Zombie God

Chapter 77 Mu Da

Chapter 77 Bermuda

"Brother, where are we going now?" Kong Feizi asked in the gas mask.Yang Tianfan just kept flying towards the east, and now there is no land in sight, and there are some oceans all around.

"I want to visit the Devil's Triangle in Bermuda." Yang Tianfan turned his head, said something to Kong Feizi, and then asked the general: "General, do you know where it is? I only know it's in the east."

"Bermuda Devil's Triangle? I know, I have passed by boat before." The general nodded and replied.

"Huh? How did you go there by boat?" Kong Feizi looked at the general very strangely and asked suspiciously.

"I used to be the only one, but apart from practicing, I was very lonely and boring for a long time, so I often pretended to be a mortal to experience the life of a mortal. It is also because of this that I can maintain a happy body and mind, otherwise I'm afraid what you are seeing right now is a general who has gone mad." The general explained, as if he enjoyed such a life.

"Well, indeed. Except for cultivation, if I stay in one place all the time, I'm afraid I'll go crazy." Kong Feizi nodded. He is an extrovert, and he can't stand staying in one place for a while.

"Well, you must have been to many places, right?" Yang Tianfan asked again.Originally, the purpose of looking for General Chen was to let him be a tour guide. Just now, I was worried that he would always stay in one place and not go out. Now it seems that this kind of worry is unnecessary.

"I've been to almost all the world, but I didn't fly very far before, so I almost relied on mortal transportation. I also met a lot of people."

"That's great," Kong Feizi happily slapped the general on the back, and the general grinned in pain but didn't dare to make a sound, "It just happens to take us around for a while."

"Oh? I don't know where the eldest brother and the second brother want to go to play?" The general asked curiously. In his opinion, after reaching their realm, he should no longer be interested in mortal affairs. Why would he want to be on the earth? play?

"It doesn't matter where, but the most important thing is to have fun." Kong Feizi thought for a while and said.Although he had been to the earth last time, he just passed by like a horse watching flowers, and he didn't have time to take a closer look and experience the charm of the technological planet.

"Well, let's go to Bermuda first, and then go to other places." Yang Tianfan made a decision without waiting for the general to answer.

"No, big brother, that Bermuda is a bit weird, it seems that no one who goes in can get out." The general said hesitantly.When passing by before, he also wanted to go in and have a look, but firstly, he didn't have confidence in his own strength, and secondly, no one was willing to take him there, so he didn't go there.

"What is there to worry about? Don't forget, we are members of the zombie clan. How can we deal with it so easily? Even if there is something weird, my cultivation level is enough to deal with it." Kong Feizi fiercely He knocked the general on the head, and said boldly.

After hearing this, Yang Tianfan just laughed "hehe".In the days when I first became a zombie, I was discouraged and gave up. I even spent 30 years alone in a cave.If I could have known how happy I am today at that time, perhaps I would not have wasted those 30 years.

Leading the way by the general, Yang Tianfan quickly brought the two of them to the sky above the ocean to the west of Bermuda.

Looking around, I can see that the sea is calm, and there are no ships passing by within a range of hundreds of miles.Yang Tianfan tried to extend his mind into the range of Bermuda to check the situation inside.Unexpectedly, when the mind stretched in, it was like entering a chaotic and unopened space, surrounded by a vast expanse of whiteness, and it was impossible to see anything clearly.

"It's really weird." Yang Tianfan withdrew his thoughts. In Bermuda, his thoughts are not as convenient as the naked eye, because the air here is fresh and there is no fog to block his vision. He can see things thousands of meters away. "After entering my mind, I can't see anything, I can only see a vast white space. It seems that Bermuda is really not simple."

"Mine is the same. There seems to be a formation here that isolates all energy searches, but it does not restrict access." Kong Feizi also tried it, and it was exactly as Yang Tianfan said.

"Okay, let's go in and see what's weird inside, and see if we can stop the three of us." After Yang Tianfan finished speaking, he took the two of them and flew into Bermuda.

Bermuda, the full name of the Bermuda Devil's Triangle, is a triangular sea area starting from Bermuda in the north, reaching Miami in Florida in the west, and ending in Puerto Rico in the south, with a total area of ​​40 square kilometers.Throughout history, this place has been a restricted area for human activities. Whether it is flying over Bermuda or taking a boat into the waters of Bermuda, almost all of them have disappeared without a trace.Of course, some crew members who had accidents in the outer waters of Bermuda were rescued afterwards.When people asked them what happened, they all said in horror that the whole ship suddenly disappeared, and all the crew members fell into the sea at once, and he relied on the blisters on his body to support others to rescue him .

These things continue to happen every year, and have also attracted a lot of adventure lovers to visit, but most of them never return, so Bermuda is also in people's discussion and spread, and slowly begins to become full of magic. color.

In fact, Yang Tianfan came here because of this. In his heart, he faintly felt that the reason why Bermuda was so mysterious was because there were practitioners living in Bermuda, and the formation that isolated the mind and mind just now was the most good proof.

The three of them are flying at a very slow speed now.In Bermuda, one or two small islands will appear from time to time, but there are no living things on the small islands, it is completely a sea of ​​death.

Strangely, as the three of them got deeper, the space behind them also turned into chaos.Yang Tianfan knew that this was caused by the formation that covered the entire Bermuda area. Although he didn't show the slightest expression on his face, he secretly thought about the solution in his heart.

However, Jiang Chen and Kong Feizi didn't notice anything, they were still looking at the scenery of Bermuda.Although the sea in Bermuda is calm, there are turbulent undercurrents hidden.What will Yang Tianfan and the others meet next?

(End of this chapter)

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