay a visit to the lord, to see his dignity, but it's a pity that the lord Soon the troops were sent back to the north, and the grass people often felt sorry for it, and the grass people are very lucky to see the prince today."

"Has Mr. Cha Shenxing come?" Fatty Lu blurted out.

"My lord, do you still know about Caomin's nephew?" Zha Jizuo was a little dumbfounded, thinking that the old man's reputation is resounding, Lord Lu must have heard of the old man's name, how come he has even heard of the name of the old man's nephew?

"Student check carefully, pay respects to the prince." A 25-year-old young man couldn't wait to squeeze forward and kowtow to Fatty Lu.When Fatty Lu hurriedly picked him up to take a closer look, he found that the man's face with Chinese characters was round and round, and he was so fat that he turned into a goose egg. It was indeed very similar to a famous coat that smeared Han Chinese heroes. Fatty Lu was overjoyed Said: "Mr. Shen Xing, your great reputation has already been heard by this king. To see you today, this king is really lucky in three lives, lucky in three lives."

"I have such a great reputation?" Cha Shenxing was also taken aback, and hurriedly said modestly: "The prince has won the award, the student really dare not be, dare not be."

"Uncle Shao, come here." Fatty Lu beckoned, called Shaobo Wang who was on the side to him, and said to Zha Shenxing with a smile: "Mr. Cha, let me introduce you. I hold the post of official Cao Zhangyin in my Great Zhouyue Palace. Shaobo, this is the famous Mr. Zha Shen Xingcha, a very talented young man, you know him well."

"Long-awaited, long-awaited." Wang Shaobo cupped his hands in a salute inexplicably, thinking that his master had gone crazy, and Zha Shenxing was also famous, why hadn't I heard of it?It was his uncle, Zha Jizuo, whose name I had heard of before.

"Student Cha Shenxing, pay respects to Lord Wang." Cha Shenxing also knew that Fatty Army's Li Cao palm seal is equivalent to the Minister of the Ministry of Officials, who is in charge of the selection, appointment, promotion and transfer of all civilian officials in the Fatty Army's control area, and he dared not neglect , Hurry up and say hello.

"Uncle, Mr. Shen Xing is so young and promising, talented and rare, why don't you ask him if he is interested in serving for our Great Zhou court?" Fatty Lu's next words made Cha Shenxing overjoyed. Looking at Wang Shaobo's shoulder, he smiled and said, "It's worth reuse."

With a smile, Fatty Lu approached Wang Shaobo's ear again, and said in a low voice with a smile: "Remember this kid, use him again, secretly collect his criminal evidence, keep it hidden, and Zha Jizuo, the real truth of "Ming History Case" The first accusation, the crime deserves ten thousand deaths, and when the overall situation is settled, I will leave it to you to kill their entire family."

Wang Shaobo blinked his mung bean eyes, and said with a smile, "Your Majesty, don't worry, I understand that since Mr. Cha is so good at managing money, there is a vacancy in the Nanjing Customs Road Yamen. I just don't know if Mr. Cha is interested in becoming an official?"

"Customs Road Yamen?!" All the literati present gasped. The fat army vigorously developed shipping and encouraged overseas trade. After entering the customs, one can imagine the appreciation of Zha Shenxing.Zha Shenxing was trembling with excitement, and quickly kowtowed to thank him, "My lord's kindness, my lord's promotion, my students will never forget it, even if a student is smashed to pieces, it is difficult to repay my lord and my lord's kindness." !"

"Mr. Cha, please get up quickly." Fatty Lu and Wang Shaobo, the pair of smiling tigers, hurriedly helped Zha Shenxing up, pouring ecstasy soup, boasting that Zha Shenxing was rare in the sky, unparalleled on the earth, and they were so ecstatic that they were dying together. He snorted coldly in his heart, "Boy, just wait."

(End of this chapter)

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