Zombie God

Chapter 54 Meeting Yin Ji Again

Chapter 54 Meeting Yin Ji Again
After leaving the valley, Yang Tianfan and the others flew towards the south.

The matter on Earth Immortal should be said to have come to an end.According to their previous plan, it is time to prepare and set off to return to Earth.

Kong Feizi understood Yang Tianfan's feelings very well, and had promised him to take him back to Earth, so he didn't object to Yang Tianfan's suggestion.

However, before Yang Tianfan returned to Earth, he wanted to go to another place, he wanted to find Yin Ji.

Yang Tianfan still remembered that when he first came to Earth Immortal Planet, the first person he met was Yin Ji.Later, together with her, he sent the holy refining method to Chen Hongjie, and experienced many tribulations afterwards.In Yang Tianfan's heart, Yin Ji is already a relatively important friend, so before leaving the earth, he really wanted to see Yin Ji.

Because, once you leave Earth Immortal, you don't know when you will come back, let alone when you will meet again.

Because he didn't need to hide his strength anymore, Yang Tianfan took Kong Feizi and teleported all the way back to the vicinity of Xuanminghai.Now that Yang Tianfan's skills have increased greatly, even teleporting with a person is very easy.

The last time Chen Hongjie and the others were refining weapons in the Xuanming Sea, they finally attracted a catastrophe and dispersed all the miasma in the Xuanming Sea, but now, after decades, the Xuanming Sea has returned to its previous appearance , once again shrouded in miasma.

At this moment, Yang Tianfan and Kong Feizi were standing in the sky above the Xuanming Sea.When we parted ways with Yin Ji, Yang Tianfan only asked Yin Ji to find a place to cultivate nearby, so he came back here to find her.

Yang Tianfan's mind immediately covered thousands of miles around, centering on Xuanming Sea, he kept searching around.With his current cultivation base, it would be very difficult for a cultivator to discover his thoughts, so he searched with confidence.

Soon, Yang Tianfan found Yin Ji's aura a thousand miles away, and immediately searched for it with his mind.

More than 60 years have passed, and Yin Ji's cultivation base has also improved from the original Nascent Soul stage to the late stage of leaving the body, as fast as a mortal flying a plane.Even Yang Tianfan didn't expect that her cultivation would rise so quickly, subconsciously thought she had found the wrong person, but after careful observation, she realized that she was exactly the person he was looking for.

With Kong Feizi, Yang Tianfan appeared in front of Yin Ji with a "swoosh".

At this moment, Yin Ji has entered a deep level of hidden cultivation, and has also entered a very important stage. If it goes well, she will be able to break through the current state and enter the empty and dark stage.

Although she also arranged some restrictions that Yang Tianfan taught her, how could those restrictions be able to stop Yang Tianfan.So Yang Tianfan and Kong Feizi didn't wake her up when they came in.

Knowing that Yin Ji was in an important stage, Yang Tianfan didn't bother her either.He found a random place nearby, set up a few defensive restraints, left a little thought on Yin Ji's restraints, and fell into meditation with Kong Feizi.

Yin Ji's cultivation has actually entered the late stage of leaving her body for a long time, but she has never been able to break through.Now, it is at the critical moment of breakthrough again, but for some reason, it has been unable to break through that barrier.Yin Ji panicked, the true energy in her body suddenly stopped, her heart was throbbing, and a mouthful of blood spurted out.

Then, the true essence in Yin Ji's body moved uncontrollably, causing boundless pain.

Go on fire!

At this moment, Yin Ji only had this word in her mind.She knew that she must not be in a hurry when practicing, but she couldn't break through the barrier all the time and made her feel restless, which led to the current situation.Yin Ji tried her best to control the true essence in her body while trying to save herself, but the violent true essence was beyond her control now.

Just when Yin Ji was about to be exploded by the berserk true energy, Yang Tianfan's heart moved, and he quickly found Yin Ji and found that she had gone mad.

Yang Tianfan was shocked, and appeared behind her in an instant. He pressed the top of Yin Ji's head with his left hand, and the strong true energy entered Yin Ji's body, slowly helping her calm down the violently rushing true energy.

It took a long time for the true energy in Yin Ji's body to calm down, but she was still in a state of hidden cultivation.Yang Tianfan let out a long sigh of relief, and withdrew his left hand.

Because of the help of Yang Tianfan's true essence, Yin Ji soon broke through the out-of-body stage and entered the empty and dark stage, and only then did she wake up.

"Thank you senior for saving me."

Although she was in subterranean cultivation just now, she also knew that someone helped her restore her true energy, so she turned around and saluted the rescuer as soon as she woke up, and then thanked him.

Because of the True God Art, Yang Tianfan's hair turned silver, so Yin Ji didn't realize that the person who saved her was Yang Tianfan.

"Yin Ji, I'm Yang Tianfan, don't you recognize me?" Yang Tianfan said with a smile.

"Tianfan?" Yin Ji took a closer look at Yang Tianfan at this moment. Apart from his white hair, isn't he the person she misses day and night?
Yin Ji rushed over at once, touched Yang Tianfan's face, and said after a long time: "Tianfan, your hair?"

Yang Tianfan also didn't expect that Yin Ji would rush over, and she froze there for a while, her body also froze.When Yin Ji asked him about his hair, he suddenly woke up.

Embarrassed, he slightly pushed Yin Ji away, Yang Tianfan, who blushed like Guan Gong, no longer dared to look at Yin Ji, he who used to be chic and suave seemed to be tied up, and he couldn't even speak.

"My hair is caused by practicing, it's fine."

Yin Ji's face also turned slightly red.Over the years, she has been practicing very hard, and it can be said that it is largely because of Yang Tianfan. During the days when she was with Yang Tianfan, her heart has been completely occupied by this man who is cold on the outside but hot on the inside. Because of her relationship, she was forced to separate from Yang Tianfan.So she has been working hard to cultivate, the purpose is to be able to be by his side and fight side by side with him.

In this way, the two people at close range looked at each other for a long time, and did not make any more noise.Originally, Yang Tianfan had a lot of things he wanted to say to Yin Ji before he came to see Yin Ji, but now he couldn't say a single word.

Although he has never experienced love, Yang Tianfan is not a fool, he deeply felt Yin Ji's friendship for him, but he dared not accept it.It's not because Yin Ji's strength is not high, nor is it because Yin Ji is not beautiful, on the contrary, Yin Ji's appearance is the most beautiful among the women he has ever seen.The reason why he didn't dare to accept it was because True Ancestor Xu Huo once told him that, as the only zombie emperor in the world with a zombie Nascent Soul, he was destined to fight against the supreme gods of the gods.He was afraid that he would not be able to give Yin Ji happiness, let alone that she would be sad for him, so he had no choice but to bury this feeling deep in his heart and dare not reveal it.

(End of this chapter)

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